2 iHE -UNIVERISITY OJF' MICHIGAN DAILY. U. ~~ ~ilProf. Jones Discussed the Negro Probj RAIN OR SIIN F _ __ _ ________ The 00" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe published Daily (M t .dc pi dlduring t t rsyatrlt~ to~ wear when the weather is uscer- Coile aat tsioultoioteUned tain. A~ little rain doesn't hurt it \ THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prof. Jones gave some vy interestitg Iwhile it affotds plenty of comfort on q ZVIAI OrFICE BRANCH oFFICE facts whsich the various uiestis rep Ira I the e arntest of days. Argus Bidg Mani. St. 31 S. Slate 5Sret shitw. But Of course We have light shoes Bot________________ e'Phne ~z Perha ps the tmost insterestintg toilt for bright days and heavy shoes for MANAGING EDITOR, bought outt was in referene oto the rainy days if you prefer. o. H x.s, 01 acequestion of the south. tHe dis- BUSINESS MANiAGER, esset bsoths the negro populattons of GLASS'S SHOE STORE,th hfehiercassote ,n Ca. It 00'v L ts-soitesgeetseofse 1 O9So. Main Street. , whnadtie tpoor hts, sthowintg e eniTroes: ttie ostsltuitits and limiitatons of Opnevenings (antil ANN ARBOUR, MICH T IjLLTtCS - G. I. Huttii 1'01 . thost ttiree vtastes, of esaittern psototla- 8P., A. H. Mc~ocuAO,'mt. a E. W. A. K mn0 o r,- l. i, h eFr iegauiybtsrl Miss L, K. SASIa. Nil Co 1S. Dt-lat "c lt dtriftiiig frotit the iiittieriiiiost of thse \ ~.whether you care to bitsl now, or H. B. woosoW"v,04 t. P. Cona .A i C souttierul states tis t tise tyiig fisettier ,comeo merely in search of sugges- w. A. OtE s.OTa 0 3 E. 1: Ilseo.,-, 'u. to the sosutti. Ii ttiree of fitie sisuthiern ylis o ii eewilrpyyu isili- toe tusky cts-is tts densest We will sell vou ta Stuit or- Over- ___________________________________________ atlong the M1ississippsi lsood ptan a out lIi The subscription price ft h Oityl .YCou tts'sbf s-isef Vise Itsi ti."teegtosuot t.. w \ coat at for the college yeas, with a regular delivery I.h 1 ten visdcl ad.VlQ before neon each lay. Notices, cooinnust - 1liwy flet i ssotead~ Prices that will wake it the best investment tono, snd othernmatter ittndedt foe publics- lazy. bit. otaiiigy to hits tsotiisousiie's DS lon most be handed in ot the Ost. ic ans nists eyNeladpeofr beoe c p. in., or isotled to the ediiobtoro ttt.i iY itssaietfore 3 . you ever made p. Il. or thte day presios t ha dsy o ieiile rI Bersenalt sin-tees. tt is it Very ,Li-- 5absorlpsioas may bphnmabe ex ttlefiit aseathe fthur of- iiir ttii fcoi ttr fie( tiegess laborers All Uniderwvear stid Shirts at COST. - ucrip, n Meyer's, or Siotbet's Neustandi, or with tileslist -ftemoizied' i sb i ilteeril Housecoats and Sweateus at Low Busincss Managaer. Suscribores wiii confersatie-s--ao ltettsii rie 1lrel. f hi w ae sfavor by reporting promnptiy at tis office soy failure of carriers so deiver paper.- the-tis-i iisette cot on itt tltii i men > Prices. Alinte s ice ad.ert00isn dayte prvius b tiarslte bti tteta tirsf Joes t ii ils > ~ or Ateboesis3pm.o sth day oraitons be - '" Get oar Prices Before Buying, The New Store. that en whbith theyasee to apostle. th ite ie iii). lsttiitt. h. Its, in sit ________________abi___ _______ slity3 a-si ii tnaiget.. ii c ai s g oil itle -istlt lie si mte-timg sit tilt-Daily fiu, tilt Ieel st- iti l11Ot1 trots AInf oada 1:51,I.IIIEDTUe.1. tisi rdy aoer, l it-i.tHel s iee i i STAEBLER ANDIIUT Boriat-i sit 10:45 i its. artdets.n l rb. ithli-ey 1ir1tlts-sitionsreqc ueits tpe - Mios-llts tig bvni t ot es h Ilistts ut iiti l tillk a1 sna e ic t lirt e i-io tst it -- its titttici tthis. - ___ that she has The present lore ondition _t the VG Yvs___r J , Jts__ w _X3VtJJ__ VC V__ haTi ear thI-ftie trU vk i siter~ waill f'uh l-it., i claoit ti tw f eiss.~ liitii3ite lstak toisie i lth tirs it lssc, sit tile s-o ts sthle 1 ATHE hinstudte *varsity indor4dutdo ors:l rda t Ln1 iseittloeit eit n s h nc l r aspgr d to polItiEAT - E -site.stetlitstsiectlt5ll10lift-, aid this rsulitedin utte stu tst- IWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2D0, tue t ratedl ron itup-t of the nestei nit sti li f hitii vsa intio r soilidl1-it 3 ltiu it a-wl naeteto T-ollege-~uss c liui ltheeissi llstinss .si suim. In itedet-us ' sis-s p laet ReunadFrwlEggmnto sill esti is tilke isit sif cti ern d.lo item Io the lila-k s i-i fit-I DAVID BEIASCO'tS "hoists," an51 steit ses t of aiee eceaIst dteades after the wa iwis ftso andt tot ai sigle -osntest selledtuled st-ith lit-ofesionalt its chattrauter. Prospertoust Roantic atud Realistic Dl-ama alls infetrior- testmt. tiesitts hav-lug list trritt-an sti anl ctr its de sitnu high girade ume-ets stus guares toi s-:tise-tjjlise~~~o tthe tilt estrient hotly, ts too: ilto liie 5lister tctt i 1a1 imo1rti dotr,-dt ftuue gtt isig riodie ti lit fits it Itlat rli- act cotuld ciiake E EE UE baolet trccitlg ptet'ine. as issie livins. It te ltsfte itl lit uiao~7I9E~ -esotisp ti fse sfuisisfi teims, - I'lt tt t1 stadtC oitelt-I titei. ittt tclcrt'.iist f reusllils ilsslt st t i sstt -sttt is t" of. ot. so r state nctdsi PEETDB fslut e It ntl l oystss eal t itsor tn , I itu o to tt'I n; ins list ina a ns i tsf .to n i e- he e aota g nd s tt a -i cn lift himusus-tias allthe David ea~ ' w o p n eveeiy Itan oo "msile, -o ml ttIitit silic isles hasvu- lists- fr i ot ty Ittl urg .ti Jtti~tte ish t- arie riudst natsion ts se t-tutu nlus Cots ~ PRICES:' 5 3.5, 50. 7.iC $1.00. Seat sale Monday. slt su_.s littii-iuitie arsil detieitte tilt fiuistsa sssus-ts u t tii-isit2 s.al backdii of every tsteiit 'Start utlslt teasitn sin itil u es .tiii ftR D YF B UA Y2 rht by3 i ursius suit uIts tsihrinor sleet girti lthue esitu i i ' nsltgee for-fthe The 0Original Newt York Produlction of....- is ortunity tuiglit. 'flis trill fuisis e flccort it is domai its Ithe direetiots tat brst oispor tusity to set a lists-n ao edssueations ini isouals tiisisg andh usse- fi L(.) ! southi BY AGUSTUs TatOatAs. All of tile old favolites Worcester on the Rear Platform lit ionluionIt was cvsh lown that flue ____south hisad tiseked out of the svronig Seat Sale Ttuesday, Febrtuary 19t11, 9 a. m. Fb12-aooanalthtonadannsyistrigaihansoitjat to the railroad turned out to fli, rotad to Inustrsial ptrospaertyl. EVERYTHING NEVV EXCEPT THE NAME wveleooae this Philippinle commiissioni on Chfdoure'e- A is trite to st-ganilee provincisl govesrs- Chetpositionr dnivesetl At every station there wvere burst. BY of music from usative bands and ceers Walton, Saglilo, and Champier for the -Aunerteanos Filliios cornmis- FADh)RESS, 3' SOUTH STATE STRERT9 stlts' atid this ttartido F derahe." The The publisesrs of tits teach received the Grand Frizes aod Oold Medal at the Pauris Ex- essuonut at Mlalohos, the former seat of position for te eacellece. Alt workt Gold on 0 ' the isusrgenst goereVlit. teas smiiuller suibecription only. Ilin at thse villages. Re m n Ker & Co B I L I R P A R L O R S , Aadthstpadrsewed-,liered by natives and tesponses wee BANKERS1- otade -by Judge Taft. Prof. Worncester 41 Walt Street, New York asid others. -HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOJBACCO AND CIGARETTES Thes natives reps- tedhiy declared the Ti-antact a eselt basingbahse. ElI A NJD SUCCESSORS OUTH peolewer bginin to udertad Bo eitedeposits subhecteto draft. Dividends E~A r pepec-obanigt iiest nd i nterest collected and remitted. Act as ii(TO!AT purposes of the Amerieanls. Fiscal Agents for and negotiat the Isue of _ _ _ 312S rue American party aligttd at San railroads, street railways, gas companies, etc. R EY 0O LDS ROSENTHAtEB 2 TREET Securhties bought and sold on commit son h'erutindo, paassed unuder ass arch of Members Noe Yorb; Exchange. _________ ______ 'welcome and teas greeted by this mili- fary and htundreds of children -w'aving DEAt. IN i r, 0 lUIU SANITARY PLUMBING. Anmet-ican flngs and sisiging "Hail G'o- HI1GH-GRADE. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. J1 g fpf*ELECTRIC CONSTRlUCTION AND SetvPLhES,V- Lislia"ta of correct oheriec~a u.o l acuOtion, 7 STEAaI1 AND HlOT WATER HEATING, ________PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. 207 E. Washington Street. AtITtOSlC GAS AND ELECTRtC FIXTURES At SCHOOL FOiR DANCtNII. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HIGHi GRADE MANTELS AND ORATES. Strictly ta sc-hool. No pl~tic parties alho-weit. :ro joitthe eltisses call at th off cc Sesconds seisuoster thiis atiss text You Can Btsy thle.. Week. thraigeu's - aeuhitea3. >12 S-ssy- O ~rd ci.. ssitsosit Schioil suf° Misi- e 0 WH bulig M a c itp L a oo...That W-',,'t Breaky Througlt_ 218 S MI N ST Art Picures for students' rooms, at. Sebalstsrs Bookstore, 116 So. M1ain -t. -'A"