THE UNIYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Lasi qi Saturday Was our opening day for Spring Hats. We showed the new styles of the celebrated HAWES HATS. Those who saw them were much pleased with them. They are sel- lingw ell and will undoubted be more popular this sea- son than ever. You're invited to exam ine them . x x*04D'P E49i 117 MAIN STREET z s a a :s r . :.z a .a. . °Er 3: . " :: :~s ;: 33 s~s3=3 3 .a: a : e =; ? : . -i "3 s w '.C iC :i i: 3:s nw ii i ,ir".-Y r .ar" . r-i. ~.,,,... ., ., . ._.. ... ^- . ._ .- - - - . Michigan Central [NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Wtlh 'iret connectios at cicago for St. Zons , Kansas tily, St. Paut ond the west. Eor :nformationandttthrough tickets catllo or wrte to H. W. HAY ES, Atseat.Aatt Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TINMETABLE. T king Effiet, Sundlay, May 20, 0899. Train',leate Ann Arbor by Central Stand- aitd T!a a. SOUTH r NORTH t r. 6.- 7:25 A. Mt. No. .- 8:50 A. M. No. 8-tetA. M. *No. 5.-12:30 r. a. No. 4.- 8:35 r. a. No. 3.- 4:56 P. iu. *Rtun between Ann Arbor anad Toledo oaly. Ai: trains doily except Otndav. Wv. T. WILLS. Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. P. A. HOCKING VALLEY By. The Railroad that takes -the Business In and Out of Michigan. 4 SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS f DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUM'BUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, L. W. tandmoan, G. P. A. G. Trav. Agt. Columbuas, Ohio. Detroit. Rich. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every hour beginning at 7:15 a. m. ton- til 9:1 p m.; After thlat to Detroit a: 11:15 p. M. Waiting room corner Ant and Main Ss.; l)etroit,llb Griswold a: Care every half hour Saturdays ant on Fridays from 2:15 to 5:15 p.,rm. MONEY LOANED on watches, tlianonde.Weelt ned other Per nonal Property. Office at reslt race. 331 E, Liberty street. Alt businena confidea tiai Reoire, Sto 11:30 a. in. andito 3:31Wnd7 to q P.nJO RM.WAT G C 4 i I OF ~TAIORQAlarm GClocks Ug ." F- VI. A ILRS. U. of M. Pills 5.0c to. $1 10. C 0i Watch Repai, ing a' Specialt, § SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar- 8 J. L. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, rived and are ready for inspection 0 0cMiiSuh 5 __ ci CHAFING DISH $5Z.09 3 pont silze, patenot lamp,: handle: 0 " Qon loot water panr,?:albsolntely thcc We are headquarterslot' every thing in the line of fturnishitigs foriW ,AnI. eee students' rooms, LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO HACKS, SHADES WASTE PAPER BASKET S,(CUSPIDORS. Oar Pricen You Willi Always Find the Lowest.. 21 OT ANMARKHAM'S BAZAAR- S EIGHS 21 OT ANSTREET: NEW STATE 'PHONE462 1'11 maitu it;-iren t theit dor itr - : Noirman ti.0Woods, taxidermoist for the ,~1I ir 1 ..I (it1, t e arm :enory yesterdayl3'vs iao te- I tilt (Isilt. tNvlilliake nteffort this I H I Y(M dscfs ofra h efrl pig t uab h olcin o 11t1 t as cti tocernedl. Nottlig wa irids' iggs ini the nitisctiti. iHehopses litleil aitdla111thitgootitt i lg ro m-tlit to ge t el itlete set (if eggs of al1 the is":l _i::::. rheoitys of Ct. 1 dliryctiffertiruids oatlve'to this loteolity. _ ._"olmes Li. ver..__ r ii::deruete utieiioftltiissioit., unill~ 1fleitiotIl. ttlie'ti ai1foilhoulseia 'oexpectd. A large iltlo' astell s t t bet reitlil it'll t1is e'till :1g. rit:l. tlficer. 1. 1.. 1.1VI N~lsYIN-E. If you see the work or the Toledo Laundry Co. you will he convinced thait yout want no other. Agency 121 S. 3tain. The finest nmonograph and other Ui- vorally fancy letier paper and pads in the city. All styles. Schaller's Rook. store, 116 So. Stain att. for tiietio to attendtit ttletitig, of to'e University _Associlitit to settle the quotstio ns if :Owt' geuati' schlts. ri- tt' illeS0tt115 tiatitilttf lit ithe sttuf'li I tl(511{111K Riq eSTn'iwll ,Ws Mtili's ttlthorl.tvlten sotl tifhe iss-iii oyal 'ltii's. 10ciiTigirtiti's, Sc. t':tngtrs sass att luit tli fflyo tit ito dllitlty tititieti.dttltthu e tiisis Cotottlete lise *"Adler"t stitse nt ~over' stttlilil'111(tlbacedtilto Ite lil(t' wre coats lat Wahianos, Hyatt & Reule. lei itoly ifatolauy ~. lit'Wisoluilid toib i quite'baly hur Itlt. toit' requestedl Rest $3 hat made in thle Howard, thatt his ttttli'le e-it' hhtllelid friotte' Woloaus, Ryano & Reule, sole agents. euttiash iicitt'e taidl: '1 uwit standting If 3001are tnot satisfied withl your olth Ila ltformttiItI otuddenlly totitO rioom aind board or you wisho the ex- it bioxitf Cartolnal Hrigttts ('igarettes. pettses were a little lose, go dowtt and hsitsittg thte gt'sot valuelfthese1155 ig.- talk: withi Annl Arbor Mlusic Co. tf tcel.t::'Evterybodtty hotumtp. Tlitis sai Waterman or Lauglino Fountain tile5t. ; Pens, $1 each, at Schaller's Bookstore. iYOtltR NEXT!" If ntot, ty sotme of Hank's Oine CO-. fectionso Always tresh and made to please bthetost discriminating. Teas got te best teteeven lunches sooi ovstors for the elite, ',it both stoesa- 200 P. Wasbiu ton; 316 So. State. Pickwick Billiard, Parlors, Regttlation Site Tables, Monarch Cushion.., Everything New and Strictly up-to-Dareer 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbok- _ ___-_____wwwwwwwwr nnnnttnnllT.'t1,7f111.i,4711',7.1R1'Ll'lfillt,'ilTJ7ll21'ST4f1f'tnnntnnnnntcnnnnnnne r wwwwwwww... ...__ -Puritan Shoes for Spri'*ng,' arriving' dail DOUBLE SOLE OXFORDS NOW INY WV'e Repair Shoes first-class 111 SOUTH MAIN ST. acta ing n maleuad p * 613 East William Street U.ofM Bab P acsae aeia sad H DETRL~,EmbnealmDetr UnIiveri~ t ene-half black wait sI tdnbylatest D1reaf t~a~w bng.Alkns.A h n i~n a Sho ad at mthds (erln f e iST0eREde- 11