THE UNIVERSITY OFi MICHILGAN DAILY POPULAR :BOOKS CLOTH BINDING 255 EACH iIL.ACK ROCK, by Ralph Connor izabeth and tier GermanGarden An English Woman's Love Letters looks Everybody are Reading and Talking About.: _A~aay Adams Sawyer and ;\asons Cor- meer Talks. etred, by tephen PhiOl i ps. -VAigloa, English and F'rench edition. !Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a hl.OT LUNCH Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sasrtoriatl skill is equal to tile best in tile state r of Michigan, EXCEPTING oLONE. ARTI5TICLLX MIECHANICALLT We will be glad to prove it to you. r Truly Yours. S. BUROHFIELD, 106 E. Huron AITJI~e'Oyster Cocktails CAbMIN) 1 oc For that hungry feeling 1Rentuchler, the '1hotograpber. AT, Dr. Dewey Will Lectre Luncheons ad diner at moderae - prices furished for spreads, fatie T" U T1T L E ' S Ur. 11i ll A. [eswey of he hose-and balls. (od service, reined tabl 115 Soutih Sate St iiti hdepartmenitiill lt-urtti he llliialpoiillfl 1115ald daity cokilg, muu II__________________lColle'________ ,sc. TttE CA'MPUS, 427 Thempn st nosloaest' log I is thethide ~ E~.E~tandiiilastoeoftiii seasou pu-en to the 10,81' -tad s gold iwach, fi Udse- Printed lectures for all depart- lsie ltsli~- illi liie iI i ts theoill1-fideerry-ill e anreed tlents of the University, Type- s oi.tdso i- u-snlht i Ia uli ifSt-oar ad s Slleela Medea.' tisleue still rtbse risad writing and Mimeographing. diide-uitollsfiillrdiision st eat EDWARDS BROS. frnllatlo ed teiilitisitioll f tl'11. t Se _ H viA1 . LANSI TWO-STEP. 'Jver Sheehansi State Stree emn us-ittesull:115sei'indi, resl 'ilS f ir essio0115ill Sallilg ilt'ey vr C ie -.'r thudo ss li tc s llei-i-esrtl ri- fil- filii ss t sliiildl bi l itl lefiire tle lii - ill l-sel he llaera Il ' wi 5-i' Ier~s taken upl. The two- foilll 1. illehotatin oli l chaeislofitstep aetiy qtiiilel. aldis fte-l I. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, ai i space to supprtindidiheteaii chili - uslad t l ttzltimeuh: 51c'taxehailit is f1g W. Washington St. iigs ifthIe lisl, et.Ifrmie-i it iasi-ery haS to wreak. Th le TH"COO FThiis evenlig aal-pt-libaqettts'ill blie i'i'i'i-i Isis--- hlaniiipleasre I is- TtESCOLOFg-Iin11 b oorf SI )n eweyi-of the -teppini--tii salt muicand w111 tilli- henrat ous inChet . Al a'ianilv ask fllslats timie swhile Ie Cli sN thsliholiave-relivdi-Ois--l is- ls tssii-Tepplseasks fr gtloll tempioisfo , cir e t and lass leson in dani'ng by'bite Ill . ,.V i ns datleoli i. dean111of the' lillie- cey nn - .M .adqts rne , n n st osan te-i-mple dres lirefer- pt uclt.\-ilIsI iive r is-t istuctiol illte- So rleie aseeuci-inTeem bensn when pt"wIu-alvtz a ntd'- il"wo-stei'' 1Ii 4u don-office, Aadsmy and tesidece onit---1at the__ ..rayeard street, hbleck wet or State stree A slliliptlills 1111 high-la'ulsslill sil Atileiiyon l Ianad street uptIto the -iaree Strictly it cahot, no visitnrs dring li iisll- titefirll a h ~- l-irs f tiuie. Class lessiins losig the s s oi. 'i le-tl ~lu-I s-hn 1 f' en irt if M ySi naI-a ns fi - ilass iandilpri- iai, uuuuuum enuu ,ti Letrb Iexhtt1 g hu ae h l e ytaiiii Nilsouilulmadileit. s aisj *unuau uu uuu lit Cthenl-iitiatelg agelleit. 'liot Notat - -sttt.a o ii SlorgFRaASizatSil's'Ian~ks il ta~leIt witi t he tornt -dmte.1' BOUGT lRugSH lu-bst illue tworldll.It ltstllel in-- " a k up yer old colections and eludels a greastersnely f all-sar Lis' auitS(eutlelle's Puket- 0snrni into ready money. tromnptatwists thaut is inclue~ldiitan ohe titoks at OeThird of thttimlrtl. mash and Good Prces. ts-itburlese lCeolilillis 11110 Ilyig.ialhES'S -EWELY STORE. 'lflrlE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY Isite plaritlllee iitty 1and lburlesule Rtenm 3-S46Woodward Ave-. Deteoit luses hillii-trsltyIt is vituallly SrU)E-NTS NOTICEl WHYl-ir liitlssil- lta eTie est landry is the Toledo La- - ONT YU o'vritihchte ty ie- d'rev iy W. 1ork called for and de- '1-e You Mels a~d Lnchs atittl lt. ai vaudev'ill' otoii t i nIsle- lieted. Leae yur order at 120 S. a~et our ~al.and uIchsiat 1st-ihe tobuleusqiules. titltiliig an Sn' the E~Ilickikeu.,It'aliuu antI 'INl \1 l5'l OII-'MICHtIAN 1ANt.) leoetty.isls enriett Bye. uI'tue, ANT) 01CISTICA A. M. MARTIN... tal-ji;asi -s'ltl-ltli; tikt laio 551Il'S u-i-i.linr iieht FUJNERAL husksatOe-ibtird Offthifmoith. Wrel ieBibr l~ nee DIRECTOQR HALLER'SS EVELRY STOtRE. ii's-fi f iuusty iii rly ttio Henmalnang a specialty. No- 209 S 4th -________ siii-l'liu irs Ave. Anmbulance night and day. Re f'ONTrINUE, RSIHlT'IBY ' tSINGl Ligi hiufuuuly iiwiuts-eCi-us stones 302 Fifth slve 'iIoyal 'figersS10e: 'Tigeret-tes, 5e. sals itniisa' at Shuliuieluir & MCi- i's idrug store. T~~eg~he-bl gtc.so1eSs~W S'llrhlu'at 1111'Ahesa Fridauy. _____ Try T... ______________ aliblttanllald ilsou Bu-s. Shirts NORTH SIDE - Wadbaluo. Ryanl & tRcule are sole for sae al Wdllllms.IRyali ele LAU-NDRY agein ts fr Ypilanti underwear. ---______ TROS, BOWE, C tLaibi'andlt (etlemn's Pcket- _________ a,,o Detroit-St. -l57Beshoe aoks at Ote-Third Offthtils uonth, Art Picures fr students' rooms, at 'w,~5990s~ss~as990sls~l~le t.LLESC'S JEWELRY STORE. sbalr's Booskaoret1lt So. ain t. - COLLEGIATECAS GOWNSanod IHOODS, CAPS ut,5 GOWNS ISPECIALTYW G E g CO AGNESR CANECO CLLC LASCiES, COLLECE INS FLA CLEGE MSImp-orti ng,,Tailors' LAS nd C SLEIAS . 121.13 S.Main St. W,c, KERN & CO. Fresh arrivals of Spring O1t E Ftty-Bevesih S. Stinga await your inspection. _HAVE YOU SEEN, THOSE NOBBY BROWS M LWARD .e s e 1- . i d - u e u 5 e - e r r e e e e ,- . ) t t Aro"MthGeaerator, GASOLINE LAMPS Bring tn y nur old onoes and let s mnke yos an offer. The Superior M'f'g. Co., 329SS. Main St., near Williams. Hleadquarters for Shade, Jiantles and Chimneys. TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS THE WABASH RAILROAD is the only line operatintg a Sthroughs sleeping car fromuChicago toHotSprings via St. Louis, Mo. Leaves Chicago daily at 11:00 a. All ticket agents will sell youl via this popular rotute. W rite C. S. CtRANE, 0 P & T A, St. Louio. F. A. Pa I~ANIEt, A 0 P A, Chicago. R. S. GREEN5V"COD, Rt P'A. Chicago Cnr. Main and iHuron Streets. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $35,00u.Transactn generalhbankinghbsinens. R, Enpr, Preo. C. E. Gnxxms, Vice-Prey FRtnD. Ht iLnnEioaCashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANKDam rld Capial, $t00,000. Sneplsand Penfile, 03G.300 Trransacto a central hanking hatinens. 'Foreign eachaege Sought and soid. Furnioh lers of credit. E.0 D.INE, Prco. HARRISON SOULE'. Vice-Pres S. W. CLARESON Casghier, The Roo f Mor SavIDUS Bank Capital Stock. $5000. Surplus, $1500W. Resucce, $,5t.00.. Pt Organised under ISe General Baoking Laws of this Shate. Rteceives deponits, huysnanod oeie exchange ono the principal lilies of the Galtod States. Drafts cashed upon proper identificatin. Sofely depnsit hoxee In real. Orczs: Chelation Mack. Prete; W. 0. Hacri- mao, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. iielnk. Cashier; X. J.Frit, Asistant Cashier W..~ BOTH PhoRSoa.ST W. ARNOLis lt Vice-prea J. V. SHEEHN, d vice-pres TIF tonx. Cwaara .Areu.Cashier 8RVINGS BfINK Transacts a general Banking IBusiness. Spaldings Official League Ball Is the Official Ball of the National Lesgue, the leadingminor league and all the college and athletic asociations. A handsenme Catalogue of Base Ball and all Athletic o Sports mailed freer to any address. Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide for 1901, edited by Henry Chadwick, ready March 30, 1901; price 10 cents. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. (INCOROnRAED) New York Chicago Denver THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH ANDI EBeLIS SITINGSS IN THIE ClIY