THE UN IVERSITiY OF MICHIGAN DAILY U-0tt . Published Daily (Mondays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAINeOFFICEs BRtANCHOrFICE Argus Bldg' Main St. 336 S. State Street. Bath 'Phsues 13. Mete State 'Phone 182. MANAGING. EDITOR, 0. B. BAteS, '0t BUSINESS MANAGER, F. ENcGLARD, 'St1IL EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. D. HUDNUTTe, 101E.1 A..MCDOcssLaL,'St E. V. T. EVANS '03 W. A. KNtGHT, 'St L. Miss La K. SAttNe '03 Cats. DVseAt, 'St E. B. B. WoOseew, '04 The subtcription pricerat the DAILY is $2.50 fee the college year, stith a regular deliverey before urea each day. Notlcers, ctmmunica- tions, and ethermtereintended fce publica- tionuutbehtattded in at the DAItLY effice betere 8Sp. et., or esailed to the editor bettrer3 theday previousto tatadaycon which they are expcected te appear. Subscriptions emay hr left at the DAILY otfar, Meyer's, cc Stoffiet'snewstan:d, er swith Busintess Mtanager. Subscribers will cutler a lavor by reportin.g prom~ptly at this uffierany failure of carrier'. to delivrepaper. All changes in adv'ertiigstatler ccsl he in the offic by 3p. in. ocitIhe:day previousto that on swhichs they are te appear. Ftctci watching thet sutpply of Alit- i-ctie associattiotn bltions it has been reairtmedi11at1bat I35 of tie pins pr- vided for the lady titeiilcirs of tile Isso- ciationl 11vecbeenlttaikell up1, while 'the tittttiher of ient belselgillg is htarge-r thln ever tiefcre. This evidenit illdislsitidon on =the Drct of lice girls 4,asllllcrt liii uivSersity' alilelies cs lhey liid last yc-tr is Ico1be regretted i 1111 ei'recle. 'rhlii'iti glory i in eig cIgr1eittiart of Ills L'iversity,1111y compifioetin'aily o( erI11 in Ce t f'clip litel,.try iscirlicnt 111d1are11-well replreslectedlinil nearly every cth'r depinatilllent 111tiec'acIli- tus. 'Tinylire tproudilof Ills-wide're'puc- tllica aofthetsir clnas lll c', if tepual- taic' uelargeil' to t'e succiss atflier athletic te11115. Still lhc'y, as tlheody, 11avr sonie ntintg to fu~rtherthetll'inter- ests a0T thcse tracts. It Scentisthey eit dc tic ies1111111 this, to g'et,' it'sale pocritiby b~eoiig tiisiiltcrs cf thlii' cziltictl, a1s s1otlmlany didla:st yealr, antd wc holpe' that it -cilib'eIleese ry hail to it t 0111 cow' s-Herein they hlve More Bnttons. Graduate ,Director Chtas: Baird heas found t '-aeetuary to odec 100 mnie athletic buttons of.Haler, the Jeweler, who htas thte contract fcr supplying then: this year. This is .a very goodi chowing -so early in the season, and be- speaks a large ttenlbersluip for the als- sociation. Prof. Pattengill Resigns ftron Board of Control. At a nmeeting of the Bokard of Control hel last night.,,Clairt-an Patltengill resignsed his position sewing to hlis heavy duties as elcalrmn: of th~e Ad- ministration Board. No successor 'hens been apcpointe-d ;as" yet. A emnirttee of Profs. V. H. Ltour and MsLaughlin antdi tGrelua'te Director Bairtd was ap- teointsedto passeconcthe -eligttsility of the players. The first of 'i:e regulalr Serie's cf as- secahiles was h~eld at ( rattger's Aced- 01m13'Saturcday evenitig, andisl scat- tended iby 57 couples. M.r. Granger estys: "N'e are going 'to itt~ke these as- senmblies mtore of a su)lsi:: wtt-ess flits cintter tha ever betore. Wl lie we do not wrisi: or ask tel- a larger a~ttendalne thallii heretftreevsI':ry O- t itwill lie iiictd-iciit the(II' 11I ii, flbcr 111nd alc-itlty ill gel-titllini g-i"')1 hale tic' gcther, 1a1d1 will::ict'ntittic- ttris'"ht-t Icy theic- hcqit:tiegetlorc'eltsra:-tic Ilake it morce lilc'sscht -it tiassile. 1fc1 'ilisad :edinll c::ec-e.'' St. S-. Strickicy. *1. is Icrscating a Drusggist ..1. Qutarrly at State s.. 1tis ,.STEIN-BLOCK L OTHING - IOTOIIQ NOBB1IK 2KR 1EAT ER 1This make of clothing is coD- fined to us in this town, and 15 the swellest tailors' creationls for Fall twear. Suits $15.00 to 25.00. u ve rcoats $16 to 3o. ILINDENSCHP'IITT & APFEL Ncsd i t t it c.WehaeDecorate your room with gct a regular einch on thu WHEN IT $3.50 and 4.00 Pictures from COMES MEN'S SHOESI TO Cal1dertem i rsl De JijS'j.*, ClansethmNotobeMEN'S t shcw the shues. I ART $ITOlR SHOES GEO. H. MILLER, E I212 .. Main St. 217 South 4th Avenue A 1ii.) LU. f SAJO LT eseadMr ONE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, OCTOBER st. rivcccc theis ccc::' h's--I 10 csupply ;lie ill-I ttcilllc i c Hollspital lii A Iscovlttion its Repertoire. crtugs fg tc ie ics1iutig Ycai. j-.._ - SPEC LU, TUITION P I'01L'I S.v i~~Ei)OI 01~ AM. cccl 'irs. lucas iran iae bave cli-t OoeigMo idat iNght witilhlheGreatest cil d It lakesat todial raeftir ladcicsc ccisl~intt o Ict~ae lessonis inl cllctlcii;t. cifA ilLabosr Play,. ('alla .ilciheAc-acemy-niy Mialytnard st. or 'phonelt-(Bel-l 24c4). -8 1 Cinhbordfr 3.e-wek 'eoL stParadise waiterc, a Frs:c enccok, extra :nine ec- Icritig; isie iiy striag ochtestra. The : Tuesday NighIt-NOItTIIERIN LIGHTS. ciampuslO.427 Ticictipson. ' Wednesday Night-I N THEIt FItART OF THE STORIV. I '',irca Night-THE VtCTORIAN CROSS. - --- -_ - F1i1iay N iglit-Dit. J tKYI. AND AIR. HYDE. Saturi'day Night-LO0ST. IN NEW~ YORtK. " All New and Special Scenery:. Enlarged Orchestra at Every Performance: PRtCES:-Eve-iin2. loe, 20c!, 30e. Matinlee 10c and 20e. Ladies' Free ter .L.A. hiOc.erluinr'- ------' "'-a ---e- - '-c- of ~tzcus. peir~:iayaepn-f- 5 ta)ers -wel bceen laxe in the sduty- they oec to terr y 1tcc-. cllege jast as wcell as tile dilly ao-ed Saturday, Oct. 6 at 8 a. m.- bcy themten wcc-h~ciave con~e so ccelI, aild 111Sf they ccill trofit icy :the hint here icen.THE OLD RELIABLE STUDENTS' HEADQUARITERS Presildent Angela's Annual Address to the____S.___C.___A._ BILLIA R D PA R LOR c.ltc4dtietenwsldneLectures REMODELED, REFITTED, EVERYTHING NEW. ceecelcom:ed Sunday into tile Stc- Printed le laces for a-i depart- WITH dlents Christian association, the local ments'of the Univcrshiy. Type-THONY D'TB accociation being the cldect erganiiza- writing aid i lr re~tphing. GENUINE MON [ LJ IIUJ IECEIVEI) lien of )the kind in the cwrld. The welcome was made in University EDWARDS BROS. HIGH- GRADE-= hi'l, cwhich w'as 'elI filled to lichen to lOver Shrehaii'su .tr tetci A the address of President Angelld em ndK r& c14 Toa4 oo, UI C Q4IjETTES- OnC the stage were seatedPrsdnRemn, eri o.E.CKnpothascainD.B DAILY IIULI INS OF ALL SPORTING EVENTS AngelI, Directcors A. B. Prescott, W.V. 5 NItESEl A SSeoasOT Herdnian, V. I:V. Spaulding, B. C. Ged I Wall Streed, New York L) AIND T1)T dard, J.51. Beal, .1.5J. Goodyear and Dr.~/I ~ 1 TATE Ellza. Mosher. Prof. Stanley presided 'P5sr n4tti Ni C shil i's-. LTINOI.)LDSU RucT oE 3TREET at the organ. te~Icic r pyits icl tc 'cjrc tto -tl' i rced Dr. AngAllitm'hatizedi'ie'needtofile i-sucef aloa~o SANITARY PLUMBING, icrr.sstcm}- t.students ferming early asoociatiens Securiiuors teI-t11 I - utd 'snicom-ciisiotic. UECTICtf.CON.STRUCTIONeAND SUPPLIES, with the local chutehes aud Cihriticn Meinicers Is- a 15z - chatigeJ1F1SC U Pealer it IiISi'l sr tticcrithiit Secuelr- 5 : ktEXMAND 11O: WATERlc HEATING, organizations. He gave a wc'~riivel- te.Iti tSfi~ tu cci--In ces et cii appli- 207 E. Washington Street. ARtTssic GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES., come to the students, cccv and old.,'s0Jcaltki.I'il-ieipiill t'srcpossiesae, 0ra:-_______-11GBGRADE MANTELS AND ORATES. th~e University and its life.c utRer.0e We are-lheadlquarters tor everything in the line of furnishings for Wadams Ran BelsareIsl IYOU WILL FIND YOUR EYES students' rooms, WahasIyant&i o er e Ageat helppinstudying and YOUwilafnd our LAMPS OtL CANS, PHIOTO BACKS, SHADES, agents Cor pilniunewer ateh lighting GASOINE LAMPS a 'AT AE SKT,5PDIS __________ gtreua help to jousteae, Matufnaetured by W1T AE AKTCS OS ' "- -°h- Our Prices Yen Will Always Ftnd the Lowest. Miss Lillian M. Vollaind, 1'0,died ini The SuperiorMt'g.lMAR HAM' BAAAR Ann Arbr Aug. 27. otter an operation M29S. main Sht. near Williams,MARKHAI S B Z A , - osp h5ital. 'hlsaead ealdealer inMantles 15 SSOUTH MAIN STREET, NEW STATE 'PHONE 482. SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOU WANT TO IBE SWEET, SEE_ BROGAN, 110 3,Mal I