- I BY. L.NLIVERSIIY OF MICEIGAN, DAILY _ 111F1. 1 SIVF g F E FF ES1TY OF MiCIHIGAN IJAILY 3 F F t Ift You Looki Us Over,. You will a t~ree that, our $3.00 Hats are the great( possible values in Qduality, Style and Price..... . 117MAI !1a est !"a p E E .IN. STREE $?? ? 3383 s .'asasAs 3s ?.lams ss s : r a3zs : a sa Michigan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE- MIE SHRILINI - a1 ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With tireei connccijons at Chicago foc St. Lout-, Katton City, St. Pout and the west. PEer nfoi-matioonitndthrougth tickets call on is srite toI.'\-.H Oil i-h AgenttnAittor. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD .8.Z= L h- SI=TmlE; TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, play 21, 0899. Trains leanve Ann Actor by Centr;S tand- n-id Tine. SOUTH N 0Itll WNe. 6.- :25 A.M. No. '".- :50A. 51. N 1Ot:35 A. M: -No.i. 5-12:30 P. A. :'iC. 4.- 8:35 P. M. N:.. ,i.- 4.u P.sM. ,Ran tetween Ann Arbor ansd Toledo only. A1 t rnina datly axcept Sunday. W. T.WILLS. Agent. We P. BENNTTI G.P. A HOCKING VALLEY RY. The Railroad that takes -the Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUM'BUS and ATHENS. W. H. Finher, L. W. Landman, G.P. A. G. Trav. Agt. Columbhus, Ohio. Deitroit. Mich. Deroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. (lare leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every flotur beginning at 7:15 a. mo. un- til 9:1-5 p. In.; After that to Detroit at 11:15 p.in .Waiting coomi corner Ann rud Miain Sts.; t)etroit,11I Griswold at. Cars every talf hour Saturdays an-d on Fridays from 2:15 to 5:14 p. ni. MONEY LOANED en Watches, Dtimonds, Wheels and other Per- sonal Propearty.Oniece at rsisdence, li3t E. Lherty aireet. All business confidentat. Hears. 8(to 11:30 a.,in. and i to 3:30andt7toS9 p. Mn. JOSEPH C. WATTS U. OF M. TAILORS 0. SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar= - rived and are ready for inspection IHENRY BROS...I r "King" Lehr is Married The Freshmen Will Snoke slisligatiu s sir athtleiesseemitittke Totitiiiimbseis of this class of .1.904 aret io mlarriage lie utcs tois-lec. Onty sitaninintgivle ai iiiokercnetistwieetk. ;:1 fotnit tao this Daily chironicledlPTt-etnigttof Felt. _1 has beeit sisetedi the fast tat bit- -Hilt" Catey tia libe- for teaffair, and the committee in ucilela bitiidii-t. Anuntiistenls tiave istorgi- of thii i- aokec celect to tisve jttst tb-e-itcived si Iof liii itirrisageof Prof.. It.. 11 itttiy tpresenstt. if too)- PKitt - Lhii. itsiitto thisotside BI ibte, to-si- 'xpect to ouitido ills-affaic At ssMAtoislic t. 'eltitaoitif ttSrig- #ag0 lifid.l. 'the ittiiisistt~ ook iptaist -- Fist. 5 anitohetii-Giili;'tid his sieecci I NiT'IICE '04 LTt. i-itbticat ht i-o ftiii Febi. 21;sit liie oflliowintg fishetiiiielasy miin iDisight-llf t.. usc tt-iMrit. Lti- hass et-s;ii tleoti-iat gymi. Itisaufternooti etigageil in theti- ~icst-I sO-f ih is 1 ,s- (ridpsa 4:30: Weberi, SRednier, Siott. ; 11111tH aitltt SfliisJ, Ctark, tPttnami. u-.nghsaslts-eii:frtotIsitintii c if'l tssitS -tipsoni. Vruut If isoctiey._ beiigtheonlytich1ittiganssathlttyisitt ' ell eventiruoit lite(i-AI~s-to utisi itl. i iyEtIItiIEil. Cr. Jttigc. bailttt trac-k. Hei-hold -,.',nsitc~i ers psit tic iitn li t the t h,, e odtcleisis Tit-sissy itigit t. ont N.- tete isll on te levetidsigtt wsht for T- lo t- lt-s i intt dtr Iplte and etu- T~t I titist '4 isis- lud. siltcit uni lit prtesetedissizit the 'Aits Titeater tatis's sitdi ientiletto'sPocket- - Welestsso. I-N-Is. 0, hsoneit of the few, hooks it One-Ti-s Off this tmotht vs-i-y T-ic i-ily greait siitiperfecstiy IALL5ERS TJEWELRY STORE. contrucrtedt plitays of Atteietit origin nios etalnt upon thi staige. it is are- 'TeInighlt before Wtlashington's Bit-- atislic rottiosee of lovte att ea tr, wvoin- dalySte enotire Cliettiamegon oretiestr-t ati' d telot itttndoelf-sttcciliciitg ero- furtntistitusefor idtttcing at (iranger's tilsm tittimas slosytaltyatida-outrage. IAeoiietty. utAitia asnoblyby air. The s-litrs assre- typis-ally A tirliott and tti su ttit-i-e. tttint olstgly inldisitulntized rtnd isalcer- ----_______ pros-t isy a catreftully c-hosenh'-o 051505sf With so100ip-rcase-is catItei& ltey- of nslsstolcsisiiflll yerisyc-. niluisof ('-sctitsst lcrighsCigareltes, I the ,lusty-famed-u Tigerettes, or eight Sf00' t lle)WfhI~citAN SMOKE ll1ht HetRokedsillaaat-Fitleel Cigars, Iltrst 'Pgcs. iii 'iig-cels' Sc aott get sa srtaw-for a toapiec-ttoar-Ite titilecrisis':00 i'sirtuiitta1'rigiutsCigar- Mit-,.and Mtuirsitigec titve o-a-__________ tiont st-h eni ctirie Citequatuegots or-1 The fincasu monoarapia and other tini- -itesitra for ste eve of Waslhlgtl7' versity fiancy ltter piaper sand pads In Birthdaly, tiext Thursday night, 8:30 Is the city. All etyles. Seballer's Book- 1i:-Vi o'cltock ('turds wi-it be $1. !store, 116 So. Main at. The JOSEPiII d1ANN MANDOLINS & GUITARS R~eceived irLst Ps-sesminmstilhe Ports Expue lion, 100. They as-. fovsale st rho Schaeberle Music Store, 1]t 6IV. Liberty St., Ann Arboc, Miith :CHAFING DISH $5.00 3 pint size, pateni lamp, hoandle ott hot water panl, absolutely the best in townt for the price. Win, Arnold, Jeweler FINEST .SL ii"S11 INITHE CI TY AT HolmesLivery PHONE 100, 515 E. LIBERTY S rio iiy shv ee vli6'taHi' . Dro ANta EErEOENR bato ifyou evrvte ak'.Do Washington, l16 So. State. P. S. The snly first-class place in towns to s-ni astere nerved in any style. Pickwick BiIiarfi Parlors,. Regultion Size Tables, Monarch Cushlona. Everything New and Strictly Up-to-Date. 797. N. Univtrsity Ave. Ann Arbor- ii 4 i j i t_1 i. L1 11_i_ _.L 1_L.L-L-I-i.--i- L }_ = J-i-s-L_1 L1 .1_L i s lt3f 1fV1 iJ'Lt_!tj ttlttlll11.1J'iin :_ ILW-, U-1 -:.. ii__t1f1Fil1 i# &_NLuiti . "1[r tri}, THE PURITAN SHOE FOR MEN AND WOMEN Is utnequaled at any price. Our styles are Now SSEEGOUR WINDOWS -II . Oi MBarber aeostam~~iEnOGHandRLEEmbalmer and U ieriy613 des a eti FunDITRL~ t~eral Dlrecaur s y Jul Shop and Bath xiehod.y(Rrhln +-2%125 Fwfl p }s}DL A5f 3oms-22 and LEaywsId. =22S "+ vt ~1 Poe h.Sho STTE J.Rroa4 and, Exclusive. r~ ~ SOUTH'MAI S"TRE __ Enst Wihilani Street lt Ees-ali biock weat