__ rIE~ST 1 '~Ci1A AL P STER BOARD Burchffield's Fine Tailoring Trade, . SIZE ~Our sartorial skill is equal to) the hest ii otht- state -40 X40 1 of Michigan, EXCEPTING NtoNE. 43 v.uoF f f <. F'c t'FUUI Red Gireen LAJLV KZ Gray Black 15c a Sheet AT Sheehan & Co. 320 5. STATE STREET. You can geta HOT LUNCH TUTTLE'S 3038 South Stato 50. I ART5TIcALLT A. N.MEC 'ANIC LLY We NN 'l11he .lad to prove it to you, Truls'Youris, B. BURCHFIELD, 106 E. Huron ATJII1' vstei- Cocktails l oc For tin hthuigry feeling lVentschler, the jIbotograpbcv. Pres. Angell Lectures at Akre~, 0 Manhattan ad Wilsooi Bros. Shirts - tor sale at Wadhias, Iyan &Reuile. Presidenut .James It. Auo i nt u i tOS''- St' it o( hlai , oct St i i it Akironi. (., last Tiiui.oioy. ii the C'hm-,, tiwHon Th AkonRt~lto nionudtoat i'iiiimeriiii; iiaime ci ganot Aror athGenerators GASOLINE LAMPS Bring inu r .tiolitoztesand ltius-iiakue you an offer. The Superior M'f'g. Co., . lain St., near Willianus. Headquaiirters, for Shade, Maintles and Chimney-- TO HOT SPRINGS, IKANSAS THE WABASHRIILRtOAD is thic onl~y line opcrIattng a liroigli sleeping car fryiaiCiinuupo ntoHotSprings NLt St. Louis, Mo. Leaces Chicago daily ati 1:00 a. in. All ticicet sgents willI sell you via 1ltWs popular rouite, Write Ci. S. CRtAN, G P &-, A, Si. Luts. Ft. A. PALsutit, A G P A. Chiitago. R. S. GuoEIICitxwu 00 l 1 A. Chicago Cue. Main and Huroen Sireets. Caiital, $50,000. Surplus, $35,000. Transact= genera Itbiaking basines=. ii, Kata, ret,.. CE. GaaaeE, Vice-Prer- FPa. . . 0BEEn. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of AsnArbor Capital,, 5i00.ioO Suirplaa and Profits,00,00 'Transacts a gene.libanking bsiness. Foreign exchange boughi and eold. Farnisht lnttersnca credit. N. D. KINNE, Pres~.HAuRRISON SOODhE, Vice-Pe S. W. CLARKESONt Casiee Th finn firbor Savinus Bank Caital Siack. 550,000.Sutipls, 150000. Rdesures. $1i5t0,000. Organtid nderethe General BankoingiLaw- of iihis Sinie. Receives deosuaiits 5a ad-O h eachtante oite incipal citiee of ihe taiof. States. Grafitsocesied uponproeroidtdifiation.0 Safety deposit boxisi to rnti. OFERmaS: Christian itnotoPree.;iW. L.l mane, VicePres.;t Chas. N. Hie.is ..t J. Pritz, Assistant Casaiat W.BOOTHPRE:o. S flT W. AnWOLn, tot ViOce-piey J. V. SHERN dAst.s~i. JoHN C WioT, As.tCasier 8lI Tianaots a geneta' tianking IBusinessa Ioinatlt. itt neitiitiu th i e ctltte. nia IO ithtouse 54S S. Sttite .. anid Priedlectures rattludepart- Afterithtit'0111iiii i i iiitniitit isititoit totals of the University . Type- was heldiin iii th ihigantotii tiiti STUDENTS SNOTICE! ~~~IioAkotol