. IB E UNI I VERS1 i Y 01 INUCHIGAN DAILY 4 TEL UNIVEIISITY 01 MICHiGAN DAILY OTE BOAR Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring 'Trade. . F O S O ur satoriati -kill is equal to the best in the state ~ 40Of Michigan. EXCETING NONE. 01i 1TI5T!IC LLT NECIIANICALL' "T Red Otreen Gray Black 15c a Shieet AT 320 S. STATE STREET. You can. get a AT -.--- vu-- v--u-- SC-I f t I C E'g 1tto prove it to you, Truly Yours, S. BUROHFIELD' 106 E. Huron PAITJiIIV' Oyster Cocktails U.L1I1~AILF For that hungry feeling 1 ' ) I 1R01entic bier, the ph'otographer, Lecture By Mayer J mnes Tonight NOTICE: EXCHANGE YTour On Lami s ra GASOLINE LAMPS Bring]" ou er eo'. od leto smake Nou an otter. The Superior M'f'g. Co.,; 329lS. Main St., near W5illiams Headquarters, foe Shade, Jaties and clhimneys. TO HOT SPRINGS, ARANSAS TILE WABASH RAILROAD is the only liste operating al through sleeping car Irona 1:eigti tHotSprings via St. Loois, Mo. Leaves Chicago daily) at 11:00 a, il. All ticket :Ag-nts will sell you via this populair route. Write 0. S. CRANE1, cG P & T A, St. Louis. F. A. PALMER,, A G P A. Choieago. 1R. S. GREENIVCOD, 1M P A, Chicago Coar. Mate and Huaon Stroet. Capital, $551,000. Surplus, $35,000. Tranactr genealtanhing barieee. ii'D 1FIRST NAIONIAL.AN Organitod1tte Capital, ;1100,000. Surpluse and Protato, 130.00! Traneacte a general bankcing bsness. Foretgz ecehange Ittught and sold. Furnishletters,, credit. E,. 0. KINNE, Prey. iHARRISON SeOULE, vice-pre S. W. CLARKOeN Cashiler TH inn fRrbor Savinas Bank Colt itat Stock. $50,000. Surtplur, $150,000. Rlesotreer. $1i50,0.tl eteottoted sner the General Bankhing Lave ot thie Stoi.at-e.ceesdelpeeite, it513and rals exchange en the pritit eli ities oi the United Stales. Oratet athedtuoprpeercidentificationc Solely deposit hletr ent. Oprena,: Chritiaha ck,Pres.; W. D. Horri- roan, Vice-Pees.; Chas. N. Hi-ecec. 07CahirrW. J. Frito, AssisttntCashiter W. AROLtD, itt ViretSTAT . V. OAartLoT V sice-pe- fi I JOHN. C. WAT,Aest.cCashier ~IN~ Tranas a general Banking IBusiness. T - tiillten intri-ted in ito totallcite re- l JN 1it, Ii ottt I toernitiit Cltb ofirs t .tttt I Ic torpitt th Ile crioll.-ro00010 _l\t t-rJtonetiof Tledlo. aco til iis 1 ?in. :11 i cc. ill i ton tcseea- te u fe oo- the iisltudet-rboidiy. Tis ic isitl c iwotrkIwiileleic siti. clii Printed lectures tor all depart- ite- ril- lii by-o torlot ia i otit-iti. c c i oAlilip. itin foth till is , tqtec- meats of the University. lType- Alciyiti Jonestotc <1it hetic i- now-itco'zt tellit ito 1.1otl. IIIenai3 : TIC. writing and Mimieograptiltg. Iiitly ltittiit itit lentiillet itiies, lots ___ :;wiinedl :i mtolltlici t a~tlion to nsciaire- -stIi-l:' EDWARDS BROS. tcitii-i. ieis-cttiac tcnitoe roirgos'- AH iris-t-cetilitt10 ititt otwishitoit cive e hchan')State Steeer oo-at tl- lect i-i for i-thai ofice.-l-ip it ct.1111"ct-wIk s ttitn liticicopt- c - Iis caddtreccs t-il w ill llon t- ctlbject, It-i : liti- gy-iittt-.itiii, ofi t cii R~eIE 5 -e'he (,jx)--l l- RuleiiI illi iics."I-:t:lI'1il-siltiICi. . TAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, --'TilTIMITEDlo 51,1- 1151 .c ASigiti (hiillti.set wtili dia- 719 ____________________ St.__I_____________E.___- i it-itetltc it it-ralit-cad iii nltati- it. l iiccc 1i-liltilrlaveid THfE SCHOOL 0 'heite Til, t 'etd.isix -i tiitt-cit- Itt (10i htotsc. 54its.'Stat- cI.. cnd D A C N G h liiitotc.i itltcremaorkablett rect- iveSrOKErFO teicc nIcno oact.I N Gaaeitol ii hy Mt. rmd Srs. loss Orcoer-- sampledress Ileft- ndtittittllttttttipeole.It. it iti tcllt- tRtoya lnt-.es, 1et'riel ics, c. t oie, far Otaci enece. Term beitesacwhoa apperltti. trampii.tsctio lieniittatind - ,',,u do. Officr. Acadaroy and Rlesidencil o ______ se-ynarti streetblcklowet or Slate tre t ttt-\5 lit itits. liiicl Ptillio , tit tt-- 5rore.Stritlty ischntatt.o s eiitaosbeiinn rttisi ypotciii ctic. iirittinrtt-cc. , ArtPitieures for tuldents' rooms, at lass ihours. itttttitcr-. wcliItcanitd trutoic. fur Setialir's Booksorae, l116 So.Alain. at. A 4I1'~~theIte cutoritti sot cileograopratorcin lu~iA~ andeltrain dispatchier tt Coluimiiusi., «-Wcltlalls.fRyani & Pc-toteare solo CollectionsUftor rearrs. Tile osiuecsfuol 5roduceiti otpagtnts for Ypsilainti underwear. BOUGHT FOR CASH of lilt conoception is tile result if years - of steely. Thie prices will be the sae Atarro Clockso, at IAL HER'S JEW- Leek iii your old collection and ast upon the last appearance lot-tre. 1O- EtLRY. turn it tite ready money. Prootopt 20t-30c. tand the Athenls Thieatier- ctitoldl______ (Cash antI Good Pices. tie ptcedeto the dlooro.Potrmn rLagin Fuan T HE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY «It-s eachor a uhleisBouhntire Room i. 1hit Woodwtard Ave.. Ietroitfes$1actShlersBotr. ______________________________ Sectioti It of Courrse- 3.0t(Pros-Writ- WY DON'T YOU eoof tur 18th ('entury) will noiltibe Matihattarn arid ilson Pros. Sit {1giv-et. for oalo at.Wadloamo, Ryanl &Retule. -et yotlr Meals arid Lunachies at Cootrse l (AivactedProse C'tmposei- tioro) wiltlibe pivel on Tm- uetticy tand STUDENT-S NOTICE! I f iui stt,. it, roomlO ., I7. Ii. The best laundry is the Toledo Lauri- 5-F . E. tRAN{OlS. dry. Try lt. Work called for and do- OPEN ALL NIGHT J livered. Lease your order at 121 S. SIRON ST.. Two doors west of Cook House. 'OTCE! tain St. M urnsTIiI 1Alltries -icftor tctssrnitty racestmt 11c ti rY IIheI~i1 ot i inty-Fridaoy, liii. i. Pr-e-iinairiestThe fineot monograph aud other tUnt- FUNERAL oct111 tic-runtit ua t the m11eet Stuurdiay versify fancy letter paper sand pads in ,T. 111-pt. Le-tesenoriesictatfSloe gyt. ofici-. teeity. All styles. Sehaller's Book- DIEC ORS. L. LIVEN (,,8'1'0N. ostort-, 116 So. Mtain st. ilooating a specialty. No- 205 S. 4th - P ve. Ambtulance night and day. Rlea-OIE pcalszzgiprttoshv Sencee32Fit verliminattries for thii fratiertylay rico-il. IIENTRY BROS. rcesc cN-ltbte irin oft Saotrdaynight, sV P-to16~. All entries titlst tie left at Atlarri Clockat, at HIAILER'S JEW- Try The... j, { the Unisversity office toy Fricac,.(ult). in. ELRY. N ORT II SIDE I. Ic. JtYI\ixS'l'N. (tllt-hteSte'sit L AUNDRY( If you are toot satisfied with your coatts at Wcsoliarit. Ryaoro&tletile. TWO6S. OtOWE, Propr. room arid board or you wisto the ax- a DetroitcSt. 467 Beli Phoae pentses wore a little lens, go dowin and (coltlsuit examoineo our string suit- Stalk cwith Ann Arbor .Muaic Co. tf irogs. HENRY BROS. Makters o ooo 01rra rr /oeeooooorwooo - COLLEGIATE CAPS. GOWNS anal HOODS. 1 Rooting of CAPS agd GOWNS. COLLECE FLAGS. COLLEGE PINS. LASS:aalImporting 'Tailors' HATS andsl 0111Q~- - W1CIKERN&cos Fresh arrivals Gf Spring 41R a ie r-Seventh Si. Suitings await your inspection. ;G1G0,IL Spauld ing's Official League Dali Is the Official Bath of the National League, the leadiugminor league and all the college and athletic associations. Aaudsome Catalogue of Base Ball and-all Athletic v Sports mailed free to any address. Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide for 1901, edited by Henry Chadwick, ready March 30 1901; price 15 cents. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. (INCORPORATED) New York Chicago Denver THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE CITY HAVE YOU SEEN H!-OSE NOBLY BROWNS MIL WARD