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February 19, 1901 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-19

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SOpening Day Sarturday February 23
Vi Our spring line of Ladies' Exclusive Shirt Waist Patterns
will be ready for inspection Saturday. 1000 exclusive patterns---no
two alike---You're invited to look......................'
Mcia Ceta lWtXhtaJ j;m7' 7 freIr t 'f(:li itho ?ela jlarr Clocks $
NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE' 111 yes0traity tto )11) te 'oI tt VJ11)(11\ 0 0111 tnn sto etto lbe 0ilt LU.of M. Pils htc to y1.00. Fine
Saler pe "dertof 11th Ie ao S o-! l me r U' 00nv oe'han it tone 0 Watch Reai ,iog a Specialty.
ex yIforI"Alm l (01 1'tlttttt' spoke 11 1' ie. modetttttl lt lica() mvee nt1 1111111 lttt'ttt
ANN ARBOFR TO 1 amIt ,tR e' led 1 r2; alter., ra t N (iIItjt'tt 1thleon neso.ndpie on tilt',I J 2.L 0HAManJEWELE,
011Ie G0l gttueo1 Ntllo 11(1 t ooe ir'l et Po ie t o tttlttNN'. II (0 111)0 linlCHAFINGlDtSHt$5.00
BU~FFA LO y outi wn rolrivaL eveno~ 010 pote.ulIi preet: In.himoo000 lIAIN ISH 5.0
NEW YO0RK( s h r trth110)tt ny hgels lot'. 'It h, (ie Ilt' wl me,3 pint size, pateni lamp, landlee
- L+ I )) 1(011)1 It t I f o t o s t'It s ( '' 1)next, tctr' of te 'liosol- il oliot waer pan, absoitely the&
AND BOSTO N > h o 1 0went ovr0so of lt f Bll t ll hthe edone te Teefrotobest in town for the price.
With dirct) to at"totn'at 0oct00 for St I h 'tdt 0 olttttsho tim oo.I si oNNttolty I11 t'. hd wl joo r od e ee
Loose, Kansaso 't, )t Pool nd te wsta lef11 .0)1 1hitt 0,hltitte. ln t re {,a n ot' (''10 ' ttttlW mt Arnold,'Jeweleri
For intormationanad thtrogh tocket calltoOtthestt houoghlo Itt t' I eeti o hoood e
sot II X he dimP0tA t00 tt)tAt itrld.t IIt Il0pityiof 1o oxtu oonetol. I tF INE.T
A N N A R B O R lhNth i1r t oo te ep e 1ltttil tt rtech)eevts ewhItIt I t
RAIlLROAD l'ls olnlelit fit'd t'It oteslits e Ie tetse(oedt sit ethettloiT jH
oflts t't tilt r h fOs I theo ) t m lit les idi tt 1 eao hel
TIME T r A BLE ' ozrT~: ich 'leooon o 1111ilttot au o_ l 1)11mt!te te tttt t oa tith l Daid i1IN TI-I Li CIY A'f
TIME TABLE1)1)1)een httlitto. I111 c-snt Ite sol tto 'lb' Hotel of lotcrr. he1
Taking Effect, Sutnday, May 2, 1899 to~ti h ardeso niiIld1itrsi ;peeNilh cfmda
Trano leoove Ann Ator ty Cetrial Stood- 0(1 o It'set)tto tt )10tltl Ittt11) (lt' tli tt
and______________________________ ' tte.t[t l 1110 fo 10)'onettt't h o l it- llsT heaot rtttt tttldll. s l(toy1)by I)a
SOOTil NORTH ao' odt.lt) 0 11 )1ItIt tlt. 1Holies Lvr
'No. b. 7:25 A. !. -Nt. .-9:5i0 t.Nt.M 0105le tt Int e sitse o on e. tit re0- - PHONE I06, 5 5E IET
N'. . 4.1:5 F. M. No. 46 .M. :"r' 0 1 ighttcolee tiitlhl soia l: 1itdy -"-_____-
_______ 'E e ttry t i t ttttmfor tn t 00 at ht i. 'ol 't too' l ]enttl''ltt.rtill) iar
-Run ten annAror ad Toledo Itly (it o i tt' td idttl eetinItt t t t'he rreXe X ol t etl oy iI it inboo l(tatill;';to
A. i t a adatve oc Sndof l'I'hn ' n0as ls .suhl te l
W H~3ENNTT V. T. IOILLS Agent hN e5oon. Tt to' to It~' e tt XX' it(: .Chiitre oil t oot'tttltl 111)0
11tCKING VALLEYR Y. I ott mettitttet 1hNtldt t clse ts s lil
hor inoitoiiia 00110 ofallso t 0 t itor d N fr loieo' Satd tit e At
'The Railroad that taktes ,the utti t'tttttit)ittl of asthla ttl t t souls,1 tttt )0______ I "'la'4t1.d
Business In and Out art 'o t etitolthie se s. hs,,-
of Michigan. pbentoilit ') 't eoe t tit)tote itt ot' ii stO itll 0'IlA I t' \~t .
4' DAILY B[TWE'EN 4' Ii to tlt;ItprotrmV oftnew Bant t tsilt o( lilt'
ancI '~'~I"IEIs]S lole do i osof 1111 '. , it'boe 1 tu I tnc r i ot i ' b t
G.OLE.OA. CO TcMBUSAol. itt'ns. 'lute lttpittan lpropo' 1 othe. 1 le AirNtFYquro OPENERrot
co a nd, T H EN S. ,~l Mot tt ito it o tietsuti .I f( hasn(, it ' it soo ttume rtts N ttl hed ttit o ti' IIttl tt at ooa t)hte-tI ol
nto i o a 'a't- t.te ;otto la
Detroit, Ypsilant and Ann Ar- ttllti. I Iotret o nedI he o I t s 11 Ill' ito . litl,) tti lu o',01 711 stlitt t at ocIk.' 01 tcooc
.Co l eabueOho. o o.Mc. ontroR ia / ooe Iorlot 11 c t tilt 01 ~i r' t e elli f 1 i atrlt ot t n llwit yo t t;ilofr~n ce ry00 siasNo the taIlgyo' itu
e(ery Itournheboatdtottyoat 7:13 a.hnt.s r-tie. t' y~o till Ott 0)visied H1 ' fDronl
I~er~i, psiant a d A n A - oltd, ha Irfla seri inttltot.It teto d a y.tO sI)w ~ ipe ot I 00 cesocoa
111p.m aiige=tKoto tn iitetelgtie ilr no:tit iteitts tt tndriou veet ittle ltess, t o reon and Algetitte emk adsl t3
ro bai t.;Ir ottteiw lat It tiltot 111'1te tttt'i'' t'- XXrk taeite Raita. eP.sckway iu lIar dy Parlrs he
Cars seny hlf hor Satrdas td tttO'l''st ll'111 t) ir hit)tt(1e.Nv it ti vth Ai n 1Y uicCo. ltt'gti otit d't'ovieo,~ .ER l
on r leri ase frm'21.etot3n p. an i .l e l1 lv shl tonl16tot.'it I 10111e1onl
evr MoubeinY at7:O a . nD ti tt;- Iftirst-'lit raso at.a0ce Oineat 1 eto t Ottohosev
tia Ae9,5 m.;After thaol t to tr et-.a t Ihert itil - bcitirlitt f 'it o st fetli i wll It' it Ttolt OTtt ItE!Ir11a00tyit
s1n15 potm ncctp. romfeeat C e Ace n 0 NN. ih i'igtl ltoffend:1)ndtthere1)1 ;It*, Tt he bes )tlar istheoeotI Lat'tin- rO EeytigNe n
ruff tMi ts.;All hsto taaa Griso ldat.ioth. tlu ffnd oly blcla eNNri 'r.iry 1 I ttIY 'k .ll11)1 r '1(1 e-. Pic wi Sitlrd P-ta te.rs
LCattvy haf Jo SEHr .TSattilys and off1ei) ireh'tilrt.1na707"slNereUnevee rsty e.ly u Annat1 1 S n r ArborZ o p nReuaio ie als
HProt. 00 alter .pro.eotOII tos010Iaad foi tilt'11(1)17'
MONE LOA ED rtl re Fwn f elxpt rI rfit ii Toniht t a rto injn r hiar Mo~y~~ nachmrnrC r
Hous.6.113(x.mandIt, 3( ad loS is eo ed at ay prce.30r tyles a t loo.ew7 atUnidrsExcve.nnn rbe

Face ateamiag ad ~ Eble and 61tEast William Street l~
U. oi M barber montagea pecial EPOCH U RhLbl me ad University Just ane-kalf slackwasttFine
Shop and Bath ts dn by latest funeral Director V ato law bu ilding. All kinds I ~ ~ ' I Fn
rmehos.(Bin 22I FuthAvof repairing neatty iiu a ii
Rooms,"822 STAFF. aJ.R.Trjanoankl iFurh Y" Phones Shoe Shop E aber.Photo;
rr ai ,0 #X, & i 5

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