3 THE UNIVERSITY Ol' MICHIGAN DAILY. " Sec'y. Prentiss of Alumni Assol. Re- *of ;1 . signs Publbshed Daily J3Iood s escpieit)durn liing ng r1,Il irclesit' ieoinnoi'tiniil Coileg v er, at tlimi secretary .ladies lb.Itreintissof THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN the '11Alumni1 ssociation had derided not ,to'a'cpt 1lie Ilostiol a"nother 3(e1r, MAIN0 OFFCE BRACO FICE cuk sa.urrs esedy ArgYus Bldg, ManSt. 330 S. Stsie Sireet. sll Saoilr''fsed Both'Phioes13. New toie 'Phone 13. All. Preintiss 'leas acceedadveriy Ito ---" - iii tve positilo with the New York MANAGING EDITOR, Life Intiminuee CO., 'Ind 1will 'assumte 0. H. HooS.'01- it ((]tiels .111y 1, te cose of the 1pres- RIJSNESS MANAGER, e'11 ('((11050yeearl. ,,I. CoELsosse,' 01 LMr. lrelli'(to. I\itio "sit a most envi- ATHLEITICS, - tG. ii. Hlbootr i'0o12 E~ - I..1 1i (!etIll' uld l~ eito A.. MIODtvALt, 015:. W. A. I~too. l'3 L I \"t I' '1(1 ltsecre'tary,3'.idol h ils of- fvss L, K. toeSI -'03 Cii as. DHooto l ('lt ll a'itit(si diiol l f thle (issi(Iat 10(11 atd its H. H. WvOOD5OWV,'td W. P. CioN ooo.L W. A. BErSCToo3, '0 E.12. I.HOUSOtN. '(l3 (I )ltiI lr ie IItosotlaeo te h l IHS 0o' a(l11illi t (llt tinll'atll- The suhecription price .1 the lPAM i 1.1)il sitolel' it(.111' ''lImni lFliii( lby for the college year, with a regos ' rdeliery before noon each day. Notices, cootooini- iii gil ). ht' t ein 11roriseti tions, anothermatter inteeided for puhlica-1 to tlslipp ortsveral schl Itshtps iltite tion mutet nood '(((0in at tetDAILY offic beoeo p.il.l0. ,' i()fli'i1 t(Oiled t 01he tilt' .t 111(3 1 '(ve"11y.1 1 be ltintiti ioilis areoalslo p. m, 01 thle day pleiiioil. - dial (3 110, te ' 1'im it'Ili-, etforts. No old grad" wohich they aie expeeted to 0505110 Subscriptionfs may be left LtotheiILif'- lvII1(c1llies iock I ) visit hits alma moter hree, Meyer's, or stoitteto (i 0.,tandill NO Ill ll 010015 'ttlhtl'to rest i ilt'neof the Buiniess Maonger. S5((fclel s \\ri ( e1 0111r ( favor by replorting promiptly atts tlii"e' cly 1'Jo'" 50 lervllohti's of tleii11o111m1i1'too1. failore o0 carriers so donsver pope'. I 1l,"r(dl boyvottldill ioniisot While All chaneso i advertising, matter (11101t(10 in the officenby 3tp. ini 00 ihedoty pevt'ious 'to ( '.t vv nouti'osil ti rrent i liag-aztlis. that on which thecy are to appear. S is ((tlleii"AIIIIIIIIIS- stotldlihatly3 - - - have reached it present high staldi___l__ .__unui__ssoli-a11oll ]uses a1'l(('tbut tor Mr. PrentisiandbIlt,, iierviie of o1s, . It trotitt.lio 11(101has1100llIt 11 ot kno (.1(1II atOyet tilloit111ll be Ilili tlltil foo telila's(iitI ll, . 1 I 'l'selertel'l t ti tgMlle . itn Ii Ill 1101 Is hibi nes 1 ab1'~'tiJlt . lIntoheloot' O,;-lt ' 11 '0 trs 1111Il.IThe 1 '1'1n(1ds it(es11'olltltiti and11Irlo. W ared1111t0;111 11 1 11 1 e~geI ll hO' fildlit 1 \'ill eb11lifor .1110. Ttsitohsldiu(fnetiol )In)eaypatrt 11( ~o: iIitiior allitot itti tlllt3'JNoI''lt \ ltco 52 ( 'a011W 01 "Lia'.111 tii e tIs" il , :-4"tlit'ilg(l li3 J ljolne110111 113 toidti on tmoh sucen li 1(11 lius.e 1'l'lit'i't1110 ifs(futmyhaiidtarearish that Jhist '100en11sofldreltto. th oliki(Il .citlti tolThe--prest'l iifl tlograitli 1'l1'l'l'f11 o (lloio ittiiieIto'Ileit11111 'll''0 h vgia too andI i'0 0)1 esuliro. ai li'ttt itlli illliihas become'altradi('t.tio10011' iigrteat-i thudh lce ot stuccee'lob. (1111 11011 0111r(o(11 s (of Iilo (11 1111'1,(1shiow gIt'reat for mani' cheerfuI lvilla'ios aioodOht' Lalllbolt Fr~tn('(' .1111 M11(1111 l llil'lf ]) ( liltad flshesa lmest;tat of ave Prof1. Jowes513addreststldentsoftet e liI '(i'l 11 fori.n'111'r110110 wll t.S.lli' t rs :h rirn l to~ NEXT NUMBER IN THE SL. A. COURSE j WILL BE HONG Henry D.1,Estabrook (Chicago Alumni Number) Friday, February 15 Tile lectture by Rev. D. A. Hlls i0 Indefinitely Potponed on a ('0o1r tf IDr. 11i111' ilness Art Novelties, Decorations, Frames, Poster Mounts Dont be deceived, and all Art Supplies Trade mark stamped on tole of every tboe. We are sole agents.l DEFRIES ART STORE, Geo. H. Miller, 27 S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR ATHNSTHEATRE RET1URN ENGAGEMENT AND FAREWELL VISIT 0 11ths SEASON - 11tls TUESDAY, FEBRUAY 12 ELMER E.VAINCE'S Realistic Railroad Comedy Drama "TheLimited Mail" WITH THE WONDERFUL 'BEATRICE 'ceatest Sensation of the THE Gl(reate st Novelty of the QThe One Supreme Novelty of a .Decade. Overflowing witt A Clro wdedwith ExciitgIncidentsTrdI cu PRC S: OC, 20c and 30c No Hge PRICES: Seats now selling.b Hge EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME AT- ROSEY'S BILLIAIRD PARLORS HItGH GRADE CGlARS, TOGIA('CO AND CIGARETTES p EID AND _StmoCCEsoRisOUTH R EYNO0LDS RosaF'rsAoaLERUIL2STREET _....F.lCU SANITARY PLUMBING. i3STA FANSo OT 10WATEII EATING 207 E. Washington Street. AIT1ssIC GAS AND EEC''TIC FIXTURES HJIGH GRADE MANTELS AND GtRATES. We are headquarters for every thing in the line of furnishings for students' rooms, LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES WASTE PAPER BASKETS CISPIDOS. Or Prices You Will Always Find the Lowest. MARKHAM'S BAZAAR- 10 SOUTH MAIN STREET: NEW~ STATE 'PHONE42 Till'peil Nvor-oillhi15101 ' Clln riit .dllmlion l 's'111'0(i't 1w Si'Iii'seles 101' itill beg il w111 a serit's of hN lii" Jlio 1(11lihei' '1l(1(151 oiol 1lt iii'i'1' 0 of .lpe f Mill' tUldvri'l'Iof' slsll. 5t'JIJI I hoter'iquaIll')ife o.-hsanis. the suhjvct Il ith 19 Profll'ones' 'lll ed Svtole'a u.o'rpi'lIs on Jgii~tn' (Ia se- nswof-at(liiIs adoll itti'olorishexti-i till so; In s oil i f(,il ill l leii 1111 ' dII 1(111ato.illlw-O.lnne Wet:''ooiii. tod 'alit'to e ofuIl h 'dgorsi hii~t it SoialExol. bi teite ('50riof'ltpost- ball, olsoloil i 'floll i'.llb.32. Epall'stha tlletesliroom.Ii't'l There st-ils li llbe lg il' till lA e4a(Ill.s'inteJethi3' I-oliliof i' yTtijn EOlone(f 7iterii.toitighiti'. Eiyo The1r' AI' il'1 oa tt(tid ofsifilttii 0c1(lll'Ote otiii rel O lle 'Vrity'l isilI'l tutlI'th r'i oronom o it 1En+ (a1(1-II' piro '1111; lotight. .tlniot' 110) louse pitrIy: 'densday eseiing., bei- ,'m r. hs ill donoiig i-,Thursday Slecto d11(110-1gcltub; Fidebay es't'liizg, Sor'ority dilli gparty'; Saturday O'v011- li rinlol sseuls'~yb 1131 fi'.atid )trt. i,111;ge'. 'F hei'liolal do)' i111501'5,iill Chef d'oeuvre de I'Exposition Universe le BY WaltOP, Saglio, and Chlampier ADDR~lESS, 3(13(( 5OT11 STATE ST3REETP 'r' eipublishers ot this swro rkrivedtthe plosition fo11 ito exeesce. All workso sold en slbii011tiIoflonly. Redmond, Kerr & Go., BANKERS 41 Wall Street, New York Transacet a genefal banking br-i- "w.. Rleceire deosits subject (ado'' . :tends ansd interest cllected asnd remil c.O.lo-t as Fiscal Agents far and negotiate jiht issueo raitro&d, ttreet railw aye, gas companies etc. Seeuriis light 1asd soldon conmmi'ioe. leinberi .New YerhlsEhasnge. OREAL tN HI1GH-GRAD E INVESTMENT SE(" ""IES. List ofcurrrt a erie ,s o-+ev1, &I , i50 1 0, PHTt.APEJIHTA OORbRESPOND EIS.