TBE UMVYEISITT OF MICHIGAN DAILY mom. c .c.c c cc¢ amrr :r.cr.w.vw.wwwwww .l-wr. r r Tr EF F r e irE:iF 'IEEFEEirEEi Satur4 ,OPFZNING DAY* W The spring styles of t! ready for inspection S *'G dlay, Febr ~e "Varsity"!!I atu rd ay. Call a )ODSP] 117 MAIN STl Sal ccc 14-24 si 44a A-aa la:* 441444 saa saa a.,illaaa saaaaaa-.31 44. 4.3:. iary 23rd a "V ARSITY" HATS fats have arrived and will be Lnd examine the new shapes. 9Y GREET 1 w+0++0+00+00+0++0+The JOSEPH LIOIHAN SMANDOLN&GUTR ReevdFirst Premiuma at the Paris Fapa )NS have ar- §St haeberIe Music Store, 1lE W. Liberty St., Ann Arbol, Mach:r O r i n p e c t o n © H A F IK O D I S H $ 5 . 0 0 13 R 03 piiit size, patenti lamp, hiandler- 31 0 s on hot water pan, absolutely the +000 +++ best in town for the price. Visconsin Baseball Schedule AroS Jeweler 1.I N'eirs'. at Mtisli. FINE5 1 24i, t icti aa'M dsn -l :rer Iowal, it iadistn 7 lsoa al s ii. L I S 21. Beloit, at Madisn. SL IG i Micbizan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, THlE SHORT INE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct 'onnectitns at Chi'ctagoaforSt Loutis, Kansas City, St. Paul and thte west. Ben informfatiotnail ttagittickets eall ott erwrite t H. W. HAVES. Agent, Annt Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunay, May 21, 1899. TT.ains lease Ann Arbor hy Central Stand- °"U OF M.T4 I SPRING IMPORTATIO rived and are ready fi ~H ENRYi i s'c r . r .,arc.' r c:n c: tarc rrc c: G3 4: tt;i t; G Additional Washington's Birthday Committees ltt's B irtday-. Tihe 'cmites'e are uieiar ititlgtt'eiiiminr detailsoitthit affait inthit'asst'sslet'tofit25 cets ait ttw t ini'Ia tcoli'c teiromthetit ,1 iw Apr'il kpil April April' Slay 4. Ntttitvcali'iiat Shiatit . Shiv 1.Itloit. t Belit. S 1lay 1i. Bltcitla. r Fil. IN THlE CITY A' SOUTH NORTH le'Ii tti uit t ii 1 2 tticlait.i lllsl o u sL v r ________________________cla;Sat. tSliix 25. at 'cth o Hol esLiie "No. 6.- 751 A. M. Na. 1.- 0:50 A. Mi. A. II. t'alley. 'chairnuma: E. I:. 50'trklIsill 2Co':rnetll, iit MSlt. PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY S. Na.8a.-11'35 .iM. *No. 5.-12:3e r. M . C . I,. cii'v. .f. 1K. M usl C.l11a 5' o'tir - 1Sa 30i. l-iliit. it .tanesville. ______________________ tollyIar :;I. .klbttionat klbiont. *R a iewgen Ann Arboseanal TtiedotnyJ u vd Jnive :f_________.1111-1NSoclltrel. tat kNolt.rel~tc. All trains daily except 5indav. ' lii ii ltlat 5 ril hll.''he' l tie 4. N'Illii t'. hat i' .T VLSAet.Ht~ fJ~tWuni'tng"r.Ira ll W H. BENNETT. 0. P. A' _________-lilnc 5. Npoitw t at'ri llE itstn 4 HOCKING VALLEY BY lt,'i lilb Si: iclla)S. halidcll3e1sc't'il~'t}llLLay."flt The Railroad that takes -the Luincheois anti diniersa lt tmoderate __________ Business In and Out pricesftrinished hoc spreads, patties.Itdlica' aiid Ileltlelllell's Pocket ofMcia. alld balls. Good service, relinetd table sticks at tOie"1'hirtl Off this mnttli slappintmtents aiid dainty cooking, lul'1 A1k1414,1118 JE1WFlRY SORE~. 1/ N =: : L SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS i i.TECMU,47Toulsi t _______ j' DAILY BETWEEN 4IDIttliti ttliti i'lii basiepli - TlOL..EDiO, COLUMIBUS laties' and (,entlemlenl's Pocket- hull itlas r"tttliieil frodisiilieate'r and ATR-IENS. Itooks at tOie-Tliirtl Off this month, trill and rsitethu ic cit Ici liii th'ea.de- ta W. H. Fisher, kL W.Landman, ItktTl.Is IXX'EYSTOE. tii'iiit'ii G. P. A. G. Tray. Agt. ---__ Cetaznnhan.Ohio. tilteit.Mich. A.kl1iitCl('cis atlI ~iEthI iii'' aIlil tIt'tlelleu's's Pocet Ist. tiry asmet'f01'15I's' filt ('oH- littis aallti"'I'iiirilOft this iloith.tli Is's ioitis. klwaty-itfreshi and maidt to- bor RQYpiatilayAn S-Irs. SllirtilliKruhg (lthe,' t'l.I). will lt.k iIER'S a.W1a:X'LtY STORE. ilt .155 tt'ellisatt l"is~ IlikYtlt. You Gar's leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti nlla tS'(lt'ilii'lattItheI-Mustum Vetre________________ gi OI'I. os tilrt'hust it. 'V'ItlotilSts-n every hour beginning at 7:13 a. m. un- . i'i'hletcll >>(it lttlll etr ~ R~ S 110'NSll E tyli'si ii' lit5 lt 1 8. tte- 11:1.5 p. m. Waiting room coiner Ann '' lir tli;Ig ' ealu'r ttt of -thelii' ieti- r*t'ilir'ea it 't'iirepo t f t'e - iii. WXX rud M1ainSts.; Iletroittli Griswold St. g'culily ofii'otrlllltlla." .Al1 sieInitledl. , lit'51ll1i Itirnolitlil t4::),o. whe'l i't l s Pc w k Bil d P r rs CrevrhafouSaudyant lbehl.on Fridays from 2:13 to 5:14 p. m. yWadlams, Ryanl Reslle are sole 1 I5. I). X'iIIIEII. '1'r. Si'r. Regulation Sloe Tables, MONEY LOANED agtents for Ypsilainti un~derwear, ________ Monarch Ctl1son en tchs.iamnsdWheels and other Per- ___________Ladiie't5~hdlell'lil' i'i~- Eeyhn e n sonal Property. Office at residence. 101 E. Art Picturies for students' rooms, at biioks at Ogle-Third Off this 12101th. Strictly Up-to-Rate. Liberty Street. All business confidential. j{r Hettrn. 8tt1:30 a. sm.aind 1to 3:30 and 70to9 Selaltir' "s Bookstore, 1161 So. Main at. 1IT.. I'8 JP WEFL.YS'lORE. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor P M. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE PURITAN SHOE FOR MEN AND W OMEN E - Is unequaled at any~ price. Our styles are New and Exclusive. SEE OUR WINDOWS /I I SOUTH MAIN STREET V. ol MBarber Face steaming and HDITREEmbalmer and IlJust Wiliamhie est j masage aspecal- IENOC DIETRLEUniversity lst enantWlf lckw s Soan Bahty, done by latest yFnra iceo f law building. All hindscI. I Fine Room, 82 E aTE nd Paris (B9rlin 212 Sn Furt Av.,Both 'PhoesS hoe Shoprnealdunia P~~ . J. R TrolatShopk E.(aumber,PhJ+ U~PA~171N7f