SFor Evening' Dress
y Full-Dress Shirts Collars, White Ties, Gloves, Dress Protectors,
Waistcoats and all die other necessaries. .. .....
fl~I Just as They Are in Naturl l 1AIli-H n ~ II
M ichiganI Centlral -1 I';u tot \\oodistongofi tithe ~i . ane, i igerof T AlarmniClocks $
NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE' oillioIll t.the rr'loo -og ment 0f Ibirs illlit( (1 Sliu i t " beinghOflOtstimony f i is ~ o$10 i
T~E oIR LN i thll' pese1tilessons of 11thei'rlhaits.o to t ilt ( Blood111105will tloll" ind that VW athRoh11'i rnTdESH R a F b:Specialty.
ANNABOR 0 n('ti 1.roll 0,110,iottst-iyo0,e-ftll 1 po1 sh tiagr J L.CHAPMAN, JEWELER,
ogee, the o Oet i iolt sI i to i1",1i10,0 iu s it ugitehleraph Ie sitd2061 aSouSnth.
BUs FtAnoJft ry bci11 onsdeed"oltnl J( ld, 11itslar it]y CHAFING DISH 1 $5.00
lE O K tepurr,(o,,indieualn dtheclc o totr- 3 pint size, patent lamp, handle
i+the Iie 1 lcird i cotllet11tion ntoadiof tits't(11 i es, to w 1o'ewhat has poven the Oil hot Water pan, absolutely the
A N D BOSTO N "r) Ii glr faiilies lCis1ro u aeur p l irt atir~stc ;Ail iau- best in town for the price.
With tdret connection, at Chicago fr t o t 0 1-stie1114 i 11 1 (ird i 'ofllL ril iIithe -1cli 010 softith(' 1tttt's-'
Loots, Bnsai City, St. Pool adoe wet. shdod t i15 t may 1a) noly I ''iitoted 'Mal-who ic uts l t W mii, Arnold, Jeweler
Boo informatioti and through tckts clo 00 hussibtl 1itsuttonative habiit. ld WLLoiover $2000001 i I ot oet tsI.
orrute to I. W, IHAVES, Agnt, AntiArbo. To istra t ue e itta titl aatt suitdis not s tLShlownian til ii tilt 1' O THE..
A I [N AReBP0iRip 'tirtle andthe siticeivtritti" ast toniitht'tvsntt Ito o
A N A B R entes,5thie (oItts t tis coolln-1tialt hard01,lt ajr ityjuof J01 NIORHO
RAILRO~AD r.I ol iioil odieoetetrrlv1trs ii vr eereo S'
Mof 1them tp oo aitliltitlare 111 1111111i tinstti0 . lit5 a101 11 toerHa e 1110 uckst S rvie any
~ ~ ~ tutitler ii ie-tt i it oielilt1110 11- bollhuhis 11111ito et ini e0,tigthrrlipst best carriages. New rtbbe tire
TIME TABLEIt'rled i 0th t iu les i ht W t evio0111is iiroi 11111 l t ittlit. tolietatted coce. Finest trnots in te"
Taklg EfectSam y, My 21 189. utihetitissriithire 1beliiicolt' el-tsttii iIifii 011,rd ie 10,2 till:0 ci-tlt ttiiioijit. hack tndlbaggage odt
adTilsm eon a Ako tata t A FItt' ooiil Ilan "tit iet hem t an -ti! l 111111-Is rolity atttitditoo.
a ii oniithe fo orIt lt h ' liI , ..irr\irrr-"_______eek
SOUTH NORITH stlHoltmes' tltlii ssiiti sliiItLuivei11ry t'tl
*No.. e1- 20atA. M.1 No5 .051 . . p .et 0 ll iSI "tl'toy'r H N
No. ,-tt1t o. . ' -at o ° [lr 5 iiiiti'5' li tt' 111b1eioil t de. ran 'c' PHONE I06, 55 E. LIBERTY T
No. 4.- 110. 5t N N o.3 45 r .- agyre11 i nterest i'cot he (dlii I ion.1111 0adhais,BRyan11& netle, sole agetst. ________________________
I _- the 11;1\\ S. - r o u'i ise i' 111 s ebl.., lii
Rnuobet veitt AntltArbor andToledo only 11111 I r i tak o riiii))thetc' e i--to' 11 nthit'l I 011r11 too P auil & Ietle iteso tle- -
Alt trais.daiolyecept Suayu. oit htii'ethos - i i pitll'to-i' sill b11t"u'tts for Yptsilanti utndlrsear.
NV.'. uILS, Aett.
W H1. BENNETT . . . A- i'lli'l i ito i is iihe f tnititti ttlo i t')'iithe -
- w err_______o-f t i ao ' i1lc.S, 1 rh er W terma11n or Laughlin tFouttatn
HOCKING VALLEY RY' I tma1ltotls elslo' Bs o
The Railroad that takes the'~1 11 i ~o tI~tI' iS
Business In and Out jII iii)) t s a titsfied witt -00
of INichigan. jN t in51s (nlr ,v ,peil 0, rli-im oti it i rl i o'roti wihitieex
SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS N tutwie110,uu ,1 el ois wer lt't ihhles, gotdost(in atil -
4 DAILY B[TWEEN 4 ml1 1 : V :ru e 13 . . ( ill (tutu tutuo tnoi e to t I tt I '> ,..
TOLEDO, COLUIBUS _ lut i itaitdhboWilsoti trtt5
and ATH ENS. u''-.urn ,o'u a er o =l, I t10 auiu'mynbs lvtt cttlt
e 01 I t p er, IE t I t n t. i I hl: l. o AN11 oi . I'im o" ild
G.I1A. t'r LliiAo he i s u tihhtt i- iiitutu itt eA N EYE OPs 1tENE ul. s~t
Cou la O hltt 00,1 ut i 's 01 . el r l ro fr -o! llt err rr ,ftwilpnt) ' ytourew'1100 tourf lit idy Sliro-
-- , r 1iii : Phlis ta l 'l'l i t l or' ri'ti-t' I- u it ica a ion fl act 11 11' s ftti 11' ut1110 ' Dohput'
Oetroit, Ypsilanti and Ann pAr- -Algretoylto 0,,epms rtana''d seii llt
ap .rireos.ol i ni;1155 oo t 111*, 1mu- eito Eerelp OrutyutI -'itiel an ols tI
bor Railway 1111 1.1IE IE 151 I' Is- 90No1sT3- E:EI 1111 i, 1 (5 tn, ,11i b est 511)1llfittdt'tt iA NI'''rElllF~'s "to0 E
(trs teaS-c for Detroit a'it it tlanu 'ti I iIW 150 " li ,strl, T e only
evrDoreeiiin t' t i n ttua r3,:txi e .r., .T eol
tit r :1.5 houruillt:After bgnnn tt t ,to lelt n Lott1at u r-ut . to , ii- 1'iiir its 01'c1"ii ii' e meo'It SL R t1iSTE1W'- i 1015 'to
1t 15. ti. Waiting room corner AnnIIElBIBh.y__
01nd Aaitn Sts: tetroit,ltl Griswvoldlst- C I'i amt-iii i ne urhht ' pr11 s urfshn-- - Pick(WCk i l i~ ar los
Cars every halt hourtt'Saturdays att intug's.LIiTNIIY 511103. If olt seethe nok i) f litrhe lu nFilasfrm215t-:4p, . tel'ii i ze. TPablors
en Frtlors ron 2iii tt 9t14~ 10.______________ taundry Cs. ytn svil be eotvitesi t' Slt uho
MO EYL AN D 1.EfYii1'tiLOANEDItlltto -''ilEv'erytthincatg1 tult' Aete 21SNewEeatie e SeotrciCisioy
on watehr, OUt mondsSW keeta and othet le- ot.117 dttrl iltn '.r M t.n1111.
anal Poper-y. Office at residence,&IE1 1 5. l-'iupuei' setl e ,t'20y'_"_ThayerStritly U to-at,
Libety street. Alt buiness confidentals. -ey
Hour al5Ito :0 .m. oatd 1ttud 'band ot i9 I ', tml ii I r911 iii uz V clS I n wol
O. MJSEHC.WTT 707 N nhucersiy Ave. fAu, Aro"
______ __________-__________f___ ~nnnrsnIi 'nr>'inr'u-iulnnnirvvvnu-rvlnnnnr'innnnnnrenrwtinn nn'nr ri -
U - arber asteatmong and (-_- Embalmer and 6l ast lamlf Streal
U. o, M n rcer l peil-tENOCH DIETERLE, Funeral Dit-ecto IUniversity just eneatWlt bloctrwet
Shop and Bath t ane'aiayIleate 21s Foth , _ h Ponsotwbildep n. All inds R an d all F
Roo sd82 S 90) 22S orhAeBt hns.Shoe Shop E. Lambert. jPhOt ;
Rooms' 1 22 STTE. . R.Tralanoatbl