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February 28, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-28

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%lommolk A


....Our Special Line of.... DO ATHLETES DIE YOUNG?
Foreign and Domesticl Director Fitzpatrick Answers in the
-! A Q B i Negative - Claims That Proper
i-ABR ICS and Strict Tra ining Cani Only
Benefit a Man 1
FOR SPRING ta 111 ics
111(10 has benilaul dicsC
sham of hte -s to the results
has arrived andic1S ar- naturied by athletics oil te en- i
e(till heallth of those partieipatingyiis
ranged forinspection. the. The opponentis 0oriathleti(cs hold
We have the largest as- Ohat ithlelics" ase( niduetedl at the Inos
sori ment in tile city, entitn11 ill Amoerican colle-es are ruo-i
o05is o a.lehealth aind shorten lifet- ol-
idltls they quole stiitiel ets
I E. Washington St. the iheart, ais ii1no11. ill track
________________________________ of______ ili tu wichtwil-l tittell onl a1111
~lill lide triolaIhis altire raisting;
WA LK~ (jOP ~~it s that all those who oppiose
O V T T atllrt15 so s-eeliiontlty tuoosr liothily
:i11t -il tt tiii. Ift(oneiwe1reltask
no i liiho 151ve1111iciliteiltactively" hl
tlii tIc sholrts 1as to tlti reltiotiiii1-
tinn0fotio isthliilstaitiny als-
SIr isultlIcetothat the heiletils yreatty
1)1(11(1 ilth e esvits. D iector -izpat-
rick, x0 11( is kn own ttironghotit the
W I DE S clittylor hisultillity as a trainer, is
ei ilt ills titlie aeosef Ilhillyon
Nv1I stli to tenth this much1-11debtated
YOU KNOW where to get.... tleoirter 1hegate the ffttrilbg slate-
A. (OOI I.V.Y~CI! ieiTo lii 11. a gelieral stateooiit con-

The Inter-Fraternity Meet
(li y ill a iitl i 11 11CC Iloay 'italil
thletc-tr. it ttioth fri lte t-i-oiii
ilno lreao tate il t-rtesNeil 11111
ourt i ody11titiiheiiicheerat a i e1111
fionl JOuill it-rlirayesait iesito runi
Saeibore, andtgPatysTolloreaow Night

Are Having Their Say - Secretary
Huston of the W. 1. A. A. Eclares
-.-That the "Nons" Will Hold
Their Own Meet
A liv-ely ir ar is iioiw on btwtee-nlthe
lily ivotelro uiversities and the siiui-
er in1slitutloos. liii-troulhe teygn l st
Satuirday wsheiithe XWsterii Intercot-
ieyiate Ililifeeclieathletic Assoiea-
tilil, klioi ias the --lily-Nine" deciedi
lt hoiiit allti-tm n tate -that has
hititt bei-culii-etdtdihto th- e sterli
Iteot-llegiat- Athlettic associationi.
the tta-ii siiltie ilit fur the flest S1t-
uriiay i-1(.10ue rthis ytarlaniitheii
yi-ar foltloing,1and1'as it -xpets to
111caltes yaiiiostthe niiiiof tthe eon-
teclici-, it is saninilieiif piittinIII)opa
'tin-las tuilei yi-s iii i~i~i goath Wshihu l 11111(fteeet

K. E. Joiiy, 308 S. State Street.
Chocolate Chips

1111rl tfi ailthd theexeto n
ita 11 reut , i ru dt hey I tendltoti-ill ( ll i
Iti'i'lieiofitiliy ull stals I uh
Frotmi myllitylie1xpelr Iienc I allsaytha
oiiii111'teahle itstiI v rinydthr
suetll l have liitt l 11' l t lreii ex
llis isare11ll1111t Iariisyrainsti ill ah
leticshaloing41hi11infootal.I adit,
ibut isysilli-eIll nd1 strict trii illlil lhl
leicis l~iillithe Ioiy laveieter
lie is sure1 til meet. a f a(111 ,111 ht asi
trained faithflly durit- ;1 his athleti

fihe treetonl fur thhi-iisiIves ill il 'iiiht t'oftIheit taeil i iteic-ohuiii-
.hiiiilil Hioihiof. 1catirayio. -aridti- tocs- it-eiandhsee-ita ty ofthle organiizatitni,
afat-l orrowl iI'i('iiyht(ii 11 as1 . successP5- "lhe action of the(- oiifcreiieSt-s
tilas thue1(1 tuolo' iHip. Thu tie-s11111sat~rlilng ho a-. I1s1ithIlot expect
recihiisiti's of aul elijiyalete-ut-ing' Of that a roll litlce. t'tlii is CcttCC5Citil'
iham-un-g tsill bei liiokedh after liiithe is-i-r u n Iii liieiiioi-iatil- lmovSemet il
furiisiniiof .1 splid dancih iloortiiiiwiestenathihetitc.st'itwou l 1-I favorablhy
ath e-xhilauratinig iusic. Tie 1. of - 01. pola pettitin askingtequality uind
orc-hestrau ofiiieIics has been tic-justice- towardC l110111cuoiferei-nce iciileges
cu-il a'l.ndthtto-tste ihooav- ltihi hul'1 anoierities. It itas only hiti-uue
Iilo ut aliou-ttheii-iiusic fiui'uusheuh thenon-ouinfteruenceu-ohhueo s etlilte
by thu-nihase uithiog hiout louise to 111111thit-blst iltiri-sts of athletics
i-e. iTbogli -ite i ll'ythii silill'ii n lor l- fcoldbe ti t.iash byharmoi'iliiy antd
11h1 socil is Io'p01111to slidtts of 1111 hilly thhat they apupuliehdtir auhmission
i lhiilig the- pleasur1e ofhan evinigs vt .-ill thii sliailt of theuconfer-
d niso:"is iuiyiih toi (n i. (t1{ll ss(511' ahioli.
____'ThiiNS',A. -k.laus nueret11 uoin-
Vesper Services Today sidiereid a thiill f te lust heiause a
fill'si-h ioh Kays'eearallit Ito fiiim asep-
Vier' ft-it'itilssalilt students re- (rale assuo-uiatindmitoIlldiii a sc-pan-
iio swhiat theiiy(liss i ( i l t-tui iigiate11111t. OyeItt-n I'utt'coth-gus thait
II It iv(spei ssli-is yit- iive11 Iiiiii'i'hive o ti-u-ltotal froim thii- lust uaml
sityll'Ialt lt'sills-i-k. i- ctliuhor A. llers tiha li-i-ve ihappl ii' adlilasioll
I. Stileyof tI'lliveu srity st-hiiiitf s-itw ii ohma metut-I I iiis'cissood ton
Muhsoic is taksiiy gra-a ilns ii in 'i hg11- ltiii1.
ill."' theuilsh-athIlogialil for' theiisill'- I htl it thu t iteir foll' the itcrets
ies. h-s'eyoio isst'elcitiiiaiidishiiiiltOf1'tiie smalleri-i' iOtu-s thtltis' ~i-
at IIuioshiusnt terapireeiai luiThe t1ime iu t t hii'.it' h-: . sorhlil full
program fl-li tilOls aftel-nooni ill4:111 1hul'eirmlllatl -udi tatlor thanIie I-li
ocokis is folliiois: Illis is a 11I eoul-tslli li-Is iof a stl-t--oiistiliiteh hiirrarhiy
1)ro_111511ii 11111dby two'uir0t'i-iiih'of t-he lage
Pireluiihi-.l'go.yi' litiiei'i slIa d acit iesced l~inih llby 1half
AiI ha-iu, ''Iih 10- thoty olit Ilthunt'd."a Idozeniotheiirs s'hou havemi-siutcllrSetven
11om lthe ''tts-ssalt' uillt1te-mlls toiu lauiluineits ilith
I 'iouilt. 'iiioritioiiii. have uuu-uuu'shluio mertit eioalli Ist
yIuII n.''hIIi tith ordh is h11.hciy' -u-a u-u-ei-it al h0 vh
SIse, 'ilsyi"Lt: 1>il'lligHnc llnt ______________
l1111'ih ii-hi~il1111tu. Eye-Sight Spared By a Hair'a Breadth
holIuiihi- ton it-Ito ill hi lIaul
devotedil lt11worksIof erly Ithugiish i-ouii- Bty ii hail's uireaidthiW. X' till a Weill-
h~tisti's1 ti-ioil'li-n luesltlalt ntahtle u L'h, -.stilt
lais thet sight ori his righut eyie. Itla
Wahi1Ho l Wahl Hoo 1 fr'iu'ndly feninguibount itoniay his oil
haol-ii's sweaponut eetuiratdt 'lift's
'ThueIlOi talltunlncraily itltdus giul-(ilpit-Il-nuthisuuper eyelid.an
oln11ts yali(, itli Mc-ligauuu uexatuptiuo'uredthtet' t-erglanduituliatdlIf-
filh a litthirlalthdedgameli'thanin11,'tsOcil liii eyeballaiuihelbsuit-ht-
es's-u'playedin Ithu itsab ucapitl. I Iit' _ Cit uttdiremtoveid his feing imask
11r131 iild tias icompttltedhis lnegohl- rtumomcnt tieforeto spteaik Isia frieid
ai~lnlis. 'lii'fitloing arraniugemlenit, iiind1th returncd to the bout - withousut
slvet'elim athe: putthigthle iadh protectiontl (i again.
*Tiue gtnl tadhiioon p11Cc stilt he Iinh yhit tt a fiusilsetto hit soull-
oic (101a1,ar d thenAtletic assouihaiol detnlyl -eil tuit a(lltrtotieidhto tithe
still tormlhe uaseatinlg saipaity fr fil'loIom e eletiiilh 'OilI 1aii blind!
least ),())t.111 iasvwill hie cloniu, and11if 1My eis101tt t'"
theret are hut lteruiilnt bldeaceris li'y i tieidilealIsistluiitswIstorcuresd as
thti imel tIehtllharid silt hitav tatesto q~uilytaslitpossilte and lthe exauiuhia-
tltin lb irsus sculsts-ittlhbulitres-tiloul shiosteithIlacthe ee wa s ssafe, trit
saC'. is theSuelssin-ho siiI e lliby a tfractioni of aniii hut-tiertliihly the
NN-atir quiarters at that tlriue. sidetsf ittulafansestill Ite badly' aearrest
-"rlii s isitiung team iis toiiavlie 5ll per
t~eilofittheit-gate recreipts. Cat.tChiatles E. Me.\lenher, whit died
It ;is -tie iteintlin if thle Athletic a iweeks ago at bits 1hom1e 1i1 Fhiiut
ttouard ho lull thesiroininguiytosswins -uas a it 13x.Aftegraittuithiy.fl-till
fur a raius of ,)() miltes Ii litae the clue Univiersity of Michiganl te stuiedh
gamle is schedtletd aund there should tie lassyswithi Levi Wuttoer aid odl.thE. I.
.10,000ll people at the galuue. Severiul of Thuoimsoi, nud iii 186i2out adunitt6\d to
tie Cailroadsiha uve already coutluteed% the liar.Ie was eaptain of Co. C,
1to run speehal trainst and give speciul Twenity-tuird Mlictigun Infantry. He
i tes on the slate the game is played'st-as i uuihu respected by a -large circle
-0. S.U. Lantern. of friends. j

b ell guaid, brown '
* handle wouiid wihP 4
rid cord, per pai r.- $300
Whitelinihsihed hell
I guard, pommel. 14 it
, Soingen blade blacko 4
handle wound with +
red cord, pun pair .... $2004
Fine quality soles
niaskehlose mesh with
ear and face gurd,
per pair..... -.$300
For right hand,
heavily, padded with
gauntlet, sack.....$125

March Inlandet
T h", ItilluhI urnuuhu-u'of hm-the uttmi -l
itill ium r itltimoroiti mml wuiltlouis a
stuarial utlishimylullus Itirthiuhal'1111-
luau - -o-i-u' itsigut i lriliht-it ill otepia.It
us e-ssentmhiahlyii mit lilir sillce'Phioit
Flo1td I'.Ittetutlvm unrilitillo "Sttuy;es-
timmas as 1mm theu dy10111' the'L-laii'a(n1
lr,.roi otu'me C.' hKnoiwtonit mimutiluui
"lhImuolttt-iis of thu LI :tn cIT-
ulutt 0A1111 tlmiul)Ie-Pi1myi hialfttone
tumyniusig mitths- alum iiltl'i is lull
i1s a 5supplemeniht ht Ibis uutuuuuluuu
Whers1'feiiuues st-itt mc an illustratled
lim ittiy tiuhiumh I I-int. illusettied
storks by li ihtarcl 1C Poshtruid lii-
domlpthuRitSc-tlhniershont sklottiss hy
hirtt Kelly, I ttighi -it I''.AVutkiis tAint
itiss Sibtyl Stttt'u-f, ulsol editorilals,
liutmuhoresie«ss tathtiuges eli.
Mitt Mllabel Coreny, iP4, of To-
ledho, sytut; Jumped uhf the passeng~er
trahi of t4he Aiu Arbor roads last week,
is still at the University hospital She
is.unneb nImproved anidIt is expected
shue wiulle abli to lease thue hutapital
uiu, a few 0,ays

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