R FH C -Nt 1htU'-i V*y 1)r 51 RIIt A\N It 2 Pttbiithed Daily (Modays ecpteddritg College yar at. THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN MAIN OFCE BRANCH OFIC Argus Bldg Man St. 336 S. Stat Street. Both'Phases 1. Ne State 'Phoe 12. MANAGING EDITOR, . H. AS,'01 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. ONELAt, 'Ci L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. 5. BCunsUSr, il B A. .MCIIOCGALL, 'BE. w. A. it-tott, 01 L, Miss L,, K. SAIN '03 Bas. DRAK °01 m. . Wooa~ow'04 W. P. CANss~, Ci 5L W. A. BENSCOER, '03 . 1. HtOSO, '03 JUDGE IN PHILPPPINES [CO1thiused fromt I irst las.] Tht thits is a greon tttor is tnitetet wihent t'ne liess tt tutie ts adti rt- sposibilites restingpoitenttitwiot tttti introdsiee te Atteictanidteas antd fott'tistant 1htfrm ot' oni, tirtly Iffttentit ttd twitse lws attit peiple ttrtforeignt t Atseia ritt- cilples and ides of goenttittt. Prof. Johnsoin, itt sainglofihis tewsatppoitmieit, stitl 'Biligtaeit intg te telt'graltiniftrmini~g metof 1113' ati piesnt just shat l ttdtt I siall ttko grtat It-iw onfert'ti upont tsUiti vetsity ia, iwelissio tmtyself, btti wietnIcotsiter te rtittnttbiltiles cnottitut ttfell ily towni iti'ttt:teuetty prterly i fulill tedutilesltet-tt itittying Stitit at:lioior. witihte iltiits ittumett ptt niittthSe ttHces'ndttith erttort, Sslall dlfsri tccetptnceutil 1 tall vst.I II-tlitit- is 5Ph tilit'ttt'1ttt t'itismf a e been un. forcedt. IlT'esuprteme c'out wiiehiis to its tormei tso itheimposed f flie suitreiesjuitgs,. tretof hom areto be snt froi th lis eotury antwso seleted froit: promintiet juriss i: he Islatndts. It will btheSlit iSes of thes judges to divitiete isluls ils five' tistricts, seah of wiiehiwill its seidr the suervisin f tt f t:tfhe siptiemte jiutges. In th in'tiliet ttty till hold Nisi SPrius courts, whietheyt twill aS tolletivtly aithst uremi5ettour. E- senttteseloitit'eeiitartiy otintiitornd nlthoor~s,bsuts thetirdis hastt' t yet fly tfheltia:cceptslie::Pof.i] eo lhohercanoreaityribg sti:ahis andts lsawdsaystbent asltt eetmedui atl e:ndgeittfli' is of 2 wiseleu 1t Siwillhasitblttieo fOitlfiuamd law thiier oe i teri lo hisItt stirs inofttelt~ntitsit if SeMtihigyan tite tli egisdtur le o io froitmli un:iver'sity a poor stdent aut] work't his way through collge. t'alsys h11as It partieulr itetrit in students i ware struiggling forti: educatio, tls3 stoIsunidergto. III] i llior law lit's c alledi tl l ;f . tiOlsttiuit profssor, tills ulw "i ; iwis retainedtl-os pro. fssot. Ii'La a tlti'tent. IHe boo tomplilt ' li , 1i li TearSiOs ait rofes- sttr 111:11 selectetd secretory of Shot departinit in-18931. 5:: 18t5S Itswwo els'tetsr o She ositt oardof eduetition anti now lie .is piessisdeitof She Iboard. Prof. John:son:praicaleOly iintrodluced Stseitraetie couirt system, wichel lis bteen: so popiular oind inistrmntaS~l in: iin~tg in:strucionin i:losw schools thirou~ghoutS tsesontiry. St wos of first iterely aiiiexpterimens~t with studten:ts fromt his own::stats, but twos soin dis- covered So Its so itroeticol Shot the great Itody of studesuts demn:dedad- isiot and tth e followtin:g yeor a per- imttttenit pratlt'eescurt wssestablished. .Spetatkiing of lsosi:g univesity circles liie profesootr stud: 'It is iwith us sinttll degree ttf liesittincy Shot I con-: ssidet' he imailtter tof leain:g She:univer- sity. Suit thtert' is oineftact thiat is very gratifyinigto edtlii111Shot 'is She kin:d,, toiurteous treatmntSwvhichi the stu-' dents ha~ve tcoed:S t o ins.' 'Shtould Prof. Jothn:soi:acceipt Stseii- pitmenfittiniaoll prob~ability its will he tltligeti to leatve',S Sa ranciscOoltbout Ail. Numitertus congrtuiltory let- itrstattd telegra'miis Itove beet:reeised lby t011. Ills aceptance tes orei'f'usatlstill P'rttf. Johstonttiistemintiistly fitted So tilhis po llsitiun: ott] discharege swith 1lit ottettltSiith o ief :1:1d1his coutrliy 1itt chotosintg so capaible ia represntative for n 'ta'rslottsiltll lask. l Presidtlttt arruss's of Obasrlin tColle'ge st-ill itprech iiit'e Conigregtiiontal c1u1g toorw.11r~g n vn f S. L. A. COURSE MRS. MAUD BALLINOTON BOOTH WensaMarch 6 Art Novelties, Decorations, Frames, Poster Mounts Don't be deceived, and all Art Supplies T'rade mark stampedt on sole of every shoe. We are sole agents. DEFRIES' ART STORE, Geo. H. Miller, 217 S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR "r1 11IEAIST O)1' 3lAitYltNL: ., ., Al lilt Athetns fheter DtvitiBls-s "' (.%;hpil rad rllat r11a IfA HE S THEATRE lan" gives lerttotf 0iofStheVWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, sixciti mtnresievt'smof thisseausoi. 'fe lt ilits athtied suehi tm:('nor- Retuorn and Farewell Engagement of titits slitit~s sheirev'sr it hats Ib: eenD XT D BE ASO- disusiot: mu: mttoestta:loessity of Romantic and Realistic .Drama the iaturluis'ts of te ftaousathoirs thicu-wh ave It' l i' ii She sttandalrd "Tb l t of Marlan'Iuid" still lie in- btt' I)il lir.t ;-a this' oiliiii3'tiid th e n ff l rylan4 tl'Wrt ''i.1hiit 'ti st s'' ~ythose o' t l'sismnitl lit7tr l dtto'tilPRIESENTED) BY Slit inteiorifthis belfry ,, ile- David Belasco's Owvn Company i troop' ll 'huh Sihts':r, ai sh(trt's siry rlhsli. fitItis' s stltt'- ~ 5 5, X35, "50, 75c $1.00. Seat sale Monday lilt. Feb. 21)_______._______ TUE'SD)AY .r tiAN' l' t .T HU RA.1 7B L~Y2 Agjst bfor' Ltit progrtanm sill lte The Original New York Production sit,,, (irucd 'usday e'uing, 8:310 to1 'irds swill 'bestcogitized. Othies 50c ' j£v 1 t lotrttllil. tu'tiige'sAe~~eit3'sitBY A tUSTUS TxolfAS. Matynuardlstrist. ___a _____nard______ Seat Sale Tuesday, February 19th, 9 a. in. ''11I., B4IC=Hl ThLWONDER IS__________________ ltytti 'figers, t0c;Tigerettes, irc. ________________________________________ Lllies' ndtil h::lstnem's Pocket- EVERYTHING:NEW EXCEPT THE DAME thor of 0nhird l~iOftthis i:oth. AT I1.A I.LIS.I'I NBW'IRSY STORE. Chef d'oeuvre de I'Exposition universe BYROE' Walton, Saglio, and Champier OES :ADDRESB5. S,33SOUTHI STATE STREETP The pobishters or this wSrk recesived the Grand Priue and fld Medsha lie Paris Ex-I~U postit itsfo its exceeiience. Alt woerks sold on. susrpinonly. BIL..LIARD PARL R EUROPE HIGH GRADE CIGARSS, 'TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES Pt::ho, Sssioelattl, pSlIt ise-i50 D El D AN D SUCCESORSOUTH (i ty s,$200))]r1) tipt':.Ilion, N. Y. TO . E TATE Redmond, Kerr & Go,,NO D OETAE U TR T BANKERS1r AUU SANITARY PLUMBING- 41 Wall Street, New Yorkr. *Iflll E'ClCCoTtc'oNADSJ'Ls, ISTEAM AND SHOT WATERt HEATING, Transacgt a general hanhing bijsirues 207 E. Washington Strei. ARtTItiSIC GAS AND ELECTIS FIXTSURES; Meceive deposits suhject to draft. 0 i ends HlGB GRADB MANTELS AND GRATE2S. and interest collected anid remit':, ,Aolctas_____________________ Fiscal Agents fer and negetiate theitstsue of -______________ railroads, street railways, gas comnpanies, etc. We are headquarters for every thing in the line. of furnishings for Secnrities bought and sold on commission. Members New York Exchange. studenlts' reems, LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHSOTO RACKS,' SHADES aIEAL IN WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUJSPIDORSS. HIIGH-GRAD[ INVESTMENT SEO V ITIES. Our, Prices You Will Always Flnd tile Lowest.' Lt fcurrent oalerhiel a.. cu 4i :, .soen, M AR K HllIAA/"IVI 'S BAZAAR- AAPRILADELPBIA CORISPONDENTS; ER&C . 12B5OUTS' A~IN STREET. NEW STATE 'PHONE462