THE UITVRSIIY OF MICHIGAN DAILY W S * t nn oi 'OU OflatLI-aAIa r u Lgt ayerybyesfrteVkST Ha. 1hr ashv andterpplrt hog he foc*ho ei. Tesrn iye xe l rvosefrs Galadse*hm 0 11*ANSTET I dr 3aar aaa~~aaa3?3 3?Of laaa aa ast SaturdayCbrought many early buyers foratheSaV XRSITY" Michigan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connectiotns at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas Cite, St. Paul anthtie west. Eor information act throughtckets cullo or vv ite toH. W, HAVES,Aent, AnoiiArbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Takting Effect, Suntday, :fay 21, 1899. Trans lrare Ace Arbor by Central Stand- LIGHT INFANTRY ARMORY 5 NIGHTS AND 2 MATINEES. The Ann Arbor Light Infantry's , FOURTH MAMMOTH ' M id-Winter Circus Commencing Tuesday, Feb. 26-March 2, Inclusive MATINEES Wednesday and aurayat 2 P. M. All New and Novel Acts Thte JOS t'tt BOtIIIIANN MANDOLINS & GUITARS tReceivedtFPiet Peemium aat, te Parts Popoc tion, 1900. They ace foe sale at, the Sthaeberle music Store, li6 W. Liberty St., Ann Arbot, Mich~ CHAFING DISH $5.00 3 pint size, patent lamp, handies ott loot water pan', absolntely the best in town for the price. Win, Arnold, Jeweler FINEST SLEIGHS IN THlE CITY AT SO .H _ NORT Ony 2Let ose te BG S O olmes Lj iry *No. 6.-:7t:2 A. M. 'No. 1.- 85A.a.oe8-1:;A . =o 5-1:4P. BIG STREET PARADE TUESDAY AT 2 P. M. IPHONE 106,' 515 E. LIBERTY S No. 4. 8:35P. M. No. 3 4:62.- 5 .00' *Run betwee Ann Arbor and Toledo only Relay Races 1tiliattt oeo f ltttIthe tcatttidteott rot All tratns dully racept Sunday. ___p_ iltcer ttoite tacsity ltotottotll tttte, 00 n. IENNET . pA T. WILLS, Agent. ''It'' te t. wll-l ttt'txa sat cal tc'tlthle lit.'attte ts oftItis