2 THE UNIVERSITY OY MICHIGAN DAILY. :._^U[VUIYUEMCIANDIY U.lou~ BATTLE OFTHE FRATS, - reek Letter Men Will Show Their Puiihoed Daily (Mondiays excepted) during PoesT-ih-ln;o x College ver a rwesT-ngtPmn, O x T EUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN citing Contests and Lots More MAINOFFICE BRANCH OFFICE F un Promised Acgas Bdg.Mato St. 336i S. State Street. Both 'Phones 13. Xae State !Phoe 182. ,i1theftrniswlll'1 t MANAGING EDITOR, otl tiittigtlit'titstlt's kill Wtt-tertiittti 0. H. HASs. '01 1 lG titnait 1'lTei't'still lit iti-oretll RBuSINESS MANAGER, tliittitii s ntlnd tterlristilty tUlan eer ,. ENGELHi~sAD, '01L, bteftre. Alt intter-votllegitate sletet is a '--tItls 11titter. Et-ily ti1iti1litis the A-i-it-ttcEttita tas. Does l title ittitest twithi -riimi tetereiiitt- - tioti. A clasIttit tis attilittle lesseri- G. Dt. HuDaSCT, 'St FA. H. McDtC5OLtdE. sills,.~tliIin Mitei-ltttiriily met s Miss L, K. tSttINETtt03 tW. A. EtinHT, It L still list so. Es-irs- ivoitestltiwtill tte . tWtao tt~o,'04 W. P. CHAEYstsv'tL W. A. BtiSCtsaRtt '03 E. 1. HOUSTsON, ' i0l3 ie t liiithtiitltttiit wiltl iiiisell'. It -trill lie a iiiittwhiere l~atttt'ttlittliilt sill t'lt loose tittil1-1111 riot. ~erit ( i eek latter 1t1tu1trill 01p111 lilt The stt Criltlititiprict fthe DA mlis lt,50 Aritistrittg. ifthelitPsi 1U, intlDvIoraik tee the coltgvet eti-sih5a regullar da~ivery o .eDlaU ilntetz h lattire at ai each iday.Noticea, conettailii- it i eltU.tllht ier '[e tianti, and theramatter eanded tar hubh a- ittit itt's .lait l 1ce is still tolrintg lion oustt te tiatided it at the DAILY tfite ltese p.mt., ar mailed to the editor beore 3 thu111t1tand ttDvotak is nitrsinig a niedtti P. 1it o1 lie day pevsttoItthat day o thel. Ilit IlIItrs. nowitle.Nttttr. Soree- which they ate expected tie appear. Sauiscrip (iotasmay be tell at the hAtLY Cf-t' It d titI t itst Ofitt tler .atlei-t'sill hier, Meya 's, r ti-Ptiet ewstatnd, ar with ill 'ii iiout. '['lie Alptlii Deltai Phist.Ire Businest Manatee- Subscriberastill confer .a favor hy repoirtineg prniptlt at this office any tttttti lttetin1on\ititig lt'eshatut 11ndi failuretofcarrersi to detiver setter. tiie'high jmpiot heilill(hi wl Allach attees int advertisitng mattee mast lie i liIt iitiIss-l in the oafea by 30p m Ottthe day previous to gioIt'etstrinit ts y Ntiei'Atre'111 that oithich they are to appear. tlit'sht-ltli antI irtstittlltlttilog -tilts We_____________t_0__________________t_____________ -I'oll,tltlli1 L it' B.11tI S'l'l' .' ti m o -.il, (z D.I __dn__ a atletc Bii' ilo-fuiiteI1'itt'e-lrt ''1 hty t-ill g MAMMOTH Mid-Winoter Circus SURPASSES ALL PAST EFFORTS Novel Acts, Funny Clowns, Aerialists, Bar Performers, Trapeze Artists, Tumblers, Leapers High Class Equestrian Acts, CLOWN BAND And Everything Else is Up-to-Date, Only 25 cents 10308e the BIG SHOW :Grand Concert Given After the Big Show. t EVENING PERFORMANCE, 8 p. m. 1 SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2 P. M. 1 DON'T MISS IT. Art Novelties, Decorations, Frames, Poster Mounts, and all Art Supplies. DE FRIES' ART STORE, 21T S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR ill tiitltt's Iailly itt 'till1. Sotite oithe-lt cll ll tillatetqite is.Ittivlylilifat'te atury costi'ut.isn s 11-iy 'ttl e rtttii it pllii'd.st-llsiu ltirdc l ithar;-allt t-p talt',lititetir. ist'verb-'levidt fol'ss-llh iito n i fthsilpstititners.liA. glnce wlillsho'itit iiit iludap Hal* n aeirichembrscoflta ath sttiil lboa1d,11' 01li'ltst oitthet t it talt yitlltisll s iigl'lctsIreatill.41 o1fitsrItiost pSlile. by iellitltli- rt t't silirtilo is n.s-Hii'tlt lttitng lut aytt'etis' It tatsotre tl lc. a h ceti itiis'tieii'lt 77 ls desrve thIt TIll,,NTll'l'lIIV)NlI.slt IS Waihlants. Hyatt & Reulhetire tole agolits for Ypsilantltitnderwear. tftLadies' :2nd1 teutllen'i3 r'cket- hitoks at Otne-ThtirdtO)f' thtis Mthl. It ALLltI':S U.IEL.Y STORIE. Ladties' antd Geiitlemenu'ts'Pocket' htotots at Onue-Thirtd Off this itonth.t. 11IASL-LtS .I8 EW'ELRIY STORE. If 35ou are list satisied with yotur rioom atnti Soardl5yor ou Wish the cx- penises swere at little less, go dowsntuatnd talk Will thAnn Arhbor Music Cs. If Chef d'oeuvre de IlExposition Universe le BY Walton, Saglin, and Chanmpier s ADDRIESS, 3ti.3 SOUTH STATE STIREETPi The epiblishert ofthitstork reteived the Grand Price anud Guld Medot at Ite Pat-is Ex- position fue its etellence. Altltorts told on subseriptiion only. "NEW ENGLAND"I 408 E. WASHINGTON ST. I $ 2.5o a week I Sunday dinner _t)eI L~es's lhan ill meals a week 15c. Colletions Sattirday noos~ EUROPE Paris, Switzerlandt, the Rhilne-50t clays, $2(00. Dr. Drapery, Ilion, N. Y. Redmond, Kerr & Go,, BANKERS'- 41 Wall Street, New York rTrasact a genert al int hotinest. Receive deposits subject to draftt. Dividtends and interest eollected and remitted. Act as Fiscal Agents hoc and negotiate the issue o1 railroadls, teet raiways, gas companhes, ate. Securities bought and sold on eommis ion. MemberosNew Yorh Exchaage. DjEALiIN IGHI-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. tist at acrent oft eclentoa m-e n acetiienion, PHILADELPHIA CORRSESPONDENTS. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. Don't be deceived. Trade mark stamped on sole of every shoe, We are sole agents. Geo. H. Miller, ATHENS"TEAR ONE SOLID WEEK COMMENCING Monday, March 4, 1901. Davidson Stock Co. fIN THEFLLOWIO II(Hih-CLAS: REETOtRcnglt MCS:noa, 9-eC ond 't. ats nohsellin h nRsAD EaRstOBACOy nDnIGRETE eQINUIFrUnDaneitY "LmBING SBEALIAARHD P ARLORATN S 207EYN LD Wasito NTELE ANDO ATE I SWEETS TO 'THE SWEET IFyou W ANT TO BE SWEET- SEE- BROGAN I ID0S, MAIN