THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILYx POSTER BOARD] SIZE 30 x 40 Burchfield's Fine rTailoring Trade. -. Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigai), EXCEPTING NONE. ART15TKCALLT A" NECflAtICALLT We willI be glad to prove it to ,you, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron Red Green COLORS Gray Black EXCHANGE ' m io L~ , Fr An GASOLINE-:LAMPS Bring in 3 om- old oowz- ad let us noke you an offer. I he Superior M'f'g. Co., et29. 'doleSt., ecer Williusm.. Headqesr'ers for Shadte, 3iautles and Chimneys. TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS THIE WABASHi RAILROAD is the ouly line operating a through sleeping car froinChicago toHotSprings via St. Louis, Mo. .Leaves Chicago dail'vat 11:00 a im. All ticket ag, its will sell you via tli S POlmll i' note. Write C.S. CRAE, (3I' & IV A, Si . Louis. F. A. PALM ER. A t, 1' A. Chicago. R. S. GRE,.NWCOF, I P A. Chicago 15c a Sheetj AT -I PAT V111N' Oyster Cocktails IOC For that hungry feeling hneehant' & Co.i 320 S. STATE -STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S 330 South Stain St. 11 Ii lhIni lVentscbler, the IlNbotogwapher. 'The Lend-a-Handl 'irceof King's Dsaughsters will maeet Monday after- nooii at 2:30 at the homieottathic nurses' homie oii Washtimnw ave. SALE+SMEI.N WANTE'D everywhere. L ectures A1re you employeud at unsatisfactory Printed lectures for all depsart- Nvagt ' If so0.-joieus tor big profit. asents of the University. Type- Ititisigali Subscripthioni Book Agency, writing and Mimeographing. (Anii.Airbor', ichu. L..Gloociricb, mn- ED WARDS BROS.- ,Gver Shehanit Stale 5tree NOTICE FI+ ESItMEN!! RIDE A All ca 11 ndidates for IFreshnsaii tract, t (,anti should begin training with 'Var- Cke- oCYCY J sit3y quatd at onice. Every afterniooni V. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, t x.Tunotadswyur' 1111 * WhdiM. 1').S isVERDIERt, '04 Track _Mg25r. THE SCHOOL OF_______ NGStItt it Q'ROOMS; steani heat, stil. S N Ct iarywlishsltnd, hot and lcoldi 'rioatu end clase ssons in danulig by Air.,5Nvater, gas andlt electric light, hard- Lod ' se os Graoger -simpic dress prefe- ssood f loor's, grate. $5 per steelp. stle foEr elas? exercise. Term begins when s in' , vo a cti. Office, Astiamy and Residence on Aio sige Stut'.itle,, m, onienillces. MaYynard strect, block wesit it State street S04 Moniroe St. 9 tres. Strictly a school, no viitors douring _________ elate Boars. Collections That's the nianmc-IALLEtI'S JEW- tan GHTiFORtCASH. R.Alleii lassbeeni iaking BOUGHT FO CASH istest ot the dyiints in the Kalainsi. Loit up your old collectiotnaiid zououetectrie lighltiii0plant. tern it into ready money. Promptt t_:ash sod Good Prices. tFRESIIAN YELL? 1 -SE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY tTteoi, 14tieodwred Ase., Detroit Yiie treshniiYell coiiiniittee re-1 __________________________________ sests each niemuber of' the tFrieshimian WHY DON'T YOU class to retaksetip a yell aind sensd it its WHY I slort'san. 30, 1001. c~' Yoiur Meals ains1Luinchens at At. ENGLISIh, Chairmasn, L41 C4 12 s. Slts'e st.t ST 4 ~ C pE leS'rUDENTS NOTICE! t OPEN ALL MU M% Th best latundry i the Toledlo Latn- t RiO rTwo doors weal .1f Conk House. sidry. 'ry iit. Work called for and de- MARTI4 ~livered. Leave your order at 121 S. FUNERAL__ : i rnini a tm (iaty. No. 209 S. 4th :tAnilul' nce night and day. lie-eA G~ Ts'y The... NORTHI SIDE ' Imp L AUNDRY a_ 30S. OWi Chin. © Fresh arrivals of Spring sco eDatroitsSt. 47 el Pon ~ OSuitings await your inspection. Motors if COLLEGIATE CAPS. ~TTE 'F GOWNS ond HOODSa J fT T 'lE iIVi o Renting of CAPS mrd GOWNS, A SPECIAILTY. CLASS CAKIES, COLLECE FLAGS..%it" COLLEGE PINS. CLASS andsi ai CrLLtIATS and '. CAPS . ".6 WitC.KERN &co. 4HiiEAGO, ILL. F. SCH.LEEDE, - - Calendar Friday, Jan. 25, S p. in.-Third ('horal Uniion eonceert, Spierling Quartet and Win. A. Hiowland.. Ssaturday, Jon. It6-Sensior Lit Smnoker it IDavytRubinisoni's Rail. Saturday, Jan. 26,58ip. in.-P'unsy- Micli. Inter-Departint Debatt. tutu. 2tt-lr. Tsaylor before Meuille Socity in Luwetr Leetture Room. tJan. 25 I~tie. E. L. Htunt of W'ash- intottn. 1). '., wtill lecture ois the Juiuet tniortI' eissitlie at the 'iiita- iian church. ' rsirday, Jani. 31, 8 it. in-Booker T. Wasiitgtons; Good Governmenit Cliub, On "Riace Probslemis," Uliver- sity Hll. Friday, Feb. 1, S p. ini., Choral Uniutn Series-Pisino Rleeital-Ernst Doliiaiiyi, Untivrsity tHall. W~edntesdlay, 5Feb. 0, S p. iii.-Fstrtllty I 'usliurI. Schls toflMusic. Fridasy,tFebs.8--Juior Hop, Water- Friday, Fuebt.8-First semiester cioses. Fr-idaty, Feb. 8 aiid Saturday, Feb. 9- Etrsance exainiations. Fridaly, Felt. 8, 8tt. ni.-Mary B. Me- Douwell of Stock Yards' Settletnt, C'iicsago, S. C. A. L~ectnre Cusre, N ew- hurry Htoh. Mtoundauy, tF'e'uasry 11-Secounulsluiles- Ahlsu Clockss, at tHALLEtR'S JEW- [ELRY. (5iiATOtlS, NOTICE' .A11 lut'ho se iuuiendu tto sluileoill uu'e u.lss ursuuriu-sulContests shiotuld han iuua silip. uuuu ur ueforte Febi. 1, to li' sueuretaury uuf ItueOratsrical sassoclia- iouui gililug eu u.cisuss :uIuld slubjeu't of 5II. IIYA 1,, Sercresury, 608 E.- Williamus. sorting Tailors' 121-123 S. Main St. KTR4KItlQ L5CZTUREJ SCHLEEDE' TEMPORARY BINDER Opens like at book. Seats the old niriog cover Letuepaper 8ib. Iornic The bestifoniain penn $ - . 340 South State Cor. Main asdSHonsiStreets. Capiisl, #50,00;. Surlu,3,0a00. Transact-, generaltaning bieec. R, 5tE'srv, r,, C. IE. GREECE, Yice-Cre- i. uu i}'11 iashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oatn As soA Capital, 6S00,000. Sarpluos ad Croits, V30,00 Transacstia generai hanking husiness. yoreign exchange bought and sold. Furnisbhllers of credit. E.0D. KINNE, Preer. HARRISON SOULE, S. W. CLANRKSON Caihier The fNnofirbor Savinus Bank Capitnl Stoch. $55,001.iSurplus, 1500001. Resources, $1,500,000. Organized under the General Baninig Lawe if thue State. lieceivedepoeits, busptned sel exchange en the prineipal cities ii the United States..Grafts eashed apan proper identification. Safety deposit hoxes to rent. OFFsCERSu Christlin Mach, Preru.; W. D. Hau.- man, Yice-Pres.; Chas. E. Hisecoca. fCauhie; I. J. Frito, Assetaot 'arhior 'I ransats a general Banking Business, SANDOW'S Laitest-Cateti T Dumb - Bells STIHE Sandow Speinc Grip 0Dnmob- Bells are mnade is two hailves connuected by adjust- able springsithus forcing one whni tabing ex- ercise to have every muscle at it priper tess- sioe. Many miseseare also brought ento actioe that wroald otherwtise lie dormantL Saedow claimue that this method at eiercise is susperiar to allaothers. No. No, 1. Childrees',Pair,$5514 . Yiouth's, Pair $2.50 2. Ghris' 4'1.5 h1I. Ladies' " 2,50 3. Biys, " 1.5 16. lMen'sn " 3.00 Cone piete ini box with ehart it exercise. Fail sod Wieter Spirte Catalogae Free upo A. G. Spading & Bros. (IoroNEW YORK 1praod DENVER THfE FINEST LINE:oF SCOTCH AND - ENSLISH SUITINGS INTHE CITY . HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NOBBY BROWNS MIL WARD