2 THE UNIVERSILTY DOF I UHiLGAN DAILY. ,_.. _ . Published Dutly (Modaexeptedduring College Tearat THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAts OFFICE BRANCOFFCErt Argon Bidr, Mate St. 336 S. State Street. Beth 'Phones 13. Nee State 'Ottoner182. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HAMS, '0t RBUSINESS MANAGER, -rFE. ittit-et, 'litL- EDITORS: AiE rrotePoa Cav.ti VORAKa'0i 3. 1D. Heaxoee, 't 1 ES. McDoUGittLt,'St E. X. H. WOODRO ,'04 W. P. CHANoa, 10tfL W. A. BENooT050, '03 E.tI.lHTocON, 103 The aol rrrfil pricer t tt IAttAit2.5O 1r thtecoltie 3e..r cwi taitegular detivery heren eor a, nobday. Notitesec( oftiunifO- tiont, anoa her matter ittietdetd tar publi-a- lion n ttt ett ancrd in) af he DILYteoffice befog e 8p. nm., or matied to the editor before 3 P. mnof ttldypievit 01 to tiat day ott which tlay ate orotod t apear. Subseriptiots tmaay be left at te DILYOf- icer, ltaly tos, cr tottet't newstatt, or witht Bouiets y1ttanaer' Subscribers tolt roalara favoriby reorltigitromtlnity at thiiofficeanoy failure ot carrier. to deliver paper. Altloega it ttn dvertisig matter moat be inathe officte by 3 p. m. onthItodttyvrevios;fo that ottwih they tire to appear. ilt'ettiinor ite-tieif tic trat-k inel have ttlwtayso ttveittiiterotiitg ettiltsO eatiolti. I-Fothi sot tme ill a lontg oltiilt tr iof yeatrstihe gtlnieil waitl slackited etotlieartl iioti~ telitrttf lireaitgiterthl teer.iltiiiatlinicaletin 1 itt ig.liitt turo tifte 'vrity ilet toeiiSturdayttt'tlili ' it ait Cii ofttet tutu tats LL 1the lit'eutit otelf liuiiltitto'theolintit At 'ttis itt tatle it 't' v 1111tll'iittl to lli.idefin tideas ofittliltalou- ttt iicall egoiill ho'itt o l- p11111 \ilg e feed evrlofoi '[he Ameer "Theu e tiue 3" the iili Po hraldleid outic opteraith iltFranik DUtt-lelsitn ite tiutarle, will lie here tIext. 3Monday. The produciltitton tu tasriooced by -the prelss of Netw Yoirk fast winter "the 'oiiilc cpera it iof the seaslot." PFrtulk Dtails isostith set-er -to taveaeittaireii t suc'liexc'ellent advtatge. LHe is illiin iilot-cit il llpa10t1 ii the 1new0 otpera't, lie says'. Dliils is -called ait to intferpret the chalraer ortf the Amoeeo of Alghitof whiotlse watkinig iouts -e'tiiichilefly ticuiledlfirst with eir'- ctiiii-tittthe tlo 111 tstofthose who touotltd tikietie life; tini,.seondtI.withl rtaistricshi iby meanstlof a coimeo Pu- rete1,toi. firo'ay' Ils fpO soiul expentses. III tie ekinig for waiys antI meansilOto prolitgcIlils life, lie golo mixedu1311ii a iiieiotif c-omlcal'lttis froomiwhich niatught litithue sill if the twet clevet' lirtooislts. lFrederiic Huiiki'iandiithriike 1.1 ithele'. -toldl ever'i'extricaite them.' Mrt. Imstllu'is tilsitthe comiipoter'oof Ch'ilt." As I atltiale is'-eier otfunniy frotltlit'.iicaniireaditly lit'tapptrteiatedl flatil iiliTh'Amtar" hei toill tie oeeni ilis eo t'ietl. 'Tlit'sioei'tf the aperia h, ity Vilt-fr IHetrbert, fiuthe ucelebrted .I licl'vlrsuirindeii'bt'.''or'the iteti tiile thailop tf tetliee-obt- ('tiutu ''i''o.he: ferettes,;an "T. WaiiliTller." yatis sItaied100tole bteniltIfat'very bstefhelllIderwear. Thse "heotklandr is t the oldo eo- dry. Toy it. Workmond iledfart ormdo opered.v Isato ani' or u der Mate12ersa I Ect.lo'.on4altnNlo o yer.ws liExpinti n Uniere le tierpolillitee of therMusicel-eluth irl to C, t7:45dedesdayeOtriex. teien srIttecelen. MAllI .oes. ld0 tibErriPi i11Io "'anly. I RAIN OR SHiINE The " 00" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe .- to wear when the weather is itncer- -\ lain. A little rain doesn't hurt it k-7 White it affordn plenty of comfort on .- the warmest of days. ' But of course we have light shoes for bright daya and heavy shoes for \ rainy days if you prefer. GLASS'S SHOE STORE, i M9o. Main Street. Oipen evenings until ANN ARIBOR, MICH MONEY TALKS And we wishu to say to you right htere you can obtain MORE VALUE for f your money at our store thtatn anywhlere K ( else. If you have never tried it, now r-. is a good time to begin. Winter Overcoats 20 per cent OFF from" Manufacturer's Price. - --- All Furnishings at Equally Low Prices STAEBLER AND WUERTR I I 3 3 R 3 d 3 P 3 3 r ATHENSTHEATRE ALL THIS WEEKI Davidson Stock Company TONIGHT"MOTUS OF SOCIETY"9 MONDAY, MARCH 11 MVIR. KIRK: LASUicLtLxPresents The Frank Daniels Opera Co. In His Latest and Greatest Conuic Opera Success "TheAmeer"I Music By VICTOR HERBERT. Og 3 ok By FREDRIC IL 'KEN and KIRK LA SHELLE PRICES: 50c, 75c, $0.00 and $1.50 3Seat Sale Saturday. Posttal Telegraph EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME AT Comudy Club News EUROPE I Cotiutetthvacationi party'-Londoni Th 'l litit-i'e- oii i- utuuu 'uiy I Jsue 0- Paris,. Swtzterlaand, thehiunte-50 tuasl-ltu ly fuoIoutuitlplueit- iays', $200. Du'. DiapetIlthon, N. Y. 0E tituotlul e-bih ii-ll ht htee'ifuel at tihe Athuens 'Theateur abut thle'll~luof this Redm'ond, Kerr & Co., * * *A* ouutf 'flt'. tuitty-.I le It' ltgiit'tdet, ' D I * I I 1 i I L l L "t on tet l ~~ YP ieo oneleB K RIai 'oif lit heelthuli -hi1t1) 41 Wall Street, New York- hvet overoy atl'ed. It tbututeule itt HIGH GRIADE Cf IlARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES clu'ueve oitutetlutet mitutuu l -htteigiu - ttug Transata genr- a ul ing btusnst. Becnevodeposits tttedtndraft.iviodeunds IOAkI le nl is'o altu t st elE' -stuitt fu' ottut hue sud interest collected and remitte AtRTt ooiii u'lisetoththuinltur -tainu. 'fle Fiscal Agents for endneegotiate the isueeof TI)II D SeasOats O TH rau'ueg itht'cti otu v ilrtiroadlscrtretmindasoldgas coampanie, et. 5 O5E'flLtg j --TARET iel t ,u't'uu lilli11lilt ear i'i JI I S tu St trt. Members New' Yorkl Eschange. 1tiuc ttoei ieuutuuIde.titiMt. Boati ttl-ead itEAL S N!TINP UMB!NG toe at hu etuti' lit-tot stuveoy gi eaEte. IGIGAE INMNTSCRIE.J F. CH HA IA YPL BNG o ;l to sake te eas a vry ,,ood ole. HGH-GADE IVESTMNT SEEELECTR. .CF.OCHUHhLECTRCTCOSTR ANION SUPPLIESIES Liut of currenofl firhetat-* c 'tituaeieon, 9 S-rxAypAND]) HOTWATEIAI xxNG, 'he lt' p itoii iltt illl efi'all u'eu'-.itlest PHILADEL.PHIA COfRRESPOND3ENTS. 207 E. Washington Street. AhurhiootC GAS ANhD EtO-C ahO FixTURtts i~isottlt tttu'ue:i'0O 1111 till 1 itteutt- GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HhGH GRHADiE TdANTELS AND GfRATEIS. ''Ih I' NG . piiltflN\I'~' You Can Bny tihe.... I~tl. 'i' hfei oill bnhu ett'i lcie nt lii' otd on rcb Paftant Leatber Shoeo 3. 0 VII Ihut' ihlt Ic \st u'tetzilttu it I tu u hoil 'THE JiIOENAN to r'oa. t~er u'tiieeuge.in the ni (otitta ...,That Won't Break Through 218 S. MAIN ST. K filu. I.. V tERDIER, Uto