IJE LV11TY 01 MiCHIGAU.LDAILY .POSTER BOARD MICHIGAN SBCITO Steay Emloymnt) BOOK AGENCY -OUR CL ORS For Energetic AGNSWTE Iced Gray Gireen Black Men nm il~nl -15c a Sheet anLt" "~ C. Goodrich, Mgr, j l(xci lirst National Bank AT EXCI Bring an atfen Chimn- T, is f i- vi Cl A Sheehau & Co.' Oyster Cocktails W 10C__ __ _ r Cu~ . . 320.-S. .STATE STREET. ouFrtahugyfeig F'ASI can get a IL-_--LLUCait OT LUNCH AT lRentschler, the Pjhotoraper. t, Kaxi 3isnStte St Will Address Nebraska Students Will Edit Amer. Hist. Review ___ C1tU77 CS a no at it u tt te irl d atat- rf nh e« . c - h~head FIRST 11.Vl.L V nentli s ;cceted n uvrttim toof he eparmen of.lmuc;:f is-Capital, Printed lectures for, all depart- gitthe (harter Dayalv lttsary ad- Cory, will bea-enanaging eitaratofansi mients of the University. Type- drsis at te Uiversity- oftNebras~ka, the Aercan Historiicail ia;vth -Ie exhanet ,writing and Mimeographing. ilts 1Febit15. Is etubject will bto fitilia ulictatit at the Atmertic a *ni.E EDWARDlS ROiS. liTt'Matie tatd HightetEltctatt' " itstoricalt assaciation.E.DR CvrSheehanal State Sreea __________________________________ ( _. Ntt CtI]STii 1tY 2.- Siecia spritg imaprtations hase-ar- - t ivts teewiithe- gitntntxl t- itt riedt. IIENRiY BROS. 16 CYri_ !nit < I. intetsad atflit a. itt. as The finest mnagaph and ther Un- STILRSCCEE PRU , siattutIlitliitttth e tttti-ttttt-. ver ity fancylittier paper and ads in o n 11S.~~lnt.O IUM, the city. All styles. Sehaier's Bak- extang(i soeIle SoB. Main s.Saet, THlE SCIOOL OF Sit v li portitut i ttit--hate-lit-i-tiann, Vi tAN C Nt ctduttfo.ai t sriti . STUDENTS NOTICE! J. Fit, D A N N i atiiti ,tta - ie-ik folo TheViihest laundry is the Tleon Lan- e'iveate and ciasiesa. ,iaSdanang iy Mr. itnb 'ttttttttit l.tattli iticitit-i- ry. Try lit. B'ak called for and de- w* I. - ad Mrt s. t ratugte ausupicdrss irele- tu-tti so t ltst itno. tki tiltiu-liii t lvered Lavse yaur-ordet at 121 S. W. Ana e rc asA exer s. Trmice we Ctlnu Irglt iJ. V. Sn: yu ado. Office AcaulmasndRsidnco_-________ __ HN.. saynseit street, black test at State treet i-ill lnoitmlt ti-ti-iiv istlilt I-ititig-bet-iitat- stores. Sictlya a chitttitsvisitors during e andlgoo. T hits ill t ttis - S ea thi s finti e tut tti ritas itt Itt-ty StanD G lletion It~lt Atlt lT- ltititClcs, at CALEI'S JEW- ColletionsAla- BOUGHT FOR CASH Uii i itralie: ligiettes, Ite. I. t aetr tnI i ti stl joeak up youar old collectiots aid tDc. (arrass tar anne tmicplit-I itas tunit ttitto ready money.Ponmpt Cl u xmn u pigsi oet tuevle . oetrpw t_ asti and Good 'reeui itt He ENRYii-siir S ti th iie ir t- r .Iicl TE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY t_ cY tiS li- itt- rtcom . 4t' WodwrdAve, etrit Aarm (Cites, at ttAIT,.Et-S JEW- Te Out Reliable is HI II I RS WHY ON'T 1Y00 EV tltEX. meLontr Meals anti Ltunches at cot. tll'ihu"alcsr' ilts tii~elisc-VuiEis Ct lc.I UL ___ I Vt iltttii.. yttt & it11t. Art Pictuires tr students teems at I n-al gu~ ~ - - riltlids Baoktore, 116 Sn. tainst 0ORT79 4~UU i Iiteos tututliiitcis iattaodeat- iyt e h erea h ae OPEN ALL NIGHT. puce: iisititifir itte-is. ptttes If ousetewr of heTld BRON ST.,Twoda fsrst o (cook tloane.1 iutt tills- ltaetl errioet.cifietitatlreLandy Ce.yuitwsill le convinted %p ilitt i l t itild diltytoltiutg Mr- t hat ytusatn nthet. Agency 121 S s. M, MARTIN s-i.1111 (AAIilS. 42 i itutipsn s. atMn FUNERAL I- JS EEIE DIRECTORJUTRCIE1 +ve Amulace it atnd 2day. Rh ^^ A Line of.... Try Te...LADIES' NORTH SIDE A - MANISH LAUNDRY GOE THiOS I.OWN:, 'ap r li-. - at eriit C7BeltPhe- SAND _______-Wagner 8 G o. Lts Mankern atS - iv m, COSodLLEGIATE CAPS. (jOD, JUT THlE TWP FO TAING LETURE Dumb GOWNS and jos III ~~I~1IMLc U E Pegtng oaTt , 3 d CAPS arpd GOWNS CLEE al pi A S Cf1KES fTEMPORARY lot a COLLEGE PINS ] 1Lu~t'BINDER 1 N. hildr 8 5-~ . Girs' pTS andOpens like a book, a. Bys, 'APS ... Cms ' G 1 ICU Beats the old aring cvers Fall ad p NON O.~ etueapr Il. tr We A a>id , F t F. SCHLEEDE, - - - . 340 South State NEW YO HANG V-tar Oil Lamris Far "Ann Arbor"SMetch Generators GASOLINE LAMPS- ii iy ouar aid saes and let~as make yoa The Superior M'f'g. Co.,. 24Main St. near W lliamas. Liiat tern f r Shade, .Mantles and O0T SPRINGS, ARKANSAS BE WAI3-SH IIAiLrtoAO thetounly-liue opt-rating ihrouighlsleeping ear tui1nClticagto tHotSpinigs as St. Louis, Mo. Leases lhicago eai hi at 11:00 a.in. 11 ticket -hg sits -itill. sell in via it-s popu~larrounte. Prite Ltat,ki C I &k-VTA, Sr. Lotis. PAkLER, A tG P A. Chicago. GEREEN Ns-ot, Rt 1'AChicago Las. Stain end Buron Streete. , M0,S. -Surplus, $35,000. Teanacte genieal banking buiness. Ps, Peu. C. I.finaNE, Vice-Pe. FrEa HBELSFE~a.ta-t. INATIONAL BANK crasts d1i , 810t000.Saeplus asd PruEEt3 10,000 sat a gesnerat banking business. FPacatee Dbaughtand said. Putenish tatteerso' KINEE.Pre:. BARRISONSOUiLE, -Vita-Prcy SW.CLARKSON Cashier Ainn A~rbor savings Bank itat Stark, ae. 50(.Surplus.Xs50,000. Resoures,.m1tt00,t00. sieed suedesrlte Ganeral Basting Lees State. Recetses deposits, hay. and selle eon the prinscipat cities at thc Catted Deafta cahed apse prpersaidentitucatian, iepsit boesetoarent. taut: Cheistien Slack. Pies.; W. D). Harr.- ee-Pret.; Chas. E. Biurack Ca-bleer; M.. Eass. ?d isstrebW .Z st' ier 8TI~ BAINK Transacts ageneral Banking IBusiness OW'SBE Putt iii. )twtiti u-Patenrtesraa rsh aaet at iatehade snectied yajst-ia ny ius tea a.ledibrough nt cioen al ithrisied.m ntt . Sa 3.00 ate thenmithdaheercsixeisapeio Witreprss.eagtFeeae Wintrn ratalgu re uo SiRK CICAnO DENVE R HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NQB8YBSROWNS MIL WARD THE- FINESTHLINE OF SCOTCH fill EN1OLSM SUITINOS IN THE CThY