iTHE UNIVERSITY OF MiCHIGAN DAILY. 3. 4* *li ii ii W W ii ii ii ii ii *Y F:E:E: # :FFFFEEFEEEE:FL EE:EEEEI lF:Etr.EE:E:f EEEE:EE:FiE: ElREF:EE; E ::fr:Efe: : :F: rfE: :E : E:FL FF :fr: : : E e:f i'ri DEiNT'5 GLOVES $2.00 $2.25 at $1I.48 per pf Saturday, January 26, GQO11 333333333i333i3333333333333333333333333333333333333333Ef 333FE3333?3333 MichiganCeta NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and the west. Eor information and through tickets call on cr write to H. W. HAYES, Agent, Antn Arbor'. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, Mtay 2t, 0899. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- aid Tine. SOUTH NORTH 'No. 6.- 7:25 A. M. No. 1.- 8:50 A. Mt. No. 1.-ti,t5A. M. 'No. 5.-12:30t'. M. Ne. 4.- 8:35 r. M. No. 8.- 4:56 P. a. 'Rua between Ann Arborrand Toledo only. "Cottage System' for Consumptive Will Probably Not Play the Illini Hloopital It is qitsie'probaible tht li isiigaii st'ill lnst iett tlliiisis ill football nssxt Inicse a bill is passedi by tile legis- fill. 'These gamties wills Illiiiois bavc lattice providing for at state hsospitalhed aulafiran tisste for cotisuittptives Secretary Baker, of ,is iieiitrc years lliatt a gssic. the stale board of health,'still favor hasrsit I th rraesiwilstles the tsottage system'iso that the pa-ha 'f tbe rrngdcedule ,swintttiedt. lietits c."iii be dividedi into classes. Dr. ctoe ole ii hcgMtleoa Kiti, ot Gratid Rapids, is pushinig aeldsaus wtChcgin so, bill whicris i backed by the State Mled-NsorthssesternanIssndssiania. Thet'games ical society, whirls prosvides for stuch wsitltepu~rple ' sll lbe play-ed Nov. anisiutobttutnder it otnly pcr-i40the same da1 y lisait Micisigats meets 501ithesfferig fcstts incipienst cotistump tioit would be admitted. Dr. Baker is lie JoistsE. Young Comic Opera Co. sf tile'opinioni that wills the cottage will give a special bargain motines systemslibothin tcipient ti chsrotsitdassit 2.0 is. tm. The prices svill cases coutilSbe taskens care of. b dls0 etadcidei As thse msstter is of great general in-ce, stso2anycpatsofndbeildnse.bes crestitcuse bftr thic omi tesil esoe-gbargains tatsnees have been very popu. foy athsigss'tdecdedee.ttsilesb Ias wetever this comnpatty has ap torI sistliog i ticidel.eated, and it is safe to say that ever: AR,'Omsiou o lsymilt'llI-We sonet willItssnstolt. 'Tesperastlis atlve 10k0 orttlit ' s csli Su- aftertnoon will be the ever populai isscs'ttsrkfo ysi. li'lsgsst s Bohsetnian Girl," atsdlsill reqtuire tic sit"isn hook Agentcy, .Ltsss.Arbor, shtirt' strength of the comlpany. M1i(is. L.. Goodirichi.'oalger 'fsigli lthe companlly stilllpress'nt its 1)ON\' ItO ASTR.AY, BUT SMIOKiE lnlisic ill this new and:11poulartlsope~ssrettas tRoyaslTigers, 10c; Tigerettes, 5c. ieecilly :cstc'hy. 'Manhlattatn atidWilson Bros. Shirt: All sittitigs for the Miclig'stesisian frsl tWdas yi Bne mst be had by Jats. 27. frsl t1ahmRrn.~ue ar'E F :Er'ft 4Ef'r FE: EI 5 01% ij r i5 ti U.o .Pn e o$10.Fn WatchRepai ing Speca J, LeCHAPAN, XELER 206 Mai South CHAFIG DIS $560 1901sie atn 1-mhade oil ot wter an, bsoltelythe best n ton forthe rice Ales armiaesCl oksr tie . ochM. Pins eto $1.00. in te 'PHLNECHAPMAN,5JEWLERYS All trains daily excepW.T SonoaS. gn.S1RIDLWH E N2T .P HT TDO &,,' Yost KnowtePlce IAL., S sadli ss Ryati & Renle ai'e*Soe ' a_- utdeaea. Abstisi(leeks, at IIAtUtEtIS SEW- 4' gests sfor Ypsilantli undewear HtKIG LLE Comuplete. line of "Adler" fall solsIfyuaeotor , The Railroad that takes the aisd e oal r ahnaRs ostan bar list sotiseslwils tI e- Business In and Out Kne ttsswts sy o e is leex ~ of Michian. psnsesas'reit little less, go dowsn ands SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS TO lIE N'l''favsi:gis' ,up il: it dnArisor Msisc Co, If DAIYsETWENstairs. tstislohicstiion, om veitf T L DOtIcSiYis. tBETWE'ENt ites ; 5 Art t'ictures for students' rooms, at / r anEd0 ATHENS. S Suth staSreerst. .5'15htc,,'s Bookstore, 110 So. lain st. W. H. hither, 0..W. Lssnsdmsan, Mi'Ieyhsss'sslthhl'l. 's. 55: sresslt- .5lsss'ms (locks. at IIALLEIS J EW- A Y PNR 0. I'. A. 0. Trav. Agt. l hr s'lece oshisseosesis ccuss iss in s'eElIy.. twl pi otsesn sIocsd is Colambus. Ohio. D'etroit. Rich. Wishin ton ltti hs'isls:sc'. Ie w~st' t 1--miion it you have nr evisacedlHank's". Drop DeriYslniand Ann Ar- 1;tsithIt::issasslttsirsssse thsih i eveigtn aI t seitr''Allegretto Style''w'e make and sell at 30 Deroteesla tnlst ss ap:~poinitedsl sisitt t. sthle'7::s51Issssssiia1isSslts t' Its'-imi eth.ery a rSie onof ourndy ond o te bor Railway. s'ss toltiiiII'O'lsit isttis'itsri ,orsrilsstsios. s'dcl mss'ssi sls'bstc' isn s bothsly. to seIs'i'r'best you'lfind at IIANGSTRtE'R'S, °itsE. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti for________tsc5Is'ccaoust'.Washinton, B1t So.Staste. 1'. S. The only their__classmates___filst-class lace inlouis Ic salt oysters served every hour beginning at 71:15 a. m. uno- 1'1N1I)A 30Frs ceasu in any style til 9:15 p. m.; After that to Detroit at 'Thel'OIlAt 120lisab'el ite. si to T________ 11:15 p. m. Waiting room corner Ann selt to serve tahsle for hits board TieOdJlibei t ,tIII rod Main Sts.; Detroitlul1 Griswold St. mstt be colored and isavs' no S o'clock .'IVEtRY. Pickwick Billiard Parlors, Care every half hour Saturdays and lasts's. 91ReuainSz Tables on Fridays from 2:15 to 5:14 p. mO.-r-- If yon oee thes' avosk of the Toledo Rguaio Sz .Sonsrch Ctsshtoins. MONEY LOANED - - The finest monograph and ether Uni- Laundry Co. yost sill hbe convinred EerhgNwan Ronali Pronerty. Office at residence, 3ll E. the city. All styles. Schlalea's Book- Main. tityU-QDf, Liberty strenet. All business confidential.j Hones. S'so11:3ala.m. and 1htol3:80and 7to 9 store. 116 So. Slain at.I 707 N. Univeruity Ave. Ann Arbor p. m. JOSEPH IC. WATTS _____________________________ D.n i i li i tt ti-s 1Liii;IE U 1R yr~t t l g t f Vl 1t1 1~Lttlfl'fl l tt5 i3'atT PUTITAN PATIENT LEATHERS DRESS tMEN. FOR AND NEAR FOR' AND- STREET WOMENI LRELINE OF NEW STYLES' AT IHI SOUTH MAIN STREET U.F M ae steamting and EOH D ETE mrbalme~rand U i st y C63 ast wl a tFl ShpadB t c dane Sty latent22 FrhAeth Pon!SheS o law huilding. All kinds F an a 4 -So an Bah methoda. (Bferlin ! ofarepairingxently don