THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY POPULARBOOKS.Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade,. CLOTH IBINDINGl-__________________ 25c EA CH -Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state a BLACK ROCK, by Ralph Connor of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. Elizabeth and lierGernoanGarden ARTI5T ICALLT AN ECHAN1ICALLT CI An English Woman's Love LettersWewlbegatopveitoyuT Books Everybody are Reading and Talking Truly Yours, About. S. BURCHFIELD 106 E. Huron -Quincy Adams Sawyer ad Masons Cr -____________________________________ ncer Talks. Hered by Stephen Phillips. y tr ok al L'Aiglon, English and French edition. heeha & C. CA KINS For that hungry feeling 320 S. STATE STREET. ". "' ... '". R You can get a j 1Renubter, the j hotogapher. IIOT LUNCH AT Another Michigan Man Goes to Phil- Election of Basket-Bal Captains ca 08Soth state StAdsae t the C'lilcago littersian- ask(t-bl-lteamsn t e tild last night iIniJTTLE'S appinet f a l rt1 ' iste trburglirstlit o .ThCtiitt e r ttltoint, t o na stnittttas tr gytits tiF1. V>17et i~ sto a sllehl i h hlpie Itt stnt c tn. 1Ls Hoi usplis.. Printed lectures for all depart- islttds. Hei is also at gradooatc of Eu- iotiteant. iss arreti-t Tottpsn; CA' meno o te Uivrsiy.Typ- ela Iittlig -e. tt at the niversity Juitor Iatit Miss Bertha Stuari; se writing and imeographing. li-iwis et-istered rfromt Atlanrta. Ill. t'i eateisreostt c EDWARDS BROS. 'NlvEttSIT'Y OF AMClUtitN AND tinl Stltlitttomot5 will le played ote Livet Slicehain 51State Steen AND) Ot IES'If A w ttk frottttttorrts-. frtiti5:0 to G.ft - X trttt i thm sii 0or tun-rt. prtis, flt OttCli ttitebew tnlttc5 ttttilnd etist' eli At -. eItres C. 1tUosoN. till rit" etxt Oott~y loa ro t' TI i)Z cyciE - 10 611 C1 r t .lteetSt.p I. tt _________ _______'!'he- ttttttltir ilitis''tifor tWh te-tit: V. STAEOLERS V tE EMPORIUM, NOTIC(E. 041 tr- ill be'vitate tltyi s. Prtie i lee of1 119 W. Washnglon t5t" ll ii duet-it poitwhnes rport takce hplce t ~riltrly Satittilymtitr- sit8 T I CLOE F ot sitt t trohy roomttof gyti.. Tutotity a t i .S l430,St e tlioli ihitcs atdtineiitt' sill ma V________________ Tt t utu ftiesaty tiht. tw itti ll Prvate and class lesson s dane n M.e i OST 11)5 1 ti ld gi t el Itviiitiier- 8" fithoe v si.rre rturtru-- lg it. ad ens.toaGrs tntsimple dreoo pree--vey81c~ loe h lcsY ril w able Crrets enerce.e term beinswhen its Ha ll. Iitter still lplets'reut-trn Jtiitiiitii. f sdiiie Ittl i -wesn Aaam t odResidence 00n ito the officet-ittSet-t-la tt itli- ' t ia ti~t i re iifor till itlhgli-g- nttit-td.Jott Maynard nieeut ackwsnrSaeSre tores. - tritly a selniot, no visitors dring ri-siri' re-ward. e eryl irl is trgis lt is-ill erse-f of lasn hours. - tei topportityitoetferet.- It p ight Inftnt' try tliitet- Cet-s -___ PffliflTIflflQ sots oilistle t iSt-liititi-ler .& Alti- SMOKE TICE IEST lt trugstoie. Royal Tigers.10lls1 igerttes, Os BOUGHT FOR GASH (tYitNAStUMt SHOES. Sw-its ii- titir e11stle' iatit1 - oltup your old collection aind We' hatietlust reeied atlamett-g-ttit-IrA ilrsfrthh- turn it into ready money. Prempt signmittoe i lk-sole-gyi. hos(telfthier titlilt t ft-c --Lil li- Casio and Good Prices. g-tis o atc iiOgeitte la nteyt. - ( i t ietus. THNE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY kteis thtifti-i' righlt. At te- -- Room__3.146_Woodward___ve.,_Detroit___ tIf'(() ShOEI CO.. ®It yout ee the work of the Toled. ooa.eWYDOdwa10d-1ce... Detroit Lundry Co. you will be convinced WHY DON'T YOUJ 11-245 ~tit t tat you ssant no other. Agency 121 S. Get Your Meals and Lunches at Ott'tALT-E T'his'tilrttl teitn iith' l'cisl-t'olilt Bet $3 hat umade in the Howard. 1o L4 D C4PfE Iuindoo t t if ts ttket by oe of Geo. Watlaus. Ryan & Rele sole agents. OPEN ALL NIGHT JI o oehtsahodwihyu URON.ST., Two damrs west o Cak Hue. NOTIE Iftytu titi ribooedtorfyou wihtheyou- ~U ,MARII flit' batsebatll etgeithIle gyitantitiptenl-ses were a little less, go dossn and ntut petol't ittll ctntildatehs for batt- ttlk sitli AttoAbo Music Co. tf FUNERAL te'tigErybodly is reutestedi to -come DIRECTOR overi it 2 o'lok. Waternan or Laughln Fountain Bmhhnanga nectlt ~ ayI tNtES STItASI I'tC3, Mg.I Pen, $1 each. at Schallers Bookstore. Aive Ambulantce night an ay es At Picureo for students' rooms, aLadieh(s' antI (etlmeni's Poket- dence 302 Ffth At's.tSchalsr' Bookstore, lie So. Main shlttiioks at Ote-Thihee Off this mon~th. r I - - LtAl hL-A'S JEW'ELRY STORE. The fiuet monograph and other tUnl Try The... etotly fancy leter paper ad pads in STUDENTS NOTICE NQORTH SIDE the city All style. Schalle's Bak- Te bet lOahtry is the Toledo Lai- LAU N DRY stoe 10 So. Alain at. dry. 'TT fit. Work called for and d- TaOSBOW- Pope ides uG (eutemei's ockt- leed. Leave yor order at 121 S.m 210 Detroit-St. 457 Bell Phone books at One-Third Off this moth.l 1 HIALtEttS JEWELRY STORE. Alacin Clocks oh HALLER'S. COLL~fIIA(TE CAPS--- GOWNS and 1HOODS r ~ Reotirg ofQ !t CAPS and GOWNS e SaPECIIALTY. ~ALGNER. (IT?. CO. CLASS CANES QWV COLLECH FLAGS - COLLEGE PINS U CLASS erdImporting Tailors' COLLEGOASnd" h CAPS..ja 121123 S. Main St. r - W,C1 KERN &6 CO. Fresh arrivals of Spring~ - fi . ifty seventtSt. ~n Sitinga await your inspection. - - - - cItGAgoO . aQk/JCrCiLL.iC9©QF/iQ/ rG/a/ 16/// I fl EXCHAN GE YourOilLampsnor o"Ann Aror" Muatch Generators GASOLINE LAMPS uring in your old ones and hellos omake you n offer. The Superior M'f'g. Co., 319S. Stain St., near Williams. Headquaters for ShadeMantles and ;h imneys. f0 HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS THE WABASH RAILROAD is the Ooly line,,, operating a through sleeping car: fromaChicago tollotSprings via St. Louis, Mo. Leaves Chicago daily at 11:00 a. no. All ticket agents will sell you via this popular route. W rite S. CRcANE, G P & T A, St. Louio. A. PAIEch, A 0 P A. Chicago. I. S. GREENWCOO, AStZP A. Chicago Car. Stain and Huoron Streete. apial, $0,00a0. Surplus, $M,000S. Trannacti general isankint basinene. Knauna Pees. C. E. Onnaa, Vie-Free Fona. HBXEnas.Cashier. IRST NATIONAL BANK OegsnIIedA105 pitsh, $100,000. Sueplusan sd Proaite, 30.W irasast a genersl banking busneeen. Foreign thange bought and raid. Famnish lemrsor -dit. L.t. KINNE,.PFee. HARRISON SOULE-, S. W. CLARSON Cashier, 'he Iflnn flrbor Savinus sanlk Cspital Stock.a$50,000. Surplusna,800OO. Besources. $1.500,000. .a0:1 organized andrihe General Banking Laws ih Sthstr B eeivsdeotsnbunas aadsalls thange an the principal eities of the Ulnted ftes. Drafsfi cashed span proper identificaion. lfety depsit hoxes tsreas.. )retae:ouChrietian Stack. Pres.t W.D0. srri- on, Yiee-Pres.; Chas. St. Iiscoek. Cashirt S. Fritz, Assistsnt Csier ARntounO, 1st Vicc-pree Sl 1 V. Sanro aC2d vie pehs Sl IG an r Wtiie.TA-st.Lssier SIIO Tranas a general Banking tBusiness. Spalding's Official League Ball o the Official Ball of thte National League, the lead ingminor league and all the college - and athletic associations. Ahandsome Catalogue of Base Ball and all Athletic o Sports mailed free to any iddress. Spalding's Official Base Sall Guide for 1901, edited by ltenry Chadwick, ready March- 30, 901; price 10 cents- k.0. SPALDING & BROS. (Oa;C0HPsA'oaED) dew York Chicago Denver HAVE YOU SEE[ 4-IAE YU SEN HE INETILNEAF SRT1'A1 IKE FINEST, LINE OF SCOTCH AN&