THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 SPECIL SAL ONE WEEK ONLY Writing Paper :13y thepound at2C Azure unit Cream WOenetlotes to match 10c per paekaige,3 packa es 25c -OSTEIR BOARD, [PHOTO Pa tINTS, TYPE WRITER SUP 3LIES I Steady Einploymenll For Energetic MICIIIGAI SUBSCRIPTION BOOK AGENCY AGENTS WANTED +® t Men and,0111811 L C, Goodrich, Mg. Over First National Bank Sheehan & Co.* AIJT1I 9 Oyster Cocktails 320 S. STATE STREET. U1,l1i1 ) h Yo-a e For ta hungry feeling ATz nu letheP ot ra e. TUTTLE'S -Ai L . aI1RE i"tL4. . _ L.___ _ 1IA Ly!R. 338 South 1-8 al St. ____________-- rf ' ~tn10 1,I Alen iN0ill 4< 11 0 ttt rxst e lli s .sci il.1.1.of 1tis city, tilE 0011111- s ci It F it ly c i ii mti e11111e1 .n t ot 0 -I0coarer It ),(.l11k ill lie picttty a matr y jIt]ee t hmt i mi d ail te eItwriritte-at l\tti- Printed lecta re- tj11r alt depart- 1l ct It iltt lltI t ct.'110 o - is 11 eete a tnt itteitll menlo ii ftlte L -str h ahtaia( isnPo.Shirts rpt Dr t. NXIII 111111 ito and at1l a- writing and fo t-zl a W doa sRynapovtie. t.:I t ar>.i~ ltlelasto Ir. Itltch- FflWARIIS BROS. ; "Ann Arbor Improved" GASOLINE LAMPL 11)0 students wantled to canvass during vacation. Sells ont Sight.. SUPERIOR MFG. COI'IPANV 329 S. Main Rt. TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS THE WAB'ASH RAILROAD is tile only line operating a through sleeping car fromChuicago toIot~pringo via St. Louis, Mo. Leaves Chicago daily at 11:00 am. All ticket agents wilt sell yoti via tits popular ronte. Write C. S. CRIANE, GCP & T A, St. Louis. F. A. PALIanEn, A G P A. Chicago. R. S. GlIEENI1COo, Al P A, Chlicago ie . Stin andlHoronSteets,. capital, $50,tt0. Surplus, $5,00.Tanset' generalt baking busiess. R, I(E~r, Pes, C. E.aREENE, Viee-Proe FiiED.H BELS,ashere. FIRST NATIONAL BANK U n ~o Caitai, stoorue. Sureplsaed Peorte, llt,llat Treansaetsageineal banintg llasiaese. Fareigt cedit. E. n. KINNEi, Pree'.HARRiISON SOULE. Vice-Pres S. IW. CLARKSOIN Cashiter, The IfhH PiiOFSavings Man Capitltolek. $50,000. Surplus, $f50,000. Resoerce, 81,50,t.O. - Organized lunder theGeneal Bnekinie Lawk ofth ISSate. Receieseeepesits, bys and eells exchiangeeea the pitcoipaltceties of the United States. Drafts rashed 111100ploper tdeaticataL, Solely depositlboeseltheret. Ol~ElteallChitianu Mack, Pres.;1W. D. Harri. eoar, Vico-Pres.; Chas. E. Hteeeek, Cashier; M. J. Frtz, Asitant Cekier W. 4. 150aTH, PRE.W ~ OD S ie. os SP T ,T V. Soeoa, 2d Vt.Ca-pes SfI N6S BAINK Transacts a general Banking Business. Oa-rr skeelall'st . Ma111 Stree It vye see the work of the Toled( LEXteN TO-~tuttoetry Co. yen wilt he convinced D A I tlrit og -ant n o ier. agency 121 S. j~ A C1F1()ttI. 1Nl' 1'-o il-aaleiite' ofltr'odil 11. I oi p~luks 11111 l allt s;t l l pit lo1111 C)rl°:E."ITt>5Licnr 1coti1 1i~c't'tn. 707 1'ilut-ti St. 3tt 73'c1t11 l icfo.i~o, pivate lOorclass. cal at101 Ilt. 11 -4 l'cSNIGR'S ACADEMY on11 - '-- - Vfy111 oI.,.t EItRl,'t 11311,111 IttAN BANI) S Collections ttt'tist1111 frocrts . rtiesN. BOUGHT FOR CASH 190l 551 tureti St. Lotokt11li yotir olt collectiofn afd torn it fits ready nooney . P llt T h1le finlest liolle3Tp atll nonetoler Uni Casha and Good Prices, reraity fainy letter puper and pods in -HIEMICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY ill city. All styles. Selale's Book- titeac3. 110 WootlloeiI Ave.. let reit Store, 1181 ti. 'Main at. WHY OON'T YOU 1.1)1.1dlItyO 711111 Ottilt, illi ve Get Your Moats andbLuficlles at3 fsit. lhItitticeitt tplt-;eton PO4TL4ND C4fE ctld ead I-ete at111 OPEN ALL NIG"T. Art Piettitree toe Students' roIoms, 01 UPRON ST., Two doors wzal of Cook Hfouse. Sct1ltl-r's IBookstore, 116 So. Mlain at. '0.) a/M~8cYCLE J, !Iit~tIr lityl~ l{'tsevnr to II1417i M, SIAEBLER'S SEEPRU, 11i riyt n - 119 XW. Nvai lftol t 0. I i o ThIlt'It, 0a111 71111 11v lin.fh =t i NORTH 1.1DE 3 4117 ; 1.ttitntoiiyandttiglacit LAUNDRY Il171 IA(' TROS. 110WE.Peepre t d ve siletli 4 ol if etaDetroit-St. 457BellPhone Sit ev-i to ii' it, 11.11 ii R' yf d 3151ig I s013 1nt 5t'I1 ll ltE1i1d11{I1 ao e n ie il O. MtlARTIN-. 11bj711>8.,Ioilttlt] tinof .lefice o _ DIRECOcR _ 1101:' lly 1. Stric-ty aitdl-tli. Nil Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 41b I tilarrttels, t tosvestei, loar'elilt e Ave. Ambulance naght and day. 11es tittedIll ltitn11 i188tiottrs. dentes302 Fifth Ave. ____ __ S GOWNSad 51000D.,/I S{Rectas of I CAPS amd GOWNS. ¢ SPECI1LTY. CLASS CflNES, COLLECE FLAGS, COLLEGE PINS. -. CLASS and COLLEGE HlATS and WVC, KERN & Cog 411 B. FiftySeventth St. I cHIttAISO tLL. '-I S - -HAVE YOU. SEENSV. eroowTHOSE NOBBYBRIOWN±? I L I' lt, its e fl.- ,wictin o t al11tuu itl ae a ,lws I t aii NvI i °' 1 ,. ..11:t1iC. \1eaitherl ve0111 ,22 10,s W eti-ter i -lit ....11 1 11 1 II ho, .01 i~l lt- it 1111 i lt-1811) x til A itisItl Boe andIother evtsl'I mullat l iia tel-Y t1le eto 111, lt 1111 p.11 1111. 'IIIucli. 17111117 lofIi lteiiic' _,vi iini it, il' titet \VYlli'rnitn or .Ltfgltfl Footttil tutns, $1eelt, nSntalet'o Bokstore. taies' aind ltiitleiiito'e 101-bet' 11,0 .1.t-t10 .117uVtI.I1 YSTOtRE. cail ohils.had, 2.i)