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February 15, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-15

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o .

VOL. X1.
...Our s3pecial Line of....
Foreign and Domestic
has arrived and is ar-
ranged for inspection.
We have the largest as-
sortmnent in the city,
6.e H. WILD CO.
io8 E. Washington St.
YOU KNOW where to get..
Lt E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street.
Chocolate Chips
40 Cents per lb. a


Many Track Men Enter the Various
Events-Saturday Night's Meet
Promises to be an Interest-
ing One
The nightlytiesetice of the candi-
dates for the track team, all of whom
are to eonipete at the meet of Saturday
night, is now of the most earnest sort.
vie Hien spend at least an hone each
evening in the imerdest kind of work,
and the resnlts of thehr effoitsareii
plainly evident. Keene Fitzpatrick. yin
order to get the sprinters oil the mark
inl good slhapeis using Ihe pistol ill
The o01(1nicarecetishwiilg op illmuchi
better feral thanl at the saine time last
yeatr; ttaycses asibok(en the rack ree-
oriiio te11.11 halat ie:eeFishleighl
ices exie'lliedisso1\-ii iiaic ithIle' tole'
ecaili mlite'of1cc. cianuiis reoicoiiig feCe111-
pioie Dvorak acc 'relty race fteefhesl
hoinoi's. 'Ilits evenfteomises to ftrcisli
11eeiiy of excitelnceit at the niectces
esill also the' high jumilps, i11swhichi Cue
frestimlan jumniper, Clarke. is giviliih'
veteran Aenisircag t close ight.
It Leitelee can get ie foriiiIe esill
surely ciite'r andl sith ttceclaie. Ncifei',
lttmekle'y ansueti'eite'nblecc'lto lst iiiii
thlerecis eceticto ee te'cclose' ccci' reoi
terst honses.
'Thc'e'iitrie's forthe' Satuerdaye night
mecet closed y'etcelcey cs'e'iiig. 'lre'
ae a laige niie'beeeltrleh aelleii-
terect ler the' veetems 'eel its. tiii'411-
ee'l' as,1Icliie ithcel 3 2 entries. 'Iee
eieeorthe' ie'atcce'eieiso lee close
unilItonieightt. ieand Itis cwilIce' an-i
'hlit oee nects eeithtchie' iiciiie's if
thimllnee redI ccl iceecice'eveI foelloewe:
teear yclaecshc-_\tth'e' . ctzve. We-
be ciet11letl. I iltcese'cy. liie. 'c
Vo-Fech. Il~amlilel. l~rieeieteceetI,
Jaeyne's. lee'.ITele' eeaghelien. lycct.
.inst i. Nee. hlederlKneie. Siecei-
soch. t ecgeoc. Itectialseei. lliiss. yc's,
I tcstce, ee vl'is.Miteckley, I ieceol. S eee'e-
Iey. BareeettIllf1ice. It.ocie.
Cole' vcelt-D veeakets Soul . Scavcge,
I+islileigh, IReder, King, Wilitlarle,
Davies, Underwood, MecNeal.
IIgle jumpl-Btarrett, ('leek, t'erry,
Arimstroing, Lewis.
lityaret hiurdles-Seetnicn. Cyttt, Auo-
tin, Tuckeri'. Blaicn, Iloteiesoec. Fishc-
leigh1. llslclcll, Ptame.
stiet-lit-"1Aeiee'lielciicaseeie.I leric-

U. of M. Republicans to i anquiet atI CHICAGO ALUMNI NUMBER
l'etro! t
The Hon. Henry D. Es- 'wek Will
Ais hacs Ibee'nictile custom for some Appear Tonigit in the S. L. A.
yecers pacst On Washiagtonr's Birthlday, Cto-eWl etr
Cte State R'eiublicani club will give Cus-eWl etr
their beanlqluet inticlie' armory at Detroit. on "Grant"
Ticese festities niv~e' always been
consideredelby recleutliecnthr tlioughouet Toiigite-ltoi. Heny D. Estabrook
Ctie state as1filie'annal lIevent of mlee-lll apa i h .L .ruea
Iteretefor'ee only meiibers of the R-tee"iCh illgo Alnillii Number." The
pueltican ilecagulelhave been eligible' to Ospeackle'-will edeliver ai omatioiicon
aeedmittancebtlthulls yecrlte 10boaddoat"UlIsss S.~Gat." W11 'ii Che Grant
eirecCors, tieoeughl coturtesye to thc le llllllnnenf wacvcis 115. i .c fiicago
veesty, lhas tinvteed the' Ieellbes oeeCh
1 ieesity elute tee cttenet.Aire Estabrook sas ewt' as.c ce ora-
''lie folleeeeilg'listeef tocasts swill be re-'fotofelf1c'dcy. Tie cc., Ie'theci
sleelnled to: "gcc''h1110hocever1ei'. I ,i.cii cc lad
"Aederess eef eeloe-cee ' o. IBliss. ext''cl'Iende fr is eli .. chcre.
"The' Congeess cof the' t'iite'ilStices~Mnyevof tlie'teeoeple' icc 1Xeic' le
ICngressman ciiMClery ef Miiiesoa
''tietelblie'cllFcaithc cnd tAericninotliii lleicicte' Che fccet t:_, *c leture
I 'cliy'-'ost ciccteIenicercl semithiOf cwill te e eof the very tes oii the
Wtiicigtoii. coe-lise. Me. Esabrooks is a seker at
"lice' eltelie' f 'lece"Cey 'eigess- esetiomlciacbility accdis regareded fy
ilicili('ilicis. 1'. Iccindis cf liiiccea. manciytas one ofIle greatestotpeekers
'"'he Legacy of Wcioshiigton o tho ini the eceiccry. N'le-ule appecreed at
'T'e'itiethiCeituny"-ties. flowaedccee 11cc' ihigancii lubecbanqet several
Dufiiteldlof Newe York City. ye'ccs agoe lieecate i sesatini 0111
"'Thle' Disfranchiement of the Re- oeutshineceall the prominieent seakllers oi
ptelliecici 'Voeie' te i'Socti"tConei''ss' lie' priogr'iam, includinigctSenactor De-
lucil Roiiulus S. Limce's' of North ('aro- Inheapigof96le's
lina. countedl Iy tliii'Nctionalcii theliiiiam
This is ithe ](;thitnueccl iwiiersars' emlittee'at ceo co' f its effetual
baciceiuet which ie steee league have siecekes. andciii cre cci witc Senactocr
celebected, and cll ticivicbeei't roi It!0torker cudne] eer C:t o others eel the
icencel success. biggest cecec~ecigec geces to follows Cai-
President Scott of liii' lmiersity dieate tBrycec. 'ehlen ie sseit ecst re-
chili i'c'ci'vcedct,1cc'i rc'it-ii cxenied eu' neitly ciiih cict evCerseige hie-
ItIe chubiccfen' lcys 111., cud if stated shacr'e loors eiltile it ci l'ugiished
ciceeceg either I fiigs thactfaccspecical teaitt ietlicec ,Ii itc'cs giee iecrO'eia
ini lie 'encte'r'of ice' cciiiwoucihl e' p'o- 'eccitiecc. All.. fItaoetecieeis oneceocc
s-ided ti c commee daeeeelele lce 'cesity 'lie' fe'cc'eaerlces whoccniver speaks
ccleb. Ae chicecenquet ssilte'ild in tis he ' is sitcblyplet-p it. seeoClat
Chiei eenincg stueieces eesiring o attie'dcIt(icnccc ei 'cys te e eictet cueponcfore'ai
tii' esereisesheld ie I'iciseisitv chi iineriesiigcadeslcs.
liii cftericecececcihccee ample time to___________
clricveIie111 see~n en cjoy lte' etire Y M.C. A. State ConvenioiiCoting-
Ifi cc elici i td cc ecl ec ra e c'se'ecre'c
ac spcecal c cicr m Ieee-ecchartredl for' lie' ~, lc' eeecicl cecn'ctioncOf eel'1c'Yumng
ocaso. Ae'is (ihecisticece .ssoetiocutthe
'lTheceecechet icill cet ct eeion e dlaraSaceoef AMter'agcicsill tee'ihol teeAmim
plcte1. .A'rbeoeeh-ei. 21-2. There cwiii e gres-
_________________ et at this comventon betweeni tco amid
threeheamdred delegates from the city,
Webster's Ainual Open Meeting rciheoced caci college associcttoms of tie
sce. 'flee'dacy sessions of the comves-i
Webster societe' is hretecrime' te give ticee eill lbe' held ie AMeilemi Hll, thee
its ceimiaicoeneemeetingin tlie' icteecehoimec"(etf thlee'1iieemsity Y. M.C. A..
Ite' fteme. lprobablyhO'sctuii'eci eve-ed tcblii'e'e'in~g e'scil li oe' c ield
ing. 1Feb. 23. TI ii' 'ccci ecis poleanc- ilte leMehlieeistccuch.
Ilug soew'chat o f cll hileec'tioce. andiii e'lcicce'mencctiocneof thee'ncelies' ee
icitendelto resenteciitouelar' proeg'cccc, soulcof'ee ie ccce eho cill del'iere''acc-
tee whcehm anexce'lenct eceeer tccidisoeaesieces duin'cg, thee'eoec'c'clec.is sef-
cf theelst lecl icet cwicpetecce. iteet guaran'cctee' that C-i' cnec'ectione
w-. eill te ae' cixcepitionalcly godct ide.
New Work Shop in Moteica Scneec'ef these' meccieir Dr. J.IH. tai-
_________ ieiit cf Ceelueiatiicitm esty .Prof. .
RoseSeeeseoi. icfMeComniieie Sen-
Curactor Scrge' et cliii'T'cxideri''ist leryt'hitcgo: (. C. AMieec, fiele
Weoedi-fieefCi'mullseelucccill 'Soocihae ae'cisecre-tcry ef thee ite''atimnal eoeeemit-
hune' workshope fittecia l clllie' grouiinditee' eel.thee'Youg Stems'sChristicanlAso-
flotoeec Cethee'left cof thee'initieacteci'.act iu hiceuesilit: E.K.t. Sihuy, Dacy-
'ti sill sctee'tc vcst enumeber f sies tlo. ..tpresietenCt iternationiacl cni-
up~ canie down'eithee'loneg' oletescys .,iceti veticerc ite-t cit (i'eRii idhecs two
iresent every tit of worke is doelhu'oel years cag;eete. I. i. Gregg, Chicago:
the top floor. A force of Ccrpeneurs is F. WI. Obeer, e'ito .Asoitioa e,
e'mgcged puttimg ip shevescanme Chiccge. acdmanymuciuutiees.
bemmehes in the nesw'qartei's, adewcithe- Thee'flst sessiosmi of timeeicuritoli
ii cc fortmight e'verythinmg ccill be' ceii-ceill lee' huh ice thee'Meethsitit ehec
plate. onmu eit'ficcmty eveneming, F'e. 21.
Theoe leuig ceetress cillie edeliereet
Weseyan Guild Leture by tDr. teemuielel of Chi nha Uciver-
iy'T'he etie pogrmmw ill eist-eecem
'lie' net lectueee' le the''eesle'ecc eiiie if-e'eas
Iheilii(' omuse' hill tee'given-unext Sun-
da ne ight at the' Methoeiit chumrc. Old Honepathic Hospital Now Ready
'Tie' lee-limer csill lee' ice. . IBoy~n-
tees am tietFirst 'omegregctiommcl eiimmeci Simce the' U. of At.Ihomeoathic hs-
of Detroit tHe' is a stromg pulpit 1p1ta11movedcelouct of tie west c'ing of
speakler end his lectures are always tie allopatile bildimg ito ,its flne vews
full of eloqenemie amied thought. qeuaters, ar large force of erpenites
and painters lies heeem at wank emCnod-
T'here s eiflue ph1oto of J. S. Perkinseling t-le vleted parts of tie gemerl
fe-ni-iarly hnqcccuto all frequeters of hbspital, amd yeterdeaythe-lst work
tie' yma.-in Quarry's drug stre ou watS fimised stud the ocer-rovos'd
State t.Ile is standing;uts 'with tae altoutatic ptiets alm now be oved
side of the building asst background. into tie newly-fitted-up wcards.


* ~~~stet. inOloirk. tecuer, I'i ecr. llmvardic,
* ('ALI j"] Suceee',Siele'e'. Barteu tcuete-eucehc.-
(, AR A~II.. h 4401-pirdeun. me-Baccreththule. 1tcly
3 CAMPUS DRUG STORE Lonug, Sturgeoni. Nafer. -Mi-Intyre,
_______ - ___ Perry, Ilcrtomi, IUtheytiCoo, tceye'c,
____________________________Seveeley, icikel.
++++++++++++++++ l8-ycitrcircuii-lin. ttcchh.spedimg,
3+U niversity + n elt. fices.
Ieceieile' terry, l ich. h-istAle-M-
Lei.Kellogg. Itemtolteh.
SN ew Juniors Will Dancean'thristbaoheJHo."Is
and Ctime, iceeri, if is to be given by the
Se on -juir lhec', adalit c-ill h1ot be omi.stick
a d~~-ille'xtensiv'e' scale' cuetime oune of last
I ii liis atme-ccill le4,e g te''u Cuenmighiteof
for I'le. 22 it (hicemger's A~eimuy. Thce
t r cellcir is to tbe of an imfoerulu iire',
+ A I:tIcademuuue'mbmier eel tie-kets lrds heemi
- Ii~imitedliceordee'r tI ui .e 0ec'fluor cen y not
11 m e ts M Many New Students Registering
+ Newr 'tuenemts hauve beemi registering
#+ at' +1 ,o time.pist sveekefor the cwork of he
ier oem ster. Secretary 'IV de re-
*Ii C oted yeat edcaythat-i5 new student
! _anid egisered within the Iast few
v as. M imy more ill prolba ly es
~~r~t~L~ R,..J~d teertbefomre Mna.y.
-6144 6+44m6 - /

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