lb , r; e oK aiim VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1901. No 103 --- ....Our. Special Line of.... JUDGE IN PHILIPPINES Foreign and Domestic Prof. E. F. Johnson, of the Law De- partmnent, Has Been Appointed to FA BIC S 4 the Philippine Supreme Bench FOR SPRING The University of Michigan hats ever been the recipient of many honors at the hands of the national government, has arrived and ie ar- and the fact-has 'been especially notice- ranged for inspection, able dnring the last fews years that We hve te lagestas- whenever a national qunestion involv- We leae the argestas- g exceiptional responsibilities is pesnd- sort ment in the city, ing-offlces reqiuiring sound, practical men whose judgmenst and experience are unquestioned-the aIppointingeow Li E pow-II enshaeused very ftreely ofctsoir stock io8 . Wahingon s?' Sitnce the actqnisition of our new icr- Io8 . W shigtonSt. ricry many positionts of honor and trust have been opened tnt the de- patments or Washington have been somewhat deliberate in tilling them in W[ATER.D.COLOR( order ihat bty so doing they mnight ! Y V V Lr secure the best min possible. vhough. OU F T efforts have 'been ntstde to suppress the 0u~r113annosuncemuent wvhich arrived Monday, it leaked out yesterday morning that si - te University had ag ain bcen honourcd AU and the excellent reputation of its law " department alitrecited by t1e tiztlioti- tlgov erment int the ippoinlusentit o tinf. EL 1.Johntsott toiontt(otittite on XAJI itmin' tsdrleslitt ifte hi'lilipine PHARM ACY [C astlituet ilottSecond PsIge.] YOU KNOW where to get... AKrGOOD, I!LUNCH AND Y SMOKIE R. L Jolly, 308 S. State Street. NOTNG Estabrook's Lecture Enthusiastically Received The Chicago Alumiinumber of the 8. L. A. Course was givens last night by Hosn. Henry D. Estabrook of Chicago ' Ulysses S. Grant.'"Is address was the aiblest that lissbleens givesnits honor of the Chicago Aluni for a good msany yeatrs stud itntill respects one of the inost enjoyable of the year. 'The subject was exceptionally well treat- ed and the delivery pleasing. The earntesadt-crt f h pae tdded to phis wit and grace in delivery made Iina most effective. Htis chsarac- terizatiost of Grant is a stasisasnd t gesteral wats strikisng asnd originsal. lie siietd strosngly upon te characteristics that contstribiutedi to Gront's susccess antd greatniss asid portratyetdthemist tta visid lighst. Woman's League Aft 11 t'elock titorstitig ltiet'x-i-iilivt 'costtn1ttto'f'tic Cie Woititi's Ifesgist'islit with Clii itISMItt. Arratnge t'sts trt 'ocitt- sitdertilfor i'ttlestaittittg the itoivi- it oCltheStats' Fe'derationt tftWosm- i's c'hlts. Awitith is lti e Itelti ittAsit Achiti' (hiritng thst' ast aweek itt Octotbes' texWt. 'Tte 250i delegates will lie the gttest. iftheliiWoitisuti's L-legtt. INDOOR MEET TONIGHT First Athletic Event of tile Season Will Occur in Waterman Gym Tonight, Close Contests Assured Tile lirst of a series of indoor -meets will occsir this evening at Waterman Gym. It promioes to be a tryout ex- citing mtucht interest, as the various classes and fraternities will be largely reptresentted, and~ in exteiti inally fine form voectlly so sis to i.t''r their re- spaectivf' teamiss ini their' ,itt' for a lilacs ot thtrt'at'ktlstents. Uittitiiitediv sointe fin(.'saterial will ttur'stusip.ntuthiere lust' ' ''se om two Sisrlttiss's sliritig. Thte-,.' ioor meets havet' been isteretisisig ?sittlarity em-sti siecetlsig years.ss11(u,."; i'ls is the ittil evncit ot its ihisdti u sissg.all shoulditiste it. 'ist follttwig is si short accounst of soittoit the lprobtattle winers itt to- sigist's constest. C'apt. Hottwardl Hayes, '01 L, prepared at tytdt'Ptaik itighsschool, Cisicago. Het diii nstt esigage its athletics titers bitt esteried collegseisers itt '97i'and wadeli'thestrct-dteamtt heitsfirst year. iii' isas a istitter of the chtampaioship teams ssst'atlri'sessteed Micitigass at 'aris. Ilit'hols a record of 51 1-5 sec. tstti 'atstr'msilt' asndi2.00 2-5 sec. its I t'itttitsetottilThirdil Page._I Trowbridge's Chocolate Chips (THE ORIGINAL) 40 Cents per lb. QUARRY'S CAMPUS DRUG STORE + University ~Text New + and SSecond-, 3hand for *Depart- * mentsu S at N AIR*', TRACK MEET AT GYM TONIGHT