THE UNIVERSITY' OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TH UNIERSIY OFMICHGAN AIL FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH TUTTLE'S 338 South State St. GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING! UCiassen now open for the reception of pupils Off'ice at Grangers Academy. Circulars at Manic star en or mailed, Bell telephone U6 t IN, STAEBE'S CYCLE EMPORIUM Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. AIRTISTICALLYX.° NECHIICAK~LLT We will be glad to prove it to you, Truly Yours, S. BUROHEIELD' 106 E. Huron U ALKIN S' When we fill a prescriptionl it con-' tains exactly what the Doctor orders, weighed and measured with precision. To bring your prescription to us is to be sure that it will be righ t.. 'Rentschler', the Pghotographer. BANJO AND MANDOIN CLUBS. The Pt Eto Pt reorganized iast even- Exilntolof caudidtelc for Ban-iin,", for tbis college yeacr. Officers elect- jo anid Midoltn clubs will be held iii ed tire as follows: Preaident, Will R. Itoost 24, U. H., iat 7 o'clock, Fridaty, Leimon, '0:3; vice-president, Frank F. Oct. 3. hF.It. iLANCASH~IE. Fromtyer, '03: secretairy, Alonzo Par- k er; steward, Seyiiotir H. Person, '01 I.EAIIN TILEFIRST WALTZ. L. The hiniki of memcbllershlip line been Ifyotu wishi to waltz correctly do not raise-d to 7(0 andlaico have 'been ed- flacti the two-step first. -Mr. and Mirs. mitd. Granger makhe a specialty of the wasiitz If iii need of a piano player for liar- and will devote lilt major portion of ties coil alt 721 E. Hurot at. House timie during class lessons to it. A. spte- parties a speiality. -9) LAWS!I SENIOR, JUNIOR, FRESHMAN You can obtain ALL the ,text books used in the course. (AL[A6DAN .& (0. OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE We are not only The Oldest firm but we carry The Most Complete line of Law Books in the city. OUR 1900 LAW CATALOGUE for the asking. Cor. Eain and Huou Streets. Capital. $50,00. Surplus,,$30u0o0. Transacts general hanhing bnninest. R, KEre, Fres. C. E. GstENSa, V ice-Prets Fass. H Scions. Cachier. FIRST NATIONAL BAKorgsiAnedAr1o3 Capital,$1005,000. Surplusan sdFrofits, Wd,t00 ransactn a general bankingebsiness. Foreign exchange bought and sold. 'Furnsh ltlers 04i credit. E. D. KINNE, Fees. HARRIsSON S0OULE, Vice-Pes. S. W. CLANKSON Cashier The 11111 flrbor SavinusBank Capital Stock. $550,000. Snrplus, $150,000. R esnurcsc. $1.500,000. Organiued under the General Blanking Lawn of thin lSte. Receivs depositsn,soyasad sells exchange on the principai ctties of the Unlted States. tDrafts cached spas proper identification. Safety deposit boaes to reel. OFFIERS,: Chritian Mach,.Pres.;W.OD.tHarri- man, Vice-Pres.; Chat. N. Biscock. Cashier; WM. J. FritzAssistant Cashier w. J. BOOTHen, Ps. W. ARNOLDe, let Vice-lreer S R J. V. SHEEnAN, 2d Vice-peer JONo. Cw. WAA,Asst.Cashie BfINK 'Iransacts a general BlankintgBliusinesn. week. Academy on Mttayiard* st., one block west of State at. stores. 8 DKYMLES, .BICYCE SVNRIES ec , r in. E. Cutris' popular letters, DI~.TLE S4bRIES The fore-ign News Notes fromt every AND JqV7LIES.coutmry initbe worlid;'"tiec"ctiaiest eteliti-tile itt Cliit-mio;' tieAide-i "Sit riesif the Streets-Indtofithefii 119 W. Washington S.ito n." i iit e-i-oee ordI D l________________________ ivred ttdaittytovr.12c a -Nvc-k. .aidiliss St i-tiit Agi-ticy. thicaigo e icoril, 4111 N. Statest.,Aiti .larbor. itt 4$3 bat mtadle is liiie toward. Z " A'4' a.titt~.tilS Ittl& it ette, sole agets. C.E. BARZTtIELL., Agent, itar iii i es.0l i;eetllesi 3a6 5. State St. Ann Arboritch, WHY DON,!IYOU poue tie \ e ewl ryls te, Get Your iAlals atnd Ltnctitloit \l e iu t Wai i tot.ylyci & Ilel-ati re le OPEN ALL NIGHIT.- HORON ST., Two daoor sljot Cook Hesse. .\ierti clocks it Hielers Jewe-lry. y I Ilest 5>thatle t t iltthe iwlart. Um "is MARTN.. WItllte its,IRyanil& PRcule,',sole agents. FU NEPRALI- --- ___ Physics Course 8 tleat.-Labettory work announced to be comitteel this yealr will lie given by Mr. Burgess. Hours to lie- arrtanged. GEO. K. BURGESS. ROittlS-Large newly furnished paerloi r tptairossuies, sne 'bloctk frout tamulils. Gas or electric light. siat.,titrntmec. 1209 S. CUiversity lye. -9i Proft. 1D'toge hboo reituttli-ifrttltt Europeti. -i-tere lie les spetiate vt-r iti Cottpleteleueidler" fol suits and overcets at Wadbams, Ryan & Reule. Alarti Clecks teatltle re Jetwelry. NViANT'EI-For chiurcb quartct choir; etilrittle tenor atid bass soloist. In- quiire- 312 S. Division sit. UtititiCthcks tt llht-reJe-welry-. itt., fortie tie-st $3 lboardlii AtnitAr- bor. _-8 '4 SIZES DIRECTOR isumbalmiug a specialty. No. 209 S. Ave. Amubulance night and day. I odeucee 302 Fifth Ace. Try The... NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THOS. POWF Psspe k0i8 olfeadway. OS7lei Phone Mayers af r? COLLEGIATE CAP. GOWNS and HOOD Reting of CAPS srd GOWNS El SPECItlLTY. CLASS CA5NES, COLLECE FLAGS. COLLEGE PINS. CLASS and OLHATS and CAPS., .. it1 E. Fifty-Seventh f CBICAGO, ILL. 4th Lea- PEABOY&CO WAGNER & CO , MAKERSt-loerdsshers 'S JUrT THlE TNIQ FOR TAtKMNQ LECTUREJ SGHLEEDE'S TEMPORARY LII~h BINDER Opens like a book. I~i~I\IIBeats the old string cover ON HS ~ ~ t h E u n Lertase ppr35 ot The bestfonap npens $1 F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - - 340 South State SPAU LDING'S FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Ateuiversally used weherevcer the ganie is played, the trade mark being the guarantee. T'he Spauldinig Official Inter-colegiate Soot Bait. In oned by tll the leading colleges sod athletic clubs of the ciountry. Price, $t.00. Send for Catalogue ot att Athletic Sports. Spalding'n Official hoot Bali Guide, with the new tMules foe iPSO, mand records, reviews and instructiose.including pictures oti1600playero. Price, 10 centn. SANDOW'S SPREING-GRIIP DU1MB-BELLS Invented by Ssndow. Have nto eqoaltas00n exet-ciser anddeveloper. Every moscle bmne- fted. A. 0. SPAULING & BROS. (Incorporoted) NEW YORKti CIC eAGO DENVER THEaFINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUIITINGS IN THE CITY.