1tlls :i~t jubY OF MICIIGAN DAILY
In selecting our Spring Suitings we have tallen speci
choose the best possible patterns in style and quality to .n
$25.00.- We have therefosre the best and most completel
terns, at this price to be found in Ann Arbor. You're inv
TG Tailors For Young Meni
[al pins4t
ln painsa4-
itdt olto 4
nahe u for10
line ofFpat
T 3 ijF E3 3i 3 i i3i 3 33i 3 i33 3 3 333333 3 F 333 3
Michigan central s _4 MANDOLINS & GUITARS
U . O Th.T I O S PRci ey a re toat nt ai he o
(NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE I thou 1.00 _- S ieleiE tPaiana h ai
T~ESOTLN-+ SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar- 11t SLiberty sic StnAro,Mc'
ANN ARBOR TO rived and are ready for inspection11W.LbrytAnAtnM
BUFF LO I r i ~ J l ii .- x. ~ y ~3 pint size, patent lamp, handles
NEW ORKii ... ~ I I .J I ~e ~J o on hot water pan, absolntely the
AND BOSTON %+o .op . ooopt.I"©ooo~~ooo~+e+©o+ ,,i~ best in town for te price.
with direct cannectioans at Crta loret. -- -_______ - - Wme, Arnold, Jeweler
Louse Kansas (itye St Pau and lise wes Michigan Ohio Game Dr: Lloyd Before the Philosophical
Eo nomto n hog ikt alo oit rwrite to H. \C HAES, Aeet Annt Arbar. Society
tic r~ itn (t) il leid itt-ro ii i- tte tii iili tt
/\ N ~ fkF~ ci~ ~ 1 Ait-alp irs-ics t e Loti- ity I)I. loydv itt ' ian itiihll ster-
ti-il ti-e frath bila foasiicll pe t ay laput hit subjsect Sciete <itud )L4k ~~
R~ Al,1 theii Yellow and Bluetc.; 211 the c 1c li tii-cl af i
s _p-: n-tEa Hna~it ZcSac B 1 iciltiti ehat miicitii hcitt apgreedi hr fac-I. "\s- bieliee still. Je IN HECITY A
TIME TABLE to pite ai s-I4l irate ts cal frotit Aiti cli s i t -t stilot fito r i sel itl isis
Taking Etfreet, Suntday, Drtay 2t, 1899. Arhosr, antdt tilt bil still lie istie lie itiis-h-
Trains tease Aenn Arbor liy Central Creed- ii-pt t-- ti lt~-~ stit .~ - iIctttei-es it a
5f________________________ lis its civictecike. ic-il tsc-cl titlt bt(lieeH;l ie
SOC TH NORTH lc r' Olhi "'ile lciertity mttu sec lii it' r, r i r cells hee itNs-- wt E IB
-N .i.- 7: 25A. at. Na t. eta0 A. 11i. It" icteci ts sit ill 4,011 ralinltiitd l id s rleitli if i;nt citt cit is tis Ph ONe6 cI E IG lI
Na. N-11:ti A. h. 'Nt. 5.- 2:3t P. M. s t cisand c revs -sir l r gc ro d-i is-i it tiIt i tom iol soueiiistiece tic lile. It
Ne. 4-- +,. m C,. M Na. s.- 4:56 P. m. -ss u ttcii riliieil. isli <s- 1lsie 0111 al 011M sit cltt o ,s i
.As alih titll sillusr to if ielici iii into rlet -e tis i ta P
tHunBetween Atn hess end Teled eels Oioi peoptle- arei Iisi wi tiii -unteist itoil. .IsYt-c l s ei li--- teI "' '
All trais deity except Sanda - it i-ct} beii cc:te tdiigda in ~l
t. T. WIlLS Agent.~ i iihcltci ittitlii t iot sin Isl li ii hotst nisi.s-c t:o- .
E ii. BENNETT G. P. A the Ksnn-tiiWitteis er arsi fcorslit Nut. ilt-i s-icq, n it I.Ohi 1.11Ii
ani~ ~ ~~~ type. s ici hu -h o ii tit ct . Ill i tilliat oluei Vthf ic cas is i- ly.--til" ii i
Hnirge Bair is Ibtr to isue VA L Y i-itt .,,nebleeta o h afl trttstoalik :tialno lh l - s -its-i- 1( slhul cecp l t i ir
The Railroad that takes the the l-Ni ti-i-a to indci askingiitheiriiiis
Buiesi1 s In and Out -ut Nisi Iid ilcite li citititi 1,4'1'0r 1 sisalii
of M ichigan. isis-i-c t s iii hiiiti-i cil 1, nswciis cit itteti it ai ini cii is si-l i-ts.
DAILY BETWEEN he sl tc:ls sr-iit ed h i-- I i chs tillil sl- lit
TOLEDO, COL.JJI'BUS nolids if Caroslinac f1-icipi (Cicarettes, : ctlli. il-tuc liiiou Iht eo
and ATHENS. Ih lastly Itaedl Tlretles, ar Night iut itl . i t w iill ntis I- ccn os iii, cactte
W. H. Fisher, L. W. Lsedtan, irittiYiitO1"-is BKilCpe -c i i i-rtcl. titceu- c - -iwntip
G. P. A. G. Teas- Agt- putt p-eI ci drciai liii ai plllt l obi e tht lifet ri e -itsedli Al ,c cilucit ;0. N EX t"
Celumbus, Ohio DatrelLMieB. lips-c ste 7111) tsCaotclin bripht lipuic- ttlc: al ciiinciti Ilty.= I Outf try somte it Hank's inle cots-
ete.fccciiaa. Alwasic ft-i-ti tutd made to
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Annr Ar- eles den______________________ slie the mocl diictitttintisiii. Ye l
Carsleav-afor Derit Detrtand 5pe titi Best $:3 liat twate is the H~owarui S-O - i~ c Nil Ale S1iIiKE pet tlii la-st titers-. elln lintiic tied
evr- ae einiga :5e in. tin Wttilltitt Ryan & Revile, sale agents. 1isintal ig--s. sUc; Tipiesrec, ac. aost-rsao h ltttbt trs
tit 9:vr5 p mt;gnn After atthat to 1.)etroit at 2111 E. Wliati ol 3t6 Si. State.
11:15 p. te. Waiting roon corner Attn Aliarmi Clck at, HALtERS. If pats ate stat satisfied ti-lt your -
anid Main Sts.; lUetroit,1li Griswol ailt sactue alt st roo nd Ibsaril sic Yo wish tie ex- Pikw ick BiladParlors,
Cars every half hour Satturdayson opeeln Alr ut n ove- e were ai little lese, pa dcowi anti Billiard
on Fridays from 2:16 to ,15 p, in. eoats it Wtithaiut, Ryans & Ileule. ttilk wiith Annu Arisr Music Co. t Regttlatiatn Sice Taibles,
an NE LONE ate-e-Li~e idletlsis' tele- tccicatl(etlitctshe Everything New ia rt(ttin
sontal Proerty. Office atresaidece. 31 E. booaks at Onie-Thtirdl Off Itis moth.l hoosiht at Otte-Thirdu Oif thisa mth. StityUpl-pe
Liberty street. All buesiness confideetialSrctyt-t-ae
Hears. 8t tial:30e. mand 1 to 3:30aend 7 toa9 IIALLJEES JEWELRtY STORtE. IT A LtEl I: -JWERY' STlOPE. 77N.- University Ave. A ne Arbor
p. in JOSEPH C. WATTS77CL _: _ ut. __Lulf lg_ lnrngjnnir L17nltiltnrri11vrrrl
Puritan Shoes Puritane Shoes
U. o1 if Babe Feett n i]uL1.et°ai nd ±-r'r 6 rlT"rl r; 1 East Wlliam StreetI
U.of. Brer.lag pcal ENO CH DIELE, Faeaiectrt UnItiersity at laonet-heir beek wet )IF
an ahIdn laes 02 habilding All inds Fitx--
methda. (Berlin .2) 1.QtFut Ave., oh}Poo I She yo erpirieg retl de-,
Sp an B ath Botht 1Ph.. Shoe E.~ Lam~.""
5 019 22 STATE5. J.' R. Troansee-kl E umel'i. PhFoto