'1111't MYIERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY3 w'a ca 'ai 'a 'ai iii 'ai 'ai 'ai 'a chi 'ai 'ai 'a 'a he "VARSITY" HAT $3.00 AND $4.00 We have pt-hed this hat to the first place with careful dares-ers by sheer force of merit.......... -~ 117 MAIN STREET Michigan Central 1120 isBn v ~esi isois n- Alarm C locks SI NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, ti te iolevautlt will prosbably standttltlt lleat Bendre- of the elas o U. of M. Pi's50c to $1.00. Fine for somte ae t(adi witsthought strp - iir2 elt I t'tiy for Missoutri State THlE HORT LIE-y of going to Nortiwesterni net year uites it. hee sie siltliave etre «atch RIepaising a Specialty. to studiy lawst.tates to tthe Daily that tchrt, ote womie'-s tet J L. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, ewill etr te1lttt-detartmtettttir e tt tynnas Mt-. A Ilsedet A[NI NI AR BCOR T uet atll, This is godl news to AMid i I i tsttes tttt 2061 tain Sut. CasIbI IC)AGC)ogitoitletan1 itD oraks tonaie lit his t-t6ts A rlboi igh1 schoott l tintaititfotr50 BU FALO0 tite west tttttmaiy be ountteditn sitothe patitotears, anttd wast assisttt CAIG DS $ sueIt-i ii ir of thtie ettnt for ttte sdttol tit te llttiistr gyttttastttot tast year. 3 pint size, pateni lamp, handles N EW YORK to.tut trr t. ts-rttorlts record oiondetier ottmttnysfriensilsvk-th he on Iot water an, absohitel then iN O T N 1 t Ion it. tttatyet a sttakiitg ittp lit ees ill th iis n eitttig. bet in town for the price.y ttis- po tt. if 1 )rrktrro intoittigod______ With dirct cnnectiaons at Chicago frl ts hae 51 ih Iottr wl iv heal-liir ol ,Je ee Last-, Kansas faC ityS.Paul and the west________nIt] IAlititfaiCiryus wil gyeariiii- Xifromod5Jwee sorinforatallandasithirughlicske ts aI V'i,titfS t IN D AN( INC. Fteli.20 to rel 2. Al t tiittatlt Fodil. or a site t .WlIAa PSAentAntiAbos 11 Al i t Md rs.(fleantger aiilt t ilii a I f ptefortier" toss lien secirediiat sli S A R R ecaitul Su eilr at lt- ho ol f athig l iass tperfora ntrit l e ttItI rtesta. D sontg. Slts atee. Xteiitesilay tesstttcliss for latnes andiS ettleietsADVANCEDliDta\CtNi L G 4 RAI LROAD (bitgiistnei ) Saturdaystorsnisig, gent- Programitiat iraftesg tacEIGtm1 RA LR AD le atexlissia-ely. atisriay after-eelry Te-ltt- ess o. 111111encu 8 b ta-nasxr zzN Est on atis.Iles exelisirety.STe advrancedext e-waeek. Stogie etetilsi.50ir:series I H IYA TIME TABLE ilassailstir-t Tuesda~y eteligs.-tutu-of]li t.:l itlae is ts hs ,eell ta N I I Y A Taking Effect Snday, May 2, 1899. ii t tt i ii an t Tuiisay. Montitil ev-ieiti, bit I iri--tier wtillf Trains leavn Ann Arbor by Central Stand- fie[ el t st tr Iih ia l l :8 lest 41 sdTn.Extavations Is the Rmnitn oHolmesloek. SOUITH ' NORTBH_____ett-Iy odtchaiti 411111'ros coutyii I J No.6.- PhI A. . Na. 1.-8ass A. M, 11f. Saruntt Bfa ll aihtr, of I'et- t carnigi r o hadtilby caling t PH NE !16, 515 E LBERTY S N. 80-li35 A. In. -N. 6.-12:30.P . ~ Bstia- us-al. tilMgst411ii eIaiety. iti. 45 . . hsirtil et-ite onitthetbtt stiottai -- - It- --at -tr-ii.NOTICEIt'Pli i un ben An iArbr and Toledo sly, ic s ietyti l tlarotato \eltisg; . iit ll aeidaiits fr fri--diotaitriettlay. 0 traisa aily escertSunday feil eot a -i.T edcatr t. '£. VILL5. Aget. 1. 1 T ie-ittrt- til be gie s it e - ii tii theI i ~it t-ia tt-- HOCKING VALLEY Y. t sNC71I(j:. Xv tt-Wti~~th tWepuchse t ted*- The Rairoad that takes .the I ttliuti ttbe miitatdtfa.tt ine t-tlebyf-tm eeed srN'it Business In and Out itpisiat til nay tskItitti tls~sa1tltet- as Y A iil-estries for I te di-trtitts Ti-tiyou t g a t li-itat for a 1itte-~ V K of Michigan. ui us M i-s titlst itt-imadelt-at t- gyt - aclie .r.50Crlnalr~hi A SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS A oti t- betort- 0 1. Ill. Fridaty. igit t S DAILY BETWEEN ' _____ TOLEDO, COLUPIBUS OilSIC-SlEtOND I) Sii :lll. Best $3 hat snade i the Howard." and ATHENS. TheiBous.Ini"itEvolutionu tf Mtuslticaltilihst Ry.ait3& Reule- ole agents. W B.Fioer, L. . Ladmai. lututt u l s ill te git-istMondtuays t W.H-ihe, L-. adaSet lthose fhnet ii- ti s-rura i t esryAN EYE OPENER G. P. A. . Trav. Agt. -Sip. ii. Stuentsdtisirtiss itf t1iiiltttugtwiloenyu ee-s o hecny iu Clumbus. Ohio. tietrit. Mich. Ivila t,(usi-loah pleast-reptitiat Itha t ..at i pouhvaesneevs niteH akds i rlo _____________ intothere tday. swipe ieoft or ihocolates De oortRapilwast-ilyft- llynousru-sthistaartelt Sit Art 1it-lres tr st uent' roams, at cent. Eeryvaiey fennd a d ontyth bor Railway. '~Ill(Selutall -r"' Bokstore.ilie So. Blain St. best yu'l Cd at IIANGSTEtFI -,"WE IaslaefrD tri n pia t -tuns ttI cli st l It liii- tillelill tali Waoshgon, 1 S. Sae. P. S. The only every hour beginning at 7:151 a. i. on-le'tlld 1)tise31e_-stsid- rsca aeinow toato tr erv . tll-5 lP na, After thtat to Ietrot at .1.A. ',TA NJ, yfttar itsuiiic vti ~ nayaye 11:15 p. r Waiting room corner Ansi - _________ itlnl tortd or yotu wish the ex- _____________________ rnd Mats Sts.; Ietroit1ll Griswod t. lpe0 l ftp5il inl~le~s arwere a little less go downstand Pickwc aliad r 1or1 Cara every talf hour Saturdays asidj 1 thII .1R ilf'l IiSBT___ BegulklathiAosarSloe Tablestf on Fridays from 2:t15 to 54:4 p, . tl a 150.eulto iz als MONEY LOANED', ____1_ _____ r.e. Teinefst-v onoo~iplaand other tini- u+ Mauralt Cshions. o c7PE Latha.iiwOdthuaAND ethic Pee-cyeter paper sand pad ha Everything New and '0 1 Pro erty. offeiceresd nacxee .11 A larm111 ioks. at HALLERS IEW- theeest. All styles. Sdhallers'aBok- Strictly Up-t-Date. Lberiy tiert. All asi ns onaidential. heus en .3o 5a. so sd I tot sd nsd 7to t fIY sts.e,110 So.lSatnst. 707 N. Unvesty Ave. Ann Abor p. to JOSEPH C WATTS SPURITAN OUSTOM PATENT LEATHERS 1 JUST IN- THE PROPER THING FOR THE J" HOP SEE OUR WINDOWS I I I SOUTH MAIN STREET U.o abr se I 5e i njNC 13 East William Street Umassagrb e splam~l IENHDIETERE Funeal iector IUniversity utne a-haf blck wsh ,opan d B t doneby latest --'Phonesn bilignatyAl l oes Fu me fh .- ,erln °.ot Rom n~r~E)1212 SFouthAmBot }hons Sj eShop E. Lambet andaIIFl Roos,822 ETATE .R r H oedPoo W .' IFRN IZE Q D0Y 7DRU T1