THE UNIVERSITY 01 MIlCHIGA N DAI IA. r-- , .. o p3 l ( * i.I Pubished Dily (Modys esoptd)drng Ctlege rear a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN A rgot BdgMaul tSt. 3308. Stat Steet. Poth 'phonrs 13. Nws Stat Phoe 12. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HAMoS, 01 BUSINESS MANAGER, ,P. ENEsonoo, 't L, EDITORS: ATLIETICS'. G. D. HonsosoT, .1 E A.H MloDcALtOS .'t . . AKN IoT, '0IL MISS L, K. Sottor '13 CotIs. DOsoon'01 2. H. w'oows,'O4 v. P. Contsoso'01 W. A ESCOTER. '13. ..loros,'03 'The Sult rrptio Iprice ft thAu,>ha2.3 for thee olt3r 0c oh arenolorddliery befire is orteach day. Notces, cmnter' lions, and oter mater intended for publ - 1100n a t e Lndoed I, attOe DIott 00: before ap. to., or maoled to te aitor betoro 3 p. moth te doy pevicos to tt doy 01l swich te) e eteeted toappocr S Ibsri pto s moiyle left an tielDAILY f- fiet, My-r's, or totfieto t e stnd.<,r wit It Bustines llltottr. bsstniberil cofera favor sy reportieg promptly 0t ts olite ony faitueo carriersitodeliverrpaper. All hange intdertisig iotrrmstobie In oflio tb 'p 01 oth e day preious 10 that o whih tey are t11o par. It i ist' dly o fit'estuttibody1-113to supplotlt' thisMaxfioiliretitl giein i lliviiiliI'ity 11111etstrids.y Sit its aft'ilis titumpht tl t it ( bu si tliti tild 'llt'ed1it tisi hert( f isiiitnw leads incsei tt tU ty vo(Ie 1111 tls velltheiil3 Itt oilthe i-sti-ussttt'ilal tsIuIbtlich hao tlt' t-o of tit's onaisted hi Wordics aofwPraise facor ur.eayne £1e111 the esteetsliaveloy ied Noil- usefll e ltt'tty ti ieor oflpeti. gog(erwy a n to aid so sit llilOally thee sbu tplegs ed ot t'ok ffie ro(ttetryndstildotos110 1111111 b1g bis ill 01'eti'ltfistl, ssrialtsItyllHcenrtide and11t015f. thigoros edsl11towardl"311ex- pelpsho log l apeitioneofogttgyh an eahnt 1erstyliendas g.en i er- dot tiall solld beraicrofw0110tofthe gdeort tndtitill tf he sit very ptoilo whdhalgtotitl tie toysesitd the s feorgant tillcatibor ilare toid Illsuccotssorfteorctheiofesit. Dr.ey5Wil1listmtH.1Painewrooiesi froenthAnelhacllorti of lth~~e ah viloe ne S 1111011to IthekchtileUof eda teisll3the liet yteduc toal loofOthf peutedhats llsond t i l 0110011101s 0110olelge dte hsoryltndteittery- tditorialdinatior, is ofclducatio,,iBoo- pnt, visgoroits1tdinker115tintltlil til ghyllpsycllloOlotn1d111dastoge.tFo ayoult 20ye1rslie hs ivengfoiateniran grdt universiTties o'hsouth nd hats ss'j hed llvoo lsille tareto evolte s toto dindsftingkfo the team ext fall seie restey dmitodb phOcholarsf. peeth hispnwitTlonceltaore U. of M. Will Be Represented inl the RA N OR SHIN E -- LA. A.A. A.The 100" $3 00 Shoe is thte shoe After being out of lteruttiitig iltte 10 wear when the weather ts uncer- tntercollegiatc Associationt of Ama- lain. A little main doesn't hurt it s0 tour :athlefes of America for 14 years. while it nfo do plenty of comfort on -~ the Unisveroity of 'ichiganttagaiin en- the warmest of days. ters tha~t orgrattlootioo. land still tlrob Blotof 00111Sfst eIahVe light shoes abtly setlnd01on ortorte representattives for hriah I days and heaey shoes for tt thte aulltl allie~s, wtihel swill be randysiyopef. held itiNs'w York ott flay 24-land 25. randysiyopef. After Fredl fotnitne mladeIs isworld's G LASS'S SHOE STORE,reodf11scnsor10ydsn M;ct. ' 3t, Mieitittt lrolcped lout MO9o. Main Street. > ofthe assoeiationt. Last year she senot IOpenttvenings Runt"l ANN AIABCR, MICH . team11 to PFaris, atnt it is thooughtt 8 P. M5.,1D that,1 ltt order to keels)iter lrestige as ________________________________________________ aler of 'olege athletes of thle wsts, shle slotuld be reisresetitedlit inte ltltluali gamtes att ess York. , r Whtethler you care to buy now, or IDvora~k, the itole valter,still lit se'tt for etittiy, 111n11if.sill be' in Coine norely insesarclt of sugges. -News Fork wthers' lie Swill mnane his ytionus, O visit 11010 will repay you. sutpreitsfot t rea~k ('laisi's reettrtd We will sell yots a SuLit or Over- AN gtctttl wllsill tl'detndi 01l t'etp'r- i-at tat tttt'11111ts otthttler lisbiga thileltfes " this sprittgistto twho 'Frill wottiplily'. I Q1F" e. Prices that will make ft the best investment I~A .. :tt t _______ , you ever made 1111 "riittii'l' tlt t C ilt It t I illAll tUderwear anld Shirts at COST. itttho tittt I i t t. twill 1b itheltlan- othe oftheinfrma e~ss\ocilslousecoats atnd Swoaters at Low lit' ytttltg ithe n ttitpop le te %,. . 1 Getour Prices Before Buying, The New Store ittsi'lb ou;t-irouts idft 0113hie 1111iorilss, andtioilt flin~ t a ttou tt on rouns htcuit \V,18 'orseior it. tatd STA LLLI AND WVERTK iurtisitis to maketitit t 1111113' Iii . r1 111111 15V "+V /~3+1© V iIV~sl sill .t tii.t. 111111 s 111111 Io f 111tlalo ss an o al eprtnlnt re~-lenKl A HE S THEATRE %)r. ii tl Mos her. ll tiltfo till'Btell ,111d1 lrs.'. -' da. ilil hav sttt o.11 ______________ .tes a,(' ihtittit httcful'I'll thslh'i iii FR IDAY, PMARCH F-{ 90 It'd fll ofsdi ttly' thiithefil'pre sence! ' -- BI S OW~S COM~BINED --I 2 of lle acilt}-lades