THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY POSTER BOAR[ SIZE 306x40 FOUR COLORS Red Gray Greeni Black 15c a Sheet A Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE; STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH TUTTLE'S 33S Soth s~r St. Lectures Printed lectures'for all depart ments of the Universty. Type writing anid, iimeographng EDWARtDSA ROS. over Seehansi State Stree R)IDE L1 M. STAEBLER'S GMcE EMPORIUM, 119 W. ww'sagtno St. THE SCHOOL OP DANCING Private and class less iniascec by Dir. and M~rs.Floss Gras er Aiele dress lrefer- able for class carihe Teens; begins we 'coo d. Office, Acadsatn and Itecsidece n 'Maynaisd street, block west or State treet tores Strictly a scbo, sin visitors drin lace ourn. St BOUGHT FOR CASH Look up your oldI colectioniad turn it into ready ooney. Prompt Gash and Good trices. THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY Ronm . 155 Wodwad Ave. Uetroit WHY DON'T YOU Get Your Meals and Lunches at PoqTL4ND C4fE OPEN ALL NIGHT. 'UJION ST., Two doors wal o Cok House. 0.t M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR Riubalming a speciity. No. 209 S. 4th Ave Ambulance night and day. tRes deucoe 302 Fifth'Ave. Tr'y The... NORTH SID0E LAUNDRY 210 DtrotsSt. 4l i1 sl hns A1 SPECIALTY I CLASS CNES I ICOLLEC FLaAGs ICOLLEGE PIS fAS Se nd Burchfield's Fine Tailoring TrLade.. Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigaii, ExcrEPTING NONE. ARTISTICALLY 1'NE(MANICLLX We will be glad to prove it to you, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIEL.D' 106 E. Huron AITJIIW' Oyster Cocktails CALK S l c For that hungry feeling lRentschlev, the Ig'hotogvaphcv. 1 I I f c"Feunders' Day" "''loiiiidt'is Day" seas sobs'ewed by the siiiedial fis'i0its aslsissiiitin Siaai Ca'swetl Aingill hail. '[lie lay is to lie c'elebr'atedl a imically hereatter. Th'Ie Iisi it'ii'llclass enteredi Mii'liigailinii 1*S51. ond lthe firsti grasliiiii ext'c- stsswereshldslthe billoesing ;yeair. Thei prodlisps osfi'last eseiig ;iii-. 'Ileil: "01-'-aiicaliiiof lt'eMesdical l~e lialtillelll" Ires. Xi Bell. "Ideals 01'rlt'e hetliil li'lai'tiliesit" -IleastiVaingilali. '"rit' Iepaitienistiithesi' iy'ylif- Ill"'cli.Wini. Breakey. ''I 'ersonal lleciillectiicis iif tDi. Paloier"-Prssf. I 'Gogi'. Frebh Lits Smoked Safely Ililitsvas a great sii('tess. Ss's'tiy- uste hutsks' first-year l' ts asslilti llle expolte attil(ik of Ills'sohs . hil A.dil nlst (eoiie. ''t).nvy Stttmsi's" hll sas issinsoleoteil. Iitt tth las' st fieshl dep'ar'ted ti eas ci raid. 'She sophis c cue eieiltllly glasoswe'si'l' cispilics Ind511 ecilt liuine. se-hile thet' 'imni1111 latigiseil Illthliisels. Art Pitures for students' rooms, at 8clioar'aisBoelkstore, 11d So. )Main at STUDIONTS NOTICE? The beat launidry is thte Toledo ILoon- tdry.'Troy fis. 1Work coiled for and de- livered. Leave your order as 121 S. Maiat. i.M. .'. t'i'oiuet' on ei ii'.iioi' Lass'osiallriieal Contest last night: sitl- jest. "'T'eTrueiPatioht."'Mi'. L.. s 110i-s. stelilltl; subject. "llailel ('lIn- Lashes' anid Geistlemsenis Peeket- Icooks at One-Third Off this niontlis. ILIEi'S JEWELRY STORE. St is s'aeiilleilo' veacaite just1n1o110'it NebraskaSUiv'er'sity. A smatllpoax scaeal's snilas' 1o our,1Slissleid the Ne- braska fIslnty tio ('p10'Iii'liiga's helrolic.'tacis. If yetu see the work 'of tile Toinde. Lounda y Co. you wilt be convinced tisal yous want no other. Agency 121 S. M~ain. Calendar tiaturtlay,letb. 2.'3-Fresh-'sophl. isdoor lest il't' ate'rimall g's'ohlsilllll. Siaturday,1lels. _ti-Olleli lietillg of NVlerecsociety iii coos'G. Ir as'buoil- Moollayt. telb. 25 -Soplisuoce lit anil fct'sllilanIs aw oratorital ,contests, RotoumiKItlai's'buildisng. 'l'tiesdaly, Feb. 24i-Srof. D'Ooge Le'- folre the lt' liIogil'al.Scociety' ilMo11- 5111111 Letture Stooiii. 'T'uesdaiy, tell. 26-Sessior lit orlatoci- cl cosntest. Fri111y, March 1-Mlax Hteinrichs, -Newsberry' Sall. SattidayiMarctb 2-Iltec-frat'clity iiie. Illiii Watecliail gyimanasiumll. odelllAlay, ;Macli li-Mrs. Maude Ba llinlgtoin Booth, in S. L. A. Couirse. t.Illtlsd Is, Nisachl 7-tacalty Conceect Iv 11,111s IProwlvam). 5 11111 Marchi S-SPeisli'aeia- Mii 151 Ieblate in Uiiversity 11t11. 1111111ay5f amcli f9-.Annulal 'saisity indoor Isl-et inll Wsseri'inllgymnasiumt. Friday, March 15-David Biophlln (Chioral Uniois Series), University Hll. 4-1lliclhsy, Maceli 1i-SDtsal indloorc tissk meet lietwseen C'hicago andill Mci- The C irculs is coilinlig tis townl. ILunchleoss.an11 diiiiecs at moidterate pices funiished f or spsreads, parties aiid halls. Good service, refined Sable lllppointnieiits and dainty cooking, mu- sic. THlE CAMPUS, 427 Thompson st. 'I'll'fs'11tl lIterl'sl'lalltic CiII 11m1e' "i'an15 .,l'. lay 24 11111 25 '. Ltast reac Studlentls fromli2i high isehol5spartici- (=grandl li'alill'seol' Nverwi''e'a tie for tllst Ilae, tsa'h receiving 201 posints to" Allaciii Clocks at H tALLER'S. Ladies' antd Gentlemen's tPocket- looks at One-Third Off this month. StAtLER' S JEWELRtY STORIE. ''ll C1'irens is cominsg tis tow'n. Ex-Priesident Fiske of AItlilliCl- liillllia. He graiduated fromilthll l' llieesitv of AMiclsigsn ii 1111 vwith lte A. Si. togpgee, and i 18791evisbis si's-liredly his 5115lmaomaer wills the de- gree of L.L. D.' EXCCHANGE 3-ur Oil Lams.-sFor "Atn .ro"MthGenerato GASOLINE LAMPS Brisin isour old ones and retbs make you The Superior M'f'g. Co.,, ala S. Main St., near Williams. Headquarters for Sbade, Mantles and Chimneys. TO NOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS THE WABASH IRAILROAD is the only line operating a tbrough sleeping, car from~hicago tollotSprings ia St. Loulis, Mo. Leaves Chicago daily at 11:00 a.111. All ticket agk~lts will sell yosu via Sis popular route. W rite 'C S. Cac1, 0 P & T A, St. Loulis. F. A. PAI MEat, A G P A, Chicago. R. S. GREE WeCO, BM1P A, Chicago Cor, Mass an05HionsStreete. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $3:5,eS. Transact, ceneral bing sstbarisess. Ri, hexer,vice,. C. E. Gasesse. VicePres FRED. H BEoSER, Csebier. ANof Ass Art as FIRST NATIONAL RA K Oa e o Capital, $10e,000.' Surpslusand Promts, sa0,0ac Tfransacts a general banking buseine. yareign exchance bogbt and sold. Furnieb littiesof credit. E.,D. KINNE, vice,. HARRISON SOULE, Vice-Prey S. W0. C'LARKSON Cashier The fn fmrMor Saving~sBank Capital Stock. soonan0. Surplus, $1s5s0,0. Resources. $1,500,000S. Orcasleed under the General Banking Law, ef tiSe. ReceOiesrders ies, Suye and eels excbangieon the pruipal cities ef tbe United Stats.Drafte cased u pon preper idestifiaios. Safety depeeit bosto real. Orricis: sChistian Mack, Pies.; W. D., Harri- man, Vice-Prees;Cbae, E. Hisesert, CAioiee;5M. 3. Fritz, Asnistant Casbussr W. J. NO00 ais W. ARNeOL, leti Vice-pree T T J. V. Wosas.A k,2dter-per Y 'G JONe. C.''ATZ, Ass't,'asere 8IIG BAINK 't'ransacts a general Bankinig Buainess, l'nsidrinnfa nff;niftt 1..A ..., axWAGNER (Q CO. a Importing Tailors a"1113S ManFresh arrivals of Spring, Suitings await your inspection. ;//41 I iiA IR. o /'QQ#Oi 1/4 iil.o i .f /iO bpuiU 1"' 8U1CIiwiiLeauet umai ~. Is tile Official Ball of the National , League, the leadiugminor- inague and all the college' and athkletic asaociations. A handsome Catalogue~ of RBase Ball and all Athletic p Sports mailed free to any addes. Spalding's Official Base R Ball Guide for '901, edited hy p Henry Chadwick, ready March 30, 11;price 10 cents. St. A. (G. SPALDINO & BROS. " (WCORPORATED) SNew York., C.hicago Denver THE FITTEST LINE 41F.SCOTCH A R, J