THE UN IVE R3ITY Uii MIOHIGIAN ;DATELXY'. Pu blished lty t~('lona s excepted) during Cttllegea ~r, at IlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIN OFFItE BRANCH OFFItE A rgala Bdg, Min St. 336 S. State Street. Bath "Phontes 13. Newa State 'Phate 182. MANAGING EDITOR, ROI NESS MANAGER, ,r. ENGELI ARD, *01 L EDITORS: ATI-TICS, - G.It. HUDrtas, '01 E A. H. MaDeOtOALL,'01 E. W. A. ktetoa, '51 L MstsIL,It. SARINE '03 Cm-ts. DVRAKts*01 H. H. WaOODROW,'OO SW. P. C,,ANEv,'%1 I W. A. BIENSCOTER,."03 E. 1. HOUSasTN, '03 Tihe "J"' 1Hopllmanatgemlenlt is to be conlgraltlatted 011tihrowing this festive evenlt wide suentas 'it lhts this year. t113 ttmore is inl ha~rmlony and 1keeping with thll dentocratic spirit which is (.illel tos alwaysilper'iadte'tla111 its cotnducteditni il'tthela t s bea very tpretty patty for tilt fraternlitie's 'eent, btut it fsiled to he l'epre'seta- tivt' littler of tlthclats01'ott'e Uiver- sity. As a matttcr'of farlct;itts 110 Jtunior Hotsbttratheratil l t-t'lass fraternity" hail. Bult tis year the Htotpesters to thte interest lnot only of ttle origintal set ttut all obistttctes are relltove!" 'and pt'ofessionatt fraternlities weil. 'This is ti'ecrect t ittliotiof contdtucting sncheltlt affair. It is all event which, though it maniytot Ibe'tit- ronized by the grest majority, ye't its doors stand wide otpen to stuldents Asito may dt'sire to attettd. Classes are swept a r. ay by this one =more, anld thoughthtie "J" ttiot will tprobalytbyhe attended by ttie sante cotntingent as heretofore, yet Mietiigatis detnoeratie Philosophers Meet ,It the nleetitlg of tile Phillosoithical socetty yesterday afterttoontinl Tappan Hl th ie following lecturers were an ttouneed for the secottd sentester: Prof. Mcbennant of Oherlin College, Prof. Sttlter, whto is ttt tile tead of the ethi- cttl novemenlt inl Cicalgo, and Mr. Per- ritt of New Y74 City. Besides these speakers a nnttter of members of the faculty will atddress the mseetings. Prof. Weitley's paper yesterday on ".Sceeeanld Phtilosophty' was inter- estilngtttd listetted to ,by t good-sized Prof. Wenley declared one marked feature of the second half of the nine- teenth century to be the opposition he- tween .seience and religion, tttd also scienice antd philosophty. Yesterday's ws the titrCst of two att dealt with 'thte loppositionI from thse tistorical tide. Dr1. W'enlt'y showed howt frotn the notnt-e'Xistettce of anty sttetiopptosition 711 yt'ars ilgo, hotht science anditiuhiloso- puhy have developed dogtmas tuttil thtey havie become practically it war. Intthie titne of Newttont, Descartes attiLlocke stucht tarallelismis existed Isetwit' n sciencee and tphilosopthy titat ttt lthe olditltfall ont. IBotht agreed ott itii'tttsedi cautse ot'agenst whticht mtitl e xpltaitievrerythintg. ]'till after Ito'eitiddle of ttte 18th cell structrein ltphilosophty. Tttese ttett «-ere I lti, Kantt antd teriter. trot. Wenley illustrated the fart thtat titese phtiliosopeitrs dispelled tite illtasiots of ilitir iiri'ticissors atsd destroyedt atn.i lit-5' io-itt also tos Itoatil iandtt tnt scenecle was as yet unborn. By 1865i,irteit "Back to Kantt" took pos- sessionl of the tutld of philosophty, thse anta otisiiiris crystallizeriniially. ''toi ~"ii'i' siuted i tesewphI- issotilt-." a trof. Wtetnley ill elositig sauittintart: ":Scienre toil phillosophty ireiayeasily retitri to the otd footing, if eacth wilt ri itfof, ttht'olitdogmoas. "Ntasils '(,, ii fotutnd for the sup. plositliiion tl tithilosophty cattdilscover ssotililti ileil dsciene'. 'Tere is SL. A. SOROSIS Art Novelties, They fit the feet.. . THE They need no breaking NEW Decorations, SHE They ste models of fine SHE shoemaking.... . FOR They are the cheapest Frames, Poster Mounts WOMLEN as well as the beet. . Only sold to one retail- er in each Town... - and all Art Supplies Geo. H. Mliller, DEFRIES' ART STORE, 212 S. Mai St. 217 S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR ±roVVV OV3Vav vv'vt,A I.C ATHENSTHEATRE TONIGHT Jolsn E. Yonng and His Merry Comic Opera Company in Rip Van WinKle Specialties During Performance MONDAY. JANUARY 28 MISS SELMA HERMAN v IN Respects to Olu' Nati'inal Banlkinlg 00011)iindsit'''eIll'itnter'twinied ti- A Y O U N G W IF E System c~iliti.n oeti aiii t he11timofNwn,*th orupnte satme From ttto 1+lt1Street Theatre New York. cIoticl fact. Sri'lilt'aslks 'What is it;? i)r. Apirag t oft ilarrarti I'tive'i'sity lphitlosophl11ti)' 'iditosit tmeatt?' TUESDAY, JANUARY 29- tot- andtitl'tial stcii'ii'ceW'di'iltsdo ~iftutillii'il aptritnciples, scienie MUTRRY AND MACIK'S COMEDIANS e'ti'eiin.on lii;Stoni' De fit s if OurcNi- ittsl trantsformiiitself into ind ttlof. IN tttiai Btnittteig S)steiip"iloisophy, white' t t beome acquait- E E 'DAT 'I'Sy Il e fo o t e t i f i r s t t el i aii l a t i e l' o f is s it t i h s p i y l i i l a i f r t s i s l i t i i i -w i t h i t s m it - t i ll u s t r ta t i v e u a t e r i a l , ;E Z .Zi lug ttaitinaltiankntotes titiatied ai dint of si'ience.'"______________________________ _______________________ that tutnde'i the pr'e'sent systeii iitthenti' -___VERY HINGEWXCEPTHENAM tiroridi'e fur tte'eestilf illryiig' iii- RylTigers, 10c; Tigerettes, 5e. AT 11155 crotitilito',. ! '!I ittthe seondt thei issu~ig' littl. Waiernman or Laughlin Fiountain Iir. Slirti'e'asseris utha agratin Pens, $1 each, at Schaller's Bookstore. take 'ws' tioiittl In coinnsttectiont writhi thei'cuirre'ncy ctiof Marc-I, il900, Best $3 bat nmade I. the Howard. int eri'ttling tnationail banks toIan-t Wadhams, Ryanl & Reule, sole agents. ie withi ondy 25,i00os f capital. m. -0E Shtnil n, lttie sayt' si5.are :inoro apit Ce 'evede capital S acy andlheyrare m reIopenI L L I A R D i P A R L O R ... J ? S to cnrlb ihns ie.Frhr Ymre itt the sniall towns where suchl Waltopolsaglio, and Chailpier btaitks are establishiei, it is diftficult to AIDtESS, a03 SOUTHI STArE STREET HIGH GRADE CIGiARS, TOBIACCO AND CIGARETTES fititi tuen comopetentt to m~ittana'etemo, The publishiers of this weak received the attd fitnally a defaulter could 'sreck a Gand Prizo sad Gold Meal at Ike Ports Ex- SCESR postion far its excellence. Alt wsrtis sol d an ElD AND OCESO50UTH small bank with littlo tronble. sobscription only. DOT T All of these difficulties thte stpeaker RO(Ni TREET12 lishing in small towtts bratscheo of the BANKERS Of lil SANITARY PLUMBING. large city banko. Tisowould result 441 Wall Street, New YorkF. m ufhl ELECTRIC CONSTRUICTION AND SUPPFLIES,',. in a more responsoible system and JI s H , ol poal iemreeatct o9 STEAMi AND HIOT WATER HEATING, wh odtesau e. moeeasiiyt Transsact a general bamnkisg business. 207 E. Washington Street. ARTISSIC GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES titeItoe-isue.Receive deposits subject to drsft. Dividends HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND GRATES. and interest coilected and remitted. Act as ______________________________________ A letur sa tie (lorg JuiorRe.Fiscsl Agents far and negotiate the issue af A letur oi th Geoge unir R- riroads, street railways, gas companies, etc. We are headquarters for every thing in the line of furnishings for. Ittiblic will be givemn Monday evn, Securities tbsught and sold en commistin o Ja.2, t8oclcintt niain Members New York Exchange. lS tudents ''1 Ta. 8 a 8Oclck n heUitrin-- -LAMPS,4 OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES' church, by Rev. B. Lawr'ence Hunt DIEAL IN WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS. of GWashington, D. C. This lecture is NIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Oor Prices You Will Always Find the Lowest.' given under the auspices of the King's List of current ofaeritnv sa Aste mmesmon, MARK H AM' B ZA R Daughters of Rums Arbor. Admission PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. - - free, GRAH4AM, KERR & CO. 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET: NEW STATE, 'PHONE4S2 SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOU WANI TO BE SWEET- SEE EROGAN- 110 SMI