2 'TI-E UNILVERSITY 01 MICHICIAN DAILYi. tt f + Ij Changas in Anu)est (2nd Sem- lhC NEXT NUMBER Pablished Daily (Madaya laanpted)daiag NEWA TESTAMENT AND GREEK. IN THE. Cllge scar. a Ronn, I and It Corithans, wthhiO-L . t O I R E TEUNIVRSITY OF MICHIGAN t0r<"11in]troductionsO. Open to allA MsANOFICE BANCH FFICE Tt. Thuirs. :i 10oiloik-Raiomi B Agus Bldg, Maa St. 336 S. sae Street.WILB Bth 'Phanes 13. ess Sate 'Phae 182. T'1'. OId K 11 IIIATII.MANAGING EDITOR, 0I) EIAE toiteATORE. . H. ia,'1 I.111-sres trisodusutioii totudlcyI1I N BUSINESS MANAGER, f till hitorical and priopetial boank. F. ENCa.Ae11 llL Il l ctl, 160.ireioiiiiiiendepe111i-H e r EDITORS lulaI toliiileiii a of. thei Philosophy o 7C y D s a r o EDITORS: e~j i :Ot ;i d Et1ils o llhlosi who ex- D s a r o ATHLETICS, G0.. HI:-KI lI. a1 L 1Icitnto i.111 - TIheology. adt ll li ho A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t H.MDOl-t6L l. 1516Il La n-iiIIa-lthisl If nidolil lierfi-I(Chicago Alumni Nlmber MIAt. K H.CDUG61PW.03 I r 6. 'l L ltlll i ti1~li tellof lv el sietif-ian H. Woo Friday February 15 H. . scoonoon, '04 4 . . (.xN111ra ollL (ll 11extn11ut111 ec'1 P Mit. 1tS II 1116 I - 'I'll(,1111out 1r is leillY. hittn at[111 I 11Tll cctfre C by Rev. D A. Huh0is I lefllte iy Pstil -d l 01a- time1. 1uthorsh il 1 i ll;md latesof111' hoks1111--1 ____________________ I__ 111'r rI 1111111 ll rt . 11111 1111I The sbsnoiption 11111 I I- I I 11 :Ipllllllll. -:o1-l~I 1111lIcl'tllllall i( ticn11A rt N o v e ties be non inc1.d 1111111 . int61 cc.. 111ne 1Thec 11e111011ITHEraliD. be f11r118 111 1101r11I 1 11Ito1.tie 111111 111r 11111THE hey need nobeking Decorati ons, 56-sei. 1o may 1 l li 11,1111~v - 111 la 1111 11-1131l 1 h H E They are niodesof ine t 01- eoaig 11.i t t it I a l11111 FOR1nar 1 . Fram"lles, Poster 'Mounts fa11i 11re 1 l-3-le ai ,doIvy I I1 1111, .. T . 111;11II - 111115cel. 1R1o11112.T. tI. W OMEN as well as the beat. -. 111111111 i 5110111 11 COYin ivrtsrl, lat'er 1must 15e.xIi:li. t.Only sold toone retail- Pleasieidollot 111-01- a lIt all lItnll a 111:1-ht s ai111111 lt lo s ltudfHere.an Ge.H Milr DEFRIES' ART STORE, il r 1.11 1y' 1111 f plstrI- i II11 rath11116. 11111111161'o I h ned i, 1111116 1a teohoi- 212 S. Main St. 217 S 4h AVE., AN N ARBOR II sty111'11herslf. llI. 11 111111 itu-il 1 IhI t 1111 0lUllll1-11illlll . 11 A T H EN S T H EA T R E dtsilI- ol- the1111111. afspo 11113ll if(h I t-lleof 11111o a ainSt'eiie NIGHTS &SATURDAY fA IE e e t 'Illk 311 111--la 11-1111ill 11~ N-t11ile i h1toil 11111and aTHUJRSDAY, Jan. 31 -'etTeiiAi Aro 311111111ou 111 31111113lf Iil lalil l111131 ll 11111111 11inred tha1111t 11ll ;lhiser 1The great hisorict and re- 111IiI 1111 1111 ll lll~il-raII lit i 116 ll-11133 16 ~i~i1 i -011-VAN E COMEDY F C Whitney and Edwin Knowles 1I')tflat111ur13 ,111.lb-NCn'o101111"'6I, e ,~111111111llf~1l~. COMPA4N'Yorga New York production of ,s ~dil)pr yyo1 hs onsf 1 ~tttta 'o ruae 11111 Ili< ' i sc11111 1 III 1 1 11 \hl yiila 1111151of1(l i nd cldllo (d1l- MO li I t oe~or fbg rnepoutospo II Iyt Io n t'(hcil.1 ee1l11111 her 116l11c111a 1 t Ib- l not111 e(°1111 0. .hIll 11 nounilacd e plel i 1.1111t 1nl s hi cOraigitals - aQ - - - - ellicti dlelIsdcctrii .11eect fr iltfis ime 111 111 11 ' iali -l d I huh a ha 111 1111 111o 111111111tlit l liiw. ll l t . (I15111131 no 11t lls D-p-ll I111111i a-II~ not seen l tals 11111111 111 iis 1111111 111 Iio 6Say, I 111113 11ho- REPETOIRESit-.Du, G si0a nhiIsI t 1ol ils natl il il'scn1111I s meThusday - Th LiaitdfMail 6lI. 1. ir6i11111 111111 i l lel-si\'111fuel 3111113 IoIFriday " Traure Island" Dramatized by StanislauS ange ilS6-l il-l~ aurdy Matine - 'The Hidden Hand" 3ai t lla til.' 11a 11-61-f teei~t.11 e' 1-6 Sasurday Night "Qaeen of the Circus' lso yJa n Edal ids in , sufficient 1111 ill ~illi 011it31111ce 53- 3hss Ia Peeesaa° ill111 1111111 ialll ll III.I llta it f61 ei 1 1.111 -11 lde1 ifllu111111-li t.he AlVac rert- 1-01 - eet11.I'l -11 o1f3 11l1612h. sit1111 61111~ a < 1-11iIi 116111i ieIl6. 11161111 N~l-hi .61 lAllhtli11Ii1 le 1 a1n1111 nd1 a a ongcoa RI C},utinghe i 3atkl 13 itswi thler Lme au-11 s-e hould111 111 irof, 11he 1111111 1d11ho 11 1 11111 hi 111r1 1116 flI emi-1111-~-- Carloads of Rich and Costly Senr 1113 11 11111 I-111011'AiillnaIlWillhl ]llit SI 1 - -- iEvenng Prices: O, 20 and 3oC one. and rte tic il1-111(11gh1 re'Matinee Adults 20c, Children rCPrices: 50 C.$1O the1 ro111111111e ,,,id61to1he11 II 11111of10111111al113 iiI161ll1m1th 1the 1'olden("61 EVERYTHINGNEW~ EXCEPT THE NAMAE - - -.1 x31 S . flRA511. AT -_ I1 lc 111h li-. 111111b1611if I redO i ll116. -(1. 11 i luIIo f c 111311 id11,4()c111a 11113 111116 Ill h11111 III 11111 i1d11151 t1 . I, I'llSIllIIll. NI).IHU lil t111 ll- la ci t ils 111 lilt(,. 1B1, I hc 111the 013 clSalImil~l I kei te frt 1a( ii Chef d'oeuvre de 111i alll ludo lEld.11 TAI 1f iC 01HGH GRADE C'tIG lS, TOIAI'CO AND S IGATTIIES Griad Fiet 11111111 Meelaliat11he1I1 IIis Pa-I EI312 SCCSSR TREETU -'. s lonter re e TATE 1hi fll lhowsi llgt esllit- 11thll (1eemR Y O DS -NHAE R