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Announcement THROUGH THE NECK Phi Delta Phi's Banquet
Prof. Herdman as Discovered That l(, legal fraternity. Phi Delta
SukpcillneIli.haditi( Sanul liaqet
Ou pca ie Diphtheria Germs Can Be Made Saturtay eveing at thetinoelltluse.
of foreign and Anti-Toxine By an Electric Detroit. The affair hi year was an
domestic fabrics Current elboteil'and( notable one, and among
te IDeroit almnni. whioat downi with
For the Fall and Winter of it900 has 5) . -S, . llerlinii ProtessorofathDe arit e chapter ftoii Aiiii:Aror.
arried nd s arangd fr lope- liseae at the Mind an nann ivvus1°'eresnmafthe hningighs',oatthe
arrived olndlii arataraed folmi-s i1- Deroit bar. XW. C. IHarris, at Detroit
Lion. The same careful attention Sthe Micl-iDleariment. mie wa the toasimater and at he speak-
som orsni reeaue, loug te' tale wan Judge Henry Swan.
as given to the styles and finish of ~iinii o tlt l ltJoinathiami PalmerDetret Paie and
°e siwhether to he used for tline( of -leclrotheiraimtin ta~t Pllowmi Denby .atJDesrit, int o. . .
avr u~ huelimita t elueett a- atn tiontat iocs-I.iEI. I. *ommni Pii lyil A.
nsiness purposes or for full dress andtisatet-ixpieietsa letin M tecelm ofthSlitUniveriy, C. G. Cook
occasions. hatinhize l ehd fdain ith ra ndmolther. L. W. Goodenugi at D-
th radflandiifattal disieasn wntrol.wanhrmum a t fthe oninitie
G, H, WILD CO.) the dchm-lrand it mayb robed ot onar igenmemt. theaiqet an
it errrs y mthos r-1ellho s pr-oute itt the bstatant mot suesnntml
og E. Washingon St. i w~ ahirh the raternity a hdil-ecn
It i piroposeilSy mean of ltetri- f yeaiirsi.ic I i 1 iliit
-~~ tol tramsform ilte deadlydilihithleia i , i atteiiilldaiimcne h "Siande ntiis
itchlion tanterwseieivlheeioquia
t oat, ioitre a er it ias i werlamtiSS-:11""o iat thin eeti.IVill hei ni~dtl.the
tlulusan thim tarcitit to ioiin t Snomiwim veent eatim ilIithi Vecycmiiiiioni ht
WILD R'SIhi o~indienexist til SIX-YEAR COURSES
diphtheria toi mechainigeliintioi
Im itnl dpteriaetinlliriiipaisl- Op posed By Prof. Pattenill - e
P R ri Y ncoftevieti. Says They Give the Student No
PHARA C~Y11Y \r ttxeriimeits ninmt to 'howi Tine For Advaned Stuty.
brt tilh iiitiiomi i nigi- In __so__
to inlit iii-aiti tint. I ttit nd inmi onet o I i tilk cts-ninytni itt in ln.
diphther ia pertoHilt mai eiilijie So n il fil' lek Deat et
fltti-ir n . itui o nit ii l m ti a tg t iad Slit Mdet - t Ditoitlrakei
YOU KNOWV wvhere o get... ito I n iphtieia ti n" itite nt, n\ in iVa torntri te
f oy i tr eitsi . li crtl. S i n o l n -fin Ihin iit th otls lx il ,t a
A GOOD LUNCH prlinIitD c(,itccofDitcetne
AND ao Lir
iutit. C i- i i
S M~OK E Tub"'ft he ot li - t n ot ipi tiiti le i d x iiiIttt tti atibree ticro liiirr
$t. E. Jolly, 3043 S. State Street.ritt ancmiti ot irrde to ihe lit! ii ii ini n t f i titltnt ihosoi cl
__________________________________ eait troit thS lab oratr onare. i tn ti o ein os at l t ntnii't i
Iais S .-C. it i e teto yt h v t itOt t . It tit te itlde ts n hitiu it
N~OTHlINGutised iipoitiiie bolaiy of munsorn tih ..noni- emti- n" lmiriod utu-
LI KElii 'Il I i ! f i- Su - nec etatel i i i i tnt rutlei- utuiuti 1' it t t r n .
jeted itoi'giiieaiirsor ti nle little peiodu. S eond.ii hose uu tn \Vii itill bei
,yIiitemi gi ~ ftea-cmd at it , iu rnih-i tt- iutietothu- irty t It oldc
ut-n, o d uitllel the oi-ulencei iio f le i t-o ilyS deir n t 1oinoti-tii m ualial
Chocolate Chps estu d i tesi emdt aepoollpro feuain
THE ORIGINAL proumceulfromii t0Ctitiiiit iniomcud osss- Ihut- ti-ct tetyro cii-Stin in i
il- ati-tioxiii properttis. te- ictitit i din ru t ! ii i tit it - do -
i liHo, I itie lt- limitS ot1 dtiiiie t i tt-id il to ; liii iiiie l oiletn-- ti ihi-
40 OCents per lb. ic-ntISimm catti.thi latinii is tt ito ttu-d u a year.010ti-ti- -
lict-ic hut ii It i-ietlociv- iii t he'lii-lnie th un lm~es bi-itt-~ nn
Q U /XkI 'Y it t i itin htt i t sit" iii lii liiiit b ltte oi n hiiIhreiiIiwr
CAMPU.S DRUG STORE it ii t anth ratpidly n nit idt- -iith --ctti .T esudit.l i i e
4.44..4..44..4..44.44..44.44..4..44..nfociuxtu i hi pllov'tmetonsils
-- - i titiimig lii hath, i SwhichSit lim-
-- i 11+ ain otii tiatete pnystoici it nsh liii Ii to iti, t il et- a tiit l itt--i
++4I+4.... + 333. ... + i ior 'attn i-t i. tit S o tt th aunitl i i es ''o .,fc e(o stu ,i
4. 1ioi eni i to dii Iasth
SImported i-ses thetIroat to asulmfe tlmmknr ii tX t (i lihicni
"F Bisniaken-ltimestiouttsmieoantmae too tmfi--]it,
it' hue.pl h omi ousThe itese-em inkmt oh, li it iiiir '0iii1 ito l l ii i
aIqt' iape ar-n-.mtmmn a-illecov e ii co n ai nt n' i-y-al meic tn i itstilln-i-t -
+ P i p e ( l l es s t l e-ni n a n tid n V s etote .t e S lt'li l P ro f ta- ti t n li ~ u
snai1111 ls Sm-1a1111 tes- Bt th I tif ian n-iitte inniit t ittt iiiia iiutitlnad n lt
+omy iepaelen I i a SaIi um li ina ally u cinii. hithl Otue t. Iednlsit.itllin -
hotlo-nam ntd vi he . ti lih i In mm e ennfmmhlv ntiom ti'r- e e in etet l h ueo ow
cuthinvest a l. hhtl i'cen tury tilm kefiedsese it-i or l nmhje t-. i uti or(
Patenttnicoine - itint igi am i v d ol o 011 Mch isn
I. ohrnseo. A ieIci ensicamit drimilireti telroftsstimentlsste bod ch hc
you'llejoy usoin G. + tsd if lt 0attes ers oaybi ay Fe sntva ncAted sdyohhe
+ man .pr i e u r cean+itsal a ha t ma eeoddly .e~cpityosophy.'nn ath i et y ie-
+ ol oaeacd h psAbtom' sevce flyt trlthin iedfrom ic e hrs.mtotoktrmss
+VufUnvriyHalohlthrab hepasTheo rushVce
Paet nioie abSpi1 urn truthle vl ng'0 o e avdsas vsluamlatonma
+ sosoobearin istem.mcApomipes +' M af e sival bAmn issedSuthtcere
andthise Start,'ddiyS - ohTearm sic s ucea s sof he a y e
I, T Seeo l h esm pe's reia l hi al s _asurd,_nd_ he__ nacia_ en
W AH ' ~ Fez Mei"mral alWesdayf mliame fseaminweesourmspigsui-
ii:;:..t:*;e;Jainay 30, at 480 p. n. - hgs HENRY BROS.
Director Fitzpatrick PutSing the
Track Men Through eavy Train-
log-Developments Promis-
Thettalck uimSteam tic-c-it hutig-in
Siamdil.n-tiu nttwaorki-r ine-cete Si
vtamg iiin-hnt - one o eoh t aog atimlthe e-
sut aeitlit- obiviomun litthet'iuicko
thitt ati w itn, eit I.I ir(-tr Siz-
patri-tI tih mcat rl tin-iv'rlt-e
dtophaiimeaty if tlie- a e imuid stis
if thutntt-o nutuutinueiata ii I- tiS i a
tor ii(t-ene t tti ie : i t :,amitiui nill
tibeiS itt -tutonditiomi toi t-he hi- m
cati ma ..it ntta amSrlt'ec-i
uCuhicti as tiuwiinniibitt-fitfotuit
fo uimintlt-uitd sitmemli-iuitt Slmanit
Anstll itf the mmetn ietocI t' held
ill lhemevateinmg I'tititi tatis ndtmi
Diretor iu Iitzatici-khitie cincudediili
tim buegiu igmttSt trtiiung o tim-t he memnm
onill ihie ti-- untuuoul Sno the'enuium
eventtn. 'li.iiuight tatninitg oIll leint
maiin iii lte ii -vinuttu sti t-linc-
ingttiln hIettcutu ti tug t antt-lii-((ut-
duneiutuc- et helt-ikIoftu - nut
tliett ii utu hur t ii itiug il-C lsiii- on ii
ninh l t tsinutic tulil hu tooiuii nhttt
husllt tnt li- l ar tttwiu -
iht t u i hut iii iiictlc n d bo 1 ttu ~itt
hei ii itlt utcsoso .;Lu il
liat i t i-i.Tt it ;Tetet l-i illit i -
teit s Io o et i n e -m(ile
ownufor. li evttutnt iiHall Fosteri
are ol:utif tin title ic nltin i l t heiii i lei i
run antdtthIin ivntitroisestton beiti
noti t-i - -itcae i theseinat. Hs-
itln ut ut. lt- uadetuthi t i mmluuShuiti fle
nth rinyin tuu utt ttu 5evntts ci. iiI
uTheltryttt- tns will u-huu eu luahutsai-ta
izetheli ottentn-cf the(ireto t
itu i, tt uuuwno will flithutheututuOt
Iut' lt~iltn t tt Si .mSuti, [I ft
lliiidtoii nilocSae uottntion.iiI
atc 1m ithuihotin.;ii ntreticg lstnit
of liis tiat at paticingt, physic ian
wnc-cc ma hntinng tphyic-uans for 1i.-
tosnsamtpls atflihetuncltofatreacti
mitnit hum'sawmone tutu e reoIt-it chl
hadtuetic-tim tut-truttmc 6 titung tuit
tm-i tulc-auiltiitttInut tati whereca
man's obaitck owasn cmverec h uilces.
luampsltofittulaumputi aumt0 wre acttolec
onis ctin antu fortch adte d urnmmem.
'Then iuchairr ttmateial wasu scraped~t
mooa mittut salthwaoonrubbetdultt tie
Thhiinute teeie fatrfthe wohle
caetunt' ionei-cheantamd lt-oudotad iu
greattomable o Siake iso patietsit
tahke meilielelumregmlar lasesSftatic-
nativi-dcor'taathienats rceovehin
people at- "Whatt a good dcor;"f S
he dim-n they say it was himm time to die
anyhiow, ammdlmothig cul sae him.
Dr. Taylor was obliged o give anmy
portlin of mm body he removed o tie
patientS or his friendts, on hie pletl
would say le kept it tr umedicine
Ai Chinesesnmndarin Nsoerhateld
oii tor his eyes, and the doctor was
very successful, This won Iis grati-
tude and opened the waly for htim o do
much good.