THE UNIVERSITY OFi MICHIGAN DAILY POPULAR BOOKS CLOTH IBINDIING 25c. EACH BLACK ROCK, by Ralph Connor Ilizabethand ter German~arden An English Woman's LoveLetters Boks Everybody are Reading and Takin Abut. , ulny Adams Sawyer and Masons Cr der Talks. §Ierod by Stephen sPhiliips. 1'AsglonIEnglish and French edition. Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You cdo get a ahO1T LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S 338S Smth Stae St. Prined ectresforall depart- msents of the Uiiversity. Type- writing and Mineographing. EDWARDSROS. Oer Shehnn'si Stte Stren V) IDE A':, 1J Rr,. STAEM~'S CYCLE EMORIUM, 119 W. Woe4angton S. THE SCHOOL OF DANCING Private ad eass lessns in danng by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gagni' simple dress eaer- aftte r class exercise. 'term begns when. +ar o . Offie, Aeanaery and Residence n n ayard street, Sock wes at State treet t~te"Stritly a aseoo, ass isitra dring Hass ora Stanip Collections BOUGHT -FOR CASH Itok up your od,colection and turin it intoready nmoney. Prompt Cah and Good .Pices tIfE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY tones3.1ta6 Wodward Ae., Detroit WHY ON'T YOU Get Your- Meals Aand Lnches at PoJTTL4rlo C4pE1 OPEN ALL MNtIT. VIRGN ST., Twa dor wnt af Cok deune. iLM. MARTIN,., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Pahalsing a specilty. No. 209 S. 4th Awe . Ambulance night and day. Heas dene 02 Fifth Ave. Try The:.. NORTH SIDE LAUA DRY THOS. RO WE, Prpr. sare Detrlt St. 467 Bet Phone Nakesof COLEGIATE CAMS. GOWNS nd fOODS Reptg of !j CPS apd GOWNS, Ai SPECIALTY CLASS CANES, COLLECS FLAGS, COLLEGE PINS, 1 MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTION Steady Eiuploymuen1 For Energetic BOOK AGENCY AGENTS WANTED Men 'andWomen C odibMr AIIJM~I" Oyster Cocktails For that. hungry feeling lflentschler, the IPhotogwapber. Testing the Ypsilanti PaperCompany's' Calendar Boiler Plant I- stondais.Feh. 25--Sophcosorc litand tirof. .1. It. Allen of the eiigiiieeriiig freshissan lassr-arator'ical cointests, depiartmsiesst,assistesithy thec se'nioi- mc- IPoores I, law- building. ci-'lrl eniginieeis, is miakinig -a 48-hoar Tuessday, Feb. 20i-Prof. D'Oogs- be- test ofrlt'e silor lasit of lise Ypsilanti fore lstheiPilolog-ical Society in Iit. paipe's tiiil.The feat swas stairteed Iri- scu e cOs ~'ture IBoom. laiy noon and tise results obhteclnesi will Tuesday, teb. 21-Seisior lit oratori- -liei used by _Mr. ttoiwLe'tt of Bay C'ity cal coistcst. fusr thesis work. - Friday, Motrls 1-Mlax Heinrichs, Newberry Hall. Tise (ircius is comsing to towls. Saturday, Morals 2-tInter-fraterinity -loet inii atersasan gymtnasiums. Wadliams, Ryan & Renle are sole Wednesday, 'March i-_Mrs. Mlande agents tar Ypsilansti underwear. Ballinagton Booth, iii S. L. A. Coos-se. Thsursday, Morals 7-laculty Conicert, Complete line "Adler' suits cant oter- (B~ralim's Program). coasts at Wadhams, Rtyan & Renle. Friday, 'March 8--Pensssyls-ania- -- Mielsigass debsate in University 11a11. lVit a 0(- rclsass' teisl & Res-- Satsirday-'larch-ist-.snal 'varsity isolds of tarolissa Brig lts t'ig-arettes, indcoor inseest In Wateranai gymniasiums's the iustly-famedl Tigs'rettes, or Nighit riday, March l5-Dav-id Bisplians Itaslk Booked II: s--usa Filled ('igasts (Chiorasl Union Series), University Roll. yout get