2 THE UM V E'IT SL1Y UOF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publishetd Daiy (Mondtays eceptd~dig Cllee rte t JTE UNIVRSITY OF MICHIGAN MAN OFID: BANCH ODa Aergus Bdg, Mat::aSt. 36 SStteStet Bth 'Phoes 13 . New Sate 'Phr:e 182. MANAING EDITOR, . H. Bo'ss. '1 BUSINESS MANAER, 1. EsosE1,Icet. '10L EDITORS: ATHLETICS - G. 1. Hnr TTr, '10E A.B. McDOGAt.,'ctE. W. A.K.NIsTa.'1: Miss L, K. SoAtINF03 CtAS. ieottoc't H. . woomow,'d4 w. P. Crtaso, '01 L. W. A. 1oE-SCoeT. ,'03 E. LtHoesc, 13 The st criptin price i te D.5t.oiti2.l foe the oliror year iii. hSareuar deiveery beftoe n p,,tech:da. Notce, communia- tions, tnd other mate itenerfot'pblita- ip:: must1 be bantded it, at the DULY otice bforee8Pp. i., or tooed to the eito efoerte 3 p. ot ot the dypipeviuso to that day atn which they ate epete d toa:pper. Sabecrptottay hre ltohatthe DILYttO'tf- fic, My:'~tc Sttts rewst::dor wit Busu:e itaer. 0::: rihestill cofe'a fare by reportinoptr:.mpty a: the. otte hy failure 01 crier to:teivere ppr. Al hanges in:advertiing mter aotbe to the office by 3 p. mo tht e day previos tt tha:t ott whirl:they te to atpear. Tohe:iil g ill ifs::::: tousad d:'olls t is.elNorther:Oaricasl:'': :L 'ue'fan thanslo::. at 'liag,°lwl flis. Itl:. Wit's.. No::::rwste1:' tcll sofbrlie.ifl':-ic i ii::. mi sho ::f essel .ill the::g, ltoeith .il:iow, H.i (.Lidenl is:. i ilortro aiiy ('f)Ni'ionIt111 1'be Rtele ith geate FRESH -SOPH BATTLE [('ontinuted from: Flrsh Page.] llolhi::oi Beatls. '031:;Lit. Eig: V1 V. Weadock:('. '114it: A. 1. .sa:ge, ' Den1:t;l:.LA. W 'c, '14 Lif; Kitig. '12 Law; 11::tyls 3Jeeulotli' '14 En:g. '03 Lan-;:L :. 3. Dl::-,':u :4 Lit: ires- te'r. '02 iLaw;': Douglas \31:r:,'113CL :lfi .I. F. 11 ii~s. 534 3: Rtdet'iwir:. Hanlons' Superba Monday Evening Sliht:l l:'tncetis sda:a'by 111:ig1 'filler ge:::. ' :'lii 'it':' n o a ull: lba s:'::' 511cle'er::fat re~s nit enl I hnr issttd.htcoeo thIe.oug:aeshaes':1:r2:tleaedPocet. li::oils al i lite"3'ilrlib1)1 tterhis :eo:fl: by Johnit: 'ilrs . of LandoR'S 1 velalae thl wiiotros.ulSedeten for oeei etlitersonyto Re hoieg tle fromte "ariser" oit at:vhoce colaotil ams, yarc fnov ele.fo Chle dT'o eur d onr.Fb 5 SeExpositionnUniverseiJo W1111ddP,311SOtI purc aTe Rid&-ReyT- 'n'ldestohflscee'of inn1lt c ariette tilt,:d Price fadeod TMe::tatfItteorteNiEx- positltIt: fc ie 1Tc aalsFAtlleed igrso0 Prlge, aScr'ifora aIie r-mae ti::ysor$2110.CaolDr. repeti1C0g.a.r- Tbooksat O anehrd Ofhatihishesnh. AtdlaremeeClokseatedsod emiRed. Ata PKsel Agt o andMneg ot he F..nTeaof ofleheds, srr isv][1s)copaeoetc.y 'tenites.ooetringdtodwoems o . MemersN York Esehoe. ! LIGHT INFANTRY ARMORY i 5 NIGHTS AND 2 MATINEES The Ann Arbor Light Infantry's FOURTH MAMMOTH Mid-Winter Circus Corn owng Tuesday, Feb. 26-March 2, Inclusive MATINEES Wednesday and, Saturday at 2 P. M. All New and Novel Acts Only 25 cents to see the BIG SHOW BIG STREET PARADE TUESDAY AT 2 P. M. Art Novelties, Decorations, Frames, Poster Mounts, Don't be deceived, and all Art Supplies. 'rtede mark slumped on ole of every shoe. DEFIS AR Ware DsoleIaS'nAsT STORE, Geo. H. Mlaet. Miller, 2t~ S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25 EE HANLON'S NEW !"W TW7T n A i; ; /, A Gigantic and Colossal Spectacle 3 A NEW CENTURY EDITION COMPLETE NEW PRODUCTION' 100 PEOPLE ENGAGED > 3Oteat VauStdeillie Acts. Glaletti's Tralined Monkeys. S Clever Tillers. Lt,,le N. Wilson Newv i'on, Tricks and Sct'neryt, Novel idollta Acrobatic Feals. Tranesformation Scenes. PRICES: Gallery, 5c, 75c. Lower Floor $n.oo NOTE-'Inoede tt pay the actualerunning;expenes otftts great lattraction evety seat tint be occupted at each peerformnae. EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME_ ROSEY'S l BILLIARD PARLORS 111GH GRADE CIUMAS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES DEID AND SuCeSSOORS S 32 OUTH TO ~I~TATE ''Y NOLDS ROSENTRALER ~ T REEcT O~UIIU SANITARY PLUMBING. ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, 207 E. Washington Street. ARTISTIC GAS AND ELEPCTRIC FIXTUJRES TO BE SWEET- SEE 13ROGAN 110 S. MAIN _.. _ _ _. 72nvt7 r(ti r t '1f1r=" Pi.crnt"nttctc. r+ ,SEAL IN Ladis' ad Getleen'sPockt-IIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT S[CURITIES. bobsadiee'nd Ofenthisomockt. List of carrent oearee n e.ctn0pptleasten, booso t ne-hid Of iti tontt. PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. HAILERS JEWELRY STORE. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. SWEETS TO THE SWEETShF YOU WANT