B THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 'U.0 U i~it4" MC'LEAN AND MOLONEY T Old Rivals in Hurdling Meet Again at Ptthlished Daily (Mloadays eaaeptedldttrittg MlakeWrdsRcr o Callege rear, at MlakeWrdsRcr o THE UNIVERSITY Of !MICHIGAN Seventy Five Yard Hurdles Re- MasOFFICE BRANCHt Oretac duced to 10 1-5 Seconds Argtts Bidg*, Maitit St. 336 S. State Street. Both 'Phoates 13. New. Statet'Pitotte 102. John F. Mlclesit, the ex-catptaitt of, MANAGING EDITOR, the track teain1, and Fred Alo- 0. B. BASs, 01 lolley, (yf th"U-oiversity of 'h.Ilrao- thte twos gieateat rivals at tiorydling- iil BUSINESS MANAGER, rte'Vt tlattt tt ttett Str F. Ea'iaRaEtt. 0 1 - liy 111tltit t t i Mitrauke gains. A-atr te tsat - ta.Titiastt aRs oRA'itt itt. it 'totttttigitt tie litttttl leti ta G. it. HUttsrsr, 'O1TI'A. H. ytaDarot tL,'til tE. ihurtttts. -ttlte if _Wia-eoitaittan]d Moss L., K. SaBtat.'0 iw. A. KNIGTt~t, '0t L Stat tItt I ot inntesota tieit for third, H. B. WI)Osowa,'04 I'. IP. CttANat L ~ .tttitttttithir rtaOt-ottf ty3-ranittt pretty W. A. BESaaTEart,'o3 .I. HOUSrON,'03 d't l'taals toa;dvddt _____________________ _______ ditidti ltt"itt, ttit t It tettt'd Is ______________________________________ Il i the lth ut dlrtes .\c-tettattltdredt The (tat tariltiuh prire .tt t-e t.ILt is12.io 5 lttttttttttututhe tto fttst iretlinl- itt thtealita t 3 e;, r ttit h a reatoar daevta il'i't'sttito s -3 t-ttc. IHerbterttof bteitoat' tacit tay. Sots es,atCtlattttttea- tiatta,ad thernatttt.int tcd tarputta-Ntitri-1t.11tttitvltthhiteatfor setoitdh. ienattais t tt iefe8 . Ut., orena' ad ta the t'attorhbefare3 tth ialIce:I vui:tig, p. ttt atfte toy ptrait tttt ftotttday ottlt ttttt ttisltbit Irntfriil ttitttiey. wh~ichtt-tyate era tdttri appleatr. Mtea r t undertie cttttrs ttf ite Sututaritaitti s- ataytbe leftAat ttettAIttY af- Beteas tanoaer- Saharritterts iltcattfer a tie itt t iitly. laterr epotrttpto rtameie ttiatt-a at.thi fice Ott failaraaeatetttdeatttet-tttIntte li- t itltttlli'a itttlit Mc-tean atnd All chansin attdaartiatdt attlar atult ttatt1ittttt't lit ilt'eritrlds rttcirid ftr iteo titliby ap atonthttaday pretiae tto liii' Utis 'tlly titilltttlltt1ttllteat tt't1li-traill. wichitottitts twesittIlltet Stutdenut Veterans Held a Smoker Ai(.-t oi ritay- 'tat tittsy lhts lt tlstli tbefore 111itotit eatoaiegliystiirtiittyit tt(t tlit t I the ltiutiiu. I tI'S' sitt I'slit a lhit il' I(111 11 1 ill eii'tt- i l i Ii atvldl a lltloerl 'ittheittNI il 'lies ty 311 ill l gIllittt lt tt y -> ut ul1te il etlit't'5 tt'.rNatut-rite are- tow __________.__ te _____ri - ttiyof tlt1± il'itpooed -1 a(It) fol S. L A. COURSE MRS. BOOTH WEDNESDAY9 MARCH 6 BENEFIT WOMEN'S LEAGUE Art Novelties, - Decorations, TR EM~wFrames, Poster Mounts, Don't he deceived. and all Art Supplies. Trade mark stamped on sole of every shoe. UEFIS R TR We are sole ogent F2RI' S 'AT SOR Gleo. H. Miller,27S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR ATHENSTHEATRE ALL THIS WEEKI y Davidso'n.StocC ompany TONIG hT "MOTUS OF SOCIETY"9 MONDAY, MARCH 11 1V Ri. 1(10K LASBELLE Presents The Prank Daniels Opera Co. In Hs LtestandGreatest CotnicOprSucs liii tiiltlit lit f i lt e buinssllia nattt.rs atere'settleid 6 ~ irlsd(1,1 -a'i1111111costitttin ifhi'l t'e sltilt'' tays'weareh'.' ljtyitl;g ) 511 Ae e r tilt'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~thi c i-m-Su nild' tlto e ~l- fulert' td Itigs set t e the .lthleIltiut'iaIIo"'II'SuS-tilt htt''ta'tfosttth11 itItiti's ade.Stomrie's otat tiltttleS usic By VICTOR IERBERT. ils ltize for Iteitl t attl 1111 tihaIi'itbletlc lit i lcullt ad il t liii' iureli atere Bok"B'FED;C'L'E and KIRK LA SHELL ithit.c11lit 'oit'stani ttlttt11113o tti xtr PRICES: 50c, 75c, $i.00 and $i.5o 'T'e D aily took1npit het'fighi tt'forte - Seat Sale Saturday. Postal Telegraph thu' faullitay's id ttIritalto it iiai t he hi' ttii antittt ut iileris at ittil~er _______________________________ sItud~tu-ls1thaltlt'eidutlyto'