'THE LUN IV E is t'y uk' MICHIGAN DAIL Y. PublisitedfDaiy (Modats ecepteddrng Colego rear, at THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAI OC BosANcosO tEe Argus Bdg, Maon St. 116 S. Stae Street Both 'Phtones ia, 1 tate' 0000 i 18. MANAWO IEDITOR, 0. H. HANs, '00 BUSINESS MANAGER, ,F. EGELAtD, 101 7, EDITORS ATHLETICS, - G. D. H osisol., 'i E A. H.MCDotuGALL,'Oi . W. A.KNIH, 'OL Mss L.K. SA51115'C Cos. DvooA'Oi H. H. WOODOW,'04 W. P. ttttst,'01iL W. A.BENCOoTE, '03 E. I.iiosTo, '03 The subscription price at the D11itY is $2.50 for the colee yeas, ib a regolse' deliery before noa eah day. Notces, 0151 osia- tioo, ad other matter itedd or puhlica- tion mst be handed ieat the DsILY offie beoro 8p. i., or maied to the eitor efore it p. i. o0 the day peviousi to that day ot which they ae epeted 00000peat. Subsriptonos may ho lft a the DAILY Of- fce, Myer's, or Stoflet's nestoud, or wills Bssiness Manaer. aose'ibesill cofer a favor y reportg promply at this office sy failure of carriers to deliver paper. All changes in advertisng matter mot be in the sofie by 'p. in. on the day previos to that on which they are to appear. Afs the says gos by id the ime ilp' proacehes whil the iiemiory of George WIasingon is toi Ihs'Celebrated i U'iteirisity if.111,iiterest cesnters Ill ti's I 'ii' ' 'ofithe ocsi son. At the pre'isni'the111 'll a' . i~ies iictet thitithliiiSfllls'it's will be "11111 '1sut- p silats No isne 'knows's 'yet ss'o iillti.: year brillhlts' iliiia'Ibit the 1111 is aitslbs 1tiss' it i Islspeakei' duisighltti'nlithatlw's i'll I iil'tl ief ,o 'slit iiha' thsfrfaelt.ecr has is 111111ltil befor1(11heflu Ollite is no ttiault' ii Ittill'i'itlill'the ,ytm Itisa at 5111 udisuted, i thiat it is llist'll llilt'sibillillt to isecuie'ii't of'S'ietilshort 1 otice.111115It is11 ussst "ositgu111111heIsil''l[ hsl til dearlksl'pot 1' sejunior lir ch5insi sills',"''abot' nowtisti I ir 'for theiri spe'kerforlattt r til e t lll'ii' ilfl nsot olii tist schll is s o111 is ~thill i lit,51butlsthe'yIsi l auuhs' ells'thati'i llbe '1111 1 1 l ii l in succediguyes. Illiiit uwtist'Xls 1 toria 1' lidorstirsfa't'ati iii 'lilt squence.tIolist.ssitht lii site11'tiass beeniii ietillg' ii eIpis, ..'aiii Itc n contst thi year sta e o 1lleged snfisht 11111 as ea.'ils 'r dina saytsI ~ s: I s lt's haits'Wis' sin slis not dehaitisi tts repil i sII th iniiss'iii 'Ius'fthe' iii "e s' It isu'tsss's' tltha'ut si it lot' ilva st E in pichistsls Isti'iittisnin't'iist introlii'aissi to ~ltllilfill coetrasfis-i Northwestflrnltand st lit' ~oi.ldineot iiit'i olith e ti t ei i't't f s'cj u ls s C~ ofti ti't itndton'seuiiil''fillto mudchiitine assdIenetgyligtiseouldisi'sit tnt oaleit i trestige a'diis icsll cogniltion. "Noss Wibbonibisd1 btretsud 11r11 coptn O wf~llgsitih the linsttutistlol',11 li aosvetbecs sheli snot 'a iiemteeof the debatinig leaue ss 115 IIthey coiy pose This codfitionli s 'a5ount'ry IIoneiasmuchl 5s 5e0declined to entera tile lesgue at fle tme of its foma- F 10 r Alarm Clocks, at HAL.LER'S JEW- ELRY.H Art Pictures for student' rooms, atL Sehalier's Baooks oe, 116 So. Main st. University Whist Club 1 h Thte neefings of fie University1 Whist Club 11sf yeair ere argely af. tended and fielsb swas one of the most prosperons i lithe state. The rep-1 reet~vSsent to Dtrit to ltt ld the state mieet imate a good showing ,inii]lbrought ihomse hoios This yearl thiereihave eetn seeral atempts to form it u, htunfot0untely every. date tllit sbeeniset ihasconflictdi sithl some~t othier event and the clubHe hlls noit b11n or1izlled Tere area numb~ller sit studencIts jai the University 1 wh ieitesfed in tie tieut for solui'realsonItilesyiiave not tnrned sit andfiassistediun lpiermnently o00 ga'illillg the 'Iasity ssoiation So F til tte hi a s beelldroppedi sd isall priohailiIt tile gatme swilibe slighted hes' thils wtite's. 'sso of the promi-i The lecture 1111nt ll ltemer tf lst yasel utb court Ea' 'in w I andsstiiiilIailes Ie-sey, at- in iDetritI f ist iSatur'd'a'y'eiiling. Te trit Wh S ist 1(111)1. fiRepresntlatvs C fromsiff hOt'laceliissalli Cver the sate THE i-irs'irsss'iif NEW~1 ii'ti'"ei'entle'iiiiiiookisliU:I triclklt SHOE whil iissittingic NiortiandSio uth, whichft FOR 5'l15 s15ve11nimliirs thalnl was natdi'byithe XWsOMVEN 1w11'ingtam h ey li'w segisCnIPro- s(liore when-sit ss's ainontitdsd tie wiingi p llayerst'o itile siltet is-s U o 111.1has1been mintine~~d. 212 Two Senior Medics Burned Out, fille11r111msitf twos'ior11e11 icis A hisses Clriin antuPhelps, slit1112at >im S. i iiy er st'eetws ellsiiscne. of remledinth icmleteis'liss Cittueir Illonsian iisnsn'in sucett'e li'clothes' ill's s.'sil ais ft'he sswis 51111" 1adies 55511'e i ginssdI 1511111111'lOS t lie niii I .sl11'r Its(timaedn iit tl I "\NI e- 11Si1is17,1 IOItI I. I\ it and' isillore i'5Siiill Iisf11u55 mI Vi ill ,litsilM I ill 15wh i i l li ce i l iii's 'sn ssilliii' oighdl t hledo iil'e'lilis I itesu1011nit e5 ta yrwittenilii's 'is's 'li, hshndl iisi ''me ia.aeis s ''ltPrices:ies2 Siffi st i pties"t coifti'onVof ihio '1 lTigers. Ills': Tii.'-rttes '--c. Alarm Ccks, at itALLEt'S SEW- I,LRY.~ iSes.' 'Exposition Uiverseile B L Walton, Saglo, and Champier ADDRESS. 03Sf5OUT11 STATE SRfEET 11G The pohliohiero of this wor receied the )rad Prize aod Gold Medal at the ParisEx position for itt eacellence. All work old on 0 R E' Redmond, Kerr & Go,, EYI BANKERS Transact a geneal banin usnese. 27E.Wsi Receive depoits subjet to draft Dvidends 27F ~h NEXT NUMBE&R IN THME L A COURSE W11LL BE H-ON. iry fl. Estabrook (Chicago Alumni Number) iday, February 15 by Rev. D. A. Hlls is Indefinitely Postponed on ac- It of Dr. Hillis' illness. RO0S IS1 Art Novelties, They fit the feet... Te ned no breaking D crtos They are oodesof fne shoemaking..... They are the cheapest Frames, Poster Mounts as well as the best.. Only sold to one retail- er in each town.. " and all Art Supplies H. Miller, REFRIES' ART STORE, S. Main St. 27 S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR 7HENS_-THEATRE )NIGHT TOMORROW EVENING * WED. JAN. 30 Langdoin McCormick's Great 4i I I Act Comedy Diama Me and Mother A Play That Will Live for Eser Beautiful Scenery, Superbly Mounted, G reat Cast 5 5075c I.00Prices: 25, 35: 50, 75c 5 50 75,$10 Seats Now Selling YTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME - AT- ROSEY'S LIARD PARLORS I GRADE CIGARS, TOBAC'CO AND t'IGARETTES AND SUCCESSORSQ OUTH BOLDS ItosENTHALER 312S TREET 'I'UI SANITARY PLUMBING. ~If iiELECTRIC COSTRUCTION AND SUJPPLIE, I STEAM AND HOT WATE'R HEATING, igton Sreet. ARTTussC GAS AND ELCTIC FTxURE- HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND RATES. headquartera for every thing in the line' of furnishings for is, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES ITE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS. Otuir Prices You Will Alwas Find the Lowest.' MARK HAM'S BAZAAR..- N STREET: NEW STATE 'PHONE4B2 I I t F s J .nn interestcollected and remitted. Act as Fiscal Agents for and negotiate the issue of - railroads, street railways, gas companies, etc. We are Se unties boght and sold on commis~sin embers New. York Esehange. . students' room LAMPS,I D)EAL IN WAS HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Gist of current Serineaan+ nt oitepliuon, PHILADELPHIA CORESPONDBNTS. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 215 SOUTH MAIP i - .... SWEETS TO TH$E SWEET. IF YOU WAN ! TO BE SWEET- SEE BROGAN 110 Sa MAIN'