'r lEUNIVE~RITY 01,MICHIGAN DDAIL. lt. 1 t'MFaculty Will Control ~ [Continued fromt First Pge.j Published DDolt (Mtaias o pi ddiitg invtil to oifpte, otd (doso 0o1eqittl- CnirgC ear~ 0 ity with the otheir. Tin onerne THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 110W 1131)00 ll the ;A ett Sctoostwtin Mats 0 it Beae Geni Iendttea. Thieiatittiti I ) ofhoNsre o eAgitt lion.MtiSt. 33,0Sttew Sret ue ipybcuei a as Bt Phoitoco13 New Sito O'hnei18. ltdoitiyho-nei oe -Otl toilthaitit o1l1ioi inumber would imke MANAGING EDITOR, th(le toigiottioctilutitw ie lits- utuoile]i .IH. HANs.Si 1the waly foirtfatiottal Strifo. Ttocon- BUSINESS MANAGER, fraitoo ow'coweio the .goraphical t. EoNtGtteeit. 05 L,. sp erii t i i ttto tirati t-ltiilit wsO EDITORS: tithoght t iltosalliii tiimoreti0 ostr shcIs to ganizo a lage in their ATHL.ETICS, - G. D. HMIOOT' tEIof itt riatl ty. Te Iiiiiioonfrnio tollo Goit too only the iiot friendly A. H. cDootA1.L,'iii i. «'. A. Ko;ti. ito. LSt tioltg ftr tli otthtriseliool il their MISS L, K. tattoo itS Cits. Doe sit i scionitandhtpe tll wtillcomteit. :. . wBtsoaaiui. t . I. II ortoo. 03L it pgittilutte i'toliiiri3oihti-ao tf W. r.NCO~R, o; .1 otiSTO -o th i dlite otittimttee tire .hary ________________________________________ taittiOttii. I ilo lttile they sill le The nt i eritiunplicft-i e t D itto isitO.3t ttt"lai 15 iatittittoffiil. for the rolton year- ii. h et regatr deiany . littieirio t5 rio1 lfoil ti-ti i t-i 'etote ro,.esoitidty. Not~icisimtit itus, slittlotherstatter titloil toor pubiti- (r1t11soiff ei 'ai-Aitiritait xiotititin ion ost be Ir-siddin ttthe Dotty tfite at llnftthi akii-thatotlteuetehItd heiior p.n..r attttedi to the osa t iooro -i P. noiofthle dy ptie ottus to Iht ltiay o i itit ititietl it intrder Ito gisethliii -ii whtcth they ate expected ctoaper. tsttitso a iIt i-it cttattid le gitito Sabsaitito, ost y e lt at the iDAII~v i t 111,11 n u St-,Mely: to, itt- tiittts sit tiot i,.r otwi, a iO pe ittloitsihi ithllSihtiti tiit Pitsieo titMa nae, Sui tat-ere wiii cofeaitherts ittthe i itoliti iitii-llgittte favoreby rnoratig pttomptly ii thi offie sty faiare o1 cariterse.to deiterarla. gatits. A h-isiowillle ilposil, te Aul Chances itiadsetisiogtaa ter miten bent I ll~ieoli 01-itt~lo till bItoketohio deifiter is the otlie y p titt ithte tiay peviiosto~1li ii ieh ito lt~ thatuil ttwhich they an toapsper termsei.rc aerta rel W~ti tlilotggstithattthe jilitinilait clasoottitit -ii liteeIow to Third Indoor Track Meet ltaeiniltiliute'Woshintgfttn1-it--- fye bati ottx eata eniithvetilyfit Otni tt tllltuI ltievning nIt ex-toitattoo ,etill ettu a eI it ttict has beteno etc ir 1,itte titithofItis atsltt i o c0111terd i obtinitg ntio1a1 cat' indor tacktetu.It isto betonfoth iuter ltoilaihot i ti o Titeli ftulitiit oufii e untitel tow llt as l-otf utiia u willy. t1to set it trecgeitdmen ii t illcelfr lrac tat ttis anito t-tit tot of inu aiii tatndttttct;0 uuo tltheui;Jilt(,ktitotetSht thei lc'. iojet fit-led ing tim-Ie gtot ise te b A. A. i.fit a emit itt iii ft-hl till t-iiitofat r n iAtyu eltg iti to t-t ii ngiti it plnttt Of t iiitg i f i I t-ttitd oscr ec ag ui Sioftapromitiingtctlltt atspea-trt i ll" i)toteii. li iiti t dKIii a I I iho otherise wu lt p lt ~lii li tticomeit t , n ,utistit feh helitet bdyshul radwihiftimet st hi eraeriepre- t'ttl~l tinuttthe kews ugoilly streiltitttti t t ftiogive.111 il icnel.thentil too"pof.iJonethloisg Wteee tosflit'inclietnu tiitivet tr o-il tikflet com et fo otsie mat_ .oriiizi istfr the Itroseutuicallin u all theit (tii. uroti aru heeu o etIs yiavil-blluu-trllyinsdr:1n oti-tichii liiu -i'lt-iordldstaf an. lu r he1rtErpotis. Uowverse-t iliiiiti-ill tieit wrntit alloythmtal lbsly oienvi otsto mx ti t. i.aboflt luutr unp ill Itt-hit- Waltone, fSagleand Chiery otheurlotuiuli inusuIntheti-ill u es n o u tisil AtPIS orthe STAr-t'Strack mee ofTheit o. -. he ntrm'eof tetpl ompsier~o ttlirnoteh nathese the etal lymatt itie aitlo kig :1tihrGsly ti Sri it Ganu Meeeol t te pentEg hikl-~t);i(iihAgI o r:trancI I titdn ]St Ibti -o-Iotli hnttrey-tieiili uTsiattat tlililacetfodm fitst I' f\i osielntlwhthefaite- ill Iitttuttit itO tiiitt oiat iteSutuit's- t~tt 1 , $21. adwhi.laepitesetithN. Y. day igiuti. tutor it0 1 t1iitg ttohr moelitlt!ieltl itito ,te ls Hitoestt u ill l c o ttpt. littlill ss-b( Ito Bpt, il ruhKoe foS P i liett sin tiil"furriteeltto atfll 41ad 'hti/all SiDvrnsiNewsYork b, ate -aftitesieti lit l t i t ly ttititclrho -~t1[, wllc \ f~ wl boudsM _-ave_________ 1eoeudtiletito cryolfi tid nemitnd.Athas iN n a r omfotCE I omi 1 Fi'scal s-i sigmorandCsegoleslefisuheof pariciatin n te Ailwllkeem~t tes(itrassinaIhes of v gas compsiethot AlPitrtf. orfiThittritisek theolSeritienugttaid oowilmaks lt.e anet ittstlieitttlt iotir iutists me nerof NeToit enjohange o te P .rof.JonesIIte1nH Muttugor. ~s eies.-GA[dELi ________ Iof[tTheNUSited TIES. LiteTae current tittntn n s ieiiti't Comlet lne Ader"suts .nt oer PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. costs at Wadhatno, Ryan & ReuIe6 - GRAHAM, KERR & CO. LIGHT INFANTRY ARMORY 5 NIGHTS AND 2 MATINEES The Ann Arbor Light Infantry's -FOURTH MAMMOTH 'Mid-Winter Circus Commencing Tuesday, Feb. 26-March 2, Inclusive MATINEES- Wednesday and Saturday at 2 P. M. All New and Novel Acts Only 25 cents to see the- DIG SHOW itBIG STREET PARADE TUESDAY AT 2 P. M. - Art Novelties, - - IDecorations, Don't be deccived. Trade mark stamped on sole of carry thoe. We arc sole agents. Gleo. H. Miller, Frames, Poster Mounts, and all Art Supplies. BE FRIES' ART STORE, 217 S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR ATHENSTHEATRE FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1901 A BOUBLE BILL 16e Immtense EtraagS ens tioni New York Star's Big Extravaganza C an Speialt com any All Pretty (tinls and. peciaty Cmpany on Unequalled Charus S And asmut u-idi-umneo nti 'em .rutesi ma Ohe Hg. MaoiveitMammthGaiety Taml-many Tigers VERYit NNY ii)MEDlANS,-SCENICSPLENDIORS,050HSRMING il.Sfi(tGOE- GEOIUS RAIN MENT IlGRANDi CARNtIVALOF ti l tHESQiFRS The Mtihtit Costliestaad Mot Extpensively SEquipped Organiztiont of time Piiodl 2---MERRY SPECTACULAR COMIC BUIWEIIAS---2 THE SOU'SA GIRLS"---''THE ARTIST'S MODEL" Naudeville's Most Succeessful 10--STARS-.-10 PRICES: 25, 35, 50, 75C. Seat Sale XWednesday. ALl, NEXT WEEK... DAVIDSON STOCK COMPANY AT ROSEY'S BILLIARD PARLORS HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES S E ID AND 'SUCCESSORcS 21TH 'EYNOLDS ROSENTHALEE iJILSTREET J, F. CUIU SANITARY PLUMBING. ELECTRIC COSTRUsCTINoa AND SUPPLIES, 9. STEAR AND HOT> WATER HEATING, 207 E. Washington Street. ARTIStTIC GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURtES SWEETS TO THE SWEET IF YOU WANT TO BE SWEET- SEE BROGAN -UH S. MAINI