THE1 UNIVERSITY 01 M3ICHIGAN DAILY .. i POSTER BOARD SIZE 30 X4 FOUR. CLORS Red Gray iGreen Black -1CL~ Steady Emnploymuenl For Enerftetic Men and Women MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTION EXCHANGE. YourDlL orAn A bor" Matc tc enerators BOOK AGENCY GASOLINE LAMPS Iriirror arrid rtt.tandleta usrmake you I an otter. The Superior M11g. Co., 329S. MainSSt.,rear Wliamor Head rirter fr Sbh ae, Matese an AGENTS WANTED Chimneys TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS THE WABASH, RAILROAD fl I~ndrii~ Mrr iS tire only line DIM rating R. lonrin - M rr- a througth sleetping car i~ ~o euOver First National 6an Sheehan & Co. ITIIS'Oyster Cocktails 320 . SATE TRET. jUIIJJXFor that hungry feeling You can get a _________ ___ __ _____ _ HOT LUNCH r, ATV1entzchter, the plhotographer. y 338 Sooth State St. Concerts For Second Semester I ' tt~ ::a ',i .atet "'t..-111to' ielol"llttiria x i tt t I t Ii7:81,)) irt L ectures 'trfttierrgt ie ritrri'eler.i trt' r ri r Itrt.a1rt eei 'trr Ie gie'ritInthir'e rtiont t . t clots Printed lectures for ol l eart- let' of lire L'ni eeeeiiy Schoola of Muesic tirt mueats of the Univecrsityl'Type- -Mardeit1, Sorrgteritai. marx Iteirt seen 'It rtare rI 1 t t'e Er it e, e weriting sod Minrcograjrlrag.r ticht it vetrsi'ty Bil. oitint trr I. 1 ttrt t ct ie~tit: o.It Itt - ittbt liartn (In )11t i 'rtrt te i t t'tt I'o . ,over Slreehrtei" satetStree H tl Ia )ioet iili Seet tIDEIt ittvid li tIh I, University tmati. ite i trt('ttrtiiri trrrlr- k_ VC C ~i > - i tttly Conetr. rrir'lr I )tiie"tii tt rand in ii rr re M.STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM ,.Ite 2-Faultly Concert. iht1)r. tellrrrr I it'tlil'lilM y F~etivlei. orecturesttnoit'te lrri'r rof El tre 1t19 W. rasitrlnotrS hr - t ri 1It-Chola Conciieert. 'Elija "ti on--trrt, (t) i tr i aiet trs e l' rer THE SCHOOL ISirriitend elirih). Irieetir() N'traileri Seetion 1mi. ilfkI r1 17 p ii--ynployCnet.rneWlaeD .reoile (- l ir lc 1I. N c I N Gl i. t5Ucttlctr~eatee nrBrit Dct i'o. lthrl':(r. ' 1rierte anr clss oir tls idac~lc i ng b l, n 1; ::i ) iM sei do " t' outi t ues cn Ivo ito il t' able foree etas, e(,Visl. 'terra begiris when itConce'rt. Rlt a tit ito 11,11 t(1it 'fl 'l iirtlri.lent- ~ou do. OticAttle eiirr liLecteaorr ; tayrrarri teret.tbloci resat of State strere lt :et i. tbft arr rirrrr 1it r lel eii;(2r'fiT'e toree. strictltya atcool, 10 itt itora driiri "od en tt'iLegend"i'(Stliailt). t'aet'iitti o tf li th ee egt itiiia, --- . m I rattir. St,111 rn t 1ig-ien Iltrttitiia, itt. I'nllnn~nnO Spilsring importationsraviratt--htiiatnt 't Ititt'' lyd. rtlttii BOUGHT FOR CASH rir. E Y RSfNTCI Look il t'yourtold collection and AtainiC'locks, fit HiAf.LEOI'S .1EW- 'he 'o:') pltre't1i(t n-trter treetlTire turn iftiteoready inourey. Prmtiri ELRHY. twotmenrofthIcl irt' ttaytileaetrers Cashit aid1 food'P1 ces. _________ w it e tri- ofre, vice-ttresitteril 1210 -1HE MICH-IGAN4 STAMP COMPANY k'rni I t ine "Adlier" satrets n ri . rihttt I 'tttir'. rari es yitteir Iftrrt itt W"radiard Ave., tDetroif t11oast rf adreiitrsanrytii r e ulott .i' or(-t-1ti tit' R. 5. ttrrrrrrr.. I 'rnrr. 18 wal lnamhIT VflhI ft rteClticagro ul,,,otSpr'ings tr St.. Louis, Mo. Leaves Chicago daily at 11:(.00 a.ti. All ticket trgents will soill you via tllre popnlar ronte. Write C. S. CiRA, f, P & T A, St. Louis. F". A. PALEsttR, A G P A, Chticago. Rt. S. GtcirEEwcIVOu, M P A, Chicago . &hall~ Car. Main and Haron Streets. Captital, 550,000. Surplur, $35,004. Teansat geneoral banking bsneses. R, if'Xpr, Per. C. E. Ganner. Xirr-'t'- FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oeganizedra Capiital,.$1t0,1t'0. Surplus and Peanite, $S4,04 'rnsacterageraltbanking businessro.reignt exange tttttftttand raid. Fuentirh tettere o.' cedit. E. r). tttNEr ,. iic ARS3O iStiLLEd, Vito-Prea .S Nc LARKSFON Canhter tefin Arbor Savings Banh Caitiot Otteix. Sreact.Surptlus, 3150,000. ite:4wiree-,!'ttO,000. tattizd uer thetir..ieeai ttoiktieg toe- of tttre Stole. teceie-.deposits, buy' and seie. exchanoge on thne priiclpal ciiesof tire United States, traftr eat-tettuortrtoper tdertiicraian, Safety deposirtrboxese toretrt. Dreirerst tC'istian :fttek, Prtes.; t. 0. ito: mn ie- ePes.; Chas. E.nRisoaee. I 'hieet l. J. Fritz.,Assistant C'hi.aer Ti'Airrntt Vi-teese J. V. reNVaJ ss"'i irer' SVING Jort'C n. ce, AsttCtsierSIVN WfI NK 't'ranrsacts a general flanking tBusinesa, IIHI UUIN I I UU T 'he iarat monog'taph and ether trot- (ret Yif:ScisaiLeilosvtotsit ail ncyneyttter paper (and pads in 0 I- L 4 NDu C4PE7s'rr.r' ld So OFENALrtGinO our. J'n beast aundry istheroeoiLaue. U~ du O1'1'rry Py it. Wertk catted Corarnid do- ARIN. ie-r.Laeveyone order nil 121 S. +UNERAL It y-011are ntefstified --wthr er DIRETR0'0rrom d boasedor seesAvish tire ex- kriwerea a errit.Ne. 2St .4th Itt taresr are ltitt eas, go dcnt iatd Ace. Stemrits 'ttgirt tied cday. flee trfa l iii tt nArbor Steste Co. t NORTH iE it ntr(-Ircnaisntitrin'rs t nol''lc pinec I trrniatreelfarrospretada, ntitiies AU DR el .itl Il l CGoed servce,refinetretbte Ā¢.rtpnt etso a d et r ool~'oing, tm xoe ne e~toitt ..y{ aref. T'hoy i. IIlE CA'lPTSS=427 Thoempsotnrust. COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNSanod flOODS, A Li I CAar ed GOWNS, 1iijL a S C OES. z4 r- ICO LEGS Ft. 05 - \- 7 - COLLEGE PINS. COLLEG 0-0 I 4 OATS rand W'A KERN &COe eEOC 00G, iLL., HAVE YOU SEEN R1111 1, I'r.'r-irrt irr 'r 111trr ' t t'latrtID rnitt arran swiltltnn'rrun off strottury n1-iig,- ti1 n v tesity' nnict-' iy Ftrittbyx, G tI 'Lf., I -lItNISt'ON - Ait men'r irrir'r'(t'ctett inn foerthbrr re- tnrt'enitor'intretnat tire tratnitoln mi t1[ t1 t ttti aiitttr ie W (-5S'rle-ttr 'e'ter- hi. at !'ntttt-k.iPtla tot' nn ea- son'; w r ill b inn -tc1. aedat, rnd n-nnt-e riin 111 twho h tstnt rtiri Itit'sante 'l s CMte dlig'11ti1 fotbltnJsitroqe'tr'- All fist' t# iIttttt ttltwton tnt t o KIlt-I Ftl ~'Z'.e'tlilt't'i JUST TRECEIVED ine of.... ADIIES' "ANISH G1LuOVFES ner Q C O. AixA Spauldilgs Official League Ball Is the Official tou ttllireNrrtĀ«i orual League, the liro