No 108'
....Our Special Line of.... FRESH-SOP H BATTLE - 'RAH FOR LOWDEN
Foreign and Domestic1 Toniht the Annual Athletic Duel Will Wash;nto's Birthday Celeration
FABRICSBe Fought Out By the Under Resulted in a Huge Surprise-'-
F B I SClass en-Second Year Men The Speaker of the Day Gave
Froms All Departmets $3000 to Furnish Test-
FOR SPRING Will Enter imonals to Orators
'l'riti°lit he t1'reshiaaSphomuore
has arrived and is at'- mtet' tl i ~t.S st t'Si et lh'4s aietrtbaino ah
ranedfo 1Is e~lol i-er-iknown u orei ietries, ue~e class iitts Birthday wsas hldtSytstediay
range for nspec~on, spirit, ttter acesouiloattoea thani afternoon it tniversity Sall 1y tei
We have the largest a- iv-i er eore'rie irus seats. whihl law sledseta
sor: mont in the City, ten' witso ttptptlar last titurday. litve lin. Frank Orrewiiwiteiof Ci-
tr;en addeld tituntil ttgit ItIll liii-- age wa the sp~aker osithtli'dry. Itt
~~~~j~~~ Tj U i '' he it 'Stwit rws fseats all arttd iatitritat tt$,40)l ad been pree ratedt
Gf L " 111 kI tl t' it. ill betr setredl for lattie y ht ato nthe ntiretaltis f the-Nrthtl-I
_atotee-and itwith eseots.AlMtI ttititroi- ernt(Oratrial Leaittte li'interest It
io8 E. Washington St. its anditoresis generally tighlt tSituringto tthe ttitit ad seciotnvdiinnris tf
______________________________________ut toti witnes stileitretig ertnt, titale ittiat irtoriucl otets. tlts''
tegitiuig aS 7:45 I. il. sartiil. Shut siittlii'euwo i tthe eaeipiitt ir
t'-efllotwingt'treSlt'e titit': tiranaiti?50twill1 pitoSithSlt'seondi
_ L T OR - -ytrd dash-It. . 1rechi:, 'i;lit:ron
AII~I( ~ULUK L. Ilee el, '03; Lit;IF. I. Snowir.4'2 ",ivents ~ art haSrt Miii'"tias
OUT Fl Dent It. 1Ilaensslsr. '14 Lit; Giythe sbtjiet Mr. Itivittis tidtics.
OU F T aills.'014 Lit; A . ILIetiteiti. ';t 'C iliuttusee'li'sa. "testtiril inly
Lit; ). t. Xtseltuyre, 'it4 Lit; (. C. itt fitittiuli an empitlireo itt stiitli le
C'orniwell, '(i;; Lit SR. G. Ililtiatity, '03:;ht hettic ieroy.uit teevet wst
AT' Lit;A. Itche . . Iatuglit. C. It.retter tsi t itha aelaIns ltadsiii ithis
,Verrill '(3 M: S. I-',Ludlowit. '02 Dets eelttipreeS tointoupalss, te grat
P.SE. (Cooti 0 Lit: Suleh, '4,1; A. (3. Auitia hats arsen. Eiganpttut ax ont
'Webler, '04 Lit: A,I. Stvtge.'03 beti:t tawa Oppotedsitbyvlt'eielat ttho
WAJi I (b (D, Stiuuuan. '14 Etg: At-ili Satt. '14 runaw til noi ttluir itt ittleali
I L eftLit: Itslani 0i:hLt: (es. I'.Set. «it, igtias its StrSlalitst. Litte' dit
P11 ARM AkeI,1414 IL 11'. . eip. '04 te itnte metaLeigodrm
____________________________Bartlett______'04 lutu: Alg Syviis-nig. a- p tiututuil. But theii'randi S 'iitit
YUKNOW 1where to get....IItr Oliri0tMei .IS. '112 lii. -ttsou dtinti maketheteiti Ii
A 0 GO LU.f.NCH it,1A1. IiRefier'114 FIg.;.1. itt Inteendenceti'.but heIuttght
SMOKE St tMean, tMoiteititer. taduesFs.-ul. tiesti-s lit-itt ta I vy gres, wtait
R. E. Jotly, 308 S. State Street. Btrwn. Borelli. Ellis, Howasrtd't. 03I thee'yias ino ie tS itra sat tin-
4)1 '3 la t>. l. hits '0:Littisl ' Iittieiti. las-, tan -i ltthy o . rIe a h t i lledtia
'04 Lit: 1' 15 II fre'l l S: f .. tis-ti tttr. W itess lii'orge' 'Was-
LIKE THEMWII ot-ti, ', lmhit: rt-tilt' Iltti. 104 iigto'i
T row-bridge's hithrrnuu.tndrew ti-a li,tll, c rest inttige toSit ut tudtiotitisi in ala
Lte.SmAdktsu, a'it. Sawh.vtitust uahlSit Jhntti hat
Chocolate (Chips suttsr-miulls, -hut Suvut'le. I[ts- (Ilii:t ti-a uitnningthis ci-ti-rthliiio-t
(THlE ORIGINAL ) C 'oii'tielh, II. NX Mess. A C h.1 meaittt'.tu-tt thu'cles'i it s te lift'
Cet pr] sll'tt._'12 Det;S: liii. ISwe-eut, '(14 Sitl tinran"sn atrwitslht Egltni
40Cetsperl. Lit; WFilliutitt, '02 Bttw;Stut-pi-ti t '011 1 bjetion iiS ltoithe urs-sniutofsi
Meiitetuobisoni. 'it3tLit: Mututs, our samenuttil-ilto ie' tstablitiet-
YUA RRY S5 lithillhrtsi ihtiItpt' 1t uttiits a~p iits iuIsuu
CAMPUS DRUG STORE l-i er ,0 p-NlnA e- ittupuiwlie ed Itt' uleai-oft itu'atttiol
-- - - _ - litg, '04 i St , . lontti'. '4 M edisc: wilit tatd hecs-it'l situ. t(1,p1u11i litir
____________________________________- P.\t'.Clto, '14,Medic: . . Sittox'0 Utns't ithuuttittlp, rsutitlree-
I ut', M '.'1 tu-ua utuu'ltuhu, '01 Sting: I st tutu fu tuit ilitsuuu"lits-s'.
+~, AMe Xs si0it 5.5: lut, Wooduffisttt, "kil hursu- st-utilytut hu'Saishti
ofathear urlllIt I-'Brosttilit, Sn Fiuer as t-the rs-lt iof ti itsits'tSi hetl
11t ii itR . IDilow ty. '03h it: M act ga-eudtit ilut (tI acqutisitit itt' itstttriri-
- fte- Ni-ut 'o2 MtL(Chats. 'cltitC. I.aSt toit tny lethitilulSttis'sanud i
I O RAL'(P2RT l} lU nus; XX'.ISt.0han."'14 i-dthin:reastu es -siuitititir.
nrii ± ~It. ('tli, (It hLaw' I. A. Sitittus, 03i""I eautttbeSlive'thatut tinstirbegun
it; 1'. . titsntushe. (itt Isits- .ig, 0't fr righteu nes s e arl tau itSothrtutt' tiu
B~Y ±Laws. ie hl-tu othto StthueIthiihtltts tatnd
'jW.- McCandless Ise-on, '04 Lit; It.Blhose, '14. -Prnctiptleare tlatsshu'etame.
i f. edic: S.K. Niox.0,3 En 'lutu-ha ItPliies gonus' of i ettst, .11 h
turtluuiu '01 1 SIt S. S.Dill uts-ay, 4'.,tt t-iq-u-np statesmanuu is tht u' otauu
A framework o thatpar it51;ItBI. Suttlptht.04 ILitt.5.V. 'otin atiplies tSlurightl iteprtetationu tpe is-
A.frmeor o tatpat hes '0ttLit; TItE. Iteug,04 Med; rt strts. Wisdomu. patien,jul~e
of the secnd book of tohtnt S. C('tsh.13 Law; Kntuigt02 siill wavi'Sttheiliihdte quettt-er-
S BlackstonesCommentaries Lawtty;h('tiuGa(utesw l, 03utt 11hn gI5. crtl."
* which relates to real pro- S. tdwsardsl. S. I. IBruown, itUelly.
M, pety. X'oohi'sdT ('yer, Wolf, 'Sttssa: P'rof. Itoddad has lemupoitily taket
' Dean Hutchins says: P Sery, '04 E. eharuge of Prof. E. It'. oltuous elase
(in my judgement it is an SHih ijup-. I'. Putnamt. _'04 in ittinal ptocednre in the Pawv s-
Sexcellent pieca of work,.t Litt C.1AlHawley, '12tDeit; F'. litartmtont,. peiig a1udefiniteideermi-
* can be tudied with profit Stats 0IEtg A. S. Savage, '0It naton 513' Prot. ohaion as to whthertuii
with BlackI tS X . Mutltee, '0t3 Dent, 5. E. le shal aeept- itu' Piilipin ejudge-
iconnection wt lc- Clauk, 04 Bug;WilmotSKing. '02 'aw stil)
one PRCE .30 Douglass Marduff, '03 Lit; Mleatirs, .1. -_______
W ahr's Rooistore t~o tutued otl Second Page. 1 Tyhe Crcs is cming to town.
1901 ITS GET "A. B. "
Regents Ratifid Faculty's Recommen-
dation to Abolish All Lterary
Degrees Into That of A. B.
-Change Goes Into Ef-
fect at Once
.At Slitinuletitug Turtsdtayinight te
tot itt'hbuoeteru r e-iy deres. utd e-
giutulip sai-trthSis leltuu' illgrduates
itt thus'depatrtment'oftitehrattluretntutihe
titssilt ret-sits- "A.SK"
'Te ittten sit ranutingp SlurA. B. de-
gret tt lt literartliustuets patssed
withowtuutaniy tuuuuu'uuinuut shtttsssvret
Thliii' ngtts euntris-ut'verybodisy by
ti' uttiythu-y favoredl this-mnsv.Anti
tent-utfor te Stnglishi dte-res-of Bch-
elorn at Letters, asuelisailll tteatdi-
Ste; tir sttt sdsgees's 1tiehtet'otat
P'hiloisotphyptatd Bachelotir of Sience
with tlin htlitue for liii'highest of ill
batt-lsir sde ts, ".B5."
Secetarytt adet'stitdt ite Dtily:
shll iu'Su tts havuwItothS~e satsti'
baseuhsStuutuut.5300u wsortht itSbtanktdip-
httiti w hicuht sire hnsd tuutt hunusted
fit this-grtduatttes titlJe tt i in courss
iotuerltan itStletudingtup SthSlt'A. B.
its-pru's. 'Tere'is onlytonesitututo lee
foundttuntow. O(un "..S" sdipitatuaue tn
priteduhit Iati. It s h Si-ttanthatt
St-pyshottulud heit-huEntgli sudier thus
ut-ut ru-piuuuu-.Itt hirts-isnitt its 'to
lututo ;a s-nisw-copper ptite us'ntueusthis
'"h utit'h uiahangetuis1thatttGrett-e
hut Itimposed, tntut hets'ei stis uwit be-
cois'opion lutal"
'Ts'etii's gettertulrejoicuing og ttighe
stutdeutts. Thus'dsiupoifthis'cs-hssis is
Thuesututusholprtofessrs iwere
also appointed.'Plus list is ftar std
;maty ttee tuneeverssrelesst for it
euuuuuusr sesitn tnsi tulows's.subjet
Glitek. IDunneasStewat.
tinu, Drakes-antdStole
l'rs-uuh. Pr'taneols.
Shruuh andtiuSI ttlitanMoritzaLevi
German. MenXseis'. Ditekiuh. itidnesr.
Enlitsht tatdt Sthetouri, Ptutorc
lHistory.' 'iWoitdburn.
P'hiloustphy tutu PsychloyaPp illsbury
Pliltti ti-iconomy 'Tylr.
tutttlittittiiis. Sis'uutuu hMrkey
Sp al-sPStthesn SeeltRatnial.
Pedatgpigy, lPtynte lunewl'y-tilspsint-
u-ut tuprfesstr. tsuceeduPro. SHins-
Chemuuistry,.Lii'tty,rDusnoo Iunteg.
Sulitati Truowbidge.
P'hysiloicalth (emiustry, C. .. Bliss.
(t;tupy tanitd 'iPysictul (ti-iraphy
Zoology, tutuson.
Drtuwitug, (Goulding.
Phlyshia'l tsaiing. C. St.H.Wiliams.
Nture Study, C. tL. Scott.
Mehantictal Drawnug I. C. Atder-
RtesignattiosuofitProfs. MrtinLynus
atnd Conue wvas accepted atd Dr.
SDeuan. Smith at Jackaoiu atas appoint-
eh temtporarily to -succeed te latter.
Der tHSutehins reported te follow-
lug gifts txS te Law Libarty. By BuS.
F. Coanely of Sitrot a collection of
laiw test-hooksusd 1.0 volumes of N.
Y. csurt decisions by Hlon. 0. H. Deati
of -Kansas City.
Wadhams, 'Ryan &hIeule are Bole
agents for Ypsilanti underwear.