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March 05, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-05

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i I I D lh d



No. 116

....Our Special Line of.... ANNUAL VARSITY MEET
Foreign and Domestic Will Be Held Next Saturday - Good

has arrived and is ar-
ranged for inspection.
We have the largest as-
sortment in the city,
0. H. WILD CO.
io8 E. Washington St.
Help a Fellow Student
Salted Peanuts
Are roasted by a law student
who is working his way through
college. Every pound you buy
helps him. Received fresh
every day.
YOU KNOW where to get..
AN 1)
It. E. Joly, 308 S. State Street.
Chocolate Chips
3 4 in. Oslaux blade,
ell guard, brows
handle wound with
S red eord, per par... $3.00
White finished bell ±
*. gsard, pommel. 4 in. 1
* Solingen blade black
* handle wound with
red cord, per pair... $2.00
Pine quality wire
maskeclose mesh with
ear and fae guard.
per pair.......... $3.00 3
* GL(V15
-. For right hand, ..
4. heavily padded with
+ gauntlet, eack... 12

Chance to See Future Poist
Winners-Price of Admis-
sion Reduced
Next Saturdas' is t1ce date for the
annsual 'rriy meet aod the gyisos-
stim will bise Clsaeiie of acivhity,
both aftirsoois acid aenig4. olh
poirtoftiCeSitathletes who -will stive t1(
wiuitShs moot covetedl housrs of aiiiy to
be atitaied i lielsor fiis. The
siecsalpreciously heltisspsasr iavc
servedIsolbrimg nut the very (sal if this'
isalerial st hand idto.iCaaSowa St'eomes
whlatavents thiey i areeslisally sasi,tl
for, ssace isay lie ciscs tlai theii tsi-
clazsiwsill hosethlieioppoaruncit fsr
si; ll tlhe'' arsrityc'sfutusrs'piistIsius-
iini's psittI aiaisst eachi othis'r. Ill
ordrul'' tI is'eien ic us2b'es('he'e'ed'ili
l)jth c (lieg''atest lisssille sisls's' cif
stlsiuiccts. Itis' sssosasgsssssest Ihauul (le'.'siss'
iS cciw isato 'elsse thet' priceof 'adclsiis-
sin from c'theiica'55555555-555'oocst. sitc,

Mrs. Maud Ballington Booth on the S.
L. A. Course Tomorrow Night
Shiii's lhedasys of .\lasiy A. iverillora
noi sasisassliaissappleasred il theCSc . L.
.1. ctsiisse. [Of sll lihe lpsoinicnent
ss'ossss'ssof tci ad"as. issne isa is ose
Avorsthsy reparo-sentastiv'e of ices' se ftiasi
_Ira. islosde l;;allliigtass I oustl. Masoy
snosile inensaaildc-oisei laise dev-oted
(ts'ir scielgies Co ciss' stian asiille-
viat s io ft cass's sciiil itprohlemis, lust
issne hass affs'i'cs'soroe piactiailgood
resusii ivanlasi Ira. Booath. Sle ats
gistecsIii'r entire i' nse suids sttensfioi
Si cthi aisdof fistestaedy .ascdaigisor.ssat.
5le ti xts'aass'slais'yablility Isass ensabledl
lii tocomasiaia ai lig sccess. tBe-
actuse li:es iisilia rasets'r, lesrelo-
5555,-'. an o ril s;'g'aiiil <Isailify shs' is
isis'f th cli usalisiccti'asl hpersns till
t'e I s l-il Stasies. SliarisSlae forsemsist
51' )1 p5( w iii .lo si erica. acid lies
ea is Cthe usual swortlhy. ESeIhais
soaiss-ialis tassasy sslsssandos hossto
sass it. 'hesi is'h ismast attact~s'ive of
sII irspetakertas. Addedaito tdteeis sos-
sia-Sissis. 1hig1h urse5~. ssa and IIsI-fig

Senior Co-eds Win Out Firm the
Juniors - Changes in Bales
Made in Casms as Played
by Women
I tisisscelI oalislizd wcithitie
* cwork astour teamss. The score
aiit'aiksfor itself.
't.VscvN BOWVEN. a
Cap~taini '01 Tesiss. 5
Ousis taiput' ap asgousalfight,
bsas'ccwa s wakin Sdaefesise. We
saecstill iseady 'tosplasy, lioscecer.
Ctaainis't02 Team.as.
I 'sc i sg-las ft'cser is-esaheat Sue
juiorsss liiheirst initer-clascs basaket
hill "'ansass 'ir lilays-allhere.'[ilie yosung
ladsies sass'stakl aisasgreast interest isa
tlie hiealthflfspo~srt, assdalit poss 55ft
h eeasia teleadiigg aiiiic' i the Woisi-
ci's g'y11assasissss.
.t, pla3,ed bSy msass-cset'gasii has hieu
faisallisaooexcat i-Slug. a sresecodrtte
at ruiss isass claiti' upsi21116s1tSu
stat 's'-iIleImsacillsa sis s chooals
andsisi en' isaa c olle isgaes, 55'aii'ssS 5popuilarc
and i si a lspen i eli'tl i~risgasie.
,1the litallaieai'otfiijiss's' Isa seen se-
Isass biyii hlaaa'asag hitsssplaiycsal thte
s'iolelisi ci asaig aciiandJiisiiag. Ac as
'acia1li Slia'girlasaplasy iiinraigaii..fats
lasttIis'lsi'i'saai l soaisaisan mre'-ill lc)-
sag -i lilahii-i'gr'aa'e aissil alaf~t'ss.
'fl l i'cialais'gassa' a'atisaicia-al aS'
asia U- lstaiiass''la alve's. utills'sg alia'11
Ilse testpilowed'Av cit llaSlt'grataest
shill aad uiciaknessc. 'iS sentiii's pin-s
ly aisal 'Saissc-al S lrsivails. bti cary
aseret e'xpetedIiaStatoalsciasateyt''havet
hiada fara'Ii ass's'lsasatire''si saa lis''eri
crarail I1slgu.ir siVhllt Slajuirss'
as'i(sramostSlyshot. .MicasMlaysa io'
55'555. astiaiiii a the iiaa'ltriasisc Siist
a Dtroiai' s tisis-st. Siarasa ahliss led
in hler 'licca's;is tieSll a il 'saaliss
swoarla. '"ilst'uissC's at. ert1iat
81 ial lyiti 1i(-' cciii'gamisi. Sheiar
'onssideireda Ihliar t aalS-asrounsd athlete
ill alie' aviaias'ii s'astIsiisa11. Miss
Isaab' t'laila ii(t51asii iiitclite',
andJ!ssai 1 c .tla't'aa'ili'a st guarsai. ;ac(i
cittaideisiosa; iaSe2ll(Wer aiiquesitioned.sa
soiiaily sal a's.xp's'tly do tlhsa'girls plasy.
To scsesthimsse izet St h ailS andi tossit
20 tir .Itrfiat lasladsithsilla airrisig
asi'i'saas'yisiii'eltaiclct~t wasi l to 'at'o'e
t-hels equail if no ust pattriior to Moist
sisasiphlye'r's ile it-i con iaess to shlear
Aftasfte gasines-helac tailsii e x-
pressedl tir tapslsssssoil5the gamoe just
as fastisaill c.aptaisdo altafterasatgamei.
hliscs.assess wass cs'll satistied a'ier
teamissmsadela1-1politsu to the juiors' 2.
Cat.Stulsart sli'clasrt-y lir Iteamsii aso
wasiniidsefensee hai was still reaidy to
Folloccing sire She players:
Senios-t u art, Todds, tharpesr. Buick-
issgsllss,ai sissismsis. Mciormsick, Maius,
Wi~lsoni ad N'ssleriiisi.
.Caissirs-Bowccen,. Sledges, Iteiser,
C11alsis Fotrbs.a.lely, Brain. PIltips
andii Witid.

toi h''."x i ntl this incudsses beaCth hi t'ifes'
st ais dlitSe'Lt's'issg t'shI'CiiscIessts. ii
lis aftrno ws'siia ssill his'hseldswrs''tling
}totaslbetweens'suiuses sfatsll cc'cghus 'w'ho
hiatt's'lit-ass hsisiiugftrtrhluismeet
thurissiglhustChic scintrands whoiiiasic
sillfuls ososghsto ,satisfy sll Itoves sof
St'e aneiet -ispioiC. Besides Chess- thu
sa-insi alhssin iithe tlassa relay ri', wciii
Itt s-iss tff. Th'l ia s 1t'hii leipoly cuslt
wilh li 'e ldSini artier tt storta- isb
et'cslfors'tClueecisg taustest, anid
isisiy Ct'eXYpsilati Nia reiasytCasu
wsill Ite piattd sgahssa teamcsusfroin
(sit airitri'high scshotol. 'Phius asill Ileave
Chia avessisg [sos'Chi'esvcts insrrowe'd
tlsicis tot heu'be'st sis~, anduthCevassiedl
anin tertestinig5programliiaffcrdle'd ccill
doiitliass bisake datsi itsage' if Sty
Clue issgeat sudienain hsthe history of
t- mseaf.
Princi-etons is laisiog for it i.'cc gym-s
susssissa. cvihsi l ctost utboutl $150,000.
Thectsniversity of Iowa . s siaocoffer-;
lugm free tition to all students wise
saint-C is the Spaniesh-Amnei'iean war.

eat'llrut'Sasseac. slit-pssessses firte scud
niisituit~ilsuii assi sf orf saitory osithss
hlig;hsal ordicr.
Chit'huas 'assssllecsl Saclecthureo'lytidy lu
Clii undertandatssinig (lust Ct' tsproditso f
hit's' ia-tires tara- Cago totChitfaustds far
Clue Priasoi Nork sadl 'iunuttrs'*5movec-
usi-ct. schuis lshe is carr'iyinig sass ot ii-
'l'hus proce'iedisttf Mrs. Biooth's le'ctusre
tomorsar'ows'isglif ares to go Soft'eWuasas-,
u-s's Leaguse. Tit,-cistssuan isnc' Ce cia-j
tannedsat fWilder's. 'T'e picifeof ad-

Two'u stof t'e judtgiselsoseintot act at (hoc'. (S. K. Nash of Ohuio cho is Co
Clue I''suiuyi'sts ihigan dfebate te prit aislsthCle .lticliai}-Cmeiisyicaiia
Jiuigea'W. ..Henley- oftsIndiansapaolis debatse, cviie ane icgusest of lie.uad
st~iS 5 taig- I. B t~s'ksoiof ewMrs. Sheareer of this city, lies. Shearer
CaI p 'std. ttS udsige (less. Cliftosiof.aufIaf- isa usistt'r of else go ersior.
f[also.N. Y., or Taidge- Iarososs of C'Sn- ____
ehise-ati, attornsey-gensevalinSI,s Siident The clas-t for seaerc-ed .eest~s to the
('IeiUsl'seusisset, will isalali proba- Peinslsylisisis-lliehigslss debaute cwili he
Iility Ste the third judge. Tue .Hoo. opens at C'alkins'. 'drug store at 9S o'clock
Frankinh H. Head of Cihicogo, wnho Weditesday.,Itarchs6._
Isiah wisclossaily agreed to sct, hiass
sudenly beeii ealied to Oailiforssla asnd Waterman or Laughlin Fountain
tusnoet serve. Pens, $1 each, at Schaler's Bookestore.

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