THE UMIVEIRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 3 ± OUR . Of last 8aturday was attended by agol number of buyersofgd hats. They expressed themselves as greaty pleased with the spring shapes---and acted accordingly. They couldn't help it--Knox is in a. class wOf its own. You're invited to call and see them.......... G OOD SPEE D'S * 117 MAIN STREET Micbiian Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, THE SHORT LINE ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connectionns at Cl-scago for St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and the west. Ear information and through tickets call on or write to H. W, HAY ES, Aguent, Ants Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 21, a899. Tritaleaten Ann Arhor by Central Stand. edTine. SOUTH NORTH *dNo. .- 7:25 A. M, No. 1.- 8:501 A. M. N. 0-1t:35 A. M. *Nn. 5.-12:30 P. s. N. 4.- 8:5 .m. No. .- d:56 P. m. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv All trains hally except Sonan. 'V. T. WILLS, Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. P. A" HOCKNG VALLEY RY. The Railroad that takes -the Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUM1BUS' and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, L. WV. Landman, G5. P. A. G. Tear. Agt. Cousho, Ohio. Detroit. Mich. Detroit, Ypsilanti and AnnAr bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanuti every boor beginning at 7:15 a. m. un- til 9:1.5 p. mn.; After that to Detroit at 11:16 p. m. Waiting room corner Ann and Main Stt.; Detroitill1 Griswold st Cars every -half boor Snturdays and on Fridays from 2:15 to ,5:15 p. m. MONEY LOANED on Watches, Diamods,Wbeels and other Per- tonal Property. Office at residence, ,31 E. Ltberty street. All biusiness confidential. Hours. 0 to 11:30 n. um. and 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 9 P. M. JOSEPH C. WATTS + Us OF M. TAILORS + SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar- rived and are ready for inspection 2HNYRS 0 ______..+00K4+0000+++++0000++++ Alarm Clocks $I' U. of M. Pits 50c to $1.00. Finn Watcht Repii ig a Specialty JL, CHlAPMAN, JEWELER, 20e Main 5outh. CHAFING DISH $5.0 3 pint size, patesnt lamp, hiandles, oil hot water pan, absolutely thse best in towis for the price. We are ileadqluarters for every thing in the line of furnishings for Wmn, Arnold, .Jeweler students' rooms, LAMPS, OIL CANS, PIIOTO RACKS, SHADES WASTE PAPER BASKEaTS, CUSPIDORS. F N S Our Prices Ton Will Always Find the Lowest. MARKHAM'S BAZAAR- E'GHA 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET: NEW STATE 'PHONE4BSAS Vesper Service Programs Prof. D'Ooge Will Lecture Before the IN T HE CITY A T, 'lit' 'silsis'itgis~ lI'57'ltlli :11 1Philological Society TI fs'i'sis' l iiis e ro";il lisfor the Vepe srieil:111 irity I alths l'h(nt s vi slii > ofittlist' liltlssgsil I j ,, siudnselits lll itiut tlll ls(( ii's'( -Ntisii soit I.Nsill besheiil l th ls lliiie- I iIH oIlmes L.ivery invtiltd to litprsen't. (1 iss'tiip "I.2i 1 ~ PHONE 106,. 515 E. LRE /Y S 1'eu e 1 til' Theii ln e lnlss ill eil l es tiso ' \. s .isp Silt 1. ..1iol, ..15'f . 11 Xi ig. Ii':I i ls' tii it I i551 1t 'li t's . 5. b* I''' . .1. .Sl 5 st I)lii ' is . A-o i ls l speaks ,s Mnlel iss Stilslae otssid. . .111 lis s l Ist' '1s'sssl sls'hes' ontI f C . ~ I si lit 's itsion.s sI o.lvli l' sasts'he ~ 'soll bllMis'sss'l's' E.1 list'ugt'Llift1it iisllts.. e11 «ail h~lt 101 tssitlsill is' dit~i's to11 t'lstflhie (1 ll't'tlt'I l I.\11 .. .... l illks letis iltiI Its', liii' iplt'st ssrr op hiss SssairiaItiitl1,s11ues11li.'si-.x espse' , 'llIt' lst' s i lit 111 sill t list i'itt'lls' sli s ill ts tssisithe 111 o f 2re- (el Itisiioi u ies at m s~toderthe '" H"'si 1 Risl 'lier So . 1 n: it'''lFl', t'. afalsuodsrvcelodtbelf l .Ii t15F05H il'sOec ihus. \l0t11A( )t t lir 00'11110 nijeaoli. 20H W sinioo 11 S toe Mrs. Cmtl. ittotri ie ta IIAInl. th .eEIY 'R. -__________________ for three yars las