t r r i AKALI all VOL. X1. ANN A HBOR, MICI., TUE A Y, FEBRUARY 27, l1901. No 111 ....Our Special Line of.... UNIV. MUSICAL SOCIETY Oil Painting of Prof. Johnson For the ------Law Library Foreign and Domestic Proceeds of Hinrich Concert Go In- wards Reducing Indebtedness At i mreeting of the senioir law clas of Coluimbian Organ held roesa oeor i-f~ lr ______Nvia-s takti-roi secure- a tit-lg reorerir- FOR. SPRING Marx Hinirich, the favorite song riance of Prof. oh son vho will singer, willittgive one of his inimiatatble Trio l ~;non e1re proposed. On~ae iris to ri-citals or thlii- eerrirgof Marili I sl, i (rurir-air oni lairtinrifor' tihe-law-di-- has arrived anrd is ar- iniveirr rsityyHItl, ftrwtir e r-ne-it of f~lrr ri-r ru-i ;!rothrr os toireit-s-i ranged for- inspection. ilhe triee-Memoiiriall OrganriFrunrd. Pref. ,Jhilr with a iiiiiiirilr-arrir-of We hrave tire; largtst as- It rmay not ire genrerarlly knownvr thaI som inii di-. sortmontin tre -. , tie Itniversity Mrsiral Socirety iirrr- ie ''rlrrrOnrvs firnally rrliutlr-, ririrotig t in trherrrtyrttrrrrril ryandh:is arinis iiialloil p~intinrg of hit-i nEi-. tlii- LiCOO it aliiie timethat suricrhi llor-ir- - iiliswi ie leuliirtwl pity 14 ~ J* a s eirs tinrifforrderl itsecrrr-iirg ll ltseofhedprne \ 1 iii oneoi treri nesi:i-rncrrit rrgirris ee-ri-nitei sir-aruing tireplininrg. Ile-- Wahirrn t. hilt run thre I nil SlMates shrorrld riot sidero lhe seniior iclass tir fr-sflriroi.at sOS E. ~ahntn I-ng- e.Al- i-irtrrrrta ir o- I ig hhI rtin c- r-ill gi litheiicoiileteilr Iraii ilt tI rnrrroit isueon-arcIli-i-l hat our-li 1 I 40 Cents per lb. irri-vrs. it the iobject for wiihh Q 1 5 the cnciert is tie s llot,]piai CAMVPUS DRUGI STORE tis ariclivied' -i-ts ii- ilaiiat innl. ' li +++++++++++++ +++++++++++.5. unIi Is toit.iieseirri-s lihna iii-he iir- + ± c-r SMnuial Societry oillosate ltri + FOR < j c-c-nritin wliitheict lriiilc.n iiiiln -I. willheTienlschketh cl e. +FOILS - + ~ 34 is. Coulaux hlade, SWith tI ll iniii othei nioiisenioister # helt guard, Stows the I lri-rinhi r theiii- oin, rlv Ilurtihlaie * handle rwiiand wsthlli tarlti-tip liiiwri fr ehitri- ingil wit i + red corI, per paIr..- --$300 newu-urigoirindii -thstudenirtiridy riill White finishedi hell beiint reisIltr torirnnr tirit "inThue + guard, pommel. I3l-Iin. tratei."a:i-li-i-i-i-litleIi Inr( i-i thrtee * Solingen hlade blatcs rits,- will ti-eii irri-i-iI at liii-Athens + _ hanl- wetted - -it 5 ieitir itiif rinnisirril resint. \1i- lMabhel .1 ri ofi Alirnr-irs sin- csflin -til ln pace t 1rin e fi nliari, vc-i -Innih tinthenflusthtine-inn-ru ions u-rn lrdirrhthe ,hornior. h-irst hue ir la- ivuru toii. I. Stoinry nit (>ho-'lin. i0.. hut hiss jtiny-i rrltirulimitd i-eeedtrio innlthoughtn runt(r-rrrnrussi- ruin. :isos iyri-irs olige-il to lii rompnutednu t"ure. rriiih hrrnht h len mru in rhl-r-ry udowrn. runt rwitlir the inuteirrirriic thi sc-nweks lit-o-c- lie finsntl, sie turn luerfi-u(t tier memounnry of hio-rhr rutnnrtinnr, n d. nit ri-itetin most lrirrii~le cnidtihrte tintflrst lien.h r ,rsnutji-t is c"Olivr-'ro-rin- irith'' Sir hasneaun uagnnifte-ntvs-ce, mnt irasy stnrtietnr'sencu. tuosnitil31. Tin 91hisL, of IrolilULtt, diedt c-n thre 21 st run' i-tbruary of tunraty- sis :at nit Shurinngo A c-k. tie wis-mai tumenibher nit tine lInlInniof Barr, Banrr &Barr of -tolet. While itt college he wans a mnember of the Pi~ti Delta Thneta frater-nity amidswas quite pr-ominuent.f CHANCE FOR A POSITION reat Inducements Offered to Ujnver- sity Graduates to Go as Teach- ers to Manila Circ-ulatrs hanve hoc-rcceieci here :ht niny have nn ttedency to attact inavy I. tf S. a id noitmal shool ,r-achuntes tin thn Phiitnpines to engage in tiesworkotnttonc-ing, for wshich ticre riitt shtlnIy e nagreat demnnd. tre condititns reit thant thec'atpplicnnts initte geiihnttes ot a uni-rity or formnalutscho-ol; nmust unor e engged it srnunitr r k sin-sor piositinns in tie Unitedt Stats; nmusrt b hut ysically rrung rnt able tin rithstandi'troialt Cimteii-mumot Ine osiling to aceept whatevier tpositionnranssignec-;hlmutst ou- u-i fr threc-y-c-rs. Tli ereuar is scnttby Ftc-i W. At- cirson, tonic-l uni penuritendnrt of eu- -nti c-n. Manilai.r P. 1. Tit(,salanries tpromnised relurtcor $75to nion tier mnntir., 12 mronths inntie yoar. nt trarnsportationr wii e furniosh. fins will attrct niany. Seirertnary IJosephi L. Mfarkley. senre- tiy nut thurappintmenttiiut ourtitteof tin tillioursits. riill torwrd artrilist to ltliiiilour Mr-hi i5of thoise stuents run aptiply. Prolf. DOoge Lectures otn Delphi Tli- mhusr-eu Isiectue tionunueas rwdiedi trst irvening orhi-tiProf. unOorg- delirediraurlecture nn- Deun htti rnt thin-ecntreI-unrc-rh v-natots. gui-ri-sienih in ie, mii ruis til nud malty phontnwereen--t-Istandiing trif. hi tint egta~nrhuis tinturunt-oihu ardescruiiorntonit hierancnin-tu Denlhtint is sururnnnhg. Nisn ho Athenss Il,,oul tIhier arei-tiiipruces urn Gtilli runt 5 imporrturiirtan umir, tlie home tun-ni fetoirvasinIasnanu tIto- huh. u'tie sin- ou theiin norce bth -dr n- pIaani Dlhi inare beatifull iin su- atsio. yi-Ieahtiffettrs tiromtithe ther.t lyihiis pneaeul:Delhiilti Iugged and igrnt;ciytnntiaiehns inn a paint. hhr1-uugir urri-hr ruinn-vrns-- rudrrh by wodedis]utollrnhs. Tin- sit- atiioitofiiDIlpiiiis tperhaps ru-n niiniinthfo trn rrtmo unt-sublimity.u ilrneltr-Is- is on-lnirni lnt Inntheretertu-i.is Iurnrtworocky rigr-en tiy thurTc-nu of DelpnhiITolt-h i-ist is M.1 1hlicn;u tio thi nortrihr uil 1rrr-Ohhuostc-he thin rrn- naits t hu rut-ndnthumounthutre ou i ullyi-Intc i a hiipse f ilelin-lui wateir-s filtiC-itihhiniglfttYSui rin-ulen why thin-(ile-ks siomudotenh Iseren-thieinoraiclehofsr' Ahrrrii Photuul I in utdeiri- n-uiteliivolcahinici Settns o i I iountilry. anutdcriedl thurl ihnsiepr-n oininIuing fhums owhih tlli Greks s urnirrh I urItelphi ight havn o ced ,f-unu uloIrnun t olcales. "Thereiti ruinsveitreasnn," lii siul, tin exhn-u- gin-ill rsults trm ielrattn- tio-n l'Prbablry nunwIereuls-ilinnthin nleirtitt i nl 00 w nn Inbettednrisiuna wealutlhofnut. l-Nero is rtportdtoIn introbbrnuhedrDelhi of rt stunzn-uts-stir itos. inrIng hnrisir snprtunirDl- pi ions unit inl tnngotte-ti humus- thurinwins lite unirtht'ilthin snatus roitdb l n rnnn'n "Ilic re-ncrnh havenspen sun far8t5n,- n000n tnrans nun $170,000,tinn excavantig, whtich-is h$3nn,nnnnnltss thannrtieretsnmns extpendedlirt nutympiantn. Tro ucn-ncuer- it i-rmttIe irtinto the Frenc r-h it tie n-uon-ienhons rnt horounughu 50n illii wicihi theyi havie onic their wcork."i Print.IDthige thurnenrended to e- scriben'teirs-errs wsc hennhIiuself tuil' nt Dei.iThese drawoingwsrnri penrmnitted- itu il comruniltinthamt they shouldluntilgo-ent of trs itndstloor e i'ttnlcentr-rtintnts i riutry. Ie wsu iniotrallowredt to tahkerctosotun the eca- vatlotns. Prof. DOoge stresid misy speci- moeus of tateioit scullptuire, hotS in the rlief arid in th foun, enliveing all , vths inuecesting desrIptIons.