She -Ad { Wi r i i 14 IFA4 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDiAY, JANUARY 27l, 1901. No 912 Announcement PENSoEA COEN iiitiilh aid i-oitrol of seiiatorill It May Be So, But We Dunt Know niaitills. lie offered( 1 s stii- _____ lileinhmilnision l i etition. I Milw aukee. is.Tal26 XXh rival 4L Our special line Dewey WISs First Honor in a Close Tiscoiltest was all Indaividiual coi-soot hull teams iepraesenting the Uni- Contest-Laws FvellisUs by Se- test. so to speat. Each lelsiter had versities of Wisconsin snd Michig-an h liileft lto his (iwil resouirc-es. lo rit -- da iMlo nee etfll sa of foreign and curing Two Places on this time ieal.iivevii. rleaf. rie- resultl of alv iit-luia iu i xrteal ii- domestic fabrics ;tile Team loodiilsill laadir ieel i-I1 ortif lii-altuer lBairid if Michiagaiapaid here last For the Fall and Winter of i1900 has ac ig.O O li iiala iiili i iiia.s iu lenc ai o h arrivedDeeand\is arranged foru ni il'ritalea dee eieisfaPontai, ifrivdciitiis rrangedli-isnspac iii 10Al ii liuji;1ili tail Ii u-siat iiterstai elias le iids rlnd oiiei totoeefect ;ion. The same careful attention all -1 st la-u Alaiiaasthi-liiis y il. larh I i li ii I ii i-i-rh;-,the I l i tr r-iifici a tltc rlt I iaii atiii s l-llislia ii lia -lir Xl i-l a 15iii til aii c- lii uca- iii il ain the Badlgers aii l as-rines. 1s given to the styles and finish of TIiiI ir a- lc- tIo lal n h- i ii iisiii ciie vri lroksen ofafis iaresialt of h usd fr A.IB. lirviiiea- d t;.a l . V IilinL- - . 02L, -1-lithe alliaa il-iei-iieal iii - - a-i-i-ago avery suit, whether Co b sd o itiiL. I ile is aliernatIi. This Isi, s Commons Fellowshlip be-tiw-e-ii ueato aand w i business purposes or for full dress i leiaeal last f ieniigi-isits Ilairifo .trill o M l. e a all, at th laild ;1111x ealilteIreii- sliicaiiC ilserec ,INc" ia N-of Ascasions. -la-,-ia l iithe liii atr ic (lI Liic ilitiit- I i iaiiiutl iiiiiiilite i llle hedtcided I-u i-n VYIL LiU, I -c A. 1-rra t lili-ct ii Iisi iI hu lii lii i-iiiiiiiii- taicii--thil iei- taiilCieor "lail-lc frgoa oSL B. Wahigtn thu ilIa---- lii ad- siiito ai Xl+ 11~ i . L ioneHe'la)1 ii-i aii s the-ii- lll ii. Aiubiecaatntil -, Iiic- i l.auxtsilal.Fora-51i111rI iact- icerthei it siiag fe-l a di 11 eeIs-cii ifiasefoIlac(tli ingfat a Cko ; . ia- I).I>i s. C - iii cii salil it ,siiiliit 1Ii1iiis ar irs oa ilelii XX stolisu i -lahigau a i itue W.W C ii i..,-l D toi. ;l lhio, rliaiim i5llCbc smaoothedba i altaci- 1 1Prf. X. .i cull-- - ti la sl ii i. i liaiida nd aa d late di elaa y I-set- s.W.l~ly ndN ' Io~s at d;i he Medical AnDIlall leIta C a tluetl-- ha-lcha uill lie lielal _________ ii Ionle ati e inest a1ooaath. '1',c lus il ol lil I )v Cl.iihe foul h-ill team rerelsenting itsI l.rhtt:lltc l s 5i-aa-i its I li l iiil~~ilii Iiiiiiil is he liulllisl I iXhlll;-1 a o Ca t be coachoed byCi a ii-t S.! aud I - (l'( iodC1iYaPoallill'a-X. a IYi liile iiiailiorm wi;i , 1mC-il cill', -sI ea;aitl-s -aroscia TheLl t lia Ccm oe f:aai.e11rt ; ar tuge o xse c -a iliahe ilel-iwaukeA mri caniil 04 .0 1 i i as :m t i e a t e i£- 1 ; sdtr l lts10s ea>i e z,,Ih a s faild -iaO plix Til1a11N A K M Sr s~c~e, lal- ~e Z111, -er iii luil ii I- cail -a iiaaalia IA liciBaird for the i ii a~1sa t c - ,il( i cil zpur- 1ia-a'"l - o ls l a-iaita-s Is iii iil II e d l-t - a P Hiii is A Y ed t e a i ve isiuii i s tu I ia aail ii h i liililallitr uiliaC histo laan hrk ase Th iiia sii i l l 11i is aiiali ii;1kt liaillil dirielisit oaht ei a ls o-uil ;a i ii c ltiasill 1i f-il.iI iiii tI . Tru i 1ill to ;c li a it tneill i s a ulhe ii i i; tia-ltiaaa-e I (t o ) eta-a a-a ________________.___the_________viiiiii ai iof i f irst iiiii as Xi s fWih the IFencoas I-i- aI-itci-ateliil tavioiable ciiiiili a YOU KNOW whsvlere to gt.. dlaelfo fthei usa ehIii l oa-i ll ali ____I_ le Ii s ill teIl a iiac-tiais lforsue /L U H 'nlrla ta wel i c 1,ilii cs tl-c~ iiit-I c iii adis R-- I A G O O D :1111JNCII( i~litiii i , ;ii- l' ii iii ts ltero lll 1lln' leti-tt to ii as111 illl ile s a 11;11iiho, l1 iwe e n teito iaalihsadpctea tO. .LJelly, 3BosS .S State St-eet. 1w 1 i estht 101 ;addl1)r h u1stklto lel10wi-- h~~r~lm Ctu isi tili s s- Ii I the iii I a v 11- of e l'i l ali l~r isi eal i Slll ti liiia l. I.;i i c;1itiliii still I ;ll;\ ,;lp e"111 ii. :I11si '"i~1 NO TH-IG7 I 1aic eoucl1 ll;ruicl. h ldiilihii ;111 l< li hs elrie * ~ LIKE THEIFIn Trowbridge's Chocolate Chips THEA ORIGINAL) 4 0 Cents per lb. CAlIPUS DRUGlt STORE ()I the Illliii- i-- it lli Ii la-liiter ia-i I111t#( 112 ll ii- 111111 I Ii III1ts liii ia-ll-i1 ilol l hahai ofi11aI fi , tI ' ki Itst-I1 t. l>ecl( 11. III(i i'i, tis lx (c li 1 li lle~i oliii uts Ilr -iii n h llc, .Ililm c" st llt opnv win itlg s il Se iof Lita SII oe 5 u lix c 111liii I uc if -i lirla it lit -c1 1,w s1()Io v L t 1 11 111ill a i nes. _1- Dtci 1111( i I a -i c 1 i1 i ccl l i 11<1t1('l i 1 l lt ,tt'1 - i 1 ,l ci -- Xl 11(i t' '; ~ '171t'f'huotlt he 1-Ii \\' ii 1. t- 'l'i t ,itl l ;i it)- i, ; t :, -1 i ( i ,- (, -a. - C. -. I, ;it ii 5-wip 1 0 i't 'C 'C' : + °! w : t i t)lu 11I -ii litI.I I > f I ll-aaluu liwii- u-u I il-al + !tIllia 5Il II I I 1 111111i ilo °_°iii lllli s, if i-tied 111"11 Ia. si i i i i r c as ia -eta ull peoplwhi'i etyt Slrii la )2Ii i aiaa l ii l a-i t ail s -ill-i 1iEai i .,csi l ic ie ciaiiaii - l D O the Cauauu Cli gret tois itha pi- ille. +. Ns situ is ppsli e di- istsai ta lelaigt +4 Ii Ciltiligteo chai~elssnohais. Nvd~ puto r ailnot sior, Istht te ir lowals ssoiis thj i as les clins geatisate ilth imihse reiasted y tat efets ofthe resleecntgye temedy the dpoeslts ofo rrupntions i e~ 11. -: zu * ~ wouiili e insereae teaifolf party t i' a fli i 1*11 3'tH l ailli I I r -' el II or nt allowliii Ithei -I ili-ti- 1il-la - S'l'i. °ili er' a '0d5111it ~ l is l iill iliii 'w w . m' c saol5 op llis 111111tit Ioid'~: al ls 111I \ t- -Am, - hi i a pois -I-( ll l I t a iiler1 I - - ii A hiu lilauil xIs -' \ 1il ~l5 t. I i lzfi a i -. ;\ z'ii Izll ll -i1T 1iX ll? a -i-l-l at t h-u 2t:i aotlal ,i taill11 Ii aili 2,S CIllllsutiticiit, div i lt 11111 1111511n 1 lua"a11 aas1 'Y. Athletic Crisis at Cornell Tided tlttr tluaauuaglutha i'i-a-ltt rta l , lut li1salt _____ itch-etroitiwherieiheiattemiss ise -l; 'te iiah I iilciioilii.itleii is I0 i- Iv aided asvar this- sita h l-alihe stu- tiar~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~et olthifti-.1g1 llihli taiathtullta l Ciirtalialits assemleill-hh defi-auuteaChicgoa i ti lftea graiht- llisliclu i hi Ciicsi-aic- ati h lcaedatUrcnI~ - ' uumiiual -isa-ilh110sutserihaticua lils avheag hs- Ci auutiteltIaculi lilt-rwoC., $7miac -halrets cd alclrgaiactions, iig ,Cpractice.tHe isiosv se(!retuary of olelhungstu c-lasDer, Asesain fGen i aublicsgaionsulia and also of t ~eruituk llat o the taeo ioncaedadth biiig prinicipale wass aiit isi offlal f Se- fai- f Wocaitfle seeret of the success of thue mieet- sin. -lg. It is proposedl to ili uphoni Ike studenits to eupport the runinig ex- The Lend-a-Haind Circle of Kinges pensesO of the various brainsehes for thse Daughters wiii meet Monday after- present yeair, and the alumni wiii he noon at 2:30 at the homneopathie asked to subscribe to permanienil r- nurses' houme on Waehtenaw ave. provemens