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February 26, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-26

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..Our Special Line of....


Foreign and Domestic
has arrived and is ar
ranged for inspection.
We have the largest a-
sorment in the city,
6. H. WILD Co.I
108 E. Washington St.
YOU KNOW where to get..
it. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street.
Chocolate Chips
40 Cents per b.
+Tabular Analysis5
of the
+ BY
L. W. McCandlessI
A framework of that part
Black stones Commentaries
f which relates to real pro-
cean Hutchins says:
-I yjudgement it is an
excellent piece of work, it
4. can be studied with profit
* in connection with Black-
stone. PRICE $.M50
Waher's Bookstore

The New Intercollegiate Coference
Athletic "Association-Graduate
Coinmittee Wll Have Charge
of Meets
trof. PttengilliSchel seen yteoray
gaoui ttatileditatemitent rgrl
iireardithe neIntco'cllegite'Conferncte
Athetc asoctiatinof wl-ichthe miin
points are given lelot. All the ninet
ecn ferencte college except turue.,
teerproo ed h meig thi aied by the th-st of feeling throgh
oat.oad l of Slit repreentatie
scteeiSt edoinanted lby t'deie-
to nirie t a setlemient notioltettn-t
tm ti l o a i)tll.f
A cmifttee'eicommendteidtt ht t'
Blorlsof(Cotrlsanlt ,z contittinf
prepaoretd Sy Slit grdate omitiite
won tokeltupiami oifieadit ttloitd
ed S titeeeS te viewnf the oftrenc e.
Slut-tiitolproiioto hd Senfully,
agretetIupo~niiit wtsonadoptet by te n
Thle Iint' collge it the asoc-iatiti
tie ichlign, (Chicgo. Wiscocnin
Iwa, Ifuatli nd stuPiurte. Te'lt-
ferencte ito rgniiedlntoaniassoctiatint
of te boirsio tf centirol oflt-ent ttu
nectho. Futll hnwer toiconitr lit as-
., icistiontiantitlegiltte for it ivntsedto
int t'etitftit' i. 11losmattero reltitg
t te olditg f mitti th Slit oiilot
itt other-cotlltgtsoatidteteligiliiity itt
't'e(Gadteil- -ite'tit cmi'tiite
dils toof tiit'muet. 'lT' menmies f
Slism c itnte te iiihisinythetyliivnri
tosborsitiof conftl ndilti tefiri
owii oficrs. T'Fl nttntie olici
rttolthe winittnig co lg,. twhic
waril itteinethei Sit'estenlateiIi~rolit-
lit' grtaduatsi fteSitintittiltithy
Th lositutitn dflintprvit'eott
it mayube ldutatohStnearnwerettit i
teeteu'mi'not texpdienti. Thisltoave
lt'Simittersnitht if it in odeie
! T' dt otlisunyinrstmieet itin nit
Str tutor1. but S'tiepltS-i'notudoterli
all lutteisif eligiiliy nwillit'ite-
ihProfl. Pttrogill f lii-igtu. Prf.
SM iitgan.i'ihet' tutn sill pli on tt
fte eligitiity f oal ctinttiif.
nht If tti. ithe1o ittrtiii' iii li o1tti
Fnt tot-pecetiton'it'madeto teitand-t
lugsiitioi ofl tttelySlt'ottimtt'ftt
on sallnito t oIlyithtce :run-
I eto tt'r ebs o rd ofgittility.
Ste repot'euiit'oTho tol bis willii
timnesiriateofd.investfrmate themati
terf ninlsefiionwll1totbe tadey
th omfttll eow $000.rraOthetsohlege
whc hecompoted wnlltbe soletI inptt
finiall hesreqomply ofwitte cones
serenne fulls figancilrspty, itt
ettindng he oss ifcethe meetsnfailef
t ,ll eloe 60. thses.lg
aTussoii-cconferensee clolgs 1will st
M tCotinuo Second Page.

Capt. Hayes Will Not Compete at Ml- HISTORY OF ENDOWMENT
wauk e
Mr. Lowden's Generous Gift Has Een
Prof. A. SH. lttft-ngilt. whn-liaiskoled Under Cnsideration For Sone
whthe'Stir tCatm OtHiy's tutu Ittitticr Time-Seventeen Tlousaid
aniy tiotersnwotuldubelit'eriittt't t citi Ss dns eete
liet' fortt'irs t Rgimt ~fin lt-e Suft intte
thtiniitt'i ii iittcSi'folnii util ofigtheSlit oory of te giv-
it s eonraQ toth poicy o t tnjg- of .\r. Ulwsn stt'ns plndidiendow-
I r f titttrititSit titliot r stir leh-s isttituntty lit'of iiteetLst tNoirisi
ii ci'r ticntilmyutsstitistcs' t-srm it-hli bet-rof.'Trsuebtloiod witSto (hi-ago Iii
ih its-iher y acbe' tut t-' i-tduiritig intitestnoft f"sraitoricul Ittlesiia'tni
fteiri-itlhgs' Course.'''tur ouggeotiou ca-liled st Sir. leiwdeuinoffice. Not fid-
hasbn uu-ututhtuMr. Haysiy'gotSti -ttu i i he reeuted te tubjectf to
Milwtautkeeto Sit-utteia assirelueneu-
ittiuf thueI-it tRegimeututh.leutic Ilisrtner.' Mr. Estatitrookhnlo prom-
-hil. 'lisnof tcotureiso itite ituu--ti itlbrig t up wititliMr. tLowden,
Cr1 r toi iiitur itlity utucniuuuut tu dwihn hi-n-tnslierei eektgs Iue
thoughtf.'Te stggustoiuti ls tohlull -inco infinily of sucess of his ef-
betutumatetuinlutS if this t isustiftac- frs, intitng tu~ ha t-len it-, tow-
torty thast hut'gotasnrepresnttives'of tutu tutue lire onutthu 22d hlut l nd
JIfts-tigsuu. It isneSuiteliiintuetniiutioof nik hut'offer
MiehitgatoenSter'uit tmit the l lit- Acco-urdingytPtf Truehloodl sot him
wankeetimeetitSShere'sfore'Slit'lanlto ifit sincatr 0-nuty monerig.tand ott sy-
ot-tul Sr. tHaycoti; o aripr Otatuire ofing tug StnSi. Lowdenrthatuheundertoodi
t'e Viirsity s meurly idesigntilo lpit'sihed-uto nmtke itu endowsnt to
titue someuuother'ituittea, ndMI-Iiigatnuinusg $tlut tannually fosi$100)fist
dhosnt cret be placedt intsuitu-iihontu' or- Suitanda ?50 secondtthonr
postio. Te satee ft u'heCii- hprie,'thelur'tirstedsuie wtnttd to d
cago pper, t' were titivvratiitiiiatnd ~betr thnstatltas ti le popoeditusum
iithutu thouirity" lg oer securiis nwhich woutld bring
$175 aiyetr so thatu $25 of it could be
Colied Orator Wins Contest set asidi' ectyrar fon uuitteet fun
to ccstuuutite. aom itiitime prodtceau-
IHurry AI Duw f Pittsfield, Ill.pre- t- e nowe
sidedl st the oraticuisl conutsts held it
tto sek.aptui-otiearcedi iotke- 5part ini
liii-ooor ltrary tiiontesti-lthi
st-io htldufihtl Austin I. Lathters of
Inse stilu poket utun- "Pati lenuc"nd st
t e-ubtuu'u1I. heliuuut o tf Loin' uglin.tot
tutu.,oil l hhttni T' Shute jli thontutu -iii'
hint-u-: unei- Plotsfn.ItuteUt hgh' tiaii
Tlhompsoniiuh.'Thet'result f thu rktut&ri,
ighuowedu it-lthatithliii u-utul'sauso inru-ti'
ititufortrtnk atut hto Lt .lfheru
w tnu ii h tefeba -te y 2 er' i-i-us Sv'
'Thte fresohmenu'uu ttu uut it-twa ontun uioti'
ituu'utiuug (S.ut f Ittultntosi i
ntiuiy uentered.ui tll buttilts eithert
dlroppediiIouit vslunuttrily tic wert
druoppedu'uI lus-tni'tf Stic tututints
tutu hltutuOreilsuitIoLeiterliof'Stunsouis
Ic1 i-itolofniltheSt ltt-c ind thute
T'us ' an t st tf lt' Suut, ileh ui e li
NexSt ight115 itrey uf ObltiniOi,(
usoe o'"illiuutiLloiydth titucoutr
J~r Sory -a te ept -tia~e f n hutstutonnouec-tiotnuitittybhrntoe-ito
OiterilinyonctgeoII hut e is~teleiteitt nysuetsti s pndu
Srltot'eiii 'cii-gu'iiiliii'eenuand'ri-tthh- totCntseisht fr itheSlistoenuuvruelsit
nest-oitu'e1. f M.inprsentttt'ivelitn turn. Thit-icttteunnce is asunfollowst:
tfi ltutu but-tutti- M iii ..........i- - - 30
Fracuuis \J' Bluuiuusiof Eu ituiti IKs.. uiMinneotaf......... .1.0
thu-itvutred-ifiven-ym tinn-r tion fsthe Nohwsesern..- - -...2S)
-fluittu'uu-u-of Pubtli OpoluJur. u Chicamoo- - - -l...... o250
fhtiituui t-utmutu-nfruitS te Stte Normaul iS iteohinh .-- - -2000)
Suhoolthof hKanuisos t tthioicie-hIotutu-.'.hut...tt....-- - 1500
wnt-tuu ebahteuthi' us uu'unituhttint' of tt Oerlin ......... lit.,s)
schooltin it coutesut-wthilstu' Univityhn ISi
'Flu.- 7ist sfeaker'wasot ugenett J.ttottt'ar t ttil'hpur nutrivery muty of flues
shalltor itsrtuotit to who tnuui'sted i - to dtb ettettork std twil le-pmny
Stt-cuistituusl Arbitrattion" Mr Slassall pont os oho re oworking their ny
is i esuoci uentuu andut tua grtutdut t hougttticolege
ft'eDtrirtihigh shool hits ino-
ig isnwnitthirouughi college. ae I A Football Game With 0 S. U.
ti-crs'olutrutiurnlthis fellow--students
-as titw Otit hownbythelii'vigorotus ap Diretriurd-tthastuodatSoniotrct
piiunnegivnhit bytt t]its naudienceandtit sthu OhtunSttetI-nuinurity for ti foot-
it sowunedlits aplpovasl oit hut ueiinotbi-ll guime outNot- 0.
t tof lt'ejudges whlent teehilsirnsftil- Blit inll pay iihigauu at Ant
r nuutuuueulthuSt' ieuhal -tonthut'etieit- SuntNot- 23.
-out thurpereent'flue first tto speakersOot'27 in uow te oly date lithSie
l tildfor ratuk.tfootball scheluent.



- A hasebalil gumuour has bteeti arranged
'fle 1'nivrs-ity musical clubso till he-t-ren Corehaitd Michigan for MN.ay
taikei' tinSii a cntcert to be given it 19tSo be playedl.at Buffalo a t(lie Paut-
Dietroit out StIareli16 fur te enefit of Amuericanu expositiont.
Ste' Nationatl Edutcationu Associatiotn.
Thu-li of She three clubs will rendser OSung thuo lack of interest atdeouse-
two' selections. tater in the year the quetut small attetudance tiS its meetings
rclubus expect to appear again itt Detroit the Unirersity Whist 'club has dison-
nd will then give a toncert' unassisted. ganuizetd for the remainder of tr year.
Tise Circus is coming to tossn. - 'lue Circus is comuing to town.

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