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March 02, 1901 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-02

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THE ATHLETIC CONS!TITUTION have entire control of raising money for ings of the association shattlJe hed on BY-LAWS OF THE BOARD OF D-
Iathlottic purposes; statt regoate and con- tte second Saturday of October and the RECTORS.
teosunsued Ifsompoge ,) _ sot atl class and ctpartment games; stal second Saturday after Xmas vacation of . METINGtwS.
thhascito ave poswer to make by-os for the gov- each year. (.) Every month there shat be at
scos adeiaton of all gaines played and ement of the oard and standing rum- Sec. 2. 'There shall he a regular eet-leson metgofhiharhldn
suc tems oftheevntstoittes; shall delegate sus of their power ing of the board of directors at least once te Ttpycaoo in the gymnasium at
and entries attd records made at any as thoey deett proper to su-committees. is every month of lie oellege year. p s
nocet o tournment hed unde the an-Otrn leistervat betseens meetings of Sec. 3. The chairman sal have powver (. special meeting ay b cated
pics o ele asocatiss stdit ~tat .hceasociatioso the boardt of directors sall to call special meetings of the associatot sheeve te chirtoant or fot r other
hts daty to present this record to the as hve and exercise all the powers which at any tinoe in the college year, antI ittoesseso si.
sottis a o eulrtucttgsoJsot~ associatiott possesses. sal be lis duty to do so upon te wrt () Te secretary shall give notie to
ar.Sec. z.Itsal bThe dutytofahe Fist-g, baseballte request of twenty-Bcve members of the cicrmsemsber of the te of all regular
asiSec r t saybtohepduehosof e in-cmanager, vryatracko and tennis smanager association. Twenty-five members con seeigostid of te time ad place of
asscia etiasedton eeiptbos fthandsali e elected by the ailetic association stitute a quorum. all secia useetings.
assoiatonbasd otrceits romandat he tise of its regular meetings as Sec. 4. Notices of all noeetings shall
usrdecsonos the treasurer, and to keep on heefter secified front nominations e posted on all bulletin bords of all de I. ATTNAtN
file iemtizedi s aestocts of all acesoessts whicli shlslletmade ly the football cap- partmests and psblished in fle colleg ft) Firuelesofhshadsal
passed on by te board of diectors. Be- rin, asehl caitain, and captain of papers at least one week pevios to rego. costituste a quorum.
fore tihe regeular tooetg of tisc associa- , ace atletics respectively. Earls captain ar toweings and at least three dlays prir
iosioJanutary le phlliseest oi u c stak etahIissomoitations at least one to special meetings. ,,//
counts of sle associaiit for auditisg asweek sefore eeciosn and ust nominate ART. tX-Sec. I. Te captain of he (.) The boaitdsall fill vaanies for
prescriedinit Sec. 2 of Art. IV. IshatscOissudents and no sore. Each of baseball team sal be elected onliare baseball, football, atd trae and tennis
also tar iis dosy to sgis all orders spoisthlsecmianages shall have liar general eveing of the day of thor last scheduled tmanages from tso noitmatonmtade by
te treasurer. oaatagcisenl of lis teasm and geseral rcm- gamoe of liar seasomo by mtembers of the the capaiss of baseball, football asd
Se. 5. ..re T'reasurer shall have tril of iis iaricular hiranch of ahletics, eans who have beets nasmed at the end of trae respectively. The vacancy in he
chasge of all fuis raised for atitic providinig, howeer, thot such manage- te seasoss as weaers of the . asd it maagesip of iner-scolatics shall b-
puposes anid shal pay al bhs approved set rustt not conflict with Ie duties of shall take a majority of all mmhrs en- filled by the board from to noninaions
by the boardci of directocs. Ilr shal give lie graduhtae mtanage as delegated by the titled to a voe to elect im. smade lby a commitslte oh three compos.d
a receipt to tie financial seceary foc albiaardi of consrol. Than election of base- Se. . Tiecaptaimn of the football of te caitaiss of baseball, football, and
receipts a least one senic after sudsh [ril maage amd of track and tennis team shahl be elected ott the eveming of srcak athletic. Should te office of treas-
saoney is itshis bhandes. in esalaltosmaiagsershsllshtbeliel at lieimia of mie tieday of tie sst shedued fotbaliuerecoccfinnc~is eceasy brcoea -eam,
mtta areorot heisbhorid of diecors cgsla. sos e P g of he associaion isa game of thanseason by Ithose meniwo te boad of tiretrssshahl fill smelt
at arts , gniac mesetng, asnio helaras l obor e lodities of thee managers ave beetsnanmed at he ed of teseasono iacacy. Sitoad a sacacy occiseruosg
sociaiosn at 1itsregularumeetng ma Jan55 shal egisaimtimhe titianof electionmaant as swearers of te M. audi it sal aer a irestidett meibess o f te oard f cus-
acy. Andst after tie said epori shall ave ;allh extends one yar. Than election of maajoiy of alt maembme etilet to a oe to tie booord of diectirs shal fill such
seems audmitediamd approvedt by theadavis- footbal managec -all be eld at the ime o elect it. aamIcy.
cy commsaittee as isreshse its Setin 2 of tic regustar meeting of tie asociation Sec. 3. Tie cattain of te trakeaInist (a.) Thinboiarlshal statreceie no.
oh Atie IV he sha~lliuishth ie satiae itJanuiary. Tebuitesmmi of foialtian- shahl be elected at liar close oflie sasonmntofra ny aisscacyeudttess it sial1
its frll sithle college hapesioc. age sal cosmmece at lie ime of his by those mnawho ave lien namiedI at ae beets anonctedit in metig of as
Tlhe I mastsnier hall gate bhu tche lecin obsandebextend for onyear. tim e ntiof tlfe season as waers of tie let 5aeeureiosus tat suciacsi ay
asociationa itstiegsmut of on thots atar Se. 3. Foloinrtg tie lection dii earls M,1.atol it shahl take a nmajoriy of all existed.
dsllasrs ($,oeo.oo), saird basnhat e 'It-P iaiagec te cpains of tat departmnt menmbrso entitled to a oe to elect him (3) No aesonsi ose aie serhas not
troved byheliarSuane cosmsmitiee an sic.hattaete rsesatues of candidates for po- Sec. 4. Is case of a ti, the an agoec tess it nomintittoifor a1 est a ieric
poitied swithatefhanial-eccietary beforc sitiestsoii taar tie folowving year and of tie temunslshcast thandeiding vae stshlbe leed toasfill a a eny assthis
tir fundsi of liar assciations tre tratns-cciiiort thsem o te chairmanam of thinbaardI Sec. 5. Any persoon who is entitled to i boai.
ferredi frth so stgimg Irs Ibe incmintug f sdirecrs."Tie candidsaes shtanl oe for a catalinsamd who is not ale so IvODERsofs s st ssrs.
Tresurer. Expenise if stidbonsditelb10 ivueslie sopportiuiyof astsistimng the he present, shahllisten tieighttohisesrdThbie orse flbutsiness at sit moeimg
boaarne 1bi teassociiatiis tonmiager, whosil tlt rport mtheir efficiency bis tite its sriing.sslbeho (I) IC.alitg roash ()RItathg
Sec. 6. There shat he 'a finanial Isoteniswy eectendcaptaaimnat tliondemad Sec. . hutcase lie cataimnresigns or of itinutes () restier's reart, (4a
eiiommaiteecoimosedass osf tesragiataofsite yar. 'lie captain, howtever,syil oes ntut curnm to nsllege, si captainmsaltiilFistastieslsectearys r melot,(5)Gaada-
maia~gr snsiancsial1sscretascy, antise nsat le lisim r ite oteencsarndidats isoIis ban eleted at lie ealies possibleedate hby t iriiecos arIeboat,,(6) E pis f
lists it -hashle to beetsp Iirmed ias. to esits of nioines. tieume searsof than team thn locusiocllee sadiinsg c smntistee ,(7) e srs iifItab
thse susie f thin treaususy andsuse misca t Se. 4. Te smanat~gerof eca denrtm- poties thla udsemaoice ,f tim ee niusremspIan ialessu lsutues, () unilt-shuusi-
oc pessdinmg oblligastisons .Nsaofficerc of tsc sunltsf atihetics shsalihe Iroery satsofsent Ida acti Of tieme m brs by tem uanu- ess, (i) Ness isda, (O) Asjsrn-
asscinititi.mm -hal inicrsitsxndsedof verm.hats departmtuisgithisistermitofoffice, tger. smrt.
1$-s wihutmste coansntal(fthe bosardi (f unit shah baneIis tduty o ook after andel Sec. 7. The aptainsusitll ae abs-a- v.DUseIcEsnuS O teOFFICRS ADEOiRTS.
directoars exceupt is ansumcsergency whesrn a cre farrtll prtperty of thin associations utie ipower of mnaogemnt over thei i-
inetinsg of Jiebh a. dof diectors cnnmot ushihbelongs tos Iis pamticular branch of sective teamas onsaths field auth - l t (If.) bTe sitsins of thecoshiers 5f sis
behesd, cinsentl may he obtanerfromuiahtics, andebhe sallihe mrey to submisut he endmuof he sason ciooseulhose meumtoisarbutsnlshalile tit~ustiualy blonging o
the fSmancieal commsuitte. asreuors t oneninmg te weeabots f whiomamthanM. is to le given. thilr ofties econdut asotursisei-ptrvid
Se. 7. Tshesesurer of lieasusocaia- stchiproperty tany itn clleddupoto AsicX.-Sec.. II usitll equirena its thuesosstitutiosnfte assaciationm, am
stsusall he ex-offiio tie reasurernf authdosbsly tuheboadsofuiretors. majority of alt meumters f this assscia inthetdse cases.
Volutusary organmizatiaoshainciarg eoamcsf bc. Vt.-Seec. There hal huetlumeLn ldato cosider ateraions of or aumn- (.) it sial1 Is he ultty of the me-
tracke attetics, fiele l uay sport.I, ash all su-csssauiles organuiedrns tie iteess snmts o this conmsitution ant a tova or~gscretdary tea keepsle atndoane
other volunitary organmizatiositnder ble o subauhll, foobllah,assailtrakd uotennisithis oeof those presetaltomaen tr- uisitsthin smetings f tha rdsuuof di-
diretionsf te athletic association, oro ussr havingnusaocinisoelacatial man- tposed alerations or ameantdmeontos. retoandtutim case f thur asnuc of ay
any orgaunsition, collectinmonyseitnusthea nugtentutof ahleicr affairs. E-ah corn- Scm.Foasu ierto~ rain tetmube reporm tesuse Inote ouasrd.
nameomuf than assoiainmorambenefiingby siten shallicosist itof five students, in- msul otasrusiluinnmIb sni (.) Teteseussrem salar eeive all
its fends. elingIthe cptiniand manager of that otattshniaiori falrnormsmau sulemer it fees tart cuhes of tisisasoca
5cr 8 Thn elussscal ecetay eitil braunh f uathleics rereseuntd andithree amd paulisetdithle college papes at I tons; lie sallitas kei acdurate iPha-
scurc ard ileSieizedssintatemetoos of albus appointedmalby tli aspain. Thanleast oneek previous to their Cnsidubetcalurollsots l aue samlems f sbusas-
reepsadexedtrsotalsc ur anuatgers shasll at as chairmenmsof their eaiona. sciatisitbydepartmuets, astua-tl regis
anztosrepciecommitees.triechasmemnubers tilieInusmabe oposie
AR. tV-Sec. I There shltabe inai R.X -e. .Rbrt'Rls hum is metee I lunls he. shalltransmist
atdvisory coumamittee nownmsmsas the board Se. . iThereshahl he a sanding Odter shahl gosvern this ssoniatiuum u i asslmle-srhsgserti
of cnutro, tieme mbmsershipiuaf whirls shahl tieiursiiacsP soie ussitmgofta parliamntaisry mters tot povidedl.fr ii fu isuesi dear haia
conmsit offierusofessorsstitnh faum su-chairsuma asnitwbotohiers to le apoitedalnslis comsiution.ma h. l mgsaumae img giaecratarihat]tl
inents. IThe ostudenutmmrsesof ths u as hi s ouuoi-esusi ae sre Amaedsment I.Than boart.o5f directors m mtsoliialltmaonys etcii aulsdisiursd
lboarib shahl bun eecetbuythan atileteicas- ofithunsnikeof scrinmg nemetmes of stmay ave autority o elect a gadatsin sce Iis last reosrt, ugeshewit than
sociationsalthe regular maeting usaJassum-tie assoiastutio ndth alltailtve tie poser tdietorswho shall, if engaget by ie amunut sum hsn, baseolisuposin sucmh
ay of eacho year,tliar udtlentls re- te apatoint suisubcunmises to lhelp BadofRgns of the Univeisiy, be- acunsuaassave bsnoutedmnanamd passed,
momn tehghs umbhermf otsbengthmass they say demc say
relyin lime oighsst sifsoles anisa site stonessahy advisor of tie associatiosm's alit-tas leeiafte iproie.
declared electetd. AuT. V.II- Sec. I. Allhelctions sall eie polle shal assumeursuhs ioers (.) la-u nhiietienmssl1 av
Se. . ihe hboarint of contrsol shalml be hu u ahu.and cuies as shall fromsotime lea timeur e te poeseeoaicilssy exercti by lie
cnnsulted tits all mmaters whichm peraisn Sec. 2. ITe managosermof inter-scioas- deleigatetdto ham by thanboarduof contrln. va sriousmatistges fthe ahleic asocia-
tie athletic welfare of he University, tic atuhhldeshaboateeted at than regulam He shall e a member, with etpual rights, asosniHe is empowusaerd tois deegate to tar
suns as businlmesa of cnvusentions, schediiue mueting5f ble athlic asusociations ma Jan- of than oard of directors, excptt that ton studeintma iateus samachimmties ass he sees
of gameos, trainoers, ec., etc. It shaltl have tay Ifrmnominaatioans made ty a out- say noltane elected chairmoans of thatsitSt
power to vet amy of than audso f tie boardt insuler composedh nf thancaptains of base-]bart. He maay bh rpiesent at all metigs (6.) Arach iregular meisgOf this
of directors;5 allanlp evioausaotim emgtuar al, fotasl, anderackanestletis. This o hnbado oamb itsalmn eboarl a etumbsuer shal furnisih than
nmeeting in Jausartiy it shahulltpoint frosts comitee nusast nmninate, at least oneentited to vote as a studntmsember of trasuers witasiast o thelarmmmbersi
its own numbster a commiitteoftufhoee to wee before eecion, two students and that board. ticets whiichm le butt, solo, tgete sits
audit lie acounsts of than treasurer andu n stre ffthblaboffice. Than trasumrA mdes a hm hl b tl-moey fr tesamso.
finaneial secetneary.ntuthie finaania sereary shall e elected commsnitte of three mebers out uter-
AnT. V-Sec. I. The bocard of tdi- st lion regular metig of liar associationa scholastic atletics, whose chairan sall V. DItS.
rectors shiahl have general supervision of in Januarsy. e than manager of inieri-cholasic ali- f.) No bills sal be alowet uless
all affairs of the associaion; and general Sec. 3. Thee shall e no voting by lc, and whose rmaining members in liar hasds of tie fianbal secretary
control of all branhes of athletics repie- proxy, shall be appointed by the chairman of the twentyfour satis before than meeting and
tenting than University of Michigan; shall AnT. VIII-Sec. i. The regular meet- hboard of directors. . KEd by him,

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