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January 26, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-26

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94 Pail



No 91

Announcement CHORAL UNION CONCERT ( Broadsword Duel Today
AL. Our spca ieTeSpiering Quartette and Prof. Win. Air exhiblitioin o1' broaidswordi fenicing,
ut' secial line A. Howland Were Well Received Aivl be giv-en by the (tuilleraucty hrt,-
If of foreign and By a Large Audience. thersl it thet U. of AI. Fe'ncing club this
domtllestic fabrics afternoon. These Iw Pa orto Rican
siverda men are past mnasters oc the art
For th i-ti ai t Wuter of r900 has U niversity Htall was unusually wsell
ill last ev-ening at the third of the Pa31(1 todthtvs bout witi bse their first pt)b-
arriactl antd i arranged for inspec- seriaes of ChrlUinconcerts, ra lie trial of dexterity this year.
interest wiar a niote n (trapear t Ti dhil will take lplace after a rego-
tion. it so-- careful attention ivan manhSiesgQatedtnte, allhic- lie taness meeting of the club, which
is given in the -yles-and finish of feiw tii -Arbsr ieople tave titidtan otp cotiveties at t p. itt. rTe electiosn of
poiuntyto ea.nev-erail applicants foe tietaiterottip,
every sail, whethter to he used for Thortisytt tner oltepor aitdi other itutortranltit intens deanditis
busnes prpsesorforfal 'rs i 1tt fis Iitiittir abi eth loren, thre tresenice of tll tlieac.
businss atrpos or fr ful dre s of g~iret sw u IlMaor layd ttelasvit- tres. Kirk annsotutnces thtat the chat)
ocasions - edt h hrce teisrmns laos ati enrollmtetat of til attives, atntd
G, H WILD GO., The allegro of the selection was mather notaitsingle drone. 'fiae hcad taken by
the audience expected anything dif- ate fits feancing, tiius fair to be foii-
io8 E. Washington St. feretit from a stringqatet s los-ed tiy several other westerni triiver-
___________________ whether, as usually glhappesst, they sitics. In the eatatlso tthe idea s
were not sufficiently aroused to appre- takaing. Psiensylvataiti Uiiversitv thts
ciate soft strains at the beginning of tier fenicers' club. 'te Michigani fene--
the concert, it would be hard to tell. ersa tre eagerly lookinag forwaird to the
However, at the close of the andante, timse when an iintercollegiaite associ-
the spontaniety of the applause proved atiton of foil and tiroatsv-ordimen shiatl
w I L E S that the quartette filled all expecta- be organized. Michigani hats airetidy
lions, although ito encore was demand- sent out a naumbe(r of commiciaeations,
ed at the end of the number. atid the responsts havae all beeta highly
M1:r. William A. Howland followed favorable. Befort- the enda of this
the quartette. His "Vittoria, Vittoria" school year the indticatiotis tre that
PH RM CY was rendered in full, clear tones, but clubts similar to the( W'olverinae tactc-
PHARM ACY failed to win the applause of Selu-in-lg association will tie started at Chi-
bert's "Silvia." Theiheanty and depth cago and Northiwesterna. anid possibly
of 31r. tHowlatnd's voice wats partien- elsewhere.
larly displayed in the latter.
_______________________ '2oliac's Field" was a stritking coat- STAR HIGH JUMPER
ir ant to the sig precei-aag, but anoti
YOU KNOW" where to get... tie ti-s wveliomie. 'ti- historic defeatt
ot flit- Ilnutaaiatutiyte'uoitt- F. E. Ciaric, Freshini Engineer, Has
A. GOOD LU~.NCH aie laends til eseciat ittenet to the Surprised frainer Fitzpatrick By
AND sonig. utbl sale- His Record of 5 Feet 10
S MOIIE tat nvaditioni Sit aie teail- Ice
aR. SE. ,Jolly, 308 S. State Street. hi ailed enthutiiastially, but tihi Spie- -
- - ~~iii.g Quatete f'aileid lt respoind tot the After at stick at lpractic iii tthe Water-
tai i- li gretat-iestcatimts wichl tDati gyaitiaisitia tie ltrck tetama squadt
NOTH-ING -.ia lai qutarttte caai makte art- to beata- in slointig at tdeal iof ttoati itg niate-
i tint thatrmoany. I-ar thescahetaratcter- al. 'Thirty- tat li atalti- beeat outt
LI KE THiEI I c-tics thet geattlemaeti of iast eveititgs evnt afti-rno rind ;atit atumtaaier havte-
tat-i iiane atri aertaiiat dest-ing o-i~f tic-i-at wr in-itt itrtitags putttitag ttae
praise. Shoat, tptlti vaiitiiitg ad jumpinig. At
TIrow~bridge 9s At.- Holtoi-t secad nc-u mabetar ivas tisi tuteu- the d i-iaty reainae ttatt-
t sntigs frontt IFaust. t"No Jas- tick tian tattr- leinture if his distoalt
" Chocolate Chp sitl-e tatiledl to racaute liii foatri it ft hani lanaitar, a-iconquettcly isnbl
hip tttit. tpresenit, ttt the Syong of the to divtehil aiaaif li th fl at- de
(THE ORIGINAL) Gldaen Catlf nian nigoroiis livoer- taits of getltig tlines on the gooil taict
ful. in the squad.
40 Cents per lb. 'tr. ltertana holelt, vinitacelist of A wveek in at shonr l'it ti iwichi to
thie qutairtetta- ~aits tiio nalectiotn., tturn at traick tami outf tai rtwnvh,
'li ecoatid, "F3 tdl tatrice, lay Goatt- lint the tractice lasi bieat hiardandtu
e rt ia i, ni-an at i-teaca exithiitti tao atf .S-etlr-at atiiit ai-
Q [A tI ~ ~ Iltahiqte. Likea thia Othtar tatenibein of alireadty tatataaretd Others are loked
CAtPU iRSTR theiutittete, Mte. D iestel it-fitted to for nuext nneetk. Ta- anost tiotablic of
CAPSDrGSOR etsond to the ecoare. thec "finds' in iF. SE. Clartk of Spotkane.
I hra-ina t-eat iiin-aita itni-tila 'asht tHe is at frentantuin lt hat eta-i-
.Sic.... . .It...... jl lwantitl iarnh-airy at hiotaic -aa-aita a-hats adhatt atiaty soniaai
* .~~~~~. ~th tat i tt af (tetaatat saongs tad Iiethet. intaina at high jilia ca tat tat siatali
ar wras at ]lt:ittta fataitt e attra ) Yct-la i th.ahihll
i t - tat If lt amitys uarlta
ph anst ta hapsit. a. igit tlt a frott th mat , a-tid tttr.'1t-it
SWt 'ea an t-Drlasari is-v-hIel rat-eis-a-at that Inna itt-les tat be adedauiat
b ut caut tat--ti ntitt St-e ttaiattn of fratnt that jumpth hat tatihl ittaeta outdooratt.
bn plue tte quie.t e sonag dior. ft will thuss tat sen thattheii
samei thintg nnas repleated. thae riecatrd. If lie cattid isubcl at stuntt
'Ihe( titttrtet ht S-Matior bty Dvorak, aftr six days tractice thiere is en-ry
closetd tse program. itachies better after Tratiater Fitzpatrick
Mr - lockwood's nwork as accotmpanist has givesa tutu the btetnefit of tis 'iohut
ivaus excellent. ters.'
__ neh t concert of the series will be 'rhais afteratoota at 4 olock there will
givetn Friday, February 1, hy Ernst be at prelimnsary cotataest to classhfy
B o o ohatyl, lanatist. flue candtidates. All of the regular
-'ha- evetats wvill be held aid thae records of
TeDelta 'rain Delta fraternity lass et-ery contes tast ntill Ste obtainted ust
Z ~ ~ heena reinastated in its old-tine standinag to learnt thie merits of eacha. 'rhe con-
-~~ and nwill be granated its former place in test will tbe ans open one and the gal-
S t the fraternity roster of the Michigan- 1 ry should tbe full of spectators.
ensthu this year. 'rhis was decided________
~~to r ~ ~ ~~~ ~upon at a meeting of all the literary T lb:ltrDnrmn

Last Night Dragged Slowly [or Tired
Men 'Lned Up to Reserve the
First May Festival Sats
Last snight draggedh vrf;t-out for
a half-frozaen cotmpanty of 75 Itniversity
students itn hut- to get thurfirst re-
sert-edtseats faintheurAtticFestival.
'r'ite sae of sats for the stledid se-
ries oaionrtsreunto te ft-a-iain mid-
lAtN laegatntat J o'clock .,... mnrning.
A great ruhlwtain madetaue tainStant
TreashuerWiis oatit.. niversty
Schla o.lifuttaic otpens.. - -,door fo'
that iiaiitig croanatut a tuattced flat
ticeats coudihtnttusbe s ..- agied for
resent- at tu couptonutlta
Sfnt-y yrar it figge eowt-..:in ever
haitian assr-mblaes toa be ott hantdu at the
openinug of fle stle. 'rhiso yer it ntas
huner ahd.tore adetermnued tian has
tie-utkniownit n iay lutst seasont. In
spite of liii iold, raw ins- cinad the
chihling tnll tth ttuhky Uninesity men
beganuto hathetar e-arly last tigt.
A freshatantihadu the houor f getting
isthplace. t. ichahrdson, 14 eng-
aeer tatPort tiblsont iMiss.,wththte
usutal grit f at irst-year ntit took its
hisefStadby ft-Schorol of ltfusic ea-
tnrace at o'acocka yesterday ater-
noaon. Itt-,n-tiastrssedl ii tree- swat.t
ers, lassc-atta inutitensautdtoptiris
of trouasr:. andahinuth uiniarmiat
locet nwherre it nvouldr be safe, it at
fight for tpositionuucame, vwr fnnelv
dollars fate ix reserved seats iti thec
best place itt all University Hal. Di-
rector Stnley hIntuiiterd ft.- uatmber"
of atatttnwhiichaay one coutlreserve
to six, 00 s to preent steculation.
tliehuarrsas tickets teeconta-for him-
self and fin-c for theUPiha tfa Phi
legal fratlernity. Net in le train11'. C.
Mituus, snit mney for six seats, and
behtintd himutsan"Jewset," fle ex-foot-
balhl splayer, andat C. Yotung each after
six seats. 'rhistquarfete ntas huotts
auiuad thta le next couter who adrohppedl
aroaundatat 10 o'clock at nighat. Arriva,
caeuti-thick tutu taut fter flus.'rha-
Chorali Fuihuio utonerntt oer, there ntat-
a bhft2tiat ho3, ni-t tatde a race fartao-
sititand itl itterdtu siul thutchahrn
tug. bral-y muidnuight at liuecof Sat hadu
formetuanduththet a at udttetufhproosed
fthahtall thouse ptresetht tae "umes."auu
anititheta satutert-ntaafotagng ttati-
timaum tautfirm-nootdu.Eaich manim"tia
"umbittaeed mutthushtoor,' Sand thecn
fencts, sight boarts. ncanlitgfromatta
ueat-l tnt-v houas. andlstovowooduau
furomta tu-akyardt it w nasnovided tah
staickedupaat it heaumual.roundthetha
hugaeilethtati tuu-.soontmi athltuahimcoi-at
gagi ls utuarel. tlingttlesandatu
smuohing, ahdallfle imeut- tatt hag
itsf t--eshdealt dttutheta that atheri.
Eveiry houratre u-mmaant-a n aultolainu-
salet-c latehaitivurs-amof hiohr a a tatm-
andat titt'that-mornuaing reif aueu
begantofa dropitoI aallowns-this rtgularu
w atchersunfue tt gao to tbreaftast.
Thasale atptto 11oilo snwaao ern'
good.'rThe first thounts seats il gu
at $2 atndt the retmandser at $1.- Rthot
kinds wvere tit oat sale at thi salinte
tinmeatad Director Statnley expets
that fle entire seating cltavittrilmii
be sold before the Festival opens
Nothtwesterta University owill tbe
without ftseservces of htebest shot-
putter iin the meet at Milwaukee next
March R. G. Coffn, nthose reord is
38 feet. broke twvo finges uf his riht
hand and cnoit gtilhatrim for fluel
Milwaukee contest.'Trainer Holiset
has set his requirements so high .tat
track candidatea are Bending it haild to

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