4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. (.) All orders opon te treasurer: WILL PLAY THIS MONTH Pres. Angell Made Vice President of The Big Circus Closes fonight (a) Shllai be oade payble to tieorder Association American Universities h atclrpro owo rne.lr e rd-~ue ntea' (b) Shall he signed by te fioancial ASlni roato fPief Te tresidentstngelS has jusst beet silette atite armory' indoor circus laf secretary. Magistrate" io Scheduled By eletedi vie preienet of the ntttgit. iihey carne erly art(t' togeter (c) Stall e dated, tie Cnmedy Club About Asoteititnof Atteriessr n sivesities. (weitS i s sesantotertisettle pae' (d) Shall state (t) to wvomvthSieiMarb 20 Tile asosition s is ssihldesig its an itebitlitg, leaving little room for the amonte is to e paid, (2) o seiaspsiecifice_ sutscsovetiotSn Citiego.'T'heres- etrancee andttexitsf te aetors. The purpsose, ifhImovmt, temoisey is to e ap- -ittmg theSirtst sit Ntttemtber t-sssyteht 'ottbsvat tieg isii l eqfipmeniltarynesirtlledy attende ntmbisiiIle omdyclbwh hdshilt. lReresentatives fromttHarvardi te;, ttold itt te stttll 100om5allwed commstittee they are grattiecd. staed fost year, gt togetier astid sta'lisorniasnaktisteilpit Ithe exc itse ite trig. Onte of fihefetures tat (3.) Orders sigtnediy te financial k e vo teposet ottepu- citittttes. Soo s ell setShI te astice tee 5an0ct secetary sisali beheidii stfihteetsucers Itaspssstes-sh ait e CiagosUttver -yacul fatl~tsdesda h its te hand of te treastrer forSt ty i ~ ~ ~ ~ sit -115stinthe gisessear sss Stones of 51ofacti5nsix 'firets'usi-rt anti et rasl wenstt of tie amountts siereins namteti. pisitwor es miSitserhandinaltlyv-fits- ts -oven l', reiset Agell dcit ltiuS ltstittvers kette adiesee in \I51,11 tisi sns otiscid upont A. IV- sisseesi listS ft csulars-ttst'sevc tesst t c stant proar. v5. vOTt555 s ieoi-its- sits str ost its-pi ce-, sisilUitedtatSsses s-ofts' torst fr f ~ 3ie sclswvitandsastiWSa daisy !tnd (.) No proxy stll be sted its sitet- his it s wis' ristttttssts l sas ne o te sitssi ofsy inthSlit'orssit-bscas'es'o rastat recosrsd fsr iscord tat 'wosuld ings ofthis-,board. issst-iiis citt' -tgn i t-i 5thesttrlts itswhishtepr eslstenttvshaSvstics-sthad to beat. Tey Iasit (2.) C Te ste iif liith is b rd Citer sily it is-sin it eat i- it ttttt yeairs-1tssssse- i-liois iis-to btoi' gts to e au is' Osis - slie a t ic fate.l te n s ffeesasmedinitsAr. Ifit, Sic. S f te iti t13 S~pit -ec vu -coie ofth eestte deipa-rtm'esisn ftt i rpesna; plsii slt-riseie wte llotditeand constsitutions of tie isscaltitsshal e by pay il e iisilit-i s tris-si itsachestsislt wsi-sldsit o itsssinsst.l 1) els.et-l ste-.de-suit ls treaeininge;l. gat s~ roll-coil, as ucvoti e5Ossatl gien ousttinidit 55iiti4 sietS peopiSli t ilt lt' iss-sitt "I--is alotab lueyn es ry" T tth ci usw s hrug ye - forpuliatonupn eqes, lu tifhth ](,ui tato te e sili"t iour elsessnttbe alto ltovesl y the sittilesset'wastsillstrtfe your. suiitz s sissies.ot it ii sissies t ed'sits-, l 'ittasithefst'Lsnguasge sit the country tto by ii ~the f-rg ' itlttttsr5of pole; whtvo si. i l [' r hr ie o ha -islets tey-asee sent, adyt msorry stet tsit'o oletsf-othits cireus, (x.) foberts' "l~ttie- dii Ortier"sha Ill sisi tl -s it 5-7si-iscttttft-siyt isttninly sitfts'smet whiotis c ~ttir-eular' setchsssits cnete governs atl css ie s silt-cthe - tiis ro ie shdntsbyiii l t isttt is. I'osrstsssus in ties'ndii ft 5 listSBritain e- t ss ltit mnst- by si-o-s titstotets. cet. for.- i Stllit - Spook r555 ittfltt i ien f tat dcountssys. iteb- o C~o li.I isetltroutd of lt-eis' _.....iu t lits lste -. Its S1li0Swsasts vesrly_______________utt,-andssaritscon-fsiens st t ttey swill peitt stilt heii cI ii' i i ll r tel i tteitdtt'it toss t tlS ersie st te Campbell's r el'sReveligs illrieIpoften. ,3Is;a il tilts-st CitofBu BosUsd eod'~uu o