THE UNIVERSITY Ol MICHIGAN DAILY POPULAR* BOOKS* CLOTH MINING 25C EACH ' ULACK ROCK, by Ralph Connor -Ilizabeth and Her GermanGarden An English Woman's LoveLetters 'Links Eieryhndy are Reading and Talking Abodt. ,cI cy Adams Sawyer Kad AMason's Cor- ner Talks. ,tre-d, by Steistua Phillips. 1=: 'Aiglon, English and F-reh edition. !heehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a tO T LUNCH AT vUTTTWUL .-LQ 1 MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTION BOOK AGENCY Steady Employmen1 AENS ANE For Energetic Men land Women CGorcMr Over First National Bank AITT~IIC" Oyster Cocktails For that hungry feeling letbdil ,the hooapher. L eutsh e- EX H N EYour Oil Lamps Fore"Ann GASOLINE LAMPS Bring in yoar aid ones and ls make youa an offer. The Superior M'f'g. Co., 32S. Main St., sear Williams. Headquarters for Shade, ;)astles and Chimneys. TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS THE WABASH RAILROAD is the only line operating a through sleeping car fromnChicago toHotSprings via St. Louis, Mo. Leaves Chlicago daily at 11:00 am. All ticket agents will sell you via this popular route. Write C. S. CRasnO , 0 P & T A, St. Louie. F. A. PALMErz, A G P A, Chicago. R. S. GnaEEos'COo, 51 P A, Chicago Car. Main and iuon Streits. Cnpital, ;50,00. Surplns, $353,000. Traneactu+ general hank ing hnsiness. R, Kexas', Preas. C. E. GRENEsa, Yice-?rei FnED. HBE Rn,enCashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Organleor~s Ca 100a,000~l~. Surplus and Prolte, StIG,0a Tranactse a general Sanaking business. Foreign exckange Sought and sld. Farnish letters o credit. E. D. KINNE, Free. HARRISON SOULE, S. W. CLARKESON Cashier, 1116flinn flrb1or Savinus.Banlk Capial SlotS. $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Resoeosa, 81,500,00. ESlg Organized under the Oeneral Banking Laws aftshin State. Rrives deposits, hays and sails exchange on the princripal cluies of eke United Stntes. Drnfts tasked upon proper identification. Snfety deposit Sbones ts rant, OrriEaes: Chelation Mark. Pres.; W. D. Hotel- man, Vice-Pres.; Ckao. E. Histoek, Cnshiet.;M. J.Frlts, Assisant Cash oer W. J. 10T VisnSTrae- W. ANOL, lt Vieeres J. V. SHaEEANtt2d Vice-prey a IG JOHN. C. W Asa, AsetCaohiee fVIG Trrausacta a general Banking Boniness. 'MSoSuth Stale St.'T'he' loorssif lieslelmry we're thrownts 'U1l11X'AS.,Tz AND'ro ti. e st I eell fore tee fiitrst. lies- eeee'n efist es osilil aciotl'ate't e ryi littlst t s filledl 1),y'hi lr p l'l-ti e u- lilt' Sl t ehou l ee' i ilI' efoSee-etthle Printed lectures for all depart- ltetit'e adettt Ile'tt'il'tetius etlsetwo"tel liltis ltkeenet. lii.i'h''155v-- tnanta of the Untiversity. Type- Iti i sse'eeee lseded e l t:ttbowsithe t' p" is 1easiuy acqtuliSr'ted 111is oten-t writing and timeographing. ltir'Sleart'appoatl sitile eslilelle unet- be -0 to t waStzestiemte: osee ss t eeteis to-s et'et'loed. ThAlesetitisty is ISlt ot eete'tl it tist't'y hardsto bsrIeaek. ''Ier E DWARDS BRO IS. Se ac'ompoees'eseetoflocaeil taeliteebut sisle 'II 'i lsre s-es- findlsitt ileaose'illtloe- 0 er Skeeranol lae ilre 11) th le s elless estts-it little r e-e fu'llys' -ltlei lt eealtz iesi, steeld osill lee- os tl l isedsro ite'h e 11(1't rave' i ng 5 tIeall s k ri t st' oese'ti1ier.islilete RIEA:C NI isslit e'r l atist5 '5 is to ellt lt« ospers5 ss foriOItt';filop tle'mpoeefest lees le1. h s nlie 'elssel lits-.,ste 1( ' sssli o leesseil - siN 's- u eeeei Alet't'. O le'. t l's. (blr t' ~trthte at eae ese lee' sh ll t Wil olie cos teel 'l's't ' ct n il tie tee Ew Y 'L E P RIM rs1 Icllt'ed.Irelet ~- ll ~ fie-e 1 e5 I. tt, nd '"t'e s el t tioe ii hit 119 'W. W ahintsIon St. osl- otestS k oIle s pr'e-lriielrSC.leaeel tees 11site Olety trttl5 eel up to S ee s THsE SCH-OOLa usOFiifrom tsuch ai e'll-ltttltte(Is''I etepeelee fistoflueeletsClass lessosc lesilltes lt t o ldeee l i tl s t'sto nistialee - fi'ttf t e ltelt t is ' Itr elsa d p i lieel a, so ii' l etteti teetI e p tlittl tilt 'Not(11)tti'tttstite'tl. nso Is(es sii 'Tei-ate end class Ilessn n 55doni see hy SMr. 511ominenlte'nlt'hl leitr ilct s's1111',' eel sltnlttIetS. 112 gird Xras. tosus Oraese'sisipte dress pester-_______ saterectae;exeroie.e.r'tramibeiswhen 'lie'Younsgliroes. its therir teeleeses't - sou Sri. Oafer, Aceedeesay aind Residence on 't t were N'll gte lI and11Arltur Ittt'lestet ,itlle-Altes Fiiteet. Nwtarelstreet, lack ewest aS Statesnieces ' ceer. Stricaly a sch.-, liesovisitors duriog Cltil' hoie s letie-. "s leih- ob'"l ag" t la s houars. los-i smaee Al it 14teesele itle ih If Y-oussee'thue oralSeof She Taleda st~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.I ill te leak(is i55555'iritnI't'itle e'rli s-sets- teiLau'dy Ca. Yotu 'ill be erovin'ed tanp ~ iiu ii in-',Ito S lnlt eet'it ees le-ssle o m t peafIre os-rnt tno other., Agency 121 S, BOUGHT FOR CASH Ih( m1 st ondrflot ofi el'slowas 11 ls \litslllit LIOok uts yotir olScollectiosn and poreladder tIfheI-rgt'e t 'trlosa tarn it into ready tooney'.IPromnpt lit Certaeitly is at ee'eeter.IO IIti sg1e.0tt~t e 'tl' "TEMICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY'''- c ,;od acl.i 'i( Itetm 3. 146 Waoartd Ave., Detrotit ''etttto'teei :-Oett-'sttlthig I ll'i e tv S e-rti'' tey''Vttl eeln _________of___________ 0w__ el 'si leee.' edt eserte' itndeeel iei iliti( ew rd WHY DON'T YOU lelo 'itestlot itee Ile il ssNlN SteSt l i 0 yett oi eals ittd LlteIICeS tiesArtustille r Iuh ovlt(husLv411ic1111 Ii rt~.)° ~-, .~ .. ~ 'j FE I eet rttleson- s g't'teedittie' ,teteiteteeiellt let sisle';It t~e'h( letes l'Illttt' OPEN ALL NtlonT. club, ll sr-i tl e t 1 Icke'wa~lk "- _____-- tE NST.,Two doars n-eat of Cook Idous.tns, s-sit s itle- s Ir- ' s p ' l nllt .t 's tlli 110 lns ytl I ite- tire Soe e' .-I it'It"a y oiiti te llis e lefores fronlt t in ts lot Ypsilaelti uliii lc5'et.. --leeI i i'le liberal paItrolltt'et ,epr lttl o etiat lOe-''t'id 01f'this Mlothtl. DIRECTOR' Ittlttt seeiu witce it ri's's's' lst 51v et Ii .LItl' 1W'L-t 111STOR1E1. Etuebalnaing a specitalty. No. 209 S. 4th is.'. 'Te' till swill te'chltttged' ael -I A. .Ambulance night and day. Iea et's-ileg111t1tthI Its' tttttttete'e lees-te l esters I setollsandttinnuters t eraeite , ence302 Fifth Ave.hIs-i'it isftellt. 11111 ci furishledrelPespreadso, palrtieo tenil sillCooth service, refitned tattle ~ tllee'le'selsee ll lt - t ts ell letolttieltotStISd dtiltly caskisen t- u S t T ill-'e..11.IlE CAMPL'S, 427 Thiompsontsat. The... ~ ~ 'hflees[oi nonog-raph and ather Uni _________ NO RTH SIDE (ru~ltity letere Sailer end paids in 1r1le~'andtieti lelle'e '5 et LAU DRYtierely. All stylea. Schaller's Book- bookts, It Onet-Trd Off tti onh lANM isosel11a So. 'tain at. l~.~'l' EitI .(LE T11S . P.OWE, Peopr aItoDelroit.St. 457 Bcie Phone _' _...._- ___________1every Colored Stiff Bosom -- ' aerof All Shirt in the house Al11 COLLEGIATE CAPS, " GOWNS and lHOODS, CAPS aqyd GOWNS, 1 r Rr~ingof $1.501 nas 5 ay Notice $.00 ASPECIESLTY. Day CLASS CFAES, T E U COLLEGE PINS, Shirts T E U CLASS sad ShNeed OLL EOIITS and We ThedRoom CAPS Ioo S WeC.KERN &CO# ;$1.19 WGNR&$ 7C 4tt B. Fifty-Seveath St. W G E O CUtCAOIO,.ILL. JHATER HABERDASHIDRS Spalding's Official League Ball~ Io the Official Boll of the National League, the leading minor league and all the college and athletic asaociationa. ' A haudsome Catalogue of Base Bsll and all Athletic v Sports mailed tree to any addreso. Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide for 1901, edited by Henry Chadwick, ready March 30, 1901; price 10 centa A. G. SPALDING & BROS. IshreteroRATcED New York Chicago Denver HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE,-NOBBY BROWNS MIL WARD THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH ANDi ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE CITY'