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January 30, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-30

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Clif) tnioiiicommiisoi ieetm isigRAIN)1RCSHIN
U4, Of 1. Jfoi psepeLor allinatioiielities nd e5~ 41I R ~ ltI~
altidre sodlifent.trihge the "00" $300 Shoe is the shoe
Publisheid Daiiy (Mnday s ceptesidi n O Cr 0 hetctoS d wear when the weather is uncer
(ii ii.ttlevct'ind 0, ritor of the Pigim\ fan A little rain doesnt hurt it
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN chrsiiisid to hi' tue gretet inti whie it affods plenty of comfort on
MAIN'OF I BA OFIE titioia irici in tiis counity, ithr warmest of days
Ags iBdMa nS3 ~ . tt sr.speaik ou "The Ctiiiihhanu Soil Sri But of course we have light shoes
Both Bldgis NewSePhoe so.*vste." The Pigrimi ciurti is ai tpial for bright days and heavy shoes for
MANAGING EDITOR, workiniie rhinreb is opeisevryi di h) rainy days if you prefer
O. i. HAN5, the sw ee iid is carrying' olimaiivlies t
BUSINESS MANAGER, o ob ninrteiine er((iad GLASS'S SHOE STORE,
Fess Lii aD,'o biis'r i~ ssot t10930. Main Street
Ieitiiiits iieiiiiersl tiii rre'isi'iOpen een n until A N ARBORMC
EDITORS 'lo l ii t 850i . eveninans ANN been
cTb~L5 . ID. Hlni-sl'05i iit Ptii o ic io ii 8 P. M
ATHLE ICS, 11111t ra al:it (opt o ee S lirt t)r-
A. i. S Ti r Or E. S Th V H Kensi rL ib S he orilee: i tierni'iii iiite' I I I h ~ l
hhrs , >N.Sai~r 0 Crsiii ii.'r ion iiiiiiiiiii iu lt,il1sitak. 30 DAYS INVENTORYlJ SALE
W. A. Bnessoene, 'e EI. iisssr . '10- ho A 's i Se. es ticililtr lv (es
--- bolti deal.itsso di(,iii' ih'e tt iiteun ll
'flldl ii Sitisiien lsti-i tOiur .eitiie stock of l-new Clothing at greatly
'i'asuhna'iiiiniiiee iss Oiueii5 limat iiiiis thiili'tou ir eill he aireduiiced pices during iionth of Janilar'y printrto
for the(Scollegebyear wihia 51'siiirideie iry d:41~ h~tiiof the iistbis eiiioii a iviciing. All Suits and Overcoats of less than
L foseand ter atter ihue nidlfrli p it : - " ,etl I (e :1by I ' lIlivi 1sti 31inaifact trers prim duiring this sale. Avail your -
ile ms t biile aanhdedi iiat tes AYe di i eiic f i hiswit]l:occu'r dui'iisii''leInititer pllelafrhits
b fre bp . r t e siicit e .iir eioe' f\tlr,1 elfofthsoportniity and save money.
pill et the day peisoli toi tiattday eon 1 1 i
Sse il ey_ ay beiltsw the Ir ofs diili 1111i iiii 111 All Underwear. and Shirts at reduced 4v..
r e., seer~siOr Si lyt's lri tlO ',nl tlie it icti i lihe ldate siitllii
isecine.'MCauser silvc'is is rlla'itci- iee:uruu cd bietr iiiTie antl'ie iii~ s prices. Every' thing new.
lavr by ieir i si llpr~m ty aiilil iiieeany
ifilue ii ai ierus iio esre eye li'l'1i'snilllltl' 'iii t Prof.1 alte A
All rheilees i derisiig"masttr musut le >(S\e: (ilfoPin iictioi, iitiiiioiiTheit
is ithe fie b 3pill- i n thes liidy series t s 55a d ato wi- rsiet
th lllo wichl'sihey arc: to (tdts pt .isii iiiaiir.o - ---
n :ctnln i of lii i ll ii i le': ii ito "~ I I
Ai l( t n o.t lel ii i s111 1 t.mien uliii:
tor -lf''''t lirocuets Dl :0 o li f th se iint leen m kei] -si - Ja . 1
is i: i'\ 'iiIii :ten to cliiiiiaten iofthose ern ]eelm(ii':' li-i- ] l ii rhoi 11111 N7e
5 oI~srlii 1o111Relic ofhirl '0 11:1it ate e tlui ied otulllil 1agd Woi uekH E S srh4'TH EAT RE o~~D
n11111' Ihs e<biiii ue con li~eit 11111."ru al'eru 1willt ois fsleil i il c ouea )'iii O p
of for the god ofct1eiv'1si 515' whit heiial'lliiSeierts of 'N'
;thik1th1indvid al11arliiletil iThe Fork andi (1:11111'so ns ill i v o iI'the II-4ii ~ vi' -t5ali iii lgiilis
ii, letotehiieriyo o~n ,tr e uoi llle i' ih'i's1(t11 ' m r HT 15 S ND. A U DA I H
I r it .ter111of1o111 ii l I l in" 5 lI si sill'' I: mt i:iii es i (ie t e re 01 M N IN
_ult g t he ; t rpl stnt S111 o t e ltc LAU st d et odTHURn S D A Y,- "hJ Ln .us 3M il
her" 1111111G i1111 e11 iii et h lal. wils-o I 'ltnd lll l Is A 1, Iict ill. bl " W B n . o E e'3 id y'Ti0s1 iln '
th Ae 1t"TI csiliito1 Io w i\'iiii'c Th outl Saterd.yionn 'f''The ceddtnJ Aand'
I. ui<i le ,,s i-ieuec'u'li ':] liie' I illei wil l e ----nrBeaftifue'onlines-day Nig h e 'nnnnni
'so':' liii, v (inn ( i:l (iion ly r loisp iii i'nd 1it:li:' ;III e' '' ti nl ot'' lilis i I l i a gd nC M D
fi(" A cr ol l- l h d'l-ll fn ;it u ,\\ oi itr sei n t i c om d ream a s
rn I'gl II'vvililisiillipie olllni~i'' l ot liii A to hn' le nfi. sttfrom tose C O M A NYIC
( ct.Itt":Iui~tbe rt llt t t' f iolnme (iof NPrices: 25, 35:\, 50,ndM o 75c
it111 io: iie::ileli i11'so11(ton;I iil lh'11,Jii er" el'C .pplsusMa ie ds. 2 hlde o
fas ltto e of th e lil I: PlahefTdaoeuvre de Universea T rdy- "resr sad
1(: --- I liSaturay Matne'E"TeositionHane
'sill' v(s 1el iielse l ill :i['d i ive d, ii - - SaturaTiiigh "Quee'of0theCircC'
11siihl Prer huhit l h dle " il l ,l t'111'E-
niir' i ( i lc i's '0 (1 ' i':il~i''.J 117 plays undeliii'the i-s:'eii'iii'e iisieii reid si
ofi 'l iii' ii It Ii:: l e eII C t dte ..ll- - - a oiiiiiiihlittlest.Ii.
ofeee( n"I1111n u~ a la- A Sa.'I E' , Co PA R LO R S
1 ll ou-lill:'mid I'nduealt lthiss iop ''porru-ii eEveningl Prices"iu'e.10 th (11A1E10, 2S0TO t an)ANdtld l3-iTE
lullly- lis t (Ir own I'vlll( CviI'll 111e1 5 i lu:'eted'iliheso s i~i er " 5 rilsih sid ri e : 2 , 3 : 5 , 75ia i e : A ut 2 c h l r n fo
se il l ue,s of W, ltu ihitll BatI uuuuiand iilss-'05 at en's-u uuuu uraiu rd. Seautss Now jSellin Settnow B O U THg
Lii " l ii lut do use f olee I ue IlSo Chefde u v reisils ide i C -llii- AT___[lsusi-i H
ii lih " thu lii ii t 5 lusi' l ls lu-uI'Exposition______ _____Universe_________le_
"huI li n ufl H , in ll i ll'sie uu-i - H "I fl J I J A I ARBL IV B N
t h: is . 1 a. cm i ' wi: lluuot 1 ue-i: tiuADR SS, ~ i s I.ttA vildS:5TCT NSICEN '. 27 [ W sigo tetA i sb0S 's i u b1l ii
ii itet 1 lu-r' iii i ' (hrt'hu li t beii iii G A ofHAM. KE R Re&c O.vedOt .th'ser L A 1 iAC
5s'hiciuunt C Oil Ci is Cti hucsrill d-_P__ize__a-nd______________ ______ _____ I___ ____Ea-_
i i u ie t-l i 'ss. I lu'uut iii (e, l's suid osthi' n ori tseclec.A iwol o

iner'f Z iissuu h i"siurh'u'oit i ci d i ii uo I l o'4, 4 n O i n C
sinYou u iiubuyitheu.o..
S W<; 0 e r eSTO,,lltHells e ET F WoTOfS F T S E BR G N J I A


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