VOL. XI. ANN ARIBOR, MICH., SATURDIAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1901. No 97 6G H. WILD CO. "J" HOP A BIG SUCCESS BASEBALL IN GYM Indoor Practice WVill Begh. UtI Earliest This Social Event of First Note in University Life the Next Week-Yost For Football Most Brilliant Ever Given-Waterman Gym- Coach Have your full inasium a Scene of Splendor Cipt. Mc~inis of the 'N; . ity bast- ball_________hts i sooed a c.ilall c all-t dres sits for Two Hiundred and Fifty Couples Join in the Grand didtttt 1 te teoet to repiort at thle' the Junor optrophyt r a.o of the gyminasiumi nest th uir HpMarch-First Correct and Complete List Tnesdnl iti n Lito t . ociock. "Work made at of Guests to Be Published tor the 0e0)dwill then he laid out and - theo tittrlt te iven instruction as to wlitt thoi othali cto. A a o ci te .Aoot lot "." Hlt has come and gone thei c'1ialeritt ttid yountg ladiesi~o - di itectiratn it the J. li +1; :tie 'teet and it wit lie it tettite vetac tatore the looi piti l the top: retrooed tilt, basebiall will lie H. ILl~1 1 i~tt et aI' otics. Otenl scoiteofr. r tt c ga: ioaol I bitittg LD CO. tliiii. lt lln itntey, Detrait Miss Hleen Lodott 1 a !riot iultitedit otr f G. . . 1e~rr:nu .llr, llinade.'itM~lrs iticittiati. O., -Miss -Mtary Caoleya±te 1:nidto for the tltte:p-iiu cnli Fruit agai. Bu to ti coilig to ily P icih. Misseo dra Lee. Edttt ite of c i took anti t lit1t1W taco Los E. WVashington St. alt ,, Litt vcitl ie LItgt ftr wiitiwit WVright. Dietroit. Miss -Mary Stohl.T(, t trglar i tnt :ott fromt _____________________________________ ter flIlop ouh iild lftte ill ottictitor. igtott. Ky.: Mios ,Maritit Stewarit, Wt- ott itos thte seeo ill( thmtiot tuiliai so- liee ts o lyt itt d Itu len tItti.ttiii tori' pete miote troiutita attd ral evetotit tilt of the year. hut I tiitt fitoo I itrit. Pittilinn etliotit liver the teatrris toat wihlt-i itottptiriet itit tiretedtingi B opis Pi. rcii i t iie. rectoe Bairid litas tre- liii mtost stter eofItl tee gio-eit. 'Otgtti 110-Mro. S. T. Reenta, De. 1itte ith thiieostchedidte tee treenttedt Xci i litto lias th i tititi~ti a tti ut: Mro. I1. 1 Lavrette, Attn Arbior; t tle 1 ttetity at t e liiwoirkotr thte xx 4 bI, itoittu lootkedl prettier. tat i tt Mlto lieleti Bl WFebtI. vottstt Ill " t itti to tu iiottt. the ctiulte till Tiot itad heent disiittyuoi lit the tctigiett locojettitto Rlohhins, Edn u m-to s o stosal hult eierr gamite to itti decortiosof itthte vticititt tttotth. utiuttl. Prantces Ives, Loiseo OBriet, a it iot e aiit vi t os arit intereoting the heatdqittuatr, if Itie tilt-eruuit tutu Fmi~itis, Eleatnor Toctr, D~e-0ttuo '111 chedlte for ttte sprinttiahi hre.Instlefr, rl is(aeBtop~ iaotil rb cs11 ~ir irlr it i ive md eictto e o ateithutt . c ill nt Pss (turace "ttttlplt. Cv cood tar n iel itot a totroifh PH RM C 1itic fesontiut'i electric ligto fell turdt O.: Miss Hatzel Steele. Toledo, tist o1fi tie trentgti ur te teatti rout fite ditote if the hiil toi the 1711t- 11.: tiio Pierrino,- Dtetrit:t Ala .:ossi Graueo octl he played oitht Illittoi, nn;track. leter litvei tti full ifcis Hltowell. ('t ooo;isso Ha tot rris, '1i1i Clicigo gu twesvtern, Pttrdute, Beloit, if imoditrni electiit lighttig teent oset titelpiu. Pa. IIo itoiti tutu proabtly the Dtetroit * ~ ~ ii l t ntrbotr at as to oc t- notiighit. lot itoiot-i r. B-. x. Stetarns, De I to tiami. Butt itti other trip ilt1 _____________________________ '['h0__ - ti- att-ri ttit tocttittotii osethed ts troill; AIrs. C. A. Rutt Saginttwoo -Mich. bei tkn l urin httg thii seutsit andi ttt YOU KNOW where tn gel ..t. if Irutaforwtit( ;trt ftairy tautu. Ti Mlco. '1tttiuug Chtcti Po t-ar. tic- ttt Mat to r oihitieii tetatm oill got(coottto I tU C ~ate-i rueiiffcet toif t1 tiettitfiti itdo but htshout MAlts G. L uutut uontio withi theuttug- ttuuoeuo A ~ LdI~~RA Ii tu I tiittotiuito f tri tif ttuuitit0 ttu otutn tut.Ar-bo ttoiMtss -tt-u cov e ies ities i-oAtluuitti coo uoutiuleTu AND of ti-thutt tutul hlu 1-ciru--u ettt ineil it ocT nettu lisonu: Iis, Cuttit. (li- wtill tbyli ttuit('fie t to eve taut liy SMOKE~ per t utu itittlt plii tio litte tcac 1-tt Stttttoii. tu-uuodt top an wt ierntu t-tut auth its teet uiiostrti tugtul-ur proporiuttins if thu ll. \Is tliztutithi 1ut-it . 1- - 1 n witt iti 0thu I rietat etal ,If u-it. Tho- R1 E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. gnu-ut haltl. It hato be lii 1 sto bei hit ittc Miss Htuoe ituisot: -Misses tirot giutn tutu the easterntriii owill lie - -fllu} tuulh t rclted lrit ife lortdt tuue till in C an iatieutg0it--t a lup ut issct tutu ii i tottt-May it ;! thei Ott O1~I-I INGI tie-it tii tthi Co, oflDtte oi. ha Itt-utr -rtto t itt-to lAte r t uIhtu Alo ihy epstiott LPflkutat Ouil N T IG''eb out-wru- titititc ia roe tutu Alto, Pit iftoi. Tuihitt -u-tt tt-to (a Coruell tt Ilhtueto 'Moundaty LIKCE TfHEn ! i t enir tiiitii io undr t hetli lirtun- 'thet Delta (Ch-)Its. W0 ii. Btler, gam wtill be pilay l ithtt Syrtacuse, liitrck 'I i i-hpcittluut boot Annu Arboru: Plus. Ltuohout Toleutut ius. antine nes t~it Ide tt wuil =ttake irtectyitoppositu thu c-hatpetroies' Johnu A. Kut-t, r., Covtington, y a tut i e dw tutu tuut Hii uson Oute of itth1 'S bo totidtit ht ttguo-t treptttt- Plea. Jltut Tutuutstunetoiti: Ales. th iti ot teitghutful tuips Pto tonntry '{ g ' ttkon. tt tug tdnt-tilt- t utu e i iniit tuthnui i. ll".u littrut: is. t. I. ca f~ uni. OPt Avtoittuht the tetotu rL(iOae hp tal Noliat Niltes Ales. I-. D. itouout toil iil tooitht Ytalt tt Neo Httvet, - he pigio ort-n N tv"( oii eitt arouseto (Chitgot: PIes . . Watlke Toledos tutu tut I uuroltut retun t tlt PKt- (THlE ORIGINAL) iotili ll withl iuouert. Turthe liWotin O. Puss tFlorelweuu- Pttett To a ittani tcollegoe itt Net Tort0. Tutt itt itt-io of Philadephiat. itutt i:ss Rtuthi lBushnel, Kiunots en ing thtmooill troceedut is O- Stuppie tao si-tiut ii It- Bhlu1 itttil Pu.: Pufss auei Ltnctshirie, Be t hrobtilt titty the I-tll Rivtr himt ot 4o Cents per lb. g}uuuuutuotuuby Ip- hlutgotrfu r tatni puchun itit: Miss Iietttt Olturien, Soutu h st s t tu ti ututgutictuit titt tilt toldu i-u bitils toet- sttiont ttit iffe- thunit tudtu Mists Puttu i-. Ittut. Stles; tutu; tohuitu Soundut ill ool iutul the totutu it poto hut the tutti gyuuuutstttuti M PI duythi Al. Cored Ttciuuuuott Pisus mto tom i, goodiu sthi toittip Thu Ilk I]I' St-iritter s-tutu tut-esti titnd Hitind of 011ittt L. Tatutl Cictago, ll it. Al st nit, o-utf the teip ctitt ii pltyeid Detroith tluruuttuu but ttuuisintug the luouelulut Ittusitir Plioo Ett L. StAi 00ilt liii otl at Cttuutttgt out ltty CAMPUS DRUG STORE utigito tuututtoutinuos trud itt watzes htotte, ut Am tur Altos Altup ie t -t-'- li ittt t utu tteilt asth loutt. - ______ an tut ou-telo itO tut cuotet Tottlo:Alts Phtid-u Swuit It. (tut Aru itat it tite next dayi otil preoitubly bit llt ev-erythitug else thue length attd hot. spent itt C ittgtittt Falls, whtichi ctitt lue ......44++'r++i 3p >'I'4+'Fd"Fd' uttututur oanctues tits grown.u Itt 104 Put Detlta Thecta oshoepht )yles, "tiut the ttatm t turiet 11 (ttu(utuor 0 n:ogul at Pu) extra tund CO0 Extrt extra Dietroi; A'Mrs T. I1 Psotte Denver, Scuntdah mighth. U n v r iy f~ givenat; niCughut to reguitur atud Cutu: Irs. H.I. C P litus Dtroit: Ptctuhituu tits ani unusualy oto buet 4.. 10 extrau weee town-u out te progetam, PMitstes Ediltht I. PlCoettc Lutulute C. 11100u rui or t tu-t hunt fuietut tn tiutu Text 'I'ou thuaC hore wiere auhout eigut otrs Chuatuet, Ciurt PMc~oald. Edit Plin foera slon tetatm. Hsoever, tere tree {.ot eociuu-utboe danintg. (Georgita Prestout Hlelent Post, Detroit st- v ,tu iiti-lco i li1th led lii itt-ctne 4* B oobs Thet gutucis toer- late Itt atrrivilg ott- Aisses Matrgaret BDodds, Mabltue Chit uteri uill hvtiti tuuexctlttent tihtttiieuitt *n tug thu Cii-naubillpitt the hack lines to Itt, Lanusig; P'lies Isabehe- Hlunuker, o maite thu lttu. 'Michiganii ~nes ag nne l oTld.Ms u oeha st en the hiattohoC- ± ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1in .W±hututl otitui iutttue hh5 huieuto AlaLte P arbor;ul Iay t-aaeu hasitt h for sv era htu earsoit 4.ott t iutt hti iu 1fl iy usEottt uu (uulhl lt iou it uttfns~ii ~t nga"ttws3..0ui1Ms laao 1ii. oclock cihetn te lurst strirtnts of the Mibso Ilituet Worumet, IDetoit: MIliso siu th team ittlt l ctbit hut tuhtd ini thet 4 eulie",,herti stritw tutu tnti thou guitnut 'Ntlhue Otuut Otlhaeuburgi (tutu Arhor vety lit tiamie the otutooka, to r Second - m arhs re.I eshae y DlaUslnMs .MneCa i iuir posng1'eontem fo r ."odd cuhtoupites uutuctuh dutteoss theut (I lahusuu Jessite It letukel. Betroit IH. (tot it lattdt Stanuford tits hutueu tatot.to Thet yotuig tut-u coren hitlsie it Sitwyer, Joliht; Aias Charlotte secuedu fr tint eochulitu otff tutu hut A ll ~~their etoenti 'osuitsanthd the you~ng it (trehet, Necw Hlluuot- Cotunt Aisons To-itl hut hut-no somue lime duritug liii Sltaties coit ooguttt stt beuifuli cos- Luiey A. Cooiey, Filoretuce "T Greene spring t ltoitk oeu the ground.u i-I D epart- ~~~~twtutes. Ito- specthoes irthut griories Aahel Perry, Eliza Broitihal, AWi- hattictottt utuo oactui tooketh diout ttu iti sciuet if pyouth titd treul Beunan, Annu Arhor; Miss Jessie L rndut l c11le .a ottiutlt audditiont o the mea s lve iut uth to as evter heen sur- Stronug, Adrian; Mlis 'Mantle Gale, coanig force. p. assed. So large twasi the numher ini Ottosso; Miss Gertrude Richardson, -______ atthle gratud unuirei that the linen cotuld Detroit; Mllen Emily W~ison, Mattoon, To Leture in Ohio atno ipss each othutr aud thue cuetonmany III Miss ary Chaurmier, Adrian; Mlis 'ant ime huonored -Al" htad to lie abhan. 'Altele Chuestertonu, Boston, ass.i Professor Thomas C. Truehlood of cloned. Siguna Chi-Mrs. B. F. Berry, Airs, the department' of oratory left Thurs- IDaylight wa5s appearing hefore the 0 B. Traylor, Detroit; Afrs. O. S. Brunt- day noon for an Ohio trip. O'4hile gone W A H R6*S last happy 'dancer left the gymnasium,. back, Toledo; firs. A. H. Barber, Ish- he will° lecture at Dennison lhUnverit ______________ The following is a corrected list of [Continued from First Page.] and Ohio Wesleyan Univert~