THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY POSTER-BOARD, SIZE 30 x 40 Red Green COLORS Gray Black MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTION BOOK< AGENCY Steady Employment1 Far Energetic IAG ENTS WANTED Men and Women L C. Goodrich, Mgr. Over First National Bank I5c a Sheet A - heehan &Co. TT1TA' 320 S. STATE STREET. CALKIuiS F You can get a _________ HOT LUNCH ATetche h TUTTLE'S -- 38 Sou1th Stae Si. Notling .moe asin ii d cici the line of singers cani be heard any L ectures ikthere than wth the La Paige Sisters, dot Cetures ist, witihl"Fiiiiegai'Balal;" is fat Printed lectures for all depart- You caii "see he steam ensing out o mwanto of the University. Type- their sloes.-'ilheir duets are a colle- wriin an Mmeorahin.tioni of ti' jsuitiest French sog writig an 1V meogaphig (hi cery i 'rmigleil With negro melo EDWARDS BROS. dOes ad 1iliking ditties. Their spee- °vr shelanonI Statis tre ill is oe-u of the its of the ba,whieh wihbe-'een at the Athens 'theater o RIDE A CeliiTusdyv Jan. 2. M.SABE'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 1'0UEN-Two.Ingle rooms, is1- . STABLELR~aslngto St. stair. iod loatio, rooms hiel] 119 I. Wssingto St. furnioshe. Suitab'firiifths. ti40 THE SCHOOL OF 'Sulififth aveisie. i.® /I N'04 ('LASS NOTICE. ?rioiean ciss s~~noin aningby r.A lass meecting will e held Fria &d bits. (lsrangrsmi drss prefr- at l p. Ill. inBotSS , U. tH., Eery '4 -able tee lso exrcise.. Term begins when tun out. The Fresh Soph iieet is tin ou do. oie, Aedamy 'and Residonee on Maynard street, block wt of state street "hring question. tore-'. Stricly a school, o visiors drsng Sy order of the President. cias hoss. "(liett"'tonight, at the':Alen. 5 m rp Colectons "Ott tENT-A nie large suit of rooms BOUGHT FOR CASH 1on5 seondfoor; igt and warm; al Look up your old collectiosi and mlodenl coveniee. 21 S. Divis- torrn it its ready money. Prompt foil O. 0 C_,asih and Good Prices. , RE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY \A'NTI-At 20 Forest ave., a Stu Htoem3. lAO oodwoe{ d 'Ae,Detroit dent toi serve table for his oard muNT ssst t e elorei adilhaec 110S5o'clock i-Y lasses. 91 lA your Meals aid Lunches at the 6fnesrioogoaph and other Uni- oq ® tersiy fancy letter paper and pads in 011 L4N C E lbs city All styles. Shler's Book- OPEN ALL NIGHT. store, 110 So. Main at. OaL$N ST,Two do o' ~t ofCsk House. lriCoka ALE'SJW 'sM, MARTI.. ELRY. FUNERALSA DIRECTORl "Ebatmng a s5eal. byNo 205 JS 4th ~ ,,~.Ambulance8night snd day tls a o ea 302 Fifth Ave Try The... P NORTH SIDE FS LAUN4DRY THOS tIowE Propr I 210 DetrotaStC 7 Bell Phone- COLLEGIATE CASJUT TH E THINQ pO GOWNS and HtOODSI 1 V1 Peoting of r ~CAPS nomd GOWNS L4 SPECIfILTY CLASS CMIS COLLEC FLAGS COLLEGE PINS t LASS sd Lif~Np COLLEOH}ATS s.d CAPS.,( MG WCKERN& C. e~OG.ILL F. SCHLIEDE, - - - Oyster Cocktails boc ,or that hungry feeling e 1Ib'otorapber, Arbor" 'Match Generators GASOLINE LAMPS firing in y our old oces and let us make you an ofer. The Superior M'f'g. Co., 320 S. Main St.. sear Williams. Headquaetero for Shade, Mantles and Chimneys. TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS THgE WABASH RAILROAD is the only line operating a through sleeping car fi-oinChicago tiollotSprings sial St. Louis,, Mo. Leaves Chicago daily St 11:00 a.n All ticket asgents will sell you via this popular route. Write C. S. CRtAtE, 0 P & T A, Si. Lotuis. F. A. PALMSIO, A G P A. Chicago. Rt. S. Gasastweon, It P A. ChiCago Cor. Maisnnioron Streets, Capital, 155,0g. Surpius, $35,000. Teasact' aeneritcoking business. It, Snore, Preso. C. B. GOnsns, V ice-Pic- Fitcm. i BooosER, Cshiee. FIRST NATIONAL BNKOrannzd1&: Capital, $100,000. Sampsusad Prosits, E3MO0t Transacts a general honking business. Foreign enehangeohooght anod sold. Fuenish letters o1 credit. E.0D. KINNE, Pre,. lHARIOS OULE, Vice-Prs. S. It'. iLABESON Cashier, Ttio fnn flrbor savings Bank Captal Sloek. 550,00.Sorplos, $150,0. Rs oires, $11.90(0. Orlganized inder the 0eneral Bonking Lsw! of thio State. Rfece'ices deposits, hops and sells exchange on iho pristeipni eiiies of thelUnitec States. Drnfts cashed uoo proper identifisio, Safetp deposit hones to rent. OFFseERs: ChrsistinMock Pres.; W.D.nHacsi- in, Vice-Pres.; Ch-s. E. iliscock. ('oshico: M. J. Foioz, Asistoani Caobiar W.J. OOT,ES,t. 5'. ARos'ii..t-t --epe SPiITE 3. x. C.« v Aiios. I .-CshII fransacts a genseral; lBanking lBusiness., n - . f S - Ll Cl 1- 1 ) e s l . L t IThe ipart- given bytyhle Iciley iGuild "It Giranger'slast iill w NNas a c:- lecess ill ei ey respect. 'liii li l cIthe attendane is just if the rigl: c kinod imsize sloe i s tie u- es-cuing a ei- joyablei'one. 't'hesi-partli's ire - ti-as atlisiotssly such dfiy those permitted SU1lE 01'FtROOMS; steani heat, sfa. tionalry wsotlstn, hot aind cold seater, gas and electric light, hatrtd- wovsi l 5oors, grate, $5 per sweek. Also siiigle suite, saime conveniences. 804 Monroe sf. 91 1That's the inme-IIALLER'S JEW- ELRtY. ORIATOIRS,N\OTtCE! t 11Al 11 tli'sieiohoti'teid to comptilli theii class oiratoirical csotests shiouhd hand in a slip, oii or before F~eb. 1, to thle secretairy of flit Oratorical associa- thin gi-gsam,; class aiiihsubtject cit orationi. A. Oh. 5I.Y.1 ItL, Secretasry, 308 E. Williamis. FRtESItAN YELL! The F~reshiimans Yell commiitte'e re- quiests each soembec of thie Freshiin class to make sip a yell ansd scnd it in biefor'e Jain. 30. 1901. A. ENGLISIh, Chiairmaii, 512 S. State of. NOTtCE PREStIMEN!! All canodidates for 1Freshmani track tecim shoulid hegiii training with 'ar- slit- squadl at omnce. Every afternsooni ai (iyil. '-rim out aind shiow your -haes spirit. M. l). tiEtl)Ett, '04 Track; Mgr. EURDAY, JAN 26 ...ALL.. RI'S" $2.24 PIQUE, C" 2.25J GLOVE $ 1.66 \tGNER & 000 RS HABERDASHERS )R TAING QLECZT(REJ. -- SCH LEED E' TEMPORARY BINDER Opens like a book. Beats the aid atring cover Leotnre paper 931b. forlWe The beat founta n pens $ 340 South State K C t t L SANDOW'S Latest-Pamtiii Dumb - Bells i THE Sandow. Spring Grip Domb - Bells are made in two haivstconneced by adjust- able springsthss forcing one whenm takisg en- ercise so have every muscle at its groper ten- sion. Many muscies arealso brought into action that would otherw-ise lie dormant. Sasidow claims that this method of exercise is nuperior so alothers. No. No. 1. ftldroiso',Pa ir,$i.25 I14. Youth's, Pair $2.55 2. Girls' i° 1.75 15. Ladies' 6. .50 3. Boys, tS.75 . Mon's 6 3.00 Comisiete in bux with chart of exercine. Fall nd Winter Sports Catalogse Free upoe A.OG. Spaiding & Bros. lInen rated) NEW YORK CH~ICAGO DENYWNR THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND _ RAI I Ai n Q Iwo%